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Chargrilled paillard of chicken, piperade,

harissa and coconut dressing and rocket

Quantity Ingredient Allergens

1 Portion Chicken escalope
15 g Chimichurri sauce
16 g Harissa and coconut dressing
1 Portion Piperade batch - Chargrilled paillard of chicken
1 Portion Rocket, shaved fennel - paillard portion
1 piece Lemon in muslin
16 g Rapeseed oil
2g Steak Seasoning Salt
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Chargrilled paillard of chicken,
Method piperade, harissa and coconut
dressing and rocket.

2. Cook the chicken on a HOT grill, 3. Mark the skin side as shown in the
1. Place the chicken escalope on a red
making sure you bar mark both sides. photo and then turn it on the other
tray & drizzle with oil on both sides &
SEASON with steak seasoning. side.

4. Ensure the chicken reaches 75 5. Place the portioned piperade mix in 6. Spoon the HOT piperade onto the
degree Celsius. to the microwave for 40 seconds. center of a HOT 27cm main course

7. Brush the HOT grilled chicken with 8. Add the Harissa & coconut dressing 9. Place the grilled chicken on the
chimichurri sauce. onto the grilled chicken. piperade, centered in the middle of
the plate.

10. Garnish the top of the chicken

with rocket & shaved fennel, on the
top left add Lemon muslin. Check
plate is clean and serve immediately.

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