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Majesty Journal 1-2 (2019) 19-24 DOI: https://doi.org/10.33487/majesty.v1i2.


| ISSN 2567-0157) (Online) |

Application of the Questions Student Have to Improve Activities

and Results of Learning Students

Masnur1, Muh. Abrar Usman2

(Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar/STKIP Muhammadiyah Enrekang) masnur1985@gmail.com
(Guru SD/SDN 166 PInrang) muhammadabrar203@yahoo.com


Article History: Pusposes: This study aims to determine the increase in activities
Received 24 July 2019 and learning outcomes of science students after using the
Accepted 29 July 2019 learning model questions students have at SDN 166 Pinrang
2018/2019 academic year. Methodology: This type of research is
Class Action Research. This study uses the method of observation
and test methods. The instruments used were observation sheets
and test questions. Based on the results obtained from this study
Keywords: the activity of students has increased when implementing the
Questions student have, Questions student have learning model. Findings: In cycle 1, the
activities, learning average percentage of student activity was 69% while in cycle 2
outcomes it increased to 85%. The learning outcomes of students also
increased, in the first cycle the classical completeness was
53.33% and in the second cycle it increased to 83.33%.
Implication: The conclusion of this study is the application of the
Questions Student Have learning model can improve the
activities and learning outcomes of science students. The
activities and learning outcomes of science students continue to
increase so that they successfully meet the determined success

INTRODUCTION become increasingly important to ensure

students have the skills to learn and
Entering the 4.0 Industrial innovate, the skills to use technology and
Revolution. has brought major changes in information media, and can work, and
various fields of life, not least in the world survive by using life skills. Therefore facing
of education. Triliing & Fadel (2009: 48) the challenges and problems that are
suggests that education in this century has increasingly conditional on technology

@Majesty Journal 2019

 Corresponding author: Published by STKIP Muhammadiyah Enrekang

Address : STKIP Muhammadiyah Enrekang ISSN 2567-0157 (Online)
Email : masnur1985@gmail.com
Majesty Journal, 1 (2), 2019 - 20
Masnur; Muh. Abrar Usman

and science in this global society, our Based on the results of observations
education must be oriented towards and interviews of teachers and students at
preparing generations to have 21st 166 Pinrang Elementary School, science
century skills. learning is still focused on the teacher as
Science is one of the fields of study the main source of knowledge, then
that underlies the development of lectures are the first choice as an effective
modern technology and has an important learning strategy. Therefore, a learning
role in various disciplines and advancing strategy / model is needed that empowers
human thinking. As proof, science lessons students more. A learning model that
are given to all levels of education from does not require students to sit still,
elementary school to college. Science memorize facts, but a learning model that
learning at the elementary level as a encourages students to ask questions.
vehicle to equip students with body of One learning model that can be used is
knowledge, scientific skills, thinking skills, the learning model of Questions student
strategy of thinking, critical and creative have.
thinking, and scientific attitude (Heng et Vianata (2012) explained that the
al., 2002, p.2) so students expected to be student have question learning model is
able to develop the knowledge, learning that emphasizes students to be
understanding and analytical skills of active, unites opinions and measures the
students in the natural environment and extent to which students understand
surroundings. This ability is very much lessons through written questions. In the
needed by students in Abab 21 to be able learning model of student have questions,
to answer the challenges of the times. it requires students to write several
The results of the Trends In questions on a blank piece of paper. The
International Mathematics And Science paper will be rotated clockwise provided
Study (TIMSS) study show that Indonesian the students have to read it and give a
students in 2015 were ranked 36 out of 39 check mark there if the question is
countries with the lowest scores. This considered important. When the card
indicates that the ability of Indonesian returns to the author, the teacher can
children is still low. One of the answer the questions most often asked by
contributing factors is that the learning asking the relatively passive students, so
process is not optimal yet. Sanjaya (2014: that the teacher and student
226) argues that "one of the weaknesses communication is not partial.
of the learning process carried out by our Furthermore, if the question cannot be
teachers is the lack of development of answered by the passive student, the
students' thinking skills, in every learning student can appoint a friend to help
process on any subject, we encourage answer. The technique of channeling this
students to master a number of learning question can be from the direct teacher or
materials. Therefore, teachers should be the teacher asks students who cannot
able to develop thinking skills through answer the question to whom the
learning models that are in accordance questions will be transferred. Thus,
with the potential of students. communication in the praxis of learning
can be evenly distributed to students.

@Majesty Journal 2019

 Corresponding author: Published by STKIP Muhammadiyah Enrekang

Address : STKIP Muhammadiyah Enrekang ISSN 2567-0157 (Online)
Email : masnur1985@gmail.com
Majesty Journal, 1 (2), 2019 - 21
Masnur; Muh. Abrar Usman

Based on this description, the 15%. 2) The percentage of students

researchers were interested in using the getting a value of more than or equal to
Questions Student Have Learning Model 75 increases to reach greater or equal to
to Increase the Science Learning Activities 80% in the final cycle. And 3) The average
and Results of 5th grade students in grade value increases by a minimum of 5%
elementary school. " The objectives of this in each cycle.
study are: (1) To improve the activity of
students when applying the learning RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
model of student have questions in class
166 SN Pinrang 5 and (2) To improve Based on the observation results of
student learning outcomes after applying learning activities of students in the first
the student learning model questions cycle and second cycle, data was obtained
have in class 5 SN 166 Pinrang. as follows:

METHOD Table 1. Results of Observation of Student

Learning Activities
This class of action research was
conducted in the 5th grade of SDN 166 Siklus meetings Persentase mean
Pinrang with 30 students consisting of 16 1 63%
men and 14 women. The design of the I 69%
2 75%
research cycle design uses a procedure 1 78%
that consists of four stages, namely, II 85%
2 92%
planning, action, observation, and
reflection. This research was conducted in
At the first meeting of the first cycle,
two cycles with four stages. Each cycle
the percentage of student activities was
consists of two meetings.
63%. At the 1st meeting, there were still
The instruments used in this study
many students who had difficulty
were observation sheets and test
understanding the concept. This is
questions. Data obtained from
because students are still not familiar with
observation The activity of students is
the learning conditions by applying
then calculated as a percentage.
student have questions. There are still
Participants are said to be active if the
some students who are less able to make
percentage of activity reaches 60% or
questions. At the 2nd meeting, students
more. Data obtained from participants'
experienced an increase compared to the
learning outcomes tests were analyzed
1st meeting of 75%. This happens because
based on the percentage of completeness
most students have been able to make
of learning outcomes of students at the
questions and review / answer questions
end of each cycle. The minimum
from their friends. This is consistent with
completeness criteria is if students get a
what was stated by Jacobsen (Purwanto,
score of 75 or more. The indicators of the
2013) that by asking questions, can make
success of this study are: 1) There is an
students have better thinking and
increase in the percentage of active
understanding of learning.
students from cycle to cycle of at least

@Majesty Journal 2019

 Corresponding author: Published by STKIP Muhammadiyah Enrekang

Address : STKIP Muhammadiyah Enrekang ISSN 2567-0157 (Online)
Email : masnur1985@gmail.com
Majesty Journal, 1 (2), 2019 - 22
Masnur; Muh. Abrar Usman

The results of the refelection in the The average percentage of student

first cycle of the teacher provide activity in cycle 1 was 69% while in cycle 2
assistance to students who are less able to it was 82%. The percentage difference to
make questions and feel nervous when the two cycles is 16%. Based on indicators
asking questions and answering their of success, activities in both cycles can be
friends' questions. So that students have said to increase. This is because the
dared to ask questions. This assistance, if activity of students has increased by more
they have tried on their own, but then than 15% from cycle to cycle. The
have been unsuccessful, assistance like following can be presented in the form of
this does not mean solving the problems pictures.
faced by students, but providing advice on
solutions, encouraging and motivating 100%
(Uno & Nurdin, 2015: 182). 80%
At the 1st meeting of the second 60% meeting 1
cycle, the activities of students 40%
experienced an increase of 78%. This meeting 2
increase occurs because the readiness of 0%
students in accepting material is familiar Cycles I Cycles II
with the student learning model that
students have in teaching and learning
Figure 1. Graphs of Student Learning Activities
activities so as to increase interaction
between students. At the second meeting
Based on the results of data analysis
of the second cycle, the activity of
in each cycle obtained the results of
students increased with a percentage of
student learning tests as follows.
92%. Increasing this learning activity
because of learning Question student has
Table 2. Learning Outcomes of Students in
demanded students to actively make
Cycles I and II
questions and invite students to take an
active role in expressing their opinions.
Cycles 1 Cycles 2
Furthermore, students have actively
assessed questions and sought answers to Complete 16 25
questions made by their friends. The Not Complete 14 5
results of this study are in line with % completing 53,33% 83,33%
Suprijono (2009) that in student question study
learning most of the learning activities are mean 63,41% 85,48%
student-centered and the teacher only
acts as a facilitator and mediator. This can
Based on data obtained in cycle 1
be seen from the learning activities in
and cycle 2, in cycle 1 there were 14
which the most dominant student students who scored less than 75 so that
activities are seen clear during class 15 students were declared incomplete.
discussions, so that in the end it can The percentage of completeness of
improve the learning activities of classical learning outcomes in this first
students. cycle is 53.33% and has not met the

@Majesty Journal 2019

 Corresponding author: Published by STKIP Muhammadiyah Enrekang

Address : STKIP Muhammadiyah Enrekang ISSN 2567-0157 (Online)
Email : masnur1985@gmail.com
Majesty Journal, 1 (2), 2019 - 23
Masnur; Muh. Abrar Usman

specified criteria. The low value is due to Figure 2. Learning outcomes of students
the lack of understanding of students' in cycles I and II
concepts in the material and there are
some errors in the description of the Based on the Figure 2, it can be
settlement area. The average for student concluded that by applying the Question
learning outcomes in cycle 1 is 63.41%. Student Have learning model, the activity
Based on the results shown in cycle and learning outcomes of 5th grade
1, the researcher made several students can increase. This improvement
improvements. Improvements applied to in learning outcomes is relevant to the
cycle 2 have a good impact on improving results of research conducted by Anita &
student learning outcomes in cycle II. Tadius (2017) that the Question Student
Improving student learning outcomes in Have method can improve student
this study occurs because in applying the learning outcomes in fourth grade natural
question learning model student have can science learning.
make it easier for students to understand
the material, able to encourage becoming CONCLUSIONS
more active, make learning activities more
enjoyable, not boring and enthusiastic in Based on the results of the research
learning without fear. As stated by and discussion it can be concluded that
Silberman (2006) that Question Student the application of the learning model
Have is an active student learning method questions students have can improve the
that does not make students afraid to activity and learning outcomes of 5th
learn what students expect and need. This grade students of SDN 166 Pinrang in the
has implications for the increase in academic year 2018/2019. Based on these
learning outcomes obtained by students conclusions the researchers suggest that
in cycle II which is equal to 83.33% which in applying the learning model there are
is stated to be complete, out of 25 several student questions that need to be
students who scored more than 75. The considered, among others: 1) the time
average for student learning outcomes in used in the learning process; 2) before the
cycle 2 is 85.48 %. The following can be process of circulating the paper, the
presented in the form of images to teacher should arrange the seating
improve student learning outcomes in position of the students so that the
each cycle. process of rotating the cards goes on
lanjar and analyzing the questions should
be explained effectively and correctly; 3)
In the learning process the teacher should
80% %
completing guide or assist students in understanding
60% the material being taught, so that they do
40% not experience difficulties in the learning
20% process and need collaboration or
0% combination with other learning
Cycles I Cycles II strategies to be more effective.

@Majesty Journal 2019

 Corresponding author: Published by STKIP Muhammadiyah Enrekang

Address : STKIP Muhammadiyah Enrekang ISSN 2567-0157 (Online)
Email : masnur1985@gmail.com
Majesty Journal, 1 (2), 2019 - 24
Masnur; Muh. Abrar Usman


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@Majesty Journal 2019

 Corresponding author: Published by STKIP Muhammadiyah Enrekang

Address : STKIP Muhammadiyah Enrekang ISSN 2567-0157 (Online)
Email : masnur1985@gmail.com

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