DigitalBusinessInnovation Parth.

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S.No. Assessment Submission Marks


1 Value creation through business model canvas Image 9 marks

2 Type of digital innovation Text 10 marks

3 Calculation of metrics and drawing inferences Text 21 marks

Project Maximum Marks 40 marks

1. Updated business model canvas for digital business

Your Answer Add the image of your business model canvas here
2. Type of digital innovation and its justification.

Your Answer In order to achieve Hamleys objectives, they would need to first create
better digital platform so that customer gets engage with their platform,
they should feel joy, excitement, fun on the platform. Secondly, they
would need to build trust in customers mind for the platform in term of
product, services, payment terms. Considering the competitors,
Hamleys must provide better digital experience, value for money toys.
To check and get an feedback on digital platform, they can first targt to
one geographic location to supply & distribute these toys. Based on
feedback, improve the performance and feel of platform, customer
service and things they feel it has to be improved. They would need to
built integration of inventory control and order fulfilment systems. Once
they are confident, they should launch this platform for multiple
geography location and expand its presence. By providing sanitized
products, achieving delivery in time, better & engaging customer
experience will significantly provide the value proposition to the
customer. Advantages for Hamleys 1. Better customer experience - A
single platform with search option, with customizable toys will provide
engaging experience 2. Efficient order management - The solution will
give a complete visibility of stock holding and sales 3. Brand consistency
and excellence - Hamleys brands occupies a unique place in shoppers’
hearts. They would need to maintain that with digital platform also.
3. Evaluating performance of a digital business

3.1 List down two metrics that you are going to look at - along
with appropriate justification for each of them.
Write your answer here
Add the three metrics and reasoning behind selecting them here 1.
Feedback received – Hamleys could use these feedbacks to improve
themselves based on this data. 2. Sales and Revenue – This will help
Hamleys to check profitability of company

3.2 A. Calculate the below-mentioned metrics for each of the four

1. Average revenue per transaction
2. % of repeated transactions
B. Draw inferences from the trends observed for each of the three
C. Summarise the performance of the platform business over these
five months; for this part of the question, you can include all the
relevant data points
Write your answer here

Conversion rates 3% ,3% ,3%, 4%, 4%

Average revenue per transaction 34.6, 53.6, 38.9, 36. 7, 35. 2

% of repeated transactions - 30%, 32% ,31%, 31%, 30 %

1. Conversion Rates is increasing exponentially 2. Average
Revenue per Transaction is quite constant 3. Number of
Repeated Transactions are decreasing E-Store and applications
will provide the ability to deliver better customer experience.
Customers will now find it easy to identify products, related
information and reliable purchasing options. Customer will be
more engaged because of E-Store experience, customer support

2. The organization has opportunity to expand global reach to

different geographies.

3. By digitizing the business, it will give more accurate and timely

insight of company’s performance.

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