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Lesson Multiplying and Dividing

Unit #7 Integers Order Of Operations

Professor Weissman‟s Algebra Classroom
Martin Weissman, Jonathan S. Weissman. & Tamara Farber
How Do I Multiply Signed How Do I Divide Signed
Numbers? What is the odd/ Numbers?
even rule? The rule for dividing is the same as that
for Multiplying. Every 2 negatives make
There‟s a simple rule for multiplying
a positive. You can overlook the posi-
signed numbers. Every 2 negatives
tives. Just count the negatives.
make a positive. You can overlook the
positives. Just count the negatives. 3 3 3 3
4 4 4 4
(-3)(+4)(-5) = +60 [2 negatives]
(-3)(-4)(-5) = - 60 [3 negatives] 3 3 3 3
(+3)(-4)(+5) = - 60 [1 negative] 4 4 4 4
Inside this issue:
(+3)(+4)(+5) = +60 [0 negatives]
Multiply Signed Nos 1 3 3 3 3
In each case you multiply the abso- 4 4 4 4
Divide Signed Nos. 1
lute values. (3)(4)(5)=60.
If the amount of negatives is EVEN, or 3 3 3 3
1 0,2,4,6,… then the product is posi- 4 4 4 4
2 tive.
3 3 3 3
2 If the amount of negatives is ODD
then the product is negative. 4 4 4 4
2 0=positive 1=negative 2=positive
2 3=negative
Twice the number 5 increased by one. Is it 11 or 12?
3 The given sentence is ambiguous. An ambiguity
is an unclear expression. If there would be a would mean add 1 to 5 then double it.
comma in the sentence it would become clear. 2(5+1)=2(6)=12
Professor‟s Class 5
Twice the number 5, increased by one It‟s 12. To avoid ambiguity in Algebra we
Exercises 10 would mean double five then add one. It‟s 11. use parentheses and follow what is called
Fun Page 11 the “order of operations.” we have five ba-
sic operations: combine (add/subtract),
Solutions Page 12 Twice, the number 5 increased by one multiply, divide and raise to a power.
Page 2 Multiplying and Dividing Integers Order Of Operations

What is order of Do we still use PEM-

operations? DAS in Algebra?
Most students have It‟s even easier in Alge-
—2(4) — 72 — (—4) + (8—11) +10
heard of the „word‟ or bra. Since we combine
acronym PEMDAS. Each Add and Subtract PEM- Separate into terms
letter stands for an op- DAS becomes PEMDC —2(4) | — 72 | — (—4) | + (8—11)| +10
eration in Mathematics P=Parentheses Simplify each term
and the order of the let- E=Exponents -8 -49 +4 -3 + 10
ters reminds us of the M=Multiplication Combine positives and negatives
order that the Math op-
erations are done.
D=Division C=Combine + 14 –60
Remember to first sepa- Combine the two sums: — 46
P=Parentheses rate the expression into
E=Exponents terms . Next you can use
M=Multiplication PEMD on each term and
D=Division A=Addition C will be your last step.

How is an expression with brackets and parentheses simplified?

Usually, the parenthe- Simplify: -7 [2 - (5-8)]
ses are the innermost
grouping. Simplify in- Simplify inside (), keep () -7 [2 - (-3)]
side the parentheses Simplify using—outside (), drop () -7 [2 + 3]
first. Combine inside [], keep [] -7 [+5]
Then, simplify inside Simplify using –7 outside [], drop [] -35
the brackets.
The MD in PEMDC, of course means The P in the acronym PEMDC means sim-
Multiplication and Division, but just plify the expression INSIDE parentheses
because M is before D does NOT but KEEP the parentheses. For example, -
mean that multiplication comes be- 5(3-10) does not mean –5 –7, rather we
keep the parentheses and evaluate this
fore Division. Whichever comes first
do first. For example, here division
is done first. -5(3—10)
6010•2 —5(—7)
Page 3 Multiplying and Dividing Integers Order Of Operations
Page 4 Multiplying and Dividing Integers Order Of Operations
Volume 1, Issue 1 Page 5
Volume 1, Issue 1 Page 6
Lesson Page 7
Page 8
Multiplying and Dividing Integers Order Of

Exercise Set 7
1. Evaluate a. ab 6. Translate three differ- o. 32 - (-3)2+10
ent ways: The quotient of x
a. -7 ●9 b. ba
and y
p. (-7)2-4(-5)(2)
c. abc

b. -5 ● 11
7. Find the average of –11, q. 10÷5 ●5
d. -abc +10, -4, +1, and –1
r. -2[-7(6-11)]
c. -7(-2) e. 3ac 8. Is the given value a so-

f. a(-c) lution to the given equation? s. -5(8-10)

d. 7 - (-2)

g. -6b a. 28/x=-7 x=-4 t. 5 - (8-10)

e. 0(-5)

h. b-c b. x/20 = -5 x=4

f. 8(-5)

i. -a2 c. -3=-12/x x=4

g. (-6)(-9) 10. Substitute and sim-
j. a -c 2 2 d. -6=x/18 x=-3 plify
h. -7 ● -7● 2
e. 0/x = 0 x=-1 a. a=1 b=-1 c=-6
i. (-2)(-3)(-4) f. -50/x =-5 x=10
b 4 ac
j. -2-3-4
4. Is the value a solution to
k. (-1)(-2)(-3)(-4) the equation? Justify your 9. Simplify using the b. a=1 b=1 c=-6
l. -1-2-3-4 answer. order of operations. But,
100 a. 5a=-15 a=-3 first separate the
m. (-1) b
4 ac
b. -2b= — 8 b=4 expression into terms.
n. -32
c. 36 = -4c c=9 a. 5 • 7 + 2 c. x1=-4 x2=3 y1=-1 y2=1
o. (-3)2
d. -100d=-2 d=50 b. 5 • (7 + 2)
p. Find the product of
c. 10 ÷ 5—3 y2 y1
–1 and –6
5. Divide d. 10 ÷ (5—3) x2 x1
q. What is twice –3?

r. (-1)
21 a. (-24) ÷(-6) e. 8 + 2 ●5
b. (24) ÷(-3) f. 15—5 ÷ 5
2. Translate, then evalu- g. 5 + 42
ate for a=-3, b=+5 c. (-24) ÷(3) h. (5+4)2
a. The product of a and
b d. (-24) ÷0 i. 10•4—6•5

b. Twice a j. 20÷5 — 4 • 4
e. 0÷(-6)
c. -6 multiplied by a k. 5 - 42
f. 100/-2
d. 7 times a l. 4•52
g. -75/-15
m. 80-23
h. -3/24
3. Evaluate for these
n. -5(3)-6(-1)
values: a=-5, b=4, c=-1
Lesson Page 9

Jokes Set #7
The Math Professor told his students The Professor looked at it and said: give in a week ?
to compose a daily time- - Very well, but your day consists of - But we don’t know, how
table. A student showed 25 hours. many days a week a cow
his to the Professor. - What a pity! Now I must wake up works.
one hour earlier.
wake up get ready for
school :2 hours school: 5
hours part time job 6
hours homework 3 hours A cow gives 20 liters of milk a day.
sleep 9 hours How many liters of a milk will it

Mental Math
Squaring a 2 digit Look at the first Since the second Here‟s another example
number ending in 5 digit 3 digit is a 5 then the
can be so easy with last 2 digits of the an- 75² =?
Multiply 3 by the swer will be 25.
a little bit of practice
number after 3, 4 7(8)=56 5² =25
you could do it in 25 is the second part
your head. 3(4)=12 of the square. Now Put the results together
For example: 35² put them together: : 75² = 5625
12 is the first part
of the square 1225
Answers to Exercise Set 7
1a. -63 f. -5 c. yes
b. -55 g. -24 d. no
c. 14 h. 5 e. yes
d. 9 i. -25 f. yes
e. 0 j. 24
f. -40 9a. 37
g. 54 4a. yes b. 45
h. 98 b. yes c. -1
i. -24 c. no d. 5
j. -9 d. no e. 18
k. 24 f. 14
l. -10 5a. 4 g. 21
m. 1 b. -8 h. 81
n. -9 c. -8 i. 10
o. 9 d. undefined j. -12
p. 6 e. 0 k. -11
q. -6 f. -50 l. 100
r. -1 g. 5 m. 72
h. -1/8 n. -9
2a. ab -15 o. 10
b. 2a -6 6a. x/y p. 89
c. -6a 18 b. x:y q. 10

d. 7a -21 r. -70
c. x
s. 10
3a. -20 t. 7
b. -20 7. -1

c. 20 10a. 25
d. -20 8a. yes b. 5
e. 15 b. no c. 2/7

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