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Pop. (1897) 28,771; (1904) 31,655.

Flanders in the feudal

Mixture by fusion is the general method of producing an

terre de l'alun, Marggraf's Opusc. ii. 111) . He also

land, in live stock and in dairying. Cattle-breeders did

F.F.F. Ferro flamma fame, Fortior fortuna fato.

of pressure in an aether; but he did not publish his theory,

Piz Tasna. . . . . . . . . . . 10,443 Schiltfluh . . . . . . . . . . . .9,482

another parallel in the story of the conquest by Joshua

tips. Alligators proper occur in the fluviatile deposits of

758-760):---these are ideas on which Aeschylus dwells in the

all religions, and especially in the Brahmanic and Christian,

pp. 284 ff.). The court at which he grew up was the focus

nominations for office in 1878 and 1880 and endorsing the ticket

end and treated as holidays. Abyssinian reckoning is about

the reigns of Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius and Nero. His

to most matters, for the state alone to settle the civil

French contraction of Algomequin, ``those on the other

to be going on well, when suddenly the whole apparatus was

the four years of his reign disaster followed on disaster,

Chrome alum, K2SO4.Cr2(SO 4/0)3.24H2O, appears chiefly

traverses the extreme south. The Oise, Aisne and Marne are

the family Uintatheriidae, which also contains species

Historia civil, &c. (Vitodes, 1798); Compendios historicos

June. It assisted in the expedition to Philadelphia in July

boat-pans were for many years almost everywhere employed, and

an inexpensive little instrument known as the ``comedo

campaign had not been unsuccessful, for Sherman had never

translation), ii. p. 129 foll. (Cambridge, 1832); Becker,

157-159, 168, Bezold, Bab.-Assyr. Keilinschriften, pp. 24

Philip V. of Spain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1724

of adulteration extends to almost all manufactured products

of Granada, 24 m. S.W. of Granada. Pop. (1900) 7679. Alhama

ambulant, derived from the Lat. ambulare, to move about),

other one man, in the years immediately preceding the War of

vertical part of a cross, is the ``golden section,'' where the

(7) Expedition against the Zakka Khel Afridis of the Bazar

Accumulators in repose.---Accumulators contain only three

recording instruments, and kites (q.v.) have also been employed

proportion of chlorine manufactured in the world. It begins

the valley of the Acragas [Fiume S. Biagio], from which the

find an adequate single principle of beauty, are unsatisfactory.

his life a conspicuous figure in eastern Europe. (E. W.*)

Old and New Testaments (about 1008, edited by William L'Isle

ft. higher than elsewhere in North Britain. Poor, gravelly,

the scales and other dermal appendages. While Agassiz

with procuring this, Alexander had Parmenio himself, who

among the Israelites, at least while they sojourned in North

moment. From this time dates the ascendancy of Metternich

of cilia, swarms for a time. In similar organs on separate

The subject matter in cases of contract determines the

agents, having antiseptic properties, are taking the place

example, the hydraulic accumulator of Lord Armstrong (see

of Hugh Capet, king of France. Winning the confidence of

hence a name applied in the 17th century to the district

xxvi.). Abimelech is called ``king of the Philistines,'' but

native flesh-fly, a more objectionable pest, disappears.

which Egyptian cotton is grown. Sugar, which is the staple

the command of General Lloyd Mathews, the commander-in-chief

relating to this article, the value of which depends upon its

often by more direct and elegant processes than his own.

2 At St Michael the mean annual temperature is about 26 deg. ,

settlement. He had already married a Japanese woman, by

that being acted on by objects at a distance they admit of

on the 16th of May 1490, he was intended for the church, and

Lucasian professor of mathematics in succession to Thomas

alone calls them Sicarii. With these instances in mind, it

have the effect of a warranty. Similar stringent conditions

town to the northward; uniting with the Saracen right wing,

In the United States the organization of professional

liturgische Gewandung, p. 359, &c. (Freiburg im Breisgau,

day. Moreover, the church decreed severe chastisement

with meeting-rooms and a valuable library and collection

Deists. His history forms the subject of a tale and of

There are a Roman Catholic and two Protestant churches, several

Abbey. Ecclesiastically the place was dependent on

probably, Hamitic, blood enters into the composition of the

quite flavourless material---for one which owes its value more to

and thereby having its temperature restored and its pressure

diphtheria. Three more of her children, as well as her

dignified language. He died at Vienna on the 1st of December

AFZELIUS, ADAM (1750-1837), Swedish botanist, was born at

Out Other

power and importance attributed to him in Vedic mythology.

age fourteen for either sex, subject to the consent of the

Brice's day (December 2) of ``all the Danish men who were

there are 70,000 acres in the vilayet of Scutari alone, are

discovery is concerned with equations, which he showed to be

a centre of mining and smelting works, his object being partly

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