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The lesson

Gaining the children‘s attention before starting a lesson is essential

in order to create a positive learning environment. Below are some
suggestions on how to gain children‘s attention.

Tips: Ready to start the lesson

When ready to start the lesson wait until you have the
children‘s full attention. It is very important not to start to
speak to the class if any of the children are still talking.
Explain the task and check the children‘s understanding.
If the lesson requires quiet partner talking, one way to ensure
this is happening is to catch a child whispering as soon as the
activity has been set. Stop the class and reward that child for
whispering with a token reward. Whispering starts to become
contagious and by rewarding certain children throughout the
lesson, you‘ll find that the whole class is concentrating on the
activity in a quiet and productive atmosphere.

Tips: Gaining their attention

The rhythm game

Let the class know that when you want their attention you‘ll clap
a rhythm and they must copy that beat. When you stop clapping
you want their eyes on you and no talking.
The children who complete the task are rewarded with the
chosen token reward.
Make it challenging for the children by clapping more
complicated beats.
When increasing difficulty levels remember to provide them
with challenges that they are able to complete without feeling
frustrated, otherwise this will have a detrimental effect on
their behaviour.

Practical approaches to behaviour management in the classroom 15

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