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1. M.SHAHAN MOBIN – 41829

2. MARIA RIZWAN – 41734

3. M.HUZAIFA – 41324

4. SUMEET KUMAR – 41198

5. M.DAIM ABBAS - 42301


Day/Timing: TUESDAY (8:30-11:30)

Program: BBA-H

Instructor Name: Miss UME SUMAYYA

Human beings are responsible for their own behavior. Our behavior is a
function of our decisions, not our conditions. We have to be initiative and
responsible to make things. “Response-able “ability to choose your response.

“They cannot take away our self respect if we do not give it to them”.


Proactive People:

 They never depend on anyone.

 They carry their own whether with them.
 They never blame anyone or anything.
 Behavior is a product of their conscious choice, based on values.
 They are influenced by external stimulus but their response is value
Reactive People:
 They always depend in others.
 If weather is good, they feel good, if it is bad, they feel bad.
 They blame circumstances, conditions, based on feelings.
 Reactive people build their lives around other emotions.
 Behavior is a product of their conditions, based on feelings.

Being proactive simply means taking conscious control over your life,
rather than reacting to events and waiting for opportunities. There are four factors
that help us to adopt proactively.

1. Self-Awareness: It is an understanding that you do have a choice

between stimuli and response. If someone is talking to you in a harsh way, it’s
your choice to stay calm or get hyper.

2. Conscience: The ability to consult your inner self to decide, what is

right for you. You can make certain decisions based on unchanging principles,
regardless of what is socially favorable at the moment

3. Creative Imagination: The ability to visualize alternative response.

By using your own imagination, you can mentally generate and evaluate different

4. Independent Will :You have the freedom to choose your own unique
reaction. You are not forced to conform to what others expect from you

Proactive peoples keep their commitment and try their level best to do what they
have committed. On the other hand, reactive people complete their commitments
according to their moods.


Reactive person feel highly victimize and not in charge of their life or
their aims. They blame environmental and social forces even the stars for their
own situations while proactive person always take responsibity for what happens.
They never blame conditions and they accept every consequence that is because
of their decision.

For example; I have to do it/ I choose to do it

if only my wife is more patient/ I can be more understanding
Begin with the end in, mind this is a quote from Stephen r. covey and it is the habit # 2of the
7 habit of his book it means to start with the clear direction where you have to go and you
should have clear understanding of your destination, so it’s all about vision, imagination and
assuming your future.


Things are always created twice first in your mind and second are physical reality that mean
first off all you have to set your vision and work hard on it to make it physical reality.
Actually your dreams are also your vision but to accomplish it you have to be more efficient
and smart thinker to make your imagination in reality


Beginning with the end in mind is also valuable for businesses, being a manger is about to
hike for productivity but being a leader is about to mounting the right calculated sight for
your organization in the first place, and asking, what are we trying to achieve.

Covey explains that re-scripting is recognizing in

effective scripts that have been written for us, and changing those scrips by actively writing
new ones that are built of our own values. Following others mean being a slave so you should
have to make your own vision instead of following other.


Covey exceeds and say that our self-awareness gives power to us to shape our lives instead of
living by default, or build on the quality and liking of others. Around many of us or even
ourselves we find it easy to occupy ourselves. Everyone including us work hard to achieve
success. But we don’t often evaluate the meaning behind this busyness and behind these
victories. We do not sit and think if these things we are doing what really matters to us.
Whatever is at the center of our life will be the origin of our security wisdom power and
guidance so it is also important to identify our center. Our center influences us radically they
regulate our daily decision, action, and motivation as well as our definition of occasions.

Covey notes that none of these centers are ideal, and that alternatively we should aim to be
principle-centered. We should identify the constant, enduring principles by which we must
live our lives.

It is bases on self management which says, “Put First Things First”. It is

actually all about beginning with the end in mind. First we create things in our
mind to achieve it in real world. First things are those things which you found out
most worth of.

“Time isn’t the main thing,

it’s the only thing.”

Miles Davis

A person can only be interdependent if he is a self master. He can only be

interdependent if he knows that only his WILL can rule him but not the external
factor. It is the skill to make your own decision and follow them. If the person’s
will is strong and he has complete faith in his own being.

There are four generations of time management

First Generation is all about reminders like on your cell phone or notes or to do
lists, where we can remind ourselves our tasks.

Second generation mainly focuses on planning and preparation like managing

your schedule, calendars and appointment books come in this generation so it
helps a person to manage his daily tasks and future schedules.

Third generation include your goals your planning’s for future, now you work
according to the future goals you have set your daily tasks according to your
Fourth Generation is the most important one and is a major step above all
the rest of generations and it even fulfills the gap found in the third generation. It
focuses on tasks that have high values and helps us to achieve them
In Quadrants you will find all of your crises here and almost every person
find themselves in first quadrant and the problem is that they even don’t know
there is a fine line between important and urgent.
It is based mainly on personal leadership and prioritizing tasks based on
their importance.
A lot of people spend a lot of time with the tasks that fall in quadrant 3 but they
think that they are in quadrant 1, they get confused a lot. On the other hand
people think the tasks they are doing are important but they are not.
People who have non-serious attitude with their lives are a part of this
quadrant 4. Quadrant 4 has no values and makes our lives meaningless and


Never say NO to important things in life. At the same time, don’t say YES
to unnecessary and unimportant things under pressure. Don’t make commitment
if you cannot fulfill them. But, if you make a commitment to do something
which you doesn’t wanted to do, that realize the word of saying “NO”.
In order to establish effective interdependent relationships, we should focus on
making Win-Win situations that are commonly valuable and fulfilling to each

“We have committed the Golden Rule to memory;

Let us now commit it to life.”


In his book, Covey explains that there are six paradigms of human interaction:

1. Win-Win: Both people win. Agreements or arrangements are commonly

advantageous and fulfilling to the two gatherings.
2. Win-Lose: “If I win, you lose.” They are inclined to utilize position,
power, qualifications, and identity to get their direction.
3. Lose-Win: “I lose, you win.” Lose-Win people are speedy to please and
mollify, and look for quality from popularity or acknowledgment.
4. Lose-Lose: Both people lose. When two Win-Lose people get together -
that is, when two determined, resolved, sense of self contributed people
communicate - the outcome will be Lose-Lose.
5.  Win: People with the Win attitude don't really need another person to
lose - that is insignificant. What is important is that they get what they
6.  Win-Win or No Deal: In the event that you can't achieve an
understanding that is commonly advantageous, there is no
The best option is to create Win-Win situations. With Win-Lose, or
Lose-Win, one individual seems to get what he needs for the occasion, yet
the outcomes will unfairly affect the connection between those two
individuals going ahead.
The Win-Win or No Deal option is important to use as a backup.
When we have No Deal as an alternative in our brain, it liberates us from
expecting to control individuals and push our very own plan. We can be
open and really try to understand the underlying issues.
To achieve Win-Win, keep the focus on results, not methods; on
problems, not people. The spirit of Win-Win can’t survive in an
environment of competition. As an association, we have to adjust our
reward framework to our objectives and values and have the frameworks
set up to help Win-Win.

Covey discloses to us right off the bat in this part "regardless of whether someone
else isn't originating from a Win/Win worldview, look for first to get it". Habit 5
demonstrates to us how we can agreeably manage circumstances that emerge inside
Win/Win situations when we're attempting to cooperate, considering our disparities.

There are four essential sorts of communication:

1. Reading

2. Writing

3. Speaking

4. Listening

In comparison the numerous hours spent figuring out how to do the initial three, the
last kind of correspondence has been dismissed, focuses covey. "Nearly few
individuals have had any preparation in listening whatsoever". He discloses that
looking to initially understand includes a profound change in perspective: We tend to
tune in with plan of answering as opposed to that of understanding. We're by and
large either talking or getting ready to talk, regularly considering what the other
individual is stating just in light of our own encounters and perspectives.

At the point when someone else talks, we're normally "listening" at one of four
.Ignoring: not listening at all.

.Pretending: "Yes. Well. Right."

.Selective listening: hearing just particular parts of the discussion.

.Attentive listening: paying attention and focusing energy on the words that are
being said.

Not all of us ever work on listening on the fifth level, “the empathic listening level”.
It includes getting inside someone else's edge of reference, with the goal of genuine


As per Covey, it takes a lot of security to go into a profound listening
knowledge since we open ourselves up to be impacted. We end up
defenseless. "Since you truly listen, you wind up influenceable and being
influnceable is the way to affecting others." This is the reason that habits
1, 2 and 3 are so essential: since they enable us to stay focused and
mindful of ourselves. Being understood is similarly vital in achieving
Win/Win arrangements.
By understanding and valuing the differences in someone else point of view,, we
have the chance to make cooperative energy, which enables us to reveal new
potential outcomes through openness and imagination.

The combination of all the other habits prepares us for Habit 6, which is
the habit of synergy or "When one plus one equals three or more and the entire is
great than the sum of its parts."

For example: in the event that you plant two plants near one another, their
underlying foundations will intermix and enhance the nature of the dirt, with the
goal that the two plants will develop superior to anything they would individually.

Synergize enables us to make new options and open new potential

outcomes. It enables us as a group to collectively agree to discard the old contents
and compose new ones.

Without doubt, you have to leave the comfort zone of base camp and

Confront an entirely new and unknown wilderness." 

-Stephen Covey

Synergy allows us to:

 Value the differences in other individuals as an approach to extend your
 Sidestep negative energy and search for the positive qualities in others.
 Exercise strength in associated circumstances to be open and encourage
others to be open.
 Catalyze creativity and discover an answer that will be better for
everybody by searching for a third option.
The last Habit contained in this book, "Sharpen The Saw", is tied in with
developing the best resource we have - ourselves. More specifically, it is tied in
with recharging the four essential measurements of our lives: the physical, mental,
social/emotional and spiritual.

Covey specifies that "although diverse words are utilized, most philosophies of
life bargain either explicitly or implicitly with these four measurements". He says
that interest in ourselves is the absolute most intense speculation we can ever
make throughout everyday life.

The 4 dimensions of renewal:

 The Physical dimension includes thinking about our physical body.

The correct nourishment, unwinding and practicing all the time are on the
whole vital. As indicated by Covey, a great exercise program is one we
can do in our home and one that fabricates our body in three territories:
endurance, flexibility and strength. The author tells us that on the off
chance that we haven't been working out, our body will without a doubt
dissent at first. He says that we may even abhor it, yet that we should be
persevering and do it at any rate.
 The Mental dimension is tied in with perusing great writing all the
time to restore our brains. Likewise, keeping a diary of our thoughts,
experiences and insights of knowledge is significantly more gainful than
overexposure to TV.
 The Social/Emotional dimension is exceptionally identified with
our feeling of individual security. Inborn security doesn't originate from
what other individuals consider us or how they treat us, from our
conditions or our position. It originates from inside. "It originates from
exact ideal models and right standards somewhere down as far as we could
tell and hearts. It originates from back to front coinciding, from carrying
on with a real existence of respectability in which our day by day habits
reflect our most profound qualities," says Covey.
 The Spiritual dimension is our center, our inside, our duty to our
esteem framework. This dimension is identified with an exceptionally
private aspects of our lives and draws upon the sources that motivate and
inspire us. "Also, individuals do it, in an unexpected way," says Covey.

Balance In Renewal:

The equalization in every one of the four dimensions of renewal is essential. To

disregard any one territory adversely impacts the rest. Renewal turns out to be
ideally powerful as we manage every one of the four measurements in a wise and
adjusted way.

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