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1. Do you work or are you a student?

I'm a student and I'm currently studying at Ho Chi Minh City University of Food Industry
2. Have you ever applied for a job?
Yes, I have. I used to work as a waitress in a restaurant and a coffee shop.
3. If you are a student, what job would you like to do?
I want to do a job related to the field of study I am studying
4. If you are already working, what job do you do?
I want to do a job related to the field of study I am studying
5. What would your ideal job be?
It’s a chief accountant of a company
6. Would you move to another country to do your job?
If possible, I will go to America to develop my ability
7. Are there many job opportunities for young people in your country?
Yes, because there are many jobs, they can choose the right one for them
8. Would you do a job you didn't like just because the money was good?
I think not because I want to do the job that I have chosen
9. Would you do a very badly-paid job if you loved it?
If the salary is too low, I will not choose this job
10. Do you like working with other people or do you prefer to be independent?
I prefer teamwork because we can exchange knowledge with each other
11. Have you ever had a part time job?
Yes, I have. I used to work as a waitress at a coffee shop
12. Why did you choose that job?
Because I want to experience that work
13. Have you travelled to another country?
No, I haven’t. Because I haven't had a chance to travel abroad yet
14. Where did you go on your last vacation?
I went back to my hometown to visit my grandparents
15. How long have you known your best friend?
we have known each other for over a year
16. What kind of job do you want in the future?
It’s a chief accountant of a company
1. What's your favourite gadget?
My favourite gadget is the DSLR camera, because I am keenly interested in clicking photographs
2. What do you think is the most important advance in technology?
For me, inventing smartphone was the most crucial and significant technology on history.
3. Are there any gadgets that you think are a waste of money or time?
For me are the useless games on the phone
4. In what ways can technology be bad?
it affects psychologically and physically and not focusing on important tasks
5. How often do you get a new mobile phone?
No, I don’t offen get a new mobile phone
6. Do you have a laptop or tablet?
Yes, I have a laptop since 6th grade
7. Do you ever listen to music on an MP3 player?
Yes, I listened to music on an MP3 player
8. What do you think about people downloading music, films and TV series?
I think they don’t want to pay for they content they want to consume, or it’s too costly.
9. Who is the inventor you like best?
Thomas Edison because he is the inventor of the light bulb.
10. What do you think is the most important invention?
I think fire because Fire protects, gives warmth, and changes the way people cook.
11. What is your favourite piece of technology?
My piano. Take off the lid and look inside. A wonder of engineering!
12. What are some problems that come with new technologies?
If you do not adapt quickly and take advantage, you will face the risk of being left behind and
may find it difficult to survive.
1. Have you ever been camping? What was it like?
Yes, I have. Organize outdoor dining, go fishing together, play games together
2. What's your favourite kind of holiday?
Summer vacation because it helps I relax and rest after a hard-working year.
3. Do you prefer to visit places with a tour guide or on your own?
I like to alone, because I want to explore on my own
4. Have you ever been on a cruise?
No, I haven’t. Because I haven't had a chance
5. Do you enjoy sightseeing in a new place?
Yes, because I love to discover new things
6. Would you ever go on a self-catering holiday?
Yes, I want to spend some time for myself
7. Is the place you come from a tourist area?
No, it isn’t. It is the countryside
8. Would you like to work in the tourist industry?
Yes, I’d like. Because I want to explore more things in many cities
9. What do you do first when you travel to a new city/country?
I will enjoy the food of that city
10. What has been your best vacation?
Summer vacation because it helps I relax and rest after a hard-working year.
11. Where would you like to travel to?
I like travel to Japan, because I like to see cherry blossoms
12. What is your dream vacation?
Summer vacation because it helps I relax and rest after a hard-working year.
13. What do you like to do when you are on vacation/visit a new place?
I will enjoy the food of that place
14. What should tourists see or do in your town or city?
Tourists should enjoy the food in my city
15. Are you planning to go anywhere nice on vacation this year?
I will go to DaLat with my family
1. What was the last thing you bought?
The last one I bought most recently was clothes
2. Do you usually buy things from small local producers or big international companies?
Yes, I usually buy clothes from big international companies
3. Do you think logos are important in business?
Yes, because it gives the brand to their company
4. What kind of clothes do you like to buy?
I like to buy comfortable clothes
5. Which types of technology do you have at home? not?
These appliances include an induction stove, a dishwasher.
6. Do you think people have too much stuff? Why?/Why
Yes I do. Most humans seem to want to show off, by buying many things they really DON'T
“need”. to impress other people.
7. How often do you buy something you don't need?
I only buy what I really need
8. What's your favourite website, and why?
Google because it helps me search many things
9. What is something you used to do, but don't anymore?
stay up late, because it affects my health quite a lot
10. What is something you do now, that you didn't used to do?
Do exercise because now I feel good exercise for health
11. Can you describe the logo of your favourite product?
It’s Gucci because it is very elegantly designed
12. How can we convince someone to shop less/spend less time online?
I would say negative issues when they buy too much, and spend too much time online

1. Would you like to go on an expedition somewhere?
I want to expedite the top of the Fancipan Mountain peek
2. Where would you not like to go exploring and why?
at the bottom of the ocean, because it's very dangerous
3. What three personal things would you put in a time capsule?
- Family photo album - moments frozen in time, memories of a life lived
- Eat, Pray, Love - the defining book of my current existence
- A handwritten note to the person who opens the time capsule, wishing them good fortune.
4. Which three objects do you think best illustrate our lives at the moment?

5. Is the place you come from a place of historical interest?

yes because that's where all the people unite to fight against invaders
6. Which ancient civilisation would you like to have lived in?
Egyptian civilization because it was one of the most flourishing civilizations of the ancient world
7. If you went back in time for a short visit, what would you miss most?
I will miss the memories
8. List three things that you used to do when you were younger.
travel, go on adventures, participate in charity activities
9. What sorts of games do you like to play?
I like adventure games like mountain climbing
10. What is your favourite game?
It’s Lien quan mobile
11. How often do you play games?
I play game 3 times a week
12. What is your town famous for?
my city has many tourist attractions like Yok Don National Park, World Coffee Museum
13. What is a museum you have enjoyed visiting? Why?
World Coffee Museum because Coming to this place, you will better understand the history of
coffee, coffee cultur
14. Do you like visiting historical places?
Yes, because I want to know more about the history of these monuments

1. Have you ever been to a zoo?
I used to go to the zoo when I was in 6th grade
2. Does your hometown have a zoo nearby?
Yes and it's called Yok Don National Park
3. What kind of animals do you like best?
I like elephants because they are so cute
4. Are there any insects or reptiles that you're afraid of?
I hate snakes because they bite very hard even they are poisonous
5. What's your favourite type of natural location?
The sky because it can look like a painters palette, while being the painters muse.
6. Is there a park that you like to spend time in?
Yes, it’s, On weekends I usually go to the park to relax
7. What can you see from the windows in the place you live?
Sky, many houses, people, birds, and many trees
8. Do you belong to a conservation or environmental club or society?
I am not currently participating, but in the future I will join the environmental protection club
9. Would you live in another country if you could? Which one and why?
I prefer living in Vietnam because the people here are very sociable and kind
10. What would you ask someone famous if you met them?
I prefer living in Vietnam because the people here are very sociable and kind?
11. If you won a lot of money, would you stop working or studying?
I will ask them if they are happy with the life they have right now
12. Would you like to be famous? If so, what would you want to be famous for doing?
I don't want to be famous because I like the ordinary life
13. Do you like wild animals?
Yes, because i find them quite cute
14. What is your favourite wild animal?
It’s lion because it looks so cool, powerful
15. What is the best place in Vietnam to enjoy nature like waterfalls, beaches, lakes, mountains,
or forests?
Phu Quoc island because This place has primeval forests and beautiful and poetic pristine

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