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2) MARIA RIZWAN (41734)
4) SUMEET KUMAR (41198)
Scene #01 (Time management)
Scene #01 is divided into two parts;

 In first part we will show how all the employees of the office come to office on time.
Actors: Maria, Huzaifa, Sumeet, Daim
 In second part we will try to show that Daim is late for office and he is in a hurry so he
hit Sumeet while running in a office to get to his table as he is already late.
Actors: Daim (the one who is late for office), Sumeet (the one who was hit by Daim)

Message: “Always be on time for office but if you are late so try not to
Disturb others office mates.”

Scene #02 (Don’t eat anything in office)

Scene #02 consists of only one scene. In scene #02 we try to show that one office mate who
leaves his/her work and start eating snacks in office and disturb other office mates as well by
offering them

 In this scene Maria leaves her office work and starts eating snacks in office and offers
other office mates as well to leave their work for snacks.
Actors: Maria (the one who is eating snacks in office)

Message: “ You should not eat anything in office during office timing but if you are already
eating something while leaving all the work so try not to distract others from their

work by offering them as well.”

Scene #03 (Always put phone on silent mode)

Scene #03 consist of one part;

 In first part we try to show that there is a meeting going and suddenly the cell phone of
one of the employee who was attending the meeting rang with the loud ringtone through
which all the other employees who were attending the meeting were distracted. Instead of
putting his phone on a silent mode he always rejected the phone call and the phone rings
again and again and the employees get disturbed again and again.
Actors: Huzaifa (the one whose phone rings again and again)
Message: “Always put your phone on a silent mode during meeting.”
Scene #04 ( Donot disturb other with your conversation)
 In this scene we try to show that one is free from work and started conversation with his
office mate and then he/she tries to drag other office mates (who were busy in their work)
in their conversation.
Actors: Huzaifa and Daim (they are free from work and started conversation with each
other) Sumeet and Maria (the one who effected by their conversation)
Message: “if you are free from work so try not to distract and disturb other by dragging
them into your conversation as they are not free.”

Scene #05 (Try not to be loud when one is on call around you)
This scene consists of two further scenes;
 In first scene Sumeet is on a call and Maria and Huzaifa are busy in their conversation.
Because of their loud tune conversation it is difficult for Sumeet to hear clearly. When
Sumeet asks them to lower their voice as it creates difficulty for him in hearing properly
they ignored him.
 In second scene when they see that sumeet is on a call so they try to lower their voice as
he was on the call.
Actors: Huzaifa and Maria (the one who were busy in their conversation)
Sumeet (the one who can’t respond to a call because of their conversation)
Message: “if someone around you is on a call so try not to be loud as it may create
difficulty for them to respond to the call properly.”

Scene #06 (Bring your own food to your work place)

It consist of a single scene
 In this scene Daim don’t bring his own food to office so he always takes the food of
others. In this scene we try to show that Daim comes to kitchen and search for the food
and get the food of Maria from the fridge and started eating them. But when Maria come
to the kitchen for her lunch so her Tiffin box was missing as Daim eats her lunch.
Actors: Daim (the one who don’t bring his own food)
Maria (the one whose lunch box was missing)
Message: “ always bring your own food to your workplace rather than by taking other
Scene #07 (Lifts Sides)
This scene will be explained through a video message that we should follow the lift
etiquettes properly and we should wait for our turn to enter the lift and we should enter
by the left side of the left and should exit by right side. We should not try to enter from
the right side as it will block the way for those who will try to exit from the lift.

Scene #08 (Introduction of your friend)

This scene consists of two parts;
 In first scene Maria is having a conversation with Sumeet and suddenly Huzaifa Jumps
into their conversation and ask Maria that who is he and when Maria introduce him to
Sumeet so Huzaifa will start asking some personal questions from Sumeet.
 In second scene Maria is having a conversation with Sumeet and Huzaifa is waiting for
their conversation to end suddenly Maria introduces Huzaifa to Sumeet they shake hands
with a smile on their face.
Actors: Maria and Sumeet (conversation)
Huzaifa (the one who get introduced)
Message: “if there is a conversation going between two people try not to jump into a
conversation, not to interrupt in their conversation, be polite and try to keep a smile on
your face when you are introduced to other and you should not ask personal questions in
your first meeting.”

Scene #09 (Hold the door for others)

This scene consists of two more scenes;

 In first scene Daim enters in the room and he leaves the door directly when he enter and
the door hits on those who were following him.
 In second scene Daim enters the room and hold the door for those who were following
Actors: Daim (the one who hold the door)
Maria, Huzaifa, Sumeet (those who were hit by the door)
Message: “you should always hold the door for those who are following you.”
Scene #10 (When you Get two calls at the same time)
This scene consists of two more scenes;
 In first scene Huzaifa is busy on a call and suddenly his second phone rings he directly
picks the second call.
 In this scene when Huzaifa gets the second call he asks from the first caller if it is okay if
he can call him back as he is getting a second call and then he picks the second call.
Actors: Huzaifa (the one who gets two calls at a same time.)
Message: “whenever you get two calls at the same time you should ask from the first
caller if they don’t mind so you will call them back in a while rather then picking two
calls at a same time.

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