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Group No: Date:

Reader’s Theater Rubric

4–Excellent 3–Good 2–Fair 1–Needs SCORE

Delivery Reads the script
with confidence
Reads the script
with some
Reads the script
but had little
Had difficulty
reading the script
and expression, expression, expression, few and consistently did
made gestures gestures, eye gestures, little not use expression,
and good eye contact, and use eye contact, or did eye contact, or props
contact, and used of props not use props appropriately
props to add to appropriately
the performance

Volume and Volume projects

well. All audience
Volume is
adequate and
Volume is too
low and
Volume is inaudible
and words are
Clearness members can most words are somewhat clear whispered or not
easily hear the clearly clearly enunciated
presentation and enunciated
all words are
Moderate level of Low level od active
Group High level of active,
Majority of group
members on-task on-task work or participation from
Participation participation from and actively
few of the group
members actively
majority of group
all group members participating members

Presenters were Presenters were

Overall Presenters were all
confident and they
Presenters were
occasionally not consistent unconfident and
Presentation did an excellent job confident with
with the level of
confidence or
demonstrated little
of engaging the their presentation evidence of planning
class. Preparation is and not as engaging they showed the prior to presentation
very evident as it could have classroom but has
been for the class strong moments

Group No: Date:

Reader’s Theater


Group No: Date:

Reader’s Theater


Reader’s Theater Rubric

4–Excellent 3–Good 2–Fair 1–Needs SCORE
Delivery Reads the script
with confidence
Reads the script
with some
Reads the script
but had little
Had difficulty
reading the script
and expression, expression, expression, few and consistently did
made gestures gestures, eye gestures, little not use expression,
and good eye contact, and use eye contact, or did eye contact, or props
contact, and used of props not use props appropriately
props to add to appropriately
the performance

Volume and Volume projects

well. All audience
Volume is
adequate and
Volume is too
low and
Volume is inaudible
and words are
Clearness members can most words are somewhat clear whispered or not
easily hear the clearly clearly enunciated
presentation and enunciated
all words are
Moderate level of Low level od active
Group High level of active,
Majority of group
members on-task on-task work or participation from
Participation participation from and actively
few of the group
members actively
majority of group
all group members participating members

Presenters were Presenters were

Overall Presenters were all
confident and they
Presenters were
occasionally not consistent unconfident and
Presentation did an excellent job confident with
with the level of
confidence or
demonstrated little
of engaging the their presentation evidence of planning
class. Preparation is and not as engaging they showed the prior to presentation
very evident as it could have classroom but has
been for the class strong moments
Group Members:

Group 4–Excellent 3–Good 2–Fair 1–Needs

Scores Improvement
On-task High level of active,
on-task participation
Majority of group
members on-
Moderate level of
on-task work or
Low level of active
participation from
participation from all group task and actively few of the group majority of group
members participating members actively members


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