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Engineering Mathematics I-(BAS-103)

Unit 3 Differential Calculus II

Tutorial 4
Que1.State the Taylor’s theorem for the functions of one variables.

Que2. Expand the following functions by using Maclaurin’s theorem

() ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Que3. Prove that ( )

Que4. Apply Maclaurin’s theorem to show that

Que5. Expand by Maclaurin’s theorem as far as

Que6. ( ) , Find the value of ( ) with the help of Taylor’s Theorem. Find the approximate change
in the value of ( ) when changes from 2 to 2.001.

Que7. Expand ( ) in powers of h.

Que8. Expand log(1+y) in powers of x and y upto terms of third degree. [2014-15]

Que9. Find the Taylor series expansion of f(x,y) = + about the point (2,1) upto first degree term.

Que10. Expand ex+y in powers of (x-1) and (y+1) upto first degree term.

Que11. Expand excosy about (1, ).

Que 12. Expand in the neighbourhood of ( ) upto and inclusive of second degree terms. Hence compute
( ) approximately. [2013-14]

Que13.Expand in powers of ( ) and ( ) using Taylor’s Theorem

Que14.Express the function ( ) as Taylor’s series expansion about the

point ( ) [2017-18],[2016-17]

Que15. Expand ( ) in powers of ( ) and ( ) [2014-15]

Que16. Expand in powers of ( ) and ( ) upto third degree term and hence evaluate ( ) [2021-22]

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