Chap 4

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Step Yes, Step No: The impression of Grades 11 and 12 students on possible reimplementation

of mandatory ROTC in Sto. Cristo National High School

Chapter 4

This chapter discusses the data analysis and findings from the questionnaire completed by the 40

Senior High School students of Sto. Cristo National High School. First and foremost, the

researchers will analyze the result of the data collected in the survey. Then, the researchers will

categorize the data collected from the respondents about their thoughts on the said topic. This

chapter provides the presentation of the gathered data answering the problem posted in the

Statement of the problem in chapter

Statement of the Problem 1: What is the impression of the Grades 11 and 12 students on

the possible reimplementation of the mandatory ROTC?

Out of the 40 respondents from Senior High School students, 20 respondents said that they agree

in the possible reimplementation of mandatory ROTC.17 students disagree the program and 3

respondents are undecided.

The following are the feelings expressed by the 40 respondents: 13 respondents expressed

happiness about the possible reimplementation, 3 were nervous, 3 were scared, 7 expressed

sadness, and 2 expressed anger. The remaining 7 students are conflicted about the matter, with 4

responses remaining unaffected.

Statement of the Problem 2: What are the factors that affect the student’s decision in

making their decision?

Most responders agreed state that mandatory ROTC will serve as training for the students to

prepare them if there is a war will happen in the future; this will give them knowledge on how to

defend themselves. Moreover, this will provide guidance on how to respond in case of


In addition, some of the respondents believed that requiring students to participate in ROTC

would teach them discipline, responsibility, and patriotism. Also, it will help them become more

skilled and physically fit.

On the other hand, the others are bothered because of the history of this training. "What if the

commanders do not treat the students well?" is one of the questions that comes to their minds

because hazing and bullying were rampant back then when ROTC was mandatory. Another

source of their concern is the case of Mark Chua, a victim who died as a result of the training. 
Statement of the Problem 3: Will the reimplementation of this course be beneficial to the

student or may be a hindrance in their study?

There are 11 respondents who disagreed in this possible reimplementation because they see this

as an added burden to their many schoolwork in school. They said that this will cause more

struggle in studying particularly for the working students who work for their family expenses and

supply their own schooling payments and for the students that is suffering depression because it

seems like an additional concern and load for them.

In contrast, there are 19 respondents who support the reimplementation of the program; they see

the beneficial advantages they can acquire through the mandatory ROTC training. The

respondents mentioned that under this program they will be able to learn self-defense and

survival skills, be physically fit, and acquire moral skills. They said that it will promote

patriotism and nationalism for the students and will make them responsible and disciplined.

Statement of the Problem 4: What adjustments to the ROTC curriculum may the students

propose for the possible reimplementation of the course as mandatory?

Many respondents suggested to keep ROTC as an optional program for the students in college or

senior high school. This includes both the agreeing and disagreeing respondents. They mention

that it is better to take this program for willing students only and it is because people have their

own rights to say yes if they want this and say no if they didn't want this.

Four respondents who gave suggestions prioritized the issues regarding the abuse. They suggest

that there should be no violence within the program, and it gives legal command and penalty to

those who try to abuse it, whether they are the mentor or the students.
Statement of the Problem 5: Is the re-enforcement of the mandated ROTC relevant to the

current situation of the Philippines?

Most respondents said that ROTC is not currently what the country needs. They said that there

are many issues needed to be given top priority, including education, transportation, and

economic development. They believe that the government should pay greater attention to what is

evidently occurring in their nation.

Group A, 11 STEM A

Abayon, Lamera, Obong, Victorio, Navida, Bitong, Asim

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