Paul Ed 105 Final Requirement Elarcosa

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“I am a Paulinian Teacher”

This image was taken during the Bachelor of Secondary

Education, Major in English Team building last November 19,
2022. The LPO1 which is the Ethical, Paulinian Leaders &
Professionals can be manifested during this event with my co-
majors because in this activity we all acted as ethical leader in
completing this activity.

They said not all can be a leader but I believe that during
this activity I tried to show how to lead and handle different
people with different perspective because this activity Hand
out one picture per person. Explain that participants may only
look at their own pictures and must keep their pictures hidden
from others.
In the activity, they Encourage participants to study their
picture, since it contains important information to help solve a
problem. The challenge is for the group to sequence the pictures
in the correct order without looking at one another's pictures.
Participants will generally walk around talking to others to see
whether their pictures have anything in common.

Sometimes leadership efforts will emerge to try to

understand the overall story. When the group believes they have
all the pictures in order, the pictures can be turned over for
everyone to see.
The three images manifested the LPO2 which is Cutting-
Edge, Resilient, Visionary and Innovators. The three images were
taken last December during the time we were preparing for the
Christmas Daygon Competition that will be held during the
College of Arts, Sciences, and Education.

We the third-year students came up with the idea to have

angel wings as props for our performance, since we cannot
afford to buy wings that is already ready made we ended up
creating our own, we envisioned that we could finish all the
LPO2 CUTTING- props overnight and fortunately we actually did.
RESILIENT, Resiliency was also showed when we were in the middle
VISIONARY of making the props, what I have come to understand about all
AND of this is that I do not think that resiliency only means embodying
INNOVATORS that ‘never give up’ attitude. I think it also involves recognizing
that sometimes you need to fall apart, it is okay to be tired. And
more importantly accept this as part of your journey or process.

Fighting against an intense emotional flow gets you

literally nowhere. Letting yourself be vulnerable and being able
to sit with your feelings no matter how totally terrifying and they
may feel, is just another form of resiliency.
These photos were taken during another team building
of the Level III, last December 2-3, 2022 and this is one of our
activity wherein the facilitator gave a drawing that drawn
without seeing the correct drawing the teams should only rely
on the feeling that we will feel on our back while our
teammate is drawing something behind, trustworthiness is
manifested here because even though we don’t really know
what our teammate creating on our we trusted them that they
relied the correct drawing to us and also trust ourselves that we
drew same as the previous member.

As a Paulinian graduate I also manifested as some as an

effective team builder because we have an effective
LPO3 communication with our team which is the most important part
ENGAGING of teamwork. It involves consistently updating each person and
TRUSTWORTHY never assuming that everyone has the same information. But
TEAM BUILDERS good teamwork also requires sound listening skills.
Teamwork teaches students that their voices are
respected and valued. Knowing that I will be heard helps build
my self-confidence, while encouraging further participation in
group activities. This becomes a self-sustaining cycle:
participation in team activities teaches me on how to become
better communicator, which in turn helps every member of the
team feel valued and respected.

As a result, even the most introverted and quietest

members like me in the team can become active participants
and learn to enjoy team activities and can become future
mentors to others as well.
The first photo is taken during the evening of December 2,
2022 in our Level III team building activity, we were about to have
our dinner during this time, we have this fun and exciting dinner
because we only did not depend on anyone but we all worked to
have our dinner, some grilled the pork and fish, other cooked rice,
set the table, cut the onions and calamansi for the sauce which
manifested a Paulinian graduate who is reliable and implementers.

To be reliable is to be dependable, trustworthy, and

responsible for what you are doing. They can be trusted without
hesitation and you feel confident to confide in them and lean on
them in moments of weakness and trouble. They can always be
depended on without any doubt of the effects or the
consequences of doing this. A reliable person will always perform
their jobs and tasks flawlessly to the best of their ability and also it is
LPO4 RELIABLE, usually done accurately too.
EXPERTS & As Paulinians, we tend to operate where systems must be
IMPLEMENTERS standardized and procedures followed if the work is to get done
and with that we were able to have a dinner with no problem, it’s
important for an Implementer to understand other perspectives
and value other types of contributions. Looking beyond processes
to larger team goals and being more tolerant of adjustments and
changes along the way could reduce the likelihood of failure
Being a productive expert was also manifested in the last
image because during this, I am with my Paulinian friends in my
department who gathered in order to work with our school works.
Productivity is important because you can get more done. If you're
a productive person, you can do more with less time. That means
you can take on harder, more important tasks. It also means that
you have more time to do the things you enjoy like hobbies or
spending time with friends.
The first picture was taken during the Marian Camp activity
last December 7, 2022 for The Solemnity of the Immaculate
Conception in December 8, and the second image is taken in
Carmelite Monastery of Our Lady of Maravillas, Agan-an, Sibulan,
while I wear when serve as a Carmel Youth member during Sundays
and Special Occasions in the Church.

As Paulinian graduate LPO5 which is Dedicated,

Transformative Supporters and Stewards of All Creation because I
LPO5 was dedicated to devote my time in praising and worshiping God
Dedicated, and Mary and deepen my personal relationship with God, love of
Transformative Christ, sensitivity to the Holy Spirit, reverence and devotion to Mother
ALL CREATION I also manifested being a transformative supporter and
Stewards of All Creation by having a deep sense of purpose and
direction, sense of responsibility, awareness of involvement in social
issues, environmental concern, volunteer work as catechist, practice
of corporal works of mercy.

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