Thefutureofhealthcare Interactive

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PREVIEW ACTIVITY 1 Fluentize, LLC. Copyright 2021. For use only with license.

The Future of Healthcare (C1)

Work with a partner, group, or your teacher. Do the activities below together.

PART 1 Discuss the questions below about healthcare.

1 Describe healthcare where you live and your satisfaction with it.
2 What comes to mind when you think of modern medicine?
3 How do you think artificial intelligence could transform the future of healthcare?

PART 2 Do you know how each of the following technologies are used in healthcare today?


PART 3 Write the noun forms for the adjective and verb forms of the words below.

1 ADJECTIVE: accurate NOUN:

2 ADJECTIVE: efficient NOUN:
3 VERB: treat NOUN:
4 VERB: rely NOUN:
5 VERB: diagnose NOUN:

Write the plural noun for number 5 above:

PART 4 Choose the correct word that fits the context of each sentence below.

1 if someone or something out a task, it performs a task.

a. carries b. pulls c. brings

2 If someone is to something, they are attached to it.

a. geared b. allocated c. harnessed

3 If someone takes of something, they become in control of it.

a. course b. charge c. account

PREVIEW ACTIVITY 2 Fluentize, LLC. Copyright 2021. For use only with license.
The Future of Healthcare (C1)

PART 1 Write your own definition for each vocabulary word based on the context.

1 Mental health therapists often help their patients navigate their quest for

quest means...

2 Alan Turing was one of the pioneering computer scientists in the quest for
artificial intelligence.

pioneering means...

3 Surgeons are responsible for overseeing many facets of a surgical operation in

order to make sure it goes smoothly.

a facet is...

PART 2 Choose the correct definition for the vocabulary words as used in the sentences.

1 The overarching goal of artificial intelligence is to create technology that

allows computers and machines to function in an intelligent manner.

overarching means... a. trivial, meaningless, or insignificant

b. unlikely, improbable, or remote
c. overall, essential, or universal

2 With over 30 million people diagnosed with diabetes in the USA, it is one of
the most prolific diseases that exists in the country.

prolific means... a. extinct; no longer present

b. pure; not mixed with other substances
c. abundant; produced in a great amount

3 Without good health insurance, paying for health care services out of pocket
can be a great financial burden.

burden means... a. something that causes difficulty, worry, or stress

b. something that is unknown and requires research
c. something that improves one’s standard of living

Bonus Phrases!

come of age = reach an advanced stage of development

EXAMPLE It amazes me that self-driving cars have already come of age.
kick in = start to have an effect (mostly in reference to medicine)
EXAMPLE Over the counter painkillers usually take about 20 or 30 minutes to kick in.
THE FUTURE OF HEALTHCARE Fluentize, LLC. Copyright 2021. For use only with license.
The Future of Healthcare (C1)


What problems come to mind when you think of

healthcare? Is there anything specifically that
frustrates you about it?


PART 1 Write short answers according to the information in the video.

0:39 1 Who is Dr. Eric Topol? What is he known for?

1:20 2 What is the problem with clinical paperwork in healthcare today?

2:02 3 How can machines be useful for transforming healthcare?

3:00 4 How can data can be useful for transforming healthcare?

4:15 5 What could be different in the future in terms of where healthcare actually takes
place? What kinds of benefits could result from this?

PART 2 Choose the correct compound word that was used in the video.

1 AI is already having an impact on many parts of human life, from self-driving

cars to finding cellmates / soulmates .

2 Dr. Topol is now at the forefront / upfront of the AI revolution in health-


3 AI tools such as speech recognition technology that are now commonplace

/ commonwealth in homes could be used in clinical settings to capture
data and notes, allowing doctors to concentrate on people.
POST-VIEWING ACTIVITY 1 Fluentize, LLC. Copyright 2021. For use only with license.
The Future of Healthcare (C1)

When discussing the effect AI can have on healthcare, Dr. Eric Topol says that AI has
the potential to rev up the accuracy of certain medical instruments and machines.
What do you think “rev up the accuracy” means in this context?

rev up the accuracy means...

PART 2 Choose the correct nouns that fit the text below. One doesn’t fit!

facet burden quest treatment reliance

1 The for artificial intelligence began more than 80 years ago.

2 on a patient’s bedroom as the place for healthcare as

opposed to an expensive hospital room could reduce the on
healthcare for both hospitals and patients.

3 Harnessed to wireless devices, AI could oversee every of

people’s health data.

PART 3 Finish writing the missing parts of the adjectives that fit the sentences below.

1 Dr. Eric Topol is a pio American cardiologist who has helped

develop drugs that have saved countless lives.

2 The over goal of transforming healthcare using AI is to eliminate

clinical work and make healthcare more accurate and efficient.

3 AI monitoring could transform the most pro diseases that demand

the most care, and empower people to take charge of their own health.

PART 4 Rewrite the two sentences below and replace the words in bold with the phrasal
verbs that were used in the video.

1 In the past, the goal for artificial intelligence was that it could one day
perform tasks better and more efficiently than humans.

2 Another way that AI will start to have an effect over time is by getting rid of
hospital rooms.
POST-VIEWING ACTIVITY 2 Fluentize, LLC. Copyright 2021. For use only with license.
The Future of Healthcare (C1)

PART 1 Study the usage and examples of past participial phrases.

When discussing the role of AI in human health, the narrator says...

“ Harnessed to wireless devices, AI could oversee every facet of people’s

health data, from family history, to food intake, to exercise.”

The narrator uses a participial phrase (Harnessed to wireless devices) to start the sentence.
Participial phrases are used to say something about the subject before you’ve even mentioned
the subject. In the example from the video above, “AI” is the subject, but the participial phrase
that comes before it modifies or describes the subject “AI”. See more examples below:

MORE EXAMPLES Exhausted from a long day of doing operations, the surgeon fell asleep
immediately when he arrived home.
Overwhelmed with clinical paperwork, the doctor hired an additional
personal assistant to help him organize the client data.

PART 2 Rewrite the sentences below using a participial phrase to start the sentence.

EX The surgeon was exhausted from a long day of doing operations, so he fell asleep
immediately when he arrived home.

Exhausted from a long day of doing operations, the surgeon fell asleep immediately
when he arrived home.

1 The patient was outraged by her ridiculously high hospital bill, so she called the hospital
immediately and filed a medical billing dispute.

2 The medical records of the patient were unable to be found by anyone in the office
because they were hidden somewhere in piles of clinical paperwork.

3 My grandfather was diagnosed with dementia, so he was prescribed a variety of medica-

tions in order to help him maintain healthy cognitive and neurological functioning.

Fluentize, LLC. Copyright 2021. For use only with license.
The Future of Healthcare (C1)


Your teacher will choose a few of the speaking topics below to discuss. Discuss the topics
with your teacher or partner. In your discussion, explain your ideas in detail.

1 What are your general thoughts about the idea of AI

transforming healthcare?

2 The video you watched focuses on the advantages of

transforming healthcare using AI. What could be some
disadvantages, as well as challenges, of using AI to trans-
form healthcare? What might some critics say about it?

3 Have you ever heard anything about how AI technology is

used in connection to genetic engineering? What do you
think about the idea of altering human genetics?

4 In what ways can technology have a negative impact on

our health? Can you think of any kinds of technologies
specifically that have a negative effect on our well-being?

5 According to the video, the doctor-patient relationship is

the “founding principle” of healthcare. Do you feel that you
have good relationships with your doctors? What factors
can affect the quality of doctor-patient relationships?


Discuss what you know about the following technologies and how they can help advance

1. Robot health workers and hospital assistants

2. Bionic cyborg eyes
3. BCI implants (Brain Computer Interface technology)
4. Exoskeletons
5. Chatbots for mental health therapy
QUIZ & REVIEW ACTIVITY Fluentize, LLC. Copyright 2021. For use only with license.
The Future of Healthcare (C1)

Work with a partner. Complete the quiz and review activities below.

PART 1 Questions. Answer the questions below about the video.

1. What do you remember about Dr. Eric Topol?

2. Explain the multiple ways in which AI can help transform healthcare.

PART 2 Vocabulary: Explain and/or write what each word or term means below.

1. quest

2. prolific

3. burden

PART 3 Vocabulary: Write the missing present participle adjectives in the spaces below.

1 Dr. Eric Topol is a American cardiologist who has helped

develop drugs that have saved countless lives.

2 The goal of transforming healthcare using AI is to eliminate

clinical work and make healthcare more accurate and efficient.

3 The doctor-patient relationship is a principle of healthcare.

Grammar: Explain the usage of participial phrases to start a sentence. Do you re-
member the example from the video? If so, write the missing participial phrase below.

, AI could oversee every facet of people’s health data,

from family history, to food intake, to exercise.”

Bonus: The noun “diagnoses” is an irregular plural noun that was used in the video.
Write the irregular plural noun forms for the other words in the sentences below.

EX. If conditions can be AI-diagnosed, then doctors might only be needed for
very specific or important diagnoses (diagnosis).

1 Doctors performed a few different types of (analysis).

2 There are multiple (appendix) that accompany the medical

report that I still need to study.

3 Having (cactus) in your home can actually have health

benefits, such as improving air quality and the level of oxygen.

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