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Lesson 1 - Meaning and among mankind, including an account of

the rise and fall of nations,

Relevance of History as well as of other great changes which
I. The Meaning of “History” have affected the political
History is the analysis and interpretation of and social condition of the human race”.
the human past enabling us to
study continuity and changes that are WHY HISTORY MATTERS
taking place. It is a means to understand All people are living histories – which is why
the past and the present. The different History matters
interpretation of the past allows us to see Historians are often asked: what is the use
the present differently and therefore or relevance of studying History? Why on
imagine –and work towards-- different earth does it matter what happened long
futures. ago? The answer is that History is
The origin of word History is associated inescapable. It studies the past and the
with the Greek word “Historia” which means legacies of the past in the present. Far from
“information” or “an enquiry designed to being a ‘dead’ subject, it connects things
elicit truth”. through time and encourages its students
History has been defined differently by to take a long view of such connections.
different scholars. Following definitions All people and peoples are living histories.
indicate the meaning and scope of History.
Burckhardt: “History is the record of what To take a few obvious examples:
one age finds worthy of note in communities speak languages that are
another” inherited from the past. They live in
Henry Johnson: “History, in its broadest societies with complex cultures, traditions
sense, is everything that ever happened” and religions that have not been created on
Smith, V.S.: “The value and interest of the spur of the moment. People use
history depend largely on the degree in technologies that they have not themselves
which the present is illuminated by the invented. And each individual is born with a
past”. personal variant of an inherited genetic
Rapson: “History is a connected account of template, known as the genome, which has
the course of events or progress of evolved during the entire life-span of the
ideas” human species.
Jawaharal Nehru:” History is the story of So understanding the linkages between
man’s struggle through the ages against past and present is absolutely basic for a
Nature and the elements; against wild beast good understanding of the condition of
and the jungle and same of his own kind being human. That, in a nutshell, is why
who have tried to keep him down and to History matters. It is not just ‘useful’, it is
exploit him for their own benefit” essential.
John Jacob Anderson: History is a narration The study of the past is essential for
of the events which have happened ‘rooting’ people in time. And why

should that matter? The answer is that its present form, there is a need to know its
people who feel themselves to be rootless past.
live rootless lives, often causing a lot of Example: Understanding the Birth of
damage to themselves and others in the Philippine as a Nation
process. 2. History is the study of man
Indeed, at the most extreme end of the
out-of-history spectrum, those individuals History deals with man’s struggles through
with the distressing experience of complete ages. Past events are riddled with
memory loss cannot manage on their own man’s engagement in wars, his struggles to
at all. win his independence. History traces
In fact, all people have a full historical the fascinating story of how man has
context. But some, generally for reasons developed through the ages, how man has
that are no fault of their own, grow up with studied to use and control his environment
a weak or troubled sense of their own and how the present institutions have
placing, whether within their families or grown out of the past.
within the wider world. They lack a sense of Example: Growth and development of the
roots. For others, by contrast, the inherited Philippine Government from Pre-colonial to
legacy may even be too powerful and the Present
outright oppressive. 3. History provides an objective record of
In all cases, understanding History is happenings.
integral to a good understanding of the Historians are careful on the data they
condition of being human. That allows include in their books. They base their
people to build, and, as may well be data on original source and make them free
necessary, also to change, upon a secure from subjective interpretation.
foundation. Neither of these options can be 4. History is multisided.
undertaken well without understanding the History is not limited to one certain aspect
context and starting points. All living people of man’s life; it covers all other aspects
live in the here-and-now but it took a long as they are all closely interrelated. A
unfolding history to get everything to NOW. change in politics could have an effect in
And that history is located in time-space, other aspects of the society
which holds this cosmos together, and 5. History is a dialogue between the events
which frames both the past and the of the past and progressively emerging
present. future ends.
Past events are interpreted and become
II. Nature of History predictor of new objectives.
To better understand history, it is essential 6. History is not only narration but it is also
to determine its very nature an analysis.
1. History is a study of the present in the History is not confined with narrative
light of the past accounts. It dissects and explains the
The present has evolved out of the past. To occurrence of the events and how it
understand how society has come to ultimately changes the society overtime.

7. Continuity and coherence are necessary ❖ Diary
requisites of history. ❖ Journal entries
History monitors the development of the ❖ Letters
society, from generation to generation, ❖ Memoirs
after series of events, justifying the essence ❖ Speeches
of continuity. ❖ Interviews
8. History is relevant ❖ Official Records
In the study of history, only significant ❖ Minutes
events which have influenced the society ❖ Artworks
are covered and essential to the ❖ Artifacts
understanding of the present life. Primary sources mostly include unpublished
9. History is comprehensive works of individuals that were
History is not limited to one period or to discovered after some time as during
one country alone. It deals with all aspects historical excavation and historical
of human life- political, social, economic, researches done in public and private
religious, literary, aesthetic and physical, libraries.
giving a clear picture of global linkage ● Newspapers and magazine articles are
also considered primary sources as
Example: Socio-cultural aspect of the long as they were written soon after
the events and not as historical
Filipinos it is a mixture of the culture
of the east and the west
Secondary Sources: These resources serve

III: Distinction Between Primary and as interpretations or readings of primary

Secondary Sources sources. Usually, the author of a piece

In conducting any historical research, incorporates his or her personal insights

different sources of information are and interpretations, thus, detaching the

required to gain extensive knowledge on a original value of the component of the

particular topic. Some researchers rely on subject being discussed.

written sources while others choose to These sources usually contain analyses of

make use of oral sources. primary sources by experts, academicians,

Primary Sources: These sources are and professionals.

considered as contemporary accounts of These are usually in the form of published

an event, personally written or narrated by works such as journals, articles, reviews,

an individual person who directly books, conference papers, and

experienced or participated in the said documentaries.

event. They can also be based on interpretations

Primary sources also include materials that of other secondary sources or a

capture the event such as photographs, combination of primary and secondary

voice and video recordings, and the like. sources.

These materials are considered as original Many historical researchers also bank on

sources that directly narrate the details of secondary sources to get different

the event. perspectives on a particular topic. However,

relying too much on secondary sources may
blur out the actual details of particular 1) Date – When was it produced?
historical events. Therefore, primary and 2) Localization – Where did it originate?
secondary sources should be evaluated. 3) Authorship – Who wrote it?
Most scholars use the following questions 4) Analysis – What pre-existing material
in evaluating the validity and credibility of served as the basis for its
sources of historical accounts: production?
1) How did the author know about the given 5) Integrity – What was its original form?
details? Was the author present 6) Credibility – What is the evidential value
at the event? How soon was the author of its content?
able to gather the details of the event? Secondary accounts of historical events are
2) Where did the information come from? Is narratives commonly passed on from one
it a personal experience, an generation to the next or knowledge that is
eyewitness account, or a report made by shared within a community.
another person? Similar to the usual problem with passing
3) Did the author conclude based on a information from one point to another,
single source, or on many sources of details can be altered.
evidence? Louis Gottschalk (1969) emphasized that is
impossible for historians to avoid using
The evaluation of an available source shows secondary sources due to difficulty in
any indication that it is an interpretative accessing primary sources. He suggested
work rather than a factual firsthand that secondary sources must only be used
account, it is considered as a secondary for:
source. 1) deriving the setting wherein the
contemporary evidence will fit in the grand
IV: Evaluation of Primary and Secondary narrative of history;
Sources 2) getting leads to other bibliographic data
Primary source provides better and more 3) acquiring quotations or citations from
accurate historical details compared to a contemporary or other sources; and
secondary source. However, the 4) deriving interpretations with a view of
authenticity and reliability of primary testing and improving them but not
sources should be scrutinized before they accepting them as outright truth.
are used.
In this day and age, the proliferation of fake Martha Howell and Walter Prevenier (2001)
news is evident in both print and digital stated that before any source can be
media platforms. considered as an evidence in a historical
Although primacy is given to primary argument, it must satisfy three
sources, there are instances when the preconditions.
credibility of these sources are contestable. 1) It must be comprehensible at the most
Garraghan (1950) identified six points of basic level of vocabulary,
inquiries to evaluate the authenticity of a language, and handwriting
primary source:
2) The source must be carefully located in 4) The interpretation of the document –
accordance with place and time. pertains to deducing meaning from
Its author, composer, or writer and the the document.
location where it was
produced/published should be noted for the 5) The authority of the document – refers to
checking of authenticity and the relationship between the document’s
accuracy. subject matter and its author.
3) The authenticity of the source must 6) The competence of the observer – refers
always be checked and to the author’s capabilities and
counterchecked before being accepted as a qualifications to critically comprehend and
credible source in any report information.
historical findings. Subtle details such as 7) The trustworthiness of the observer –
the quality of paper used, the ink or the refers to the author’s integrity – whether he
watermark of the parchment used, and the or she fabricates or reports truthfully
way it was encoded.
Cases of forgery and mislabeling are Primary sources: How these sources are
common in Philippine historiography. directly related and closely connected
Ambeth Ocampo’s discovery of the alleged to the time of the events they pertain to.
draft of Jose Rizal’s third Secondary sources: Depends on the
novel, the Makamisa elapsed time from the date of the event to
Signature of Gen. Urbano Lacuna that led the date of their creation. More likely, the
to the captivity of Emilio farther the date of creation from the actual
Aguinaldo event, the more reliable the source is
Signature of Jose Rizal in the great (exhaustion of all available
retraction controversy materials).
Josephine Bracken and Jose Rizal marriage
under Catholic rites Internal criteria set by ADDITIONAL NOTES:
Howell and Prevenier (2001):
1) The genealogy of the document – refers ✒️History = root of your family or family
to the development of the tree
document. The document may be original, a 1. Barangay but the lamen term is tribe
copy, or a copy of the copy. (leader and laws) independent
2) The genesis of the document – includes barangay or tribe kaya may mga tribal
the situations and the authorities during the war
document’s production. Factors of birth of nationalism
3) The originality of the document – Spanish colonization
includes the nature of the document One nation
whether it is an eye/earwitness account or 2. government - political leaders
merely passing of existing 3. Marcos administration = one-sided
information. history (1986- 1987)

dictator leader The only child of revolutionary general
Negative Mariano Alvarez and Nicolasa Virata, was
younger generation born in Imus but was raised in Noveleta,
journalists Cavite. He was known as “Kidlat ng Apoy”
social media (Lightning of Fire) because of his inflamed
textbook - secondary source bravery and participation in the Battle of
👁️‍🗨️Eye witness = oral testimonies of Dalahican.
older people Santiago was among the first in Cavite to
4. All aspects ay pinaguusapan (political, take up arms against Spain. All through
economic and etc.) the revolution, he fought side by side with
5. Price increase sa oil = cause? Hindi his father. In the 36-hour battle of
lang in national kailangan i trace in Dalahican, One of the bloodiest encounters
international we need to look or during the Revolution, he scored a decisive
understand sa outside ng Philippines victory and repulsed the Spanish troops.
it is global taas at baba ng price ng oil When the American civil government was
GLOBAL CAUSE - root cause = Russia established in the Philippines in 1901,
and Ukraine and other factors din Santiago assisted in the organization of the
Parang hindi nila pinagaralan dahil Nacionalista Party, where he later became
blinablame nila ang gov’t because of president of its directorate.
that at hindi naman natin nacocontroll During the 1920s, his memoirs were
ang global market published in Sampaguita, a Tagalog weekly,
GLOBAL ISSUES = Russia -Ukraine in 36 installments ( from July 24, 1927 to
OPEC April 15, 1928). These were reproduced in
book form and translated in English by
SOURCES: Paula Carolina S. Malay.
Primary sources = eyewitnesses 👀;
kung yung tao ay nasa isang lugar na kung Paula Carolina S. Malay
saan naganap ang pangyayari 🕵️ She graduated from the University of the
Secondary sources = hindi sila ang Philippines. She taught economics at
eye witness; mga nababalitaan 👂 nila sa various universities during the 1950s and
ibang tao 1960s. She turned to translation and
writing during the martial law period.

Lesson 2 - Katipunan and the Memoirs of the General

Revolution: Memoirs of a The events I have related in this account of

the Katipunan and the Revolution
General reverberate with shouts of “Long live our
About the Author
Patriots! and Death to the enemy! These
were in answer to enemy’s assaults with

mausers and cannons, the latter fired from home province. Reaching Manila at about
both land and sea. five in the afternoon, we waited for the
The Magdiwang government honored me appointed time at the quarters of Jacinto
with an appointment as captain general, Lumbreras, a Katipunan member. He was
or head of its army General Artemio Ricarte the caretaker of the central telephone
was lieutenant general. exchange on San Jacinto Street in Binondo.
I will now attempt to write down what I saw At about seven o’ clock in the evening, a
and what I know about the Katipunan Katipunan director arrived to take us to the
and the Revolution. First, I shall narrate the Katipunan headquarters. Before leaving
event relating to the Revolution beginning Lumbreras place, my two companions
from 14 March 1896: then I shall deal with were blindfolded. Then we got into a calesa
the organization and activities of the Most (horsecart) and reached the home of
Venerable Supreme Society of the Sons of Andres Bonifacio, the Katipunan Supremo,
the People (Kamahalmahalan at after about an hour’s ride. It was a
Kataastaasang Katipunan ng mga Anak ng moonlight night and since the street was
Bayan). The Katipunan account is based on
well-lit, we could see the house clearly. It
records which were entrusted to me by the
was of moderate size, the floor not too
original founder of the Katipunan. In the
much raised from the ground: it had
interest of honorable truth. I shall now
wooden walls and roof thatched with nipa
attempt to write a history of the Katipunan
(palm leaves). The house was located on
and the Revolution which I hope will be
Cervantes Street (now Rizal Avenue) in the
acceptable to all. However, I realize that it
San Ygnacio area of Bambang. It was
is inevitable that, in the narration of actual
surrounded by many guards, some of them
happenings, T shall run the risk of hurting
police who were Katipunan members.
the feeling of contemporaries and
Directing operations was Gregoria de Jesus,
comrades-in-arms. I would like to make it
the wife of the Supremo Bonifacio
clear that I shall try to be as possible and
We were led into a room in the inner part of
that is far from my intention of depreciate
the house. On the table covered with
anyone’ patriotism
black cloth were the skull and crossbones
and greatness.
from a human skeleton. Lying beside the
I shall be honored if these memoirs become
skull and crossbones were the following
a worthy addiction to what General
paraphernalia: a new long-blanded weapon,
Artemio Ricarte as already published in this
an old revolver, a small knife with a sharp
edge, a new pen, a copy of the Katipunan
“primer” and a sheet of paper on which
On 14 March 1896, a Saturday, I
were written blood-colored characters.
accompanied Emilio F. Aguinaldo and
On both sides of the table were Katipuneros
Raymund Mata to Manila for their initiation
blindfolded with the black cloth
into the Katipunan secret society.
On the wall behind the skull was a
Messrs. Aguinaldo and Mata were
rectangular banner of black cloth on which
prominent townsmen of Kawit, Cavite, my
was the same motif of human skull and

crossbones. Above the Banner were three We left the pier at Cavite at seven in the
K’s arranged as in a tripod: all were in morning, and an hour later we were in
white paint. Meanwhile, a woman lookout Manila. Aguinaldo went to the port office to
was heard to say, “Cool!” which was the attend to some business while I waited
code word for “all clear”. Shortly afterward, outside. When he comes out after about ten
the guides led the blindfolded into the minutes, he was agitated. His face was
house. The woman lookout told the guard, flushed and his steps were longer than
“They’re all here”. Nobody else is coming. usual, I asked him what was the matter. He
Alert your comrades about tighter security”. was upset over the superciliousness of one
Or execution, they pledge to destroy Ramon Padilla, with whom he had exchange
oppression by signing their names in their some sharp words. He said that Padilla,
own blood. When the ritual was over, the who was a functionary in the port office,
happy crowd of Katipunan members warmly tried to impress people with superior airs
embraced the neophytes amid shouts but only succeeded in showing how rude
“Brother! Brother!”. and uncouth he really was.
Still blindfolded, the neophytes were then We talked while walking, and soon we
escorted down the house and cordially reached Lavezares Street in Binondo where
sent off with a repetition of fraternal Dr. Pio Valenzuela was living in a rented
embraces. I then took over escorting house. Dr. Valenzuela was then the
Aguinaldo and Mata. When we had walked provisional chairman of the Katipunan. In
some distance from the Supremo’s house, I the house we met the Supremo, Andres
took off their blindfolds. We proceeded to Bonifacio, his wife Gregoria de Jesus; Jose
comrade Jacinto Lumbreras’ quarters at the Dizon; and Dr. Valenzuela himself. We were
telephone exchange, where we retired for welcome cordially with fraternal embraces.
the night. Incidentally, Lumbreras’ wife They said that they already knew Mr.
delivered a baby that night and we were Aguinaldo but they did not recognize him
witnesses to that event. since he had been blindfolded during their
Emilio Aguinaldo asked me to accompany first encounter.
him to see the Supremo Bonifacio again After we were all seated, we happily
to learn more about the Katipunan. We exchanged news and talked about the
made the trip to Manila on a Monday, 6 progress of the Katipunan. Once in a while,
April 1896. brother Aguinaldo hesitated, which
In those days, we Cavite folk traveled to promoted the observant Bonifacio to ask
and from Manila aboard Spanish vessel solicitously if anything was bothering him. I
called “Ynchausti boats” (meaning boats volunteered the information that he had
own by Jose Joaquin de Ynchausti). They some unpleasant experience with an official
bore names like “Isabel”, “Dominga” and at the port office and that was what
others. These vessels were purchased by probably was on his mind. I had scarcely
Mr. Luis Yango; their operations are now finished what I was saying when the
managed by his son Teodor. Supremo’s face flushed and his voice shook
as he said, “It is necessary to defend the
honor of our brother here”.
started in the night, included the massing
Immediately he sent Dr. Pio Valenzuela and of Spanish troops.
Jose Dizon to the house of Ramon
Padilla for redress to the dishonor he had ADDITIONAL NOTES:
showed to brother Aguinaldo. In default of 👬Twin Battles of Dalahican and Binakayan
an apology the two emissaries were to be ● Faction under Andres Bonifacio--
seconds in a duel. Santiago Alvarez
The Katipunan continued to spread. It was ● Battle of Binakayan - Magdalo (
Good Friday in the month of April 1896. faction under Emilio Aguinaldo)
At nine o’ clock in the morning, the ● Revolutionists - Filipinos divided into
Supremo Andres Bonifacio accompanied by two factions - misunderstanding
Dr. Pio Valenzuela, Emilio Jacinto and
Pantaleon Torres, arrived in the Town of Katipunan 🚩
Noveleta, Cavite province to establish a Recruitment system of the Katipunan --
provincial council of the Katipunan. Triangle Method (recuiting 2 members na
The Council came to be known as the hindi sila magkakilala)
Magdiwang. The following were its officers: Codes - messages
Mariano Alvarez, president; Pascual July - Dec 1892 -- Triangle Method in
Alvarez, secretary; Dionisio Alvarez, recruiting members
treasures; Valentin Salud, prosecutor; recruited members -- courage and
Benito Alix, sergeant-at-arms; Nicolas patriotism
Ricafrente, Adriano Guinto, Emeterio Malia initiation rites
and Valeriano Aquino, directors. physical and written initiation
While both councils approved their codes - messages
respective regulation uniforms, with a
common set of rank insignias, very few Ranking of members 🎖️
were able to comply because of unsettling 1. Katipon - associate - Anak ng Bayan
events coming one after the other. (password)
On Saturday, 28 September 1896, Captain 2. Kawal - soldiers - GOM -BUR-Za
General Apoy and general Vibora (password)
prepared to go to the field to inspect the 3. Bayani - patriot - - RIZAL (password)
fortifications to the west along the Cavite- Governing body
Batangas border, which were under the Supreme Council - National governing
command of Brig. Gen. Eleuterio Marasigan body- Kataas taasang Sangunian
and Col. Luciano San Miguel. But before Provincial Council - Sanguniang Bayan
the two Generals could leave, the Popular Council - Sanguniang Balangay
commander of the troops defending Katipunan - secret society but they also
Dalahican, Major Aklan, came to war considered - Government
ministry to report that they had sighted the
enemy fortifying the narrowest neck of Aims 🎯
Dalahican. The enemy activity, which had 1. Unity of the Filipinos

2. Fight for the independence of the Phils sino kina aguinaldo at andres bonifacio ang
--- prepared for a battle or uprising against magiging leader ng
the Spanish authorities revolutionists/katipuneros in the armed
Newspaper 🗞️ of Katipunan = Kalayaan Confusion 😵‍💫 on the part of the katipuneros
Discovery of the Katipunan - August 19, solved the rift
1896 Tejeros assembly = controversial issue
due to the misunderstanding of 2 Textbook 📚 - election, Emilio aguinaldo
Katipuneros who were working in the was elected as president and Bonifacio was
printing press Diario de Manila elected as director of interior
after Bonifacio was elected as a director of
Katipunan name interior, somebody question his
Emilio Aguinaldo = Magdalo qualification
Andres Bonifacio = Magdiwang Bonifacio was insulted 🤬 thus he walked
Jose Rizal = honorary leader out from the assembly declaring the
katipunan was formerly an association for election null and void making him the
men enemy of the new government
Bonifacio was arrested- trial - he found
Noveleta (place in Cavite) - Santiago guilty
Alvarez and family - provincial council punishment - to be executed
Magdiwang council (loyal to Andres by-laws / constitution
Bonifacio) guide to every member
Kartilya ng Katipunan
Kawit cavite - Emilio Aguinaldo 13 teachings - read and understand the
Magdalo council (Emilio Aguinaldo) teachings
★ is the teachings still relevant today?
2 faction or misunderstanding 😵‍ ★ if yes , how can we apply it?
Leadership sa katipunan - hmmm

August 30, 1896 - 8 provinces involved in

the uprising against the Spanish authorities
were declared under Martial law = start of Kartilya ng Katipunan
Philippine Revolution
By Emilio Jacinto
September of 1896 - Twin Battles of
The first move towards independence began
Binakayan and Dalahican
on July 7, 1892 when the Katipunan
Binakayan - magdalo
was established by Andres Bonifacio. This
Dalahican - magdiwang
was a result of the failure of the Reform
victory on the part of the katipuneros
movement in Spain in which Filipinos
conflict on leadership
attempted to demand reforms for the

from the Spanish government. This was also San Juan de Letran. He later studied law at
the time that the La Liga Filipina the University of Santo Tomas where he
established by Dr. Jose Rizal in the developed a love of reading and improved
Philippines naturally died due to Rizal’s his skills in Spanish. Unfortunately, he had
exiled in Dapitan. Bonifacio saw the futility to stop his studies when the Philippine
of the efforts of the Filipino propagandists Revolution began in 1896.
and organized an underground movement
against Spain. Jacinto joined the Katipunan in 1894 at the
The Kataastaasang Kagalang-galangang age of 18 and took the symbolic name
Katipunan ng mga Anak ng Bayan or KKK Pingkian. It was during this time that he
was a revolutionary society that espoused developed his nationalistic ideals. Through
independence and freedom for the his enthusiasm and ideas, Jacinto became a
Philippines through force of arms. Its main guiding light to the members of the society.
objective was separation of the Philippines He wrote the Kartilya as well as the oath of
from Spain and at the same time, the the Katipuneros. He also edited the
development of the Filipinos as citizens of Katipunan newspaper Kalayaan and was the
their own nation once independence was author of several literary writings using the
achieved. The latter objective was done pen- mane “Dimas Ilaw”. He served the
through the written works by Bonifacio and Katipunan in different capacities such as
fellow Katipunero, Emilio Jacinto, who wrote secretary, fiscal, editor and later appointed
a number of poems and essays for the General by Bonifacio in 1897. He also
society members. served as an adviser to the Supremo.
The recruitment process of the Katipunan After the death of Bonifacio in Cavite in
followed the Masonic initiation rites while 1897, Jacinto continued the fight against
its structure was said to be based on Rizal’s the Spaniards even after the Truce
aborted reformist organization, the La Liga following the Pact of Biak-na-Bato. He was
Filipina. The new members of the society wounded in a battle against the Spaniards
were indoctrinated with the Katipunan rules in Magdalena, Laguna and was captured.
and its teachings that emphasized the value Upon investigation, Jacinto was released
of the love of one’s country and fellow after he managed to convince the Spanish
Filipinos. soldiers he was a spy in their service when
he showed them a military pass issued to a

About the Author man, he killed several months ago. Jacinto

Emilio Jacinto was born on December 15, quickly went into hiding in Manila. There he

1875, in the district of Trozo in Tondo, sent a letter to Apolinario Mabini in

Manila. He was the son of Mariano Jacinto, Malolos, Bulacan stating his plan to

a bookkeeper and Josefa Dizon. Living a continue his law studies at the

life of poverty Jacinto still managed to get a newly-established Literary University of the

good education. He finished his elementary Philippines. But this plan was discontinued

education in a private school then took up when Jacinto had to go back to Laguna to

his secondary education at the Colegio de lead his fellow patriots in the war against

the new enemy, the Americans (Fil-Am Association of the Sons of the People
War). He established his headquarters in
the town of Majayjay where he, (Katipunan Nang Manga A. N. B)
unfortunately, contracted malaria. He died To Those Who Want to Join this Association
on April 6, 1899. (Sa May Nasang Makisanaib sa Katipunang
About the Kartilya
Kartilya is the best known of all Katipunan In order that all who want to enter this

texts and it is the only document of any Association may have a full understanding

length set in print by the Katipunan prior to and knowledge of its guiding principles and

August 1896. main teachings, it is necessary to make

The Kartilya was printed as a small these things known to them so that they

pamphlet that was distributed to the will not, tomorrow or the next day, repent

members of the Katipunan. Its term was and so that they may perform their duties

derived from the Spanish cartilla which was wholeheartedly.

the primer used for grade schools during This Association pursues a most worthy and

the Spanish period. Kartilya served as the momentous objectives: to unite the

primary lessons for the members of the hearts and minds of all the Tagalogs by

Katipunan. means of an inviolable oath, in order that

The Kartilya presents not only the teachings his union may be strong enough to tear

for the neophyte Katipunero but also the aside the thick veil that obscures thought,

guiding principles of the society. The and to find the true path of reasons and

teachings are expected from the members Enlightenment.

even after the attainment of freedom from One of the foremost rules here is TRUE

the colonizers. The Kartilya ends with a Love of the native land and Genuine

document of affirmation by the member to Compassion for one another.

the society’s teachings. Poor, rich, ignorant, wise – here, all are

The Kartilya was not just a document for equal and true brethren.

the Katipunan. Its importance today is As soon as anybody enters here, he shall

predicated on the teachings that embodied be force to renounce disorderly habits and

the moral and nationalistic principles shall submit to the authority of the sacred

of a nation that fought for independence. commands of the Katipunan.

These principles are relevant as the All acts contrary to noble and clear living

sense of nationhood still holds true when are repugnant here, and hence the life of

the cultural and historical values of anyone who wants to affiliate with this

every Filipino are threatened by the Association will be submitted to a searching

onslaught of foreign influences brought investigation.

about by today’s globalization. If the applicant merely wishes to know the

secrets of the Association or to seek

English Translation personal gratification, or to know who are

here in order to sell them for a handful of

silver, he cannot proceed, for here those The funds cannot be expended without the
who are watching him already know his consent of the majority.
intentions, and will immediately have All this must be thought over and
recourse to an effective remedy, such as deliberated upon calmly as it cannot be
befits traitors. accomplished or endured by anyone who
Here, only actions are demanded and has no love for his native land and no
esteemed; hence anybody who is not genuine desire to promote Progress.
willing to act should not enter, no matter And for the upliftment of your mind and
how good a speaker he might be. virtue, read the following
It is also announced that the duties to be
performed by the members of this Teachings of the Katipunan of the
association are exceedingly hard, especially
Sons of the People
if one remembers that there can be no
dereliction or willful evasion of duty without
1. Ang kabuhayang hindi ginugugol sa
the exaction of terrible punishment.
isang malaki at banal na kadahilanan ay
If an applicant merely desires financial
kahoy na walang lilim, kun di damong
support relief or wants to lead a life of
bodily comfort and ease, he had better not
The life that is not consecrated to a lofty
proceed, for he will encounter weighty
and reasonable purpose is a tree without a
tasks, like the protection of the oppressed
shade, if not a poisonous weed.
and the relentless fight against all that is
● living life with a purpose - We need to
set our goals and find meaning to our
In this way, his fate will be a vexatious life.
Nobody is unaware of the misfortune that
threatens the Filipino who contemplate
2. Ang gawang magaling na nagbubuhat sa
these things that are sacred (and even
pagpipita sa sarili, at hindi talagang nasang
those that are not) and the sufferings that
gumawa ng kagalingan, ay di kabaitan
are made to endure by the reign of cruelty,
To do good for personal gain and not for its
injustice and evil.
own sake is not virtue.
Everybody also knows the need for money,
which today is one of the main things
● Doing what is right - not to be selfish-
upon which we depend to bring sustenance
doing good must be accompanied
to all. In this regard, the punctual payment
with humbleness
of dues is required: one peso upon entry
and then twelve and a half centavos each
3. Ang tunay na kabanalan ay ang
month. The custodian of the funds will
pagkakawang gawa, ang pagibig sa
periodically render an account to the
kapwa at ang isukat ang bawat kilos, gawa’t
members and each member has a right to
pangungusap sa talagang
examine the accounts, should he so wish.

It is rational to be charitable and love one’s ngunit panahung nagdaan na’y di na muli
fellow creature, and to adjust one’s pang magdadaan.
conduct, acts and words to what is in itself Do not waste thy time: wealth can be
reasonable. recovered but not time lost.

● doing good /helping others without ● Time is gold - manage our time and
asking anything in return give our best like tomorrow ends -
telling your love to your parents,
4. Maitim man at maputi ang kulay ng balat, importance of family love
lahat ng tao’y magkakapantay:
mangyayaring ang isa’y higtan sa dunong, 8. Ipagtanggol mo ang inaapi; kabakahin
sa yaman, sa ganda…, ngunit di mahihigtan ang umaapi.
sa pagkatao. Defend the oppressed and fight the
Whether our skin be black or white, we are oppressor before the law or
all born equal: superiority in knowledge, in the field.
wealth and beauty are to be understood,
but not superiority by nature. ● fight for what is right - love for justice
● witness of a crime
● Equality, no to racism ● we need courage
● endangering your life
5. Ang may mataas na kalooban inuuna ang ● heroes
puri sa pagpipita sa sarili; ang may hamak
na kalooban, inuuna ang pagpipita sa sarili 9. Ang taong matalino’y ang may pagiingat
sa puri. sa bawat sasabihin, at matutong ipaglihim
The honorable man prefers honor to ang dapat ipaglihim.
personal gain; the scoundrel, gain to honor. The prudent man is sparing in words and
● Dignity yung tinitignan natin - they faithful in keeping secrets
are selling their names for money;
personal interest ● importance of trust and confidentiality
● issue - kris aquino (sister ni pres
Noynoy) - using her position/status to 10. Sa daang matinik ng kabuhayan, lalaki
help a friend - BIR ay siyang patugot ng asawa’t mga anak:
kung ang umaakay ay tungo sa sama, ang
6. Sa taong may hiya, salita’y panunumpa. pagtutunguhan ng inaakay ay kasamaan
To the honorable man, his word is sacred. din.
On the thorny path of life, man is the guide
● Word of honor “walk the talk” of woman and the children, and if the guide
man of words = Jose Rizal leads to the precipice, those whom he
guides will also go there.
7. Huwag mong sayangin ang panahun: ang
yamang nawala’y mangyayaring magbalik;

● Be a model ‘set an example’ - being yaon di nagpapaapi’t di nakikiapi; yaong
able to lead the family, community marunong magdamdam at marunong
● spiritual development lumingap sa bayang tinubuan.
● parents - first teachers Man is not worth more because he is a
● values king, because his nose is aquiline, and his
color white, not because he is a *priest, a
11. Ang babae ay huwag mong tignang servant of God, nor because of the high
isang bagay na libangan lamang, kun di prerogative that he enjoys upon earth, but
isang katuang at karamay sa mga kahirapan he is worth most who is a man of proven
nitong kabuhayan; gamitan mo nag boong and real value, who does good, keeps his
pagpipitagan ang kaniyang kahinaan, at words, is worthy and honest; he who does
alalahanin ang inang pinagbuhatan at not oppress nor consent to being
nagiwi sa iyong kasanggulan. oppressed, he who loves and cherishes his
Thou must not look upon woman as a mere fatherland, though he be born in the
plaything, but as a faithful companion who wilderness and know no tongue but his
will share with thee the penalties of life; own.
her (physical) weakness will increase thy
interest in her and she will remind thee of ● A man's life is not measured by what
the mother who bore thee and reared thee. is his status in life nor with the things
that he possesses. Instead, it is in his
● importance of women -- (respect) character and his love for the native
12. Ang di mo ibig na gawin sa asawa mo,
anak at kapatid, ay huwag mong gagawin sa 14. Paglagalap ng mga aral na ito at
asawa, anak at kapatid ng iba. maningning na sumikat ang araw ng mahal
What thou dost not desire done unto thy na Kalayaan dito sa kaabaabang
wife, children, brothers and sisters, that do Sangkapuluan, at sabugan ng matamis
not unto the wife, children, brothers and niyang liwanag ang nangagkaisang
sisters of thy neighbor. magkakalahi’t magkakapatid na ligayang
walang katapusan, ang mga ginugol na
● Golden rule buhay, pagud, at mga tiniis na kahirapa’y
labis nang natumbasan.
13. Ang kamahalan ng tao’y wala sa
pagkahari, wala sa tangus ng When these rules of conduct shall be
ilong at puti ng mukha, wala sa pagkaparing known to all, the longed- for sun of Liberty
kahalili ng Dios, wala sa mataas na shall rise brilliant over this most unhappy
kalagayan sa balat ng lupa: wagas at tunay portion of the globe and its rays shall
na mahal na tao, kahit laking gubat at diffuse everlasting joy among the
walang nababatid kun di ang sariling wika, confederated brethren of the same rays, the
yaon may magandang asal, may isang lives of those who have gone before, the
pangungusap, may dangal at puri; fatigues and the well-paid sufferings will

remain. If he who desires to enter (the Portugal and Spain - ⚔️rival countries in
Katipunan) has informed himself of all this terms of navigation
and believes he will be able to Portugal successfully discovered the
perform what will be his duties, he may fill eastward Route --- Cape of Good Hope
out the application for admission. and India
eastward route -- Atlantic ocean moving to
● Pag nagkaroon ng kalayaan ang mga the tip of Africa -- Indian ocean in order to
sacripisyo ay hindi na mararamdaman reach the east➡️
● It shows the sense of hopefulness for Spain - Christopher Columbus -- navigated
the motherland and that all the Atlantic ocean moving to the west⬅️
sacrifices made is not all for nothing. -- the new world (USA)
● Ipinapakita nito ang pag-asa ni -- Balboa - most dangerous ☠️ body of
Jacinto na makakamit ng Pilipinas ang water beyond south America -- South sea (
ganap na kalayaan mula sa Espanya. Pacific Ocean)
westward route
He studies the movement of the ocean 🌊-
westward route to reach the east

Lesson 4 - Butuan/Limasawa? Portuguese

King Manuel I - king of Portugal
The Site of the First Mass in declined the proposal of Magellan

the Philippines Proposed his plan to King Charles of Spain

Falaiero = astronomer 🧑‍🚀
Eventually, inapproved ni King Charles na
ADDITIONAL NOTES: bigyan ng Financial ang Magellan
Antonio Pigafetta
Francisco albo 5 ships 🚢 in the Magellan expedition
site of the first catholic mass in the Phils 1. Trinidad
(controversial issue - two points of view) 2. Concepcion
about the site/location of the first mass 3. Victoria
Butuan, Agusan del norte (Butuan version) 4. Santiago
Limasawa Leyte ( Limasawa version) 5. San Antonio

Expedition of Magellan 3 ships 🚢 that crossed the pacific ocean --

15th century Strait of Magellan (tip of Argentina)
turkey - a route that they used in going to strait of magellan - place where the water
the east from atlantic ocean and pacific ocean meet
trader- caravan 1. trinidad
India 2. victoria
China - spices 🧂 3. Concepcion

pacific ocean -- 98 days (3 months) King of Butuan
no food , no water 😵 Brother of Rajah
first island -- Guam Colambo
Magellan first name the island - Islands He was a visitor to
of sails ⛵ Mazaua.
there were many sail boats in the island He was the finest looking
natives of the islands stolen a sail boat from man, according to
the flag ship trinidad Pigafette.
Magellan changed the named of the island
as Island of Thieves The evidence 🧐 of albo’s log book
continue there voyage moving to the west- (limasawa version - francisco albo)
southwest mollucas island - spice islands (Indonesia)
March 16, 1521 - sighted mountain 2 Ships 🚢 = trinidad and victoria
● tridad -- returned back to spain using
the Magellan route ( Pacific Ocean -
FIRST VOYAGE AROUND THE WORLD strait magellan - atlantic ocean) ===
Ferdinand Magellan - First Circumnav… failed because the ship was captured

Antonio pigafetta diary (assistant ni by the Portuguese

Magellan) - Limasawa version on the site of ● victoria - spain using the eastward

the first mass - Pigafetta and Francisco route ( spice island - indian ocean -

Albo (Albo Log Book) tip of africa - cape of good hope -

atlantic ocean)

(3 sa ppt)Mazaua -- 1. place in leyte --

limasawa /masaua (elders) Humunu pigafetta - Gada - albo

2. Mindanao -- Agusan del Norte - Masao Mazaua - pigafetta - Mazava - albo

riverrine albo account he did not mentioned about

Butuan the eucharistic celebration, what he

mentioned is only the planting of the

Humunu/Homonhon == leyte gulf - island cross ✝️.

surrounded by water (uninhabited) - 8
days lang sila nagstay Humunu/Gada -- Mazaua (pigafetta) /
Mazava (albo)

2 kings 👑 Today - Limasawa

1. Rajah Kulambo/kalambo/ Colambo Masao is the same with Mazaua

magellan expedition with limasawa version - Masao, Butuan Agusan del norte

site of the first mass Zubu (Cebu) - April 7, 1521 (Magellan

limasawa version - pigafetta account arrived)

mazaua - location of the planting and 17th - 19th century -- historians -

Eucharistic celebration influenced (Butuan del norte)

1. Francisco Colin - 240 years - reissued

2. Rajah Siago/Siani by Pablo pastell (PPT)

2. Francisco Combes - reissued after annotate the book of morga - Dr. Jose
230 years by wenceslao Retana Rizal (concentrated)
assisted by Father pablo pastell (PPT)

Butuan tradition/version
Lesson 5 - The First Cry of
father Pablo pastell -- Wenceslao retana
Philippine Revolution
Carreri - Giro del Mundo (17TH CENTURY)
The Philippine Revolution of 1896 began
Juan dela concepcion - 14 volume history
with what became known as the “First Cry”
of the phils -- Manila (18TH CENTURY)
or the initial move of the Filipinos to begin
Joaquin de Zuniga (19TH CENTURY)
the revolution for independence. The event
● Dominican friars - UST who believed
happened after the Katipunan was exposed
in Butuan version
on August 19, 1896 and the Spaniards
● Professors of Ateneo who also
began to crack down on suspected rebels
supported the butuan version
News about the discovery of the Katipunan
● majority of the historians in the phils
spread to Manila and nearby suburbs, and
were influenced by the butuan
Andres Bonifacio immediately called for a
versionzaide and other historians
general meeting. Bonifacio asked his men
● in their book -- first mass was
whether they were willing to fight to the
officiated in Butuan agusan del norte
bitter end. Everyone shouted their approval,
The shift of opinion (20th century)
except for Teodoro Plata, who though that
butuan version - limasawa version (PPT)
it was too soon for a revolution. Heartened
by his men’s response, Bonifacio then
Butuan Tradition
asked them to tear their cedulas (residence
1. Second hand information (PPT)
certificates) to pieces, as a sign of their
2. Magellan and his men got to know the
defiance and determination to rise against
Rajah of Butuan at Masua. (Rajah
the Spaniards. The men immediately tore up
Siani - Masao, Butuan gusan del
their cedulas, shouting, Mabuhay ang
norte) (PPT) - Rajah of Butan is in
Pilipinas (long live the Philippines) -known
Masua (PPT)
as the First Cry of Philippine Revolution.
3. 1st mass must have been celebrated
The original plan was to start the revolution
at Butuan (PPT)
at the end of August but following the
1897 - Philippines at kaya doon
arrests of the Katipuneros, Bonifacio found
nagstart yung butuan version
it wise to begin the revolution that day and
he interviewed some of the 18
attack Manila at the end of the month.
survivors - of the Magellan expedition
In 1911, a monument to the Heroes of
- eucharistic celebration in the
1896 was erected in Balintawak where
archipelago (book - de moluccis
beginning in 1908, it was believed that the
insulis) - (1523) the book was a
first cry occurred in Balintawak on August
product of interview
26. However, the date and place of the
event was contradicted by different
Katipunan personalities who claimed that government should be started on August
they were there at the time. 29, 1896. Only one man protested and
The controversy, however, persists, with fought against a war and that was Teodoro
historians and other personalities Plata. Besides the persons named above,
(especially the descendants of the among those present at this meeting were
Katipunero witnesses) claiming that the Enrique Cipriano, Alfonso Pachero, Tomas
official date and place are wrong. Remigio, Sinforoso San Pedro and the
others. After the tumultuous meeting many

DR. PIO VALENZUELA’S ACCOUNT of those present tore their cedula

certificates and shouted “Long live the

An official of the Katipunan and a friend of Philippines! Long live the Philippines!”

Andres Bonifacio, who was present during

the event. His account was published as Santiago Alvarez’s Account
Memoirs of the K.K.K. and the Philippine
Revolution. He was a Filipino physician and In 1972, a pre-World War II Tagalog
he was the emissary sent by Bonifacio to weekly magazine named Sampaguita began
visit Dr. Jose Rizal in Dapitan. publishing the Katipunan memoirs of
general Santiago Virata Alvarez,

The Account (nom-de-guerre: Kidlat ng Apoy) one of the

The first place of refuge of Andres leaders of the Cavite revolution. The series

Bonifacio, Emilio Jacinto, Procopio appeared in 36 parts. It told the story of

Bonifacio, Teodoro Plata, Aguedo del the Philippine Revolution starting in

Rosario and myself was Balintawak, the first March 1896 until late 1897 interspersed

five arriving there on August 19 and I, on with personal accounts and stories of

August 20, 1896. The first place were some events during the revolution taken from

500 members of the katipunan met on Alvarez’ notes. The series was later

August 22,1896 was the house and yard of published as a book, titled “The Katipunan

Apolonio Samson at Kangkong. Aside from and the Revolution (QC:ADMU, 1992) with

the persons mentioned above, among those an English translation by Paula Carolina

who were there were Briccio Pantas, Malay.

Alejandro Santiago, Ramon Bernardo, The story of the First Cry is found in

Apolonio Samson and others. Here, views Chapter 6 of the memoirs. Alvarez presents

were only exchanged and no resolution was an account devoid of any dramatic

debated or adopted. It was at Pugad Lawin description as it is merely a narration of the

in the house, store-house and yard of Juan events that happened in Bahay Toro (now

Ramos, son of Melchora Aquino, where over part of project 8 in Quezon City) August 24,

1,000 members of the Katipunan met and 1896. It was found out that Alvarez was not

carried out considerable debate and an actual participant of the event, he was in

discussion on August 23, 1896. Cavite at the time, he was just narrating the

The discussion was whether or not information that he gathered from other

the revolution against the Spanish

katipuneros, this is his version of the first At ten o’clock that Sunday morning,
Cry, as follows: 23 August 1896, we arrived at Bahay Toro.
Our number had grown to more than 500

The Account and the house, yard and

We started our trek to Kangkong at

about eleven that night. We walked through The following day, Monday, 24

the rain over dark expanses of muddy August, more Katipuneros came and

meadows and fields. Our clothes drenched warehouse of Cabesang Melchora was

and our bodies numbed by the cold wind, getting crowded with us Katipuneros. The

we plodded wordlessly. It was nearly two in generous hospitality of Cabesang Melchora

the morning. was no less than that of Apolonio Samson.

When we reached the house of Brother Like him, she also opened her granary and

Apolonio Samson in Kangkong. We crowded had plenty of rice pounded and animals

into the house to rest and warm ourselves. slaughtered to feed us. . .

We were so tired that, after hanging our

clothes out to dry, we so on fell asleep. . . increased our number to more than a
thousand. The supremo called a meeting at

The Supremo began assigning guards ten o’clock that morning inside Cabesang

at five o’clock the following morning, Melchora’s barn. Flanking him on both

Saturday 22 August 1896. He placed a sides at the head of the table were Dr. Pio

detachment at the Balintawak boundary and Valenzuela, Emilio Jacinto, Briccio Pantas,

another at the backyard to the north of the Enrique Pacheco, Ramon Bernardo,

house where we were gathered. . . Pantelaon Torres, Francisco Carreon,

Vicente Fernandez, Teodoro Plata and

No less than three hundred men others. We were so crowded that some

assembled at the bidding of the Supremo stood outside the barn. The following

Andres Bonifacio. Altogether, they carried matters were approved at the meeting:

assorted weapons, bolos, spears, daggers,

a dozen small revolvers and a rifle used by 1. An uprising to defend the people’s

its owner, one Lieutenant Manuel, for freedom was to be started at midnight of

hunting birds. The supremo Bonifacio was Saturday, 29 August 1896;

restless because of fear of a sudden attack 2. To be on a state of alert so that the

by the enemy. He was worried over the Katipunan forces could strike should the

thought that any of the couriers carrying situation arise where the enemy was at a

the letter sent by Emilio Jacinto could have disadvantage. Thus, the uprising could be

been intercepted: and in that eventuality, started earlier than the agreed time of

the enemy would surely know their midnight of 29 August 1896 should a

whereabouts and attack them on the sly. He favorable opportunity arise at that date.

decided that it was better to move to a site Everyone should steel himself and be

called Bahay Toro. resolute in the struggle that was imminent;


3. He immediate objective was the capture remember, were Bonifacio, Emilio Jacinto,
of Manila. Aguedo del Rosario, Tomas Remigio, Briccio
Pantas, Teodoro Plata, Pio Valenzuela,
After the adjournment of the meeting at Enrique Pacheco, and Francisco Carreon.
twelve noon, there were tumultuous shouts They were all leaders of the Katipunan and
of “Long live the Sons of the People composed the board of directors of the
organization. Delegates from Bulacan,

Guillermo Masangkay’s Account Cabanatuan, Cavite, and Morong were

also present

In 1932, Guillermo Masangkay, a

friend and fellow Katipunero of Andres At about nine o’clock in the morning

Bonifacio, recounted his experiences as a of August 26, the meeting was opened with

member of Andres Bonifacio, recounted his Andres Bonifacio presiding and Emilio

experiences as a member of the Jacinto acting as secretary. The purpose

revolutionary movement. In an interview was to discuss when the uprising was to

with the Sunday Tribune magazine, take place. Teodoro Plata, Briccio Pantas,

masangkay said that the First Cry happened and Pio Valenzuela were all opposed to

in Balintawak on August 26,1896. In the starting the revolution too early… Andres

first decade of American Rule, it was his Bonifacio, sensing that he would lose the

account that was used by the government discussion then, left the session hall and

and civic officials to fix the date and place talked to the people, who were waiting

of the First cry which was capped with the outside for the result of the meeting of the

erection of the “Monument to the Heroes of leaders. He told the people that the leaders

1896” in the place. were arguing against starting the revolution

early, and appealed to them in a fiery

However, in an interview published in speech in which he said: “You remember

the newspaper Bagong Buhay on August the fate of our countrymen who were shot

20, 1957, Masangkay changed his narrative in Bagumbayan. Should we return now to

state in that the revolution began on the towns, the Spaniards will only shoot

August 23, 1896, similar to the assertion of us. Our organization has been discovered

Dr. Pio Valenzuela. But Masangkay’s date and we are all marked men. If we don’t start

was later changed again when his the uprising, the Spaniards will get us

granddaughter, Soledad Buehler Barromeo, anyway. What then, do you say?”

cited sources, including the Masangkay “Revolt!” the people shouted as one.

paper, that the original date was August 26.

Bonifacio then asked the people to
give a pledge that they were to revolt. He
The Account
told them that the sign of slavery of the
On August 26th, a big meeting was
Filipinos were (sic) the cedula tax charged
held in Balintawak, at the house of Apolonio
each citizen. “If it is true that you are
Samson, then cabeza of that barrio of
Caloocan. Among those who attended, I
ready to revolt... I want to see you destroy after Bonifacio’s intense and convincing
your cedulas. It will be a sign that all of us speech, everyone destroyed their cedulas
have declared our severance from the to symbolize their defiance towards Spain
Spaniards. and, together, raised the cry of “Revolt”.

The Cry of Balintawak occurred on Different dates and places

August 26, 1896. The Cry, defined as that
(Secondary Sources)
turning point when the Filipinos finally
refused Spanish colonial dominion over the
Various accounts give differing dates and
Philippine Islands. With tears in their
places for the Cry of Pugad Lawin.
eyes, the people as one man, pulled out
their cedulas and tore them into pieces. It
An officer of the Spanish guardia civil, Lt.
was the beginning of the formal declaration
Olegario Diaz, stated that the Cry took
of the separation from Spanish rule.”Long
place in Balintawak on August
Live the Philippine Republic!”, the cry of the
25, 1896.

Historian Teodoro Kalaw in his 1925 book

An article from The Sunday Tribune
The Filipino Revolution wrote that the event
Magazine on August 21, 1932 featured the
took place during the last week of August
statements of the eyewitness account by
1896 at Kangkong, Balintawak.
Katipunan General Guillermo Masangkay, “A
Katipunero Speaks”. Masangkay recounts
Santiago Alvarez, a Katipunero and son of
the “Cry of Balintawak”, stating that on
Mariano Alvarez, the leader of the
August 26,1896, a big meeting was held in
Magdiwang faction in Cavite, stated in
Balintawak at the house of Apolonio
1927 that the Cry took place in Bahay Toro,
Samson, then the cabeza of that barrio of
now in Quezon City on August 24, 1896.
Caloocan. At about nine o’clock in the
morning of August 26, the meeting was
Pío Valenzuela, a close associate of Andrés
opened with Andres Bonifacio presiding and
Bonifacio, declared in 1948 that it
Emilio Jacinto acting as Secretary. In
happened in Pugad Lawin on August 23,
August 1896, after the Katipunan was
discovered, Masangkay joined Bonifacio,
Emilio Jacinto, and others in a clandestine
Historian Gregorio Zaide stated in his books
meeting held on the 26th of that month at
in 1954 that the “Cry” happened in
Apolonio Samson’s house in Caloocan.
Balintawak on August 26, 1896.

Initially, the leaders of the movement

Fellow historian Teodoro Agoncillo wrote in
quarreled over strategy and tactics, and
1956 that it took place in Pugad Lawin on
many of its members questioned the
August 23, 1896, based on Pío
wisdom of an open rebellion due to the lack
Valenzuela’s statement.
of arms and logistical support. However,

Accounts by historians Milagros Guerrero, Symbol of cedula: a symbol of vassalage to
Emmanuel Encarnacion and Ramon Villegas spain or ayaw mo na magpaunder sa kanila
claim the event to have taken place in
Tandang Sora’s barn in Gulod, Barangay emissary of andres in dapitan
Banlat, Quezon City pio valenzuela

Some of the apparent confusion is in part What are the similarities and differences
due to the double meanings of the terms among the 3 accounts? (EXAM kasama 🧐)
“Balintawak” and “Caloocan” at the turn of Similarities
the century. Balintawak referred both to a Differences
specific place in modern Caloocan City and
a wider area which included parts of second thoughts regarding the date -
modern Quezon City. Similarly, Caloocan masangkay
referred to modern Caloocan City and also august 23
a wider area which included modern the same with pio valenzuela
Quezon City and part of modern Pasig. after the death of masangkay -- a relative
Pugad Lawin, Pasong Tamo, Kangkong and change august 23 -- august 26
other specific places were all in “greater Pio valenzuela - house of juan ramos -
Balintawak”, which was in turn part of pugadlawin
“greater Caloocan masangkay - house of apolonio samson -

ADDITIONAL NOTES: issue until regasrding the date and place of

1892 - founding of the Katipunan the cry

--- 4 years after

----August 19 , 1896 - discovery of the Xiao Time: Ang Unang Sigaw ng Hima…

KKK no sense of time

due to the misunderstanding of 2 all the places are in caloocan

Katipuneros working in the Manila printing many meetings 🤝 were held

press Alvarez was in Cavite during the

Spanish authorities ordered the arrest of all meeting/cry of revolution -- his statement

suspicious men in the community was shared only by other katipuneros to

Andres Bonifacio and his men decided to him

hide participants -- cry ( pio valenzuela /

meeting in a particular location on a masangkay)

particular day eye - witnesses of the cry

issue - where is that place and when right date and right place

4 version - place, date of the first cry of phil Masangkay - August 23 ( Valenzuela)

independence Valenzuela ( Juan Ramos - son of Melchora


Cry😭 of Phil Independence - tearing of the Pugadlawin

cedula🧾 (Punitin and cedula) Masangkay - Apolonio samson (Balintawak)


You've worked hard for this exam, so

give it your all! Best wishes to you.

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