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Part I

1. Title Page

Expropriation of a private property for public use and payment of just compensation

2. Purpose of the appraisal

To determine just compensation when DPWH expropriation property under IRR of

RA. 10751 for the construction of Heightened Road and Tide Embankment

Part II

3. Location of the property

Barangay Poblacion 02 San Jose De Buan, Samar

4. Property data

1. Technical description of the Lot

Lot 1 – A.Cad 220 area 1,087 square meter – TCT No. T-1 in the name of Ronick
Jake Rebato, of legal age, Filipino married to Marie Joyce Rebato. The technical
description is found in the title found in the records of the case.

2. Description of the improvements on subject lot

5. Neighborhood Data

The property is located within an area where the predominant usage is for residential
purpose. It was however noted the government offices are found in the area. Some important
landmarks are:

6. Communication Facilities

Electric power, water supply and telecommunication facilities and available within
the site and the adjoining area.The terminal station of the municipality is within the vicinity.

7. Economic and Business Trend in the Area

Commercial establishments, private and public market and public offices and school,
church, health, and recreation facilities are all available within the vicinity or within 5 km.
radius, the subject property.

8. Analysis of the Highest and Best use of Subject property

Based on the analysis of the prevailing land use within the vicinity of the property, we are
convinced this the highest and best use is for residential purposes.

9. Property Valuation

Marketing Data or Sales Comparison Approach on Land Value: Gathered Market

Value of comparable properties within the immediate vicinity of the subject acquired/verified
from the following:
A property having an area of 145.50 sq.m., located at the center of the municipality
within Brgy. 02, San Jose De Buan, Samar, was offered for sale thru the internet website
www.MyProperty.ph at an asking price 7,500.00 per square meter.

Per inquiry with unit owner of Lot 1234-A-5, lots being offered for sale within the area
have an asking price of P7, 000.00 per square meter.

As per Mr. Tanny A. Babalcon of the San Jose De Buan Assessors Office, the prevailing
market value of residential lots at Barangay 02, San Jose De Buan, Samar is P6,200.00 per
square meter.


Factor Affecting Listing 1 Listing 2 Listing 3

Value 145.50 sq.m.@ P7,000 per sq.m. P6,200 per sq.m.
External Factor -10.00% -10.00% -10.00%
Net Price(Php/sq.m) 6750 6300 5580
Internal Factor
Location +5% 0% 0%
Size -10% 0% +5%
Topography -10% -5% -5%
Desirability +5% 0% 0%
Sum of Internal Factors -10% -5% 0%
Adjusted Value 5400 5670 5580
Final Market Value (P5,400+ P5,670.00+P5,580)/3 = P5,550 say P5,600.00 per square

Considering all the available Market Data gathered and analysis of such factor as
location, desirability, neighborhood, utility, size, shape and time element, I am of the opinion
that the Market Value of the land with an area of 145.50 square meters is estimated at
FIVE THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED PESOS (P5,600.00) per square meter or an
aggregate value of: 145.50 sq. m. x P5,600.00 = P814,800.00.

Cost Approach on Improvement: In arriving at the value of the improvement, I have

adapted the Modified Quantity Survey Method. Briefly describe, this method requires an
analysis of the building by breaking it down into major components such as foundation,
columns, beams, flooring, walls, roofing, etc. using workable units as lineal meter, square
meter, cubic meter, or other appropriate basic units. Then, bill of quantities for the building
component using the appropriate basic unit are prepared and related to the unit cost for each
component developed on the basis of current cost of materials, labor, plant and equipment
prevailing in the locality to arrive at the direct cost of the building. Indirect cost such as
contractor’s profit, overhead, taxes, fees, and other related expenses are then added to arrive
at the reproduction cost new (RCN) of the improvement. Finally, adjustments are made to
reflect depreciation resulting from physical deterioration, function and economic
obsolescence based on personal inspection of the improvement.

Considering the site inspection conducted of the premises, appraisal considerations

discussed above, and our finding on the actual condition of the improvement, the residential
building is estimated at P548,100.00.
10. Conclusion of Value

Based on the investigation and analysis of the property and relevant appraisal
consideration discussed above, I am of the opinion that the Market Value of the appraised
real estate property, including all improvement thereon, and subject to the herein attached
limiting conditions, is:

Land P 814,800.00

Building 548,100.00

TOTAL 1,362,900.00

(End of Main Report; “Exhibits” as stated above are attached)

Part III

11. Inclusions - Pictures

12. Qualifications of the Appraiser/Commissioners


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