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The Nature of the Electron

Article  in  Physics Essays · April 2004

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Qiu-Hong hu
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Physics Essays volume 17, number 4, 2004

The Nature of the Electron

Qiu-Hong Hu

Through investigating the history and evolution of the concept and the develop-
ment of the theories of electrons, I am convinced that what was missing in our un-
derstanding of the electron is a structure into which all attributes of the electron
could be incorporated in a self-consistent way. It is hereby postulated that the
topological structure of the electron is a closed two-turn helix (a so-called Hubius
helix) that is generated by circulatory motion of a massless particle at the speed
of light. A formulation is presented to describe an isolated electron at rest and at
high speed. It is shown that the formulation is capable of incorporating most (if
not all) attributes of the electron, including spin, magnetic moment, fine-structure
constant α, anomalous magnetic moment (α/π)/2, and charge quantization, into
one concrete description of the Hubius helix. The equations for the description
emerge accordingly. Implications elicited by the postulate are elaborated. Inade-
quacies of the formulation are discussed.

Key words: electron-positron, Hubius helix, Möbius strip, spin, fine-structure

constant, (anomalous) magnetic moment, charge quantization, Zitterbewegung

1. CONCEPTS, HISTORY, AND THEORIES revealed or time periods marked by decisive progress
The electron as one of the elementary particles is in the conceptual understanding of the electron.
perhaps as old as the universe, if one associates the Insofar as the isolated entity is concerned, the epochal
hierarchical structure of the constituents of matter events are as follows:
with the sequential events of creation and evolution of
matter. The more elementary the building block of the • discovery of the electron in the 1890s: based on
constituent of matter, the earlier it should be created. several independent experiments, a mass m and a
However, as far as the origin of the word is con- negative charge e were assigned to the electron;
cerned, electron was coined in 1894 by J. Stoney to • recognition and verification of the increase of
denote a definite quantity of electricity.(1) The discov- effective mass with velocity in 1905 and 1906;
ery of the electron as an isolated entity in the form of • assignment of the Compton wavelength λc = h/(mc)
the cathode-ray particles was attributed to J.J. Thom- to the electron from the scattering of X-rays by free
son, who referred to them as corpuscles and to their electrons in 1923;
charge as the electron.(2) In later usage, however, • hypothesis of wave properties of the electron by de
these particles themselves came to be called electrons. Broglie in 1924, λ = h/(mv), which was verified by
While J. Stoney emphasized the atomic nature of C.J. Davisson and L.H. Germer’s experiment of
electricity, J.J. Thomson’s discovery and the subse- electron diffraction by crystals in 1927, and inde-
quent work in his school established firmly that the pendently by G.P. Thomson in 1928;
electron is an elementary constituent of an atom and • postulate of the concept of the spinning electron in
therefore of matter. Since then, the electrons have 1925 and 1926 by G. Uhlenbeck and S. Goudsmit,
provided us with an ever-richer content of not merely in which the spin angular momentum of /2 and
physics, but science, technology, and our daily life as magnetic moment of e /(2mc) were assigned to the
a whole. electron;
The history of the electron can be viewed in two • discovery of the Dirac equation in 1928;
ways: as consisting of either a sequence of epochal • derivation of Zitterbewegung of the electron in
events in which new attributes of the electron were 1930: by analyzing the Dirac equation in the

Qiu-Hong Hu

Heisenberg representation, E. Schrödinger arrived 2. WHAT WAS MISSING?

at the fact that there must be an oscillatory motion In a little over 100 years of the electron’s history
associated with a free Dirac electron, which he tremendous progress has been achieved in details and
named Zitterbewegung;1 applications of the electron theories.(9) While elec-
• prediction of the antielectron (positron) by P. Dirac in trons are useful in the understanding of diverse
1931, which was discovered by C. Anderson in 1932; phenomena, we have never really understood the
• existence of the anomalous magnetic moment of the electron itself. I am convinced that what was missing
electron, which was put into question by G. Breit in was the very nature of the electron — a structure into
1947 and experimentally determined by P. Kusch which all attributes of the electron could be incorpo-
and H.M. Foley in 1948. rated in a self-consistent way.
The nature of the electron has been an enigma con-
It was through these events that the concept of the fronting physicists of past generations as well as
electron was established and its attributes were contemporaries.(10,11) The whole issue involved was
revealed. The event-sequence view emphasizes the typified by the late Asim Barut’s thought-provoking
physical content of the concept of the electron, and as questions:(3) What is an electron really? What is the
a complement the time-period view provides a structure that gives it its spin? What is the structure
scenario of what we have achieved in understanding that can appear under probing with electromagnetic
the concept. fields as a point charge, yet as far as spin and wave
According to the time-period view, the history of properties are concerned exhibits a size of the order of
the electron can be divided into four periods. The first the Compton wavelength? Why must there be a
period appears to start with a merging of knowledge positron? What is mass? Why and how does the
from three then (1880s) totally unrelated disciplines electron manifest wave properties? And what is the
of experimental science: electrolysis, cathode rays, interaction between two electrons or between an
and radioactivity. It ended up with the discovery of electron and a positron at short distances? A question
the electron being of particle nature and its identifica- of curiosity to seek for an intuitive picture of the
tion as an elementary constituent of the atom. The electron may turn out to have far-reaching conse-
second period, up to the discovery of the wave quences, for “Theoretical physics has made use, for a
properties of the electron, is the history of the electron long time, of abstract representations.… They are
as a relativistic particle according to Abraham, indeed very useful and even almost essential auxilia-
Lorentz, Einstein, and Poincaré. The third period was ries of reasoning. But one must never forget that the
a period of striving to understand and finally accept abstract presentations have no physical reality. Only
the wave and spin properties of the electron through the movement of elements localized in space, in the
formulating wave mechanics and the relativistic course of time, has physical reality.”(12)
quantum theory of the electron. This period finished The abstraction, on the one hand, seeks to crystal-
with the establishment of quantum electrodynamics lize the logical relations inherent in the maze of
(QED), which left us with a renormalization picture material that is being studied and to correlate the
of the electron. The post-QED era of the electron’s material in a systematic and ordered manner. Intuitive
history was conjectured as the fourth period, “a understanding, on the other hand, fosters a more
nonperturbative internal structure of the electron.”(3) immediate grasp of the objects one studies, a live
Developments in the theories of the electron can be rapport with them, which stresses the concrete
regarded as being evolved from the classical theory, meaning of their relations.(13) While the abstract
through relativity theory, nonrelativistic quantum presentation prevails, a live rapport of the electron has
theory, and relativistic quantum theory to QED, to not emerged over the years.
refining and extending the renormalization theory of “In speculating on the structure of these minute
the electron in the last 50 years. For reviews of the particles,” Lorentz remarked as early as 1909, “we
developments in the theory of the electron prior to must not forget that there may be many possibilities
QED readers are referred to Pais and Weisskopf.(4,5) not dreamt of at present; and perhaps, after all, we are
For reviews of the developments in QED and quan- wholly on a wrong track when we apply to the parts
tum field theories see R.P. Feynman and W. Heitler, of an electron our ordinary notion of force.”(14) Fermi
respectively.(6,7) Various aspects of the latest devel- wrote in 1932 in concluding his article on the quan-
opments in electron theory and QED were summa- tum theory of radiation, “In conclusion, we may
rized in a recent volume of the NATO ASI series.(8) therefore say that practically all the problems in
The Nature of the Electron

radiation theory which do not involve the structure of charge quantization into one concrete description of
the electron have their satisfactory explanation; while the topological structure — one particular space
the problems connected with the internal properties of curve. The equations for the topological structure
the electron are still very far from their solution.”(15) emerge accordingly. Implications elicited by the
In introducing his relativistic quantum theory of the postulate are elaborated. Inadequacies of the formula-
electron in 1928, Dirac asked “why Nature should tion are discussed.
have chosen this particular model (an electron with a
spin angular momentum of half a quantum and a 3. THE POSTULATE
magnetic moment of one Bohr magneton) for the The topological structure of the electron is a closed
electron instead of being satisfied with the point- two-turn helix (a so-called Hubius helix) that is
charge.”(16) As triumphs of the theory, spin /2 and generated by the circulatory motion of a massless
magnetic moment e /(2mc) of the electron were particle at the speed of light.
contained in Dirac’s mathematical construction, but The Hubius helix can be expressed analytically by
left unexplained.(17) The following 20 years witnessed
fights against infinities appearing in the interaction of
the electron with electromagnetic fields and finally θ
x = R + r sin cos θ ,
the establishment of renormalized QED.(18,19) In spite 2
of its tremendous success in calculations, QED cannot θ
be considered as a satisfactory solution to the problem y = R + r sin sin θ ,
of the electron.(20) Being dissatisfied with the renor- 2 (1)
malization treatment of the infinities, Dirac pin- θ
z = r cos ,
pointed the trouble of QED as working from a wrong 2
classical theory and put forward a new classical
theory of the electron as a basis for a passage to the where R, r ∈ , R > r > 0,
quantum theory.(20–22) Unfortunately, he did not
proceed to provide a clue as to how to bring in charge and is depicted graphically in Fig. 1.
quantization, spin, and Fermi statistics for the elec-
trons in making the passage. Viewing the discovery of 4. THE FORMULATION2
the muon as new evidence for the finite size of the 4.1 Point of Departure: mc2 = hν
electron and believing that “The spin angular momen-
In 1905 Einstein proposed two basic equations, E =
tum of a particle should be pictured as due to some
mc2 in the special theory of relativity for particles of
internal motion of the particle,”(23) Dirac returned to
the rest mass m, and E = hν in the theory for photo-
the classical theory of the electron by modeling an
electric effect for photons of the frequency ν. About
electron as an extensible object.(24) A particular
20 years later de Broglie asserted that E = hν applied
difficulty in developing his idea is to bring in the
to particles of every sort. Then the two equations
correct spin. Other attempts have also been made over
yield the relation mc2 = hν, which strongly suggests
the years aiming at resolving the problems associated
that some kind of oscillatory process be associated
with the structure of the electron, starting from self-
with matter. De Broglie himself always believed that
energy, size and structure, spin, and Zitter-
the relation described real physical internal oscilla-
bewegung,(3,11,25–28) to list just a few.
tions. To de Broglie the relation defines the frequency
It is understood that our existing knowledge of the
as a function of mass and vice versa. From this
electron imposes immense constraints on, and yet
relation de Broglie derived λ = [h/(mv)]/(1 – v2/c2)1/2 =
provides hardly any hint to, a self-consistent formula-
h/p, the “de Broglie wavelength” for a particle
tion of the structure. In this article a topological
moving at v to a fixed observer.(29)
structure of the electron is postulated as a working
hypothesis. As a consequence and validity test of the 4.2 Quantization on the Hubius Helix
postulate, a formulation is presented to describe an There have been several alternative ways to estab-
isolated electron at rest and moving at high speed. It lish quantization conditions in the development of the
is shown that the formulation is able to incorporate quantum mechanics, e.g., the Bohr–Sommerfeld–
most, if not all, attributes of the electron, including Wilson, de Broglie, and Schrödinger quantization
spin /2, magnetic moment e /(2mc), fine-structure conditions. The Bohr–Sommerfeld–Wilson quantiza-
constant α, anomalous magnetic moment (α/π)/2, and tion condition introduced the action integral familiar
Qiu-Hong Hu

spatial-temporal structure, into which its physical

attributes are then to be incorporated. From this point
of view the construction of a quantization condition
on the Hubius helix is thought to be in line with the
geometrical argument put forward by de Broglie.
De Broglie’s quantization condition emerged in the
end of the proof that the Maupertuis principle of
action for a particle moving along a path is identical
to the Fermat principle for the waves accompanying
the particle:

dl 1
= pdl = Integer. (2)
C λ C h

Figure 1. Graphical representation of the Hubius helix created In order to arrive at the proof, de Broglie verified
from the parameterized equations (1) using MATLAB. that the group of waves associated with the particle
has the same velocity as the particle and that the paths
of the particles are identical to the rays of the
in classical mechanics into quantum theory, acted as waves.(29,30)
an intermediate step in the discovery of nonrelativistic Equation (2) can be rewritten separately as Cdl =
quantum mechanics, and was superseded by the latter. nλ, and Cpdl = nh on a closed path. The former
It may still give correct results in a limited number of equation implies that the wave along the path must be
problems in the case of a single variable and when the integer multiples of a fundamental wavelength, while
separation of variables is possible in the case of many the latter implies that the action along the path must
degrees of freedom (Ref. 30, Chap. 10),(31) where the be integer multiples of the action quantum, and the
proof of equivalence of these quantization conditions connection of the two equations bestows a geometri-
is given as well. The quantization on the Hubius helix cal meaning to the Bohr–Sommerfeld–Wilson quanti-
concerns a variable of one degree of freedom, so the zation condition.
Bohr–Sommerfeld–Wilson quantization condition is If de Broglie’s quantization condition is applied to
applicable. However, in view of the great difficulties the Hubius helix, the quantization on the Hubius helix
and serious shortcomings, the construction of a emerges as
quantization condition on the Hubius helix will not
follow this alternative. Schrödinger’s quantization 1 4π 1
condition is based on a variational principle, as well dl = rdθ = n (3a)
λ 0 λ
as the analogy of mechanics and optics. The first
derivation was based on a “heuristic” argument
resembling the variation of average energy of the
system, and later was thought by him to be “incom-
4π r = λ . (3b)
prehensible.” In the second derivation he added the
analogy of geometric optics and wave optics and of
r is the radius of the Hubius helix. Put n = 1 for the
particle and wave mechanics to put his equation on a
fundamental wave.
secure footing by the variation of the Hamiltonian
operator of a quantum system (Ref. 30, Chap. 11).(32) 4.3 Compton Wavelength, Mass, and Radius of
Schrödinger’s alternative treated the electron in the the Electron
Coulomb field as a dynamic system. Through finding Equation (3b) implies a geometric argument that
the quantum Hamiltonian of the system and applying the Hubius helix must contain a whole wave of 4π
the variational principle to the action associated with periodicity, an argument akin to the original standing-
the Hamiltonian, the problem of quantization is wave argument of de Broglie. To put the argument
converted to the eigenvalue problem of a differential into the context of the electron, one starts with mc2 =
equation, and the particle is replaced by the wave. hν, combines it with λ = V/ν, where V is the velocity
The present work treats the electron not as a dynamic of the wave (V = c, according to the postulate), and
system but as a topological/geometrical object or a arrives at r = /(2mc) = λC/(4π) through algebraic
The Nature of the Electron

manipulation. It is noteworthy that the unspecified that was left out in the spinning-electron hypothesis.
wavelength introduced in the quantization condition 4.6 The Positron
turns out to be the Compton wavelength of the
electron. The radius of the Hubius helix, denoted re Dirac predicted that in addition to electrons there
hereafter, is defined as the radius of the electron. must be another particle, called a positron, that is
The expression r = /(2mc) has been assumed a necessarily related to the electron.(40) The positron is
priori or derived several times in the past.(25,33,34) also called the antiparticle of the electron. The
Unfortunately, it was not accepted unequivocally as properties of a particle and its antiparticle obey
the radius of the electron. The facts that it can be certain rules of correspondence: they possess an equal
derived from the quantization condition and that it amount of energy or mass and the opposite charge.
does not contradict other attributes of the electron More important, when a particle and its antiparticle
seem to justify its acceptance as the radius of the come together, they can annihilate each other and
electron. (The second fact will be shown in the liberate their entire mass in the form of radiation
following subsections.) energy, say γ rays. In the case of an electron and a
positron the annihilation proceeds as e– + e+ = γ + γ ′.
4.4 The Spin
Conversely, an electron and a positron can be pair-
An orbital motion gives rise to an angular momen- produced following the reverse reaction. The rules of
tum by definition in classical mechanics. Following correspondence demand that an electron and a posi-
the notion of circular motion, the spin s is identified tron be treated on the same footing; i.e., a theory
as the orbital angular momentum of the massless applied to the electron should apply equally to the
particle performing circulatory motion; thus s = positron.(41)
mvre = mc[ /(2mc)] = /2. If I am to formulate the positron in terms of a
4.5 The Magnetic Moment Hubius helix satisfying the rules of correspondence
A current loop gives rise to a magnetic moment, or between an electron and a positron, I am bound to
generally all magnetic fields are due to the motion of identify one feature of the Hubius helix to account for
electric charges, according to Ampère’s hypothe- the equality in the mass of the electron and positron,
sis.(6,35) For a planar current loop the magnitude of the another feature to account for the disparity in the
magnetic moment is µ = nIA/c, where n is the number charge of the electron and positron, and yet another
of turns of the loop, I is the current, and A is the area mechanism for creation and annihilation of mass and
of the loop.(36) By applying Ampère’s hypothesis to charge to account for the creation and annihilation of
the postulated structure and taking into account the an electron-positron pair.
fact that the two turns suggest that n = 2, one gets µe According to the relation of the mass of the electron
= nIA/c = 2ec/(2πcre) × πre2 = ere = e /(2mc). to the radius of curvature of the Hubius helix re =
The spin and the magnetic moment are intricately /(2mc), the fact that an electron and a positron are of
connected in the understanding of the electron.(37) The the same mass can be stated equivalently as that they
original spinning-electron hypothesis was deduced are of the same radius of curvature; i.e., if re =
phenomenologically to account for the anomalous /(2mc) and re+ = /(2mc), then re = re+. Given the
Zeeman effect and is in agreement with experi- radius of curvature, winding determines whether a
ment.(38,39) It states, “An electron behaves as a Hubius helix is right-handed or left-handed: the right-
charged particle which is rotating around an axis in hand screw winding results in a right-handed Hubius
such a way, that it possesses an angular momentum of helix, whereas the left-hand screw winding results in
constant absolute magnitude /2 around that axis and a left-handed Hubius helix. A right-handed Hubius
that it possesses at the same time a magnetic moment helix cannot be congruent to a left-handed Hubius
e /(2mc), which has a direction opposite to the helix, except by a mirror reflection. Winding not only
direction of the angular momentum.”(39) By conven- determines the parity of a Hubius helix, it also results
tion the direction of an electric current is opposite to in a twist. In spite of the fact that the magnitude of the
that of the flow of the negative charge. According to twist depends on parameters that specify the details of
this convention, the spin and the magnetic moment the winding, the sign of a twist can be defined posi-
derived in the formulation are in opposite directions, tive/negative with respect to the handedness of
which is consistent with the spinning-electron hy- winding. Once the relation of the parity of the Hubius
pothesis. Furthermore, the formulation, an extension helix to the sign of twist is defined, a change in parity
of the hypothesis, provides nothing but “such a way” will necessarily lead to a change in the sign of the
Qiu-Hong Hu

twist, and vice versa. Thus the disparity in the charge motion of the electron in a central field was investi-
of the electron and positron can be connected to the gated, an extra contribution of /2 was obtained in the
parity or the sign of the twist of the Hubius helix. total angular momentum. This extra contribution was
This connection is qualitative and incomplete in interpreted as the spin angular momentum of the
character, and its completeness is grounded on a electron. The magnetic moment terms were obtained
quantitative relation between the charge and the in a similar way when scalar and vector potentials
magnitude of the twist, a question concerning the were included in the Hamiltonian. Thus the Dirac
origin of the charge and charge quantization (see theory of the electron contains many new features that
Section 4.10). were absent in previous theories. These new features
Following the curvature statement and the connec- in turn bestow new features on the Dirac electron.
tion of the sign of the charge to the parity and the sign The Dirac electron is associated with an antielectron
of the twist, the rules of correspondence of an elec- of positive charge in such a way that the two eigen-
tron to a positron can be formulated so that an elec- states of the spin of an electron and those of the
tron and a positron are two Hubius helices of the antielectron are to be described as four components of
same radius of curvature but opposite twist and parity. one entity represented by a column matrix of four
The annihilation is hence to be understood as unwind- elements. A Dirac electron carries with it a spin /2
ing of the two Hubius helices of the same radius of and a magnetic moment e /(2mc).
curvature and the opposite parity and twist, whose The postulate through the formulation of Sections
consequence is the creation of two photons with the 4.4, 4.5, and 4.6 provides a description of the electron
opposite polarization. Conversely, the pair production consistent with the Dirac theory by providing the
is the confinement of two photons in the form of a electron with the same features as those of the Dirac
Hubius helix of the same radius of curvature and the electron — a spin /2 and a magnetic moment
opposite parity or twist. This formulation of the rules e /(2mc) — and the same electron-positron associa-
of correspondence possesses a beautiful feature in that tion. In the Dirac theory these features are revealed
an electron and a positron — two physical entities — through algebraic manipulation, whereas in the
are unified to a single geometric entity. present formulation these features appear as natural
4.7 Hubius Helix and Dirac Electron consequences of the topologic and geometric features
A Dirac electron is the electron described by of the Hubius helix. The consistency indicates that the
Dirac’s relativistic quantum theory of the electron. postulate contains a great deal of truth. Furthermore,
The Dirac theory of the electron or the Dirac equation the consistency, if reflecting the inner consistency of
is an ingenious amalgamation of the special theory of physical laws, should no doubt lead to a profound
relativity and quantum mechanics on the electron to connection between the Dirac theory of the electron
account for the so-called duplexity phenomena in and the Hubius helix. It turns out that such a connec-
atomic spectra without arbitrary assumption.(16) In tion is embedded in another feature of the Dirac
order for the theory to be compatible with both theory: the spinor.
quantum mechanics and the special theory of relativ- The name spinor was first introduced by P. Ehren-
ity, the requirements of the general schemes of both fest.(43) While the general mathematical form of
must be fulfilled. For quantum mechanics the general spinors was discovered by E. Cartan,(44) it was the
scheme requires that only first-order derivatives with reinvention by Dirac that provided the first indica-
respect to time appear. On the other hand, the general tions of its fundamental importance to physics, the
scheme of relativity requires that the time and space four wave-functions in the Dirac equation being only
coordinates be treated on the same footing. In satisfy- the components of a spinor. However, it is believed
ing these requirements, the introduction of Dirac’s that we have still not seen the full significance of
matrices α and β in the Hamiltonian H = cα ⋅ p + spinors in the basic structure of physical laws.(45)
mc2β brought about “four times as many solutions as Based on my recognition that a spinor changes sign
the non-relativity wave equation and twice as many as when it completes a 2π rotation and returns to its
the previous relativity wave equation,” which implies original position after a 4π rotation is exactly the
the existence of a new particle of positive elementary property that a Hubius helix possesses,(46) and that the
charge associated with the electron.(16) (It became components of a spinor are the same in number as the
known later that two solutions belong to an electron variants of a Hubius helix (each handedness corre-
in its two spin eigenstates, and two belong to a sponding to two spin directions), it is hereby conjec-
positron in its two spin eigenstates.(42)) When the tured that the structure of a spinor is the Hubius helix.
The Nature of the Electron

Consequently, the Hubius helix is the geometrical and the center of mass.(49–51) When the Zitter-
manifestation of the Dirac electron. bewegung is identified with the motion of the charge
4.8 Circular Motion and Zitterbewegung relative to the center-of-mass rest frame, the Hamilto-
nian becomes Hr = mc2β, and consequently position,
In examining the position and velocity operators
velocity, and momentum operators of the charge are
associated with the Dirac equation in the Heisenberg
identified with Q = –i[ /(2mc)]β α , d ξ /dt = c α , and
representation, E. Schrödinger found that the eigen-
Pcharge (t) = mc α (t), respectively.(50,51) The identifica-
value of the three space components of the velocity
tion clarifies the ambiguity in describing the Zitter-
operator cα could only take ±c. (The same conclu-
bewegung due to the difference in definition of the
sion was reached earlier by G. Breit.) He also found
position operators.(52) Based on these results,(48–51) the
that the position operator consists of two parts: xk = x
pro-Zitterbewegung view seems to make the case that
+ ξk, in which x = ak + c2H −1pkt, and ξk =
Zitterbewegung is a self-consistent description of the
−c /(2i)ηk0H −1exp[–i(2Ht)/ ]. The k denotes the kth
dynamics of a free Dirac electron.
component of the operators. The rectilinear part he
The fact that both the Zitterbewegung and the pos-
interpreted as the position operator of the center of
tulate require a massless particle performing circular
mass, whereas the resultant part he interpreted as the
motion at the velocity of c, and lead to the same
position operator of the charge in the rest frame. He
radius and angular frequency of the electron, indicates
thus concluded that the motion of a free Dirac elec-
that the dynamics entailed in the postulate is consis-
tron consists of a rapidly oscillatory component —
tent with the dynamics of the Zitterbewegung.
Zitterbewegung — superimposed on the average
Questions arise immediately, however, when the
Zitterbewegung frequency ωz = 2mc2/ and the de
The Zitterbewegung, as a concept and consequence
Broglie frequency ωd = mc2/ are juxtaposed. Can the
derived from the Dirac theory, contains the following
de Broglie frequency be identified with the Zitter-
physical contents: the instantaneous velocity of the
bewegung frequency as found in the literature?(26,27) If
charge always c, the linear dimension (radius to be
not, which is the characteristic frequency of the
exact) of the charge cloud and the characteristic
electron, if either? Or else, does the electron have two
amplitude of the Zitterbewegung r = /(2mc), and the
characteristic frequencies?
characteristic angular frequency of the Zitter-
The consistency between the Zitterbewegung and
bewegung ωz = 2mc2/ . The present author is aware of
the postulate demands the acceptance of the Zitter-
the point of view that when the Dirac equation is
bewegung frequency as a characteristic frequency of
interpreted as a many-particle equation or a field
the electron. On the other hand, the expression for the
equation, as the perception angle moves from describ-
de Broglie frequency — the wave-particle duality —
ing the motion of a single particle to quantizing a
is physically valid in the broadest sense known. For
field, as the picture of the single particle disappears,
these two reasons one is compelled to accept a
so does the manifestation of the Zitterbewegung. This
consequence that one and the same mass of the
point of view denies the existence of the Zitter-
electron is associated with two frequencies. If such a
bewegung. However, as Dirac argued, “One must
consequence appears perplexing and irremediable
believe this consequence of the theory, since other
within the context of Zitterbewegung and wave-
consequences of the theory which are inseparably
particle duality, it is exactly an outcome of the
bound up with this one, such as the law of scattering
mathematical structure inherent in the postulate — the
of light by an electron, are confirmed by experi-
frequency condition for forming a closed two-turn
ment.”(47) In spite of Dirac’s argument, little attention
helix, as exemplified by
has been given over the years to the physics of the
Among the few exceptional cases it is shown that
Zitterbewegung may be looked upon as a circular 1
motion of the charge on the plane perpendicular to the x = R cos ωt ,
direction of the electron spin and as arising from the
superposition of the positive and negative frequency y = R sin ωt ,
components of the spinor. A positive or negative 2
component alone does not produce a measurable x = R cos ωt ,
effect of Zitterbewegung.(48) It was suggested that one
y = R sin ωt
distinguish two reference frames: the center of charge
Qiu-Hong Hu

in an idealized two-dimensional case. To put the ics, and the connotation of the second step is the
equations into the context of the electron, R is identi- acceptance of re as the fundamental length. In spite of
fied with the radius re, ω with the Zitterbewegung the connotations, the essence of the new expression
frequency, and ω/2 with the de Broglie frequency. for α remains the ratio of two lengths associated with
4.9 Fine-Structure Constant and Anomalous the electron. It should be noted, however, that while re
Magnetic Moment represents the radius of the Hubius helix, r0 does not
The constant α = e2/( c) ≈ 1/137 that appears in have a geometrical meaning associated with the
the formula denoting the energy of the bound Hubius helix. It is not unreasonable to assert that if
electron in a hydrogen atom and giving the amount one can identify the association of r0 and the Hubius
of fine-structure splitting in the line spectrum is helix, one is in a good position to account for α
known as the fine-structure constant, after Sommer- geometrically. “It seems hopeless to attack this
feld. It is a fundamental constant in the physical problem [to obtain a theory of electrons that fixes the
theories concerning electromagnetic interactions.(53) value of e2/( c)] from the physical point of view, as
The uniqueness of α lies in the fact that it is a one has no clue to what new physical ideas are
combination of three fundamental physical con- needed. However, one can be sure that the new theory
stants, and it is dimensionless. In spite of its unique must incorporate some very pretty mathematics, and
position and importance in the physical theories, no by seeking this mathematics one can have some hope
theory for α is yet available.(53,54) It is maintained of solving the problem.”(22) Following Dirac’s line of
improbable that a theory for α can be found before reasoning, one ought to seek for the right mathemati-
the new features in the description of nature, due to a cal content of the Hubius helix.
fundamental length λ associated with elementary It is important to note that the formulation outlined
particles, have been clarified, features that at first so far has dealt implicitly in two dimensions with the
have no connection at all with the question of the radius, the periodicity, and the frequencies of the
electronic charge.(55) λ, as a natural consequence of circulatory motion. In other words, it has dealt with
conjoining quantum mechanics and the special the topological aspect of the Hubius helix and its one
theory of relativity according to Heisenberg, cannot homotopy of a constant radius in two dimensions. The
be formed dimensionally from and c, and should natural extension of the formulation is therefore to
instead be related to the mass of the particle in the examine the Hubius helix in three dimensions.
form m ∝ /(cλ). And its relation to r0 = e2/(mc2), In doing so, I did not fail to perceive that the sur-
the classical radius of the electron, should be analo- face bounded by a Hubius helix is in fact a Möbius
gous to that of h to .(55) Being a dimensional strip(56) — a one-sided nonorientable surface discov-
formula, the expression is not expected to produce ered by J.B. Listing and A.F. Möbius independently
the exact value; one needs a numerical coefficient, in 1858 — and that the edge of a Möbius strip is a
say k, to produce equality. In other words, one needs Hubius helix. Such a coupled double perception
a physical reason to provide the coefficient. Follow- (CDP) or visual dichotomy manifests itself as am-
ing Heisenberg’s profession as a guideline, however, biguous figures in the worlds of art and cognitive
one can try to identify the fundamental length sciences.(57) Well-known examples are the Necker
associated with the electron and to find a way Cube, where the CDP is produced by perspective
leading to α. One can identify re = /(2mc) with λ reversal; Rubbin’s Reversible Goblet, where the CDP
and get k = 1/2. It seems that re is the fundamental is produced by figure-ground reversal; and Hill’s My
length Heisenberg anticipated, but it does not bring Wife and My Mother-in-Law, where the CDP is
α into being. One can identify r0 with λ and get k = produced by rival-schemata reversal. It is worth
e2/( c) = α. Combining the result of the two trials, a emphasizing that the Möbius strip/Hubius helix
new expression for α is found: α = r0/(2re). It is dichotomy is beyond these categories of reversal. It is
indeed an association of fundamental length(s) with a boundary — the enclosed reversal — that produces
the elementary particle, the electron in this case. The the CDP. In spite of the ambiguity in perception, in
new expression r0/(2re) = e2/( c) can also be obtained many instances, the contents of ambiguous figures
by identifying the rest energy of the electron with the can be stated unambiguously in terms of mathematics.
Coulomb energy of the classical electron mc2 = e2/r0 As in the case of the Möbius strip/Hubius helix
and substituting m with /(2cre). The connotation of dichotomy, the Möbius strip as a surface is most
the first step is that the electron mass is electromag- simply represented in terms of two real parameters ρ
netic in origin in the sense of classical electrodynam- and ϕ as follows:(58)
The Nature of the Electron

1 ρ , re ∈ , r = x 2 + y 2 + z 2 ,
x = a − ρ sin ϕ cos ϕ ,
2 ρ = 0 (0 ≤ θ ≤ 2π , 0 ≤ φ ≤ π ),
1 with
y = a − ρ sin ϕ sin ϕ , ρ < re (2π ≤ θ ≤ 4π , π ≤ φ ≤ 2π ).
1 The domains are under the constraints φ|θ=0 = 0, φ|θ=2π =
z = ρ cos ϕ .
2 π, and φ |θ =4π = 2π.

For a given constant a, |ρ| < a determines the width of 1 4π

re = x 2 + y 2 + z 2 dθ
the Möbius strip in the concrete description of each 4π 0

homotopy. On the other hand, the Hubius helix as a 1 2π

space curve can be concretely described by the same = re2 cos 2 θ + re2 sin 2 θ + ρ 2 cos 2 φ dθ
4π 0
equations in terms of only one real parameter ϕ with
a and ρ as constants. It seems that the Möbius strip as 1 2π
+ (re + 2 ρ sin φ ) 2 + ρ 2 cos 2 φ dθ .
a nonorientable surface and nontrivial fiber bundles 4π 0

has caught considerable attention in mathematics and

physics,(59) and that its edge as a space curve has been Project re onto the x-y plane:
overlooked, if not totally ignored.(60)
Thus, by examining the Hubius helix in three di- 1 2π 1 2π
mensions, the relation between the Hubius helix and re = re dθ + (re + 2 ρ sin φ )dθ
4π 0 4π 0
the Möbius strip was found, and a new length ρ was
introduced, which defines the spacing between the 1 1 1 2π
= re + re + 2 ρ sin φ dθ
two turns of the Hubius helix. In addition, it is 2 2 4π 0
observed that while different topological objects may 1 π
share the same concrete description, the same topo- = re + 2 ρ sin φ dφ
4π 0
logical object can have completely different concrete
descriptions. It is therefore anticipated that one of the ρ
= re 1 +
concrete descriptions of the Hubius helix be able to π re
further relate re or r0 to ρ and thereby to incorporate α
into the postulated structure. 1 α 2ρ
= re 1 + if ≡ α.
In Section 4.5 the magnetic moment of the electron 2 π re
was expressed as µe = ere in the idealized two-
dimensional case. In the three-dimensional case the The second term is identical to the result of the
instantaneous radius of the circular motion is a anomalous magnetic moment calculated from QED
periodic function of time or phase according to r = (x2 by taking into account the radiative correction.(61)
+ y2 + z2)1/2. Thus the measured radius should be the Equating the two expressions for α, 2ρ/re = α and α
mean value of the instantaneous radii over the interval = r0/(2re), one arrives at r0 = 4ρ — the total width of
of 4π according to re = [1/(4π)] 04π rdθ . The meas- the Hubius helix. Now that r0 has an explicit geomet-
ured magnetic moment should in turn be the product ric meaning, α can be interpreted geometrically as the
of the charge and the mean radius in the form of µe = ratio of the half (full) width to the radius (diameter) of
ere . the Hubius helix. Thus the present formulation
Consider provides a geometric interpretation of the fine-
structure constant and the anomalous magnetic
moment, bestows an explicit geometric meaning on
x = (re + 2 ρ sin φ ) cos θ , the classical radius of the electron, and justifies the
y = (re + 2 ρ sin φ ) sin θ , relation e2/r0 = mc2.
z = ρ cos φ , 4.10 Charge as a Geometric Attribute of the
Hubius Helix
The charge as a physical attribute of an elementary
where particle concerns the following fundamental aspects.
Qiu-Hong Hu

There are two types of charge in nature assigned pitch angle of the helix.(66) Applying this formula to
positive and negative, and the charge attached to a the homotopy of the Hubius helix employed in
particular elementary particle has a constant numeri- Section 4.9, a circular-cross-sectioned wire being
cal value in a given system of units of physics. The wound on a cylinder, going round two times in a
effort to understand the definite value of the charge right-handed helix, and joining the ends, we get Tw =
— charge quantization — has followed at least two 2sinδ. For a small pitch angle, as in the present case,
major routes: the magnetic monopole approach and sinδ = tanδ = ρ/(π re) = α /(2π), so Tw = α /π =
the flux quantization approach.(40,62) The former e2/(π c). Tw is negative for the left-handed Hubius
approach, with the initial intention of looking for helix. The disparity in the sign of the twist can
some explanation of c/e2 ≈ 137, leads to a concept of therefore be identified with that in the sign of the
magnetic monopole that sets up a quantization charge in the electron and the positron. Hence the
condition for the charge. The state of affairs is best twist reduces the charge — a physical attribute of the
described in Dirac’s own words: “If there exists any electron to a geometric attribute of the Hubius helix.
monopole at all in the universe, all electric charges At the same time, it bestows a geometric meaning on
would have to be such that e times this monopole the coupling constant α /π in QED.
strength is equal to n c/2.”(63) The introduction of the 4.11 Mass as a Geometric Attribute of the Hubius
monopole was not considered a complete solution of Helix
the problem of charge quantization, for it could not
From the physical point of view, as a consequence
fix any value for e.(63) As for the latter approach, it is
of conjoining the special theory of relativity and
not clear which of the two concepts, the charge
quantum mechanics through the Hubius helix, the
quantization or the flux quantization, is the primary
mass of an electron is related to the radius of the
electron, re = /(2mc). This relation resembles that of
Now that α has found its geometric meaning in
the curvature and the radius of curvature of a plane
Section 4.9, through α = 2ρ/re = r0/(2re) = e2/( c), the
curve, κ = 1/r. The two relations become identical
charge is likely to be accounted for geometrically as
under the conditions c = 1 and /2 = 1. The conditions
well. To render the charge a geometric attribute, it is
are not at all unreasonable, but rooted in a sound
necessary to identify some geometric feature of the
physical basis — the former as result of treating space
Hubius helix with the charge. In order to do so, the
and time on the same footing and the latter as result of
Hubius helix needs to be further examined in a deeper
choosing the electron’s action as the basic unit of
mathematical sense.
In geometry a space curve is characterized by three
Thus, from a mathematical point of view, under a
variables, the linking number Lk, the writhing number
suitable choice of the system of units, mass is analo-
Wr, and the total twist number Tn, which are related
gous, if not identical, to curvature. The attempt to
through Wr = Lk – Tn.(64,65) Lk is a topological prop-
identify mass with curvature makes physical sense in
erty, whereas Wr and Tn are metrical properties. If a
two ways. First, the more massive the particle, the
strip S(X, U) is defined as a smooth curve X together
smaller the particle, and the more curved the space
with a smoothly varying unit vector U(t) perpendicu-
near the particle. Second, a particle of zero mass like
lar to X at each point, and ω1 is defined as the twist of
the photon travels in a straight line. Upon accepting
the strip at each point of the curve ω1 =
this identification, we can understand the origin of
limδs→0(δφ/δs), where δφ is the angular displacement
mass as action in a curved space.
δs apart along the strip, then the total twist of the strip
is defined as Tw(X, U) = Tw ≡ ω1ds, and the total 4.12 Certain Transformation Properties of the
twist number is Tn ≡ Tw/(2π).(65) (What applies to a Hubius Helix
strip also applies to an elastic rod or string, when the Physical laws expressed in terms of a system of
strip is considered as the generator of the latter. See equations of space-time variables necessarily pos-
also L.D. Landau and E.M. Lifshitz, Theory of sess/lack certain transformation properties or symme-
Elasticity, Volume 7 of Course of Theoretical Phys- tries, for instance being invariant/variant under
ics, Pergamon Press, London, 1959, pp. 65–66, where translation or rotation with respect to a certain coor-
the same quantity is called the torsion angle.) Follow- dinate system. The general transformation properties
ing Fuller’s definition, F. Crick worked out a formula of the Hubius helix shall be worked out on a separate
for calculating the total twist of a ribbon wound occasion by treating the Hubius helix as a dynamic
around a cylinder N times, Tw = Nsinδ, where δ is the system and examining such a system represented in
The Nature of the Electron

Hamiltonian or Lagrangian form undergoing proper Bender et al. stated, “experimentally there is no
Lorentz transformations (i.e., continuous Lorentz indication that the electron has structure (composite
transformations that involve neither space nor time of more fundamental particles). Lower limits for
inversions). Before this is done, it is possible to work cutoff parameters are in the 100–200 GeV range,
out the transformation properties of the Hubius helix corresponding to an electron size of less than 10–16
having undergone three important discrete transfor- cm. Therefore, if the electron is a composite particle
mations — charge conjugation (C), space inversion or its constituents are strongly bound, giving the electron
parity (P), and time inversion (T), and the combina- the observed point-like quality at experimentally
tions thereof — to examine the relation between the accessible energies.”(67) As a matter of fact, the results
electron and the positron in particular, and matter and obtained from the scattering experiments have been a
antimatter in general. “no-go” sign to any attempt of the so-called large-
The geometric rules of correspondence of the elec- electron theories, where the size of the electron was
tron to the positron formulated in Section 4.6, the on the order of its Compton wavelength.(11) The
identification of the charge to the twist, and the present work, where the electron is formulated as
connection of the sign of the twist to the parity of a having a defined structure, characteristic dimensions,
Hubius helix imply an association of charge with the and no substructure, is no exception — the dimension
parity (i.e., when the parity of the Hubius helix of the electron inferred from those experiments is
changes, the sign of the twist is reversed, and vice several orders of magnitude smaller than the radius of
versa). Thus C and P merge to an inseparable trans- the electron derived from the present work: re =
formation (denoted as CP, with the underline to /(2mc) = 1.93 × 10–11 cm.
emphasize the inseparability). However, the T trans- This apparent discrepancy presents a grave chal-
formation remains an independent one. The results of lenge to the present work. How can such a large
{CP, T, CPT, TCP} transformations can be envisaged electron manifest such a small size in scattering? Or,
on the electron and positron at their respective spin up why do the scattering experiments reveal a point-like
and down states (eu–, ed–, eu+, ed+). CP changes the particle if the size of the electron is on the order of its
electron/positron to the positron/electron, but keeps Compton wavelength? In order to answer these
the spin orientation unchanged. T does not change the questions, let us examine what happens when a
electron/positron to the positron/electron, but reverses particle is moving at high energy. First of all, when a
the orientation of the spin. CPT changes the elec- particle is at rest, it possesses rest energy E = mc2.
tron/positron to the positron/electron, as well as the When it is moving, its total energy becomes
orientation of the spin. CPT and TCP are commuta- E = mc2(1 – (v/c)2)–1/2 or its mass becomes m′ = m(1 –
tive transformations. These results indicate that the (v/c)2)–1/2, according to the relativistic dynamics. The
matter-antimatter worlds as represented by the change in mass may result in either a point of view
electron (left-handed L) and the positron (right- that although the particle becomes heavier as it
handed R) are governed by rules R ≠ L, R ≠ L , but moves, it is still the same particle, or a point of view
R = L, R = L . that since the particle is heavier as it moves, it has
4.13 The Dimension of the Electron from a become another particle.
Particle Physics Perspective Based on the first point of view, the formula r =
It is a general belief that the electron is a point-like /(2mc) derived in the present work suggests that for
particle with almost no measurable dimensions, and a given particle, as the mass of the particle increases,
that the electron does not possess any subconstituent. the size of the particle decreases. Based on the second
This belief is largely based on the results of Møller point of view, the formula suggests that for different
and Bhabha scattering, obtained from many experi- particles, the heavier the particle, the smaller the
ments performed in the last 20 years at PETRA dimension. Combining E = mc2 and r = /(2mc), we
(Positron-Electron Tandem Ring Accelerator Facility can obtain the radius of the electron as a function of
at DESY laboratory in Hamburg), PEP (The Positron- its total energy: r = c/(2E) = 1.97/[2E(GeV)] × 10–14
Electron Project, a collaborative effort of SLAC and GeV ⋅ cm. This relation demonstrates how a Comp-
Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory), TRISTAN (The e+e– ton-sized electron manifests a point-like particle in
Collider at National Laboratory for High Energy scattering experiments and provides the reason why
Physics, KEK in Japan), and LEP (The Large Elec- high-energy scattering reveals the electron as a point-
tron Positron Collider at CERN). In the experiments like particle. According to this relation, when an
conducted at PEP in the tests of leptonic substructure, electron is accelerated to energies of 100 GeV and
Qiu-Hong Hu

200 GeV, its diameter will diminish to 1.97 × 10–16 longer than physics has been complicated (but, some
cm and 0.99 × 10–16 cm, respectively. These values would say, simplified) by quantum mechanics. For if
agree well with the dimension of the electron inferred electrons are strictly point-like objects, their self-
from the high-energy scattering experiments.(67) energy, most simply taken as their potential energy in
the electric field they carry, must be infinite.…
5. REFURBISHMENT OF THE POSTULATE People like H.A. Lorentz were well aware of the
From the original postulate put forward in Section 3 difficulty.… In itself, that would be no great scandal,
that the topological structure of the electron is a even if electrons were point-like entities, for the
closed two-turn helix (a so-called Hubius helix) that absolute value of a potential energy is unimportant.
is generated by circulatory motion of a massless But by 1905, Einstein had sharpened the dilemma by
particle at the speed of light, a system of parameter- demonstrating the equivalence of energy and mass.
ized equations emerged. With the help of the concepts How, then, to escape from the conclusion that a point-
in classical physics, the equations tie together most, if like electron should have infinite mass?”(68) (my
not all, attributes of the electron, particularly the italics). The scope of the issues was expanded when
anomalous magnetic moment: the spin and the magnetic moment were assigned to
the electrons,(38) for there is no room in a point-like
1 electron to accommodate such a large magnetic
x = re + r0 sin ωd t cos ωZ t , moment and the magnetic self-energy associated with
2 it.(69)
1 It is believed that a finite electron is the most natu-
y = re + r0 sin ωd t sin ωZ t , ral concept that makes the total energy of the Cou-
lomb field of the electron finite,(24) therefore a way
z = r0 cos ωd t , out of the dilemma.
2 Now that a finite structure has been postulated with
the consequences being worked out, the dilemma
where should be resolved. Concerning the relation of the
Coulomb self-energy and the rest energy, e2/r0 = mc2
1 4π was already justified in Section 4.10. Concerning the
r = x2 + y2 + z2 , r = rdθ , relation of the Coulomb self-energy and the magnetic
4π 0
self-energy, it is rather straightforward to show that
mc 2 2mc 2 the electric field is indeed equal in magnitude to the
re = , ωd = , ωZ = ,
2mc magnetic field, e/re2 = µe/re3 at r = re = /(2mc),
r0 = 0 (0 ≤ ωd t ≤ 2π , 0 ≤ ωZ t ≤ π ), taking µe = ere from Section 4.5. This relation was
derived a long time ago, though the problem was
e2 formulated in reverse order.(34) The relations e2/r0 =
r0 = (2π ≤ ωd t ≤ 4π , π ≤ ωZ t ≤ 2π ),
mc 2 mc2 and e/re2 = µe/re3 should thus provide a basis for a
r r α self-consistent description of the finite self-energy to
α = 0 , Tw = 0 = . finally dissolve the issue of infinite self-energy. The
2re 2π re π finite size through re = /(2mc) has led to a finite rest
mass. Furthermore, the relation of the radius to the
relativistic mass as formulated in Section 4.13 should
6. IMPLICATIONS lead to an account for the Lorentz contraction.
6.1 Issues Inherent in the Point-Like Electron 6.2 Other Kinds of Particles
That electrons are point-like particles has been a One does not distinguish particles from antiparticles
statement on perhaps all occasions of their description when counting the kinds of particles. Following this
as elementary or fundamental particles. However, to convention, one includes antiparticles when discuss-
accept the statement as a concept, one must choose to ing particles in general. In Section 4, the physical
live with certain issues inherent in the concept. attributes of the electron, including mass, charge, and
“The self-energy of the electron has been an embar- spin, were formulated in terms of geometrical and
rassment for almost a century, and in a sense for topological attributes of the postulated structure, the
longer than there have been authentic electrons (first Hubius helix: for instance, the spin /2 as a conse-
demonstrated by J.J. Thomson in 1901) and for far quence of 4π periodicity, charge as a consequence of
The Nature of the Electron

twist, and mass as a consequence of curvature. Thus Planck’s constant h, and the elementary length λ, “the
particles of the same geometrical/topological attrib- quadrumvirate of complete physical theory” accord-
utes may be classified as the same kind or put into the ing to Gamow,(71) or “universal constants of the first
same geometrical/topological class. Fermions with kind” according to Heisenberg.(55) While kB is respon-
s = 1/2, m ≠ 0, and charge e may be considered as one sible for the connection between isolated entities and
class — Hubius helices of the same twist but different their ensemble, the rest are concerned with so-called
radii — whereas massive bosons with s = 1, m ≠ 0, microphysics. Being “universal constants of the first
and charge = 0 may be considered as another geomet- kind,” h and c share the virtue that they emerge as a
rical class — circles of different radii. In addition, consequence of conjoining physical theories, they are
photons with charge = 0, m = 0 can be considered as of pivotal importance in the new theories, and they
yet another class — strings of zero curvature. In this designate the limits in whose proximity our intuitive
classification regime a muon and an electron, which concepts can no longer be used without misgivings. c
have identical properties except for mass and lifetime, is a consequence of conjoining Newtonian mechanics
belong to the same geometrical/topological class. The and the Maxwell theory, reflects the relation between
applicability of the classification regime is affirmed in the time component and space components of the
the case of the electron and the muon by the fact that Minkowski 4-space, appears as a constant in the basic
the formulation applied to the electron is equally equation E = mc2 on which the special theory of
applicable to the muon before it decays, provided that relativity rests, and designates the highest possible
α is kept the same for the muon as for the electron. value of any physical velocity. h is a consequence of
However, for protons the compound nature and large conjoining the statistical theory of heat and the
anomalous magnetic moment seem to suggest a quite Maxwell theory, appears as a constant in the basic
different class of geometric structure. equation E = hν on which quantum mechanics rests,
6.3 The Physical Constants and Physical Theories, and designates the smallest possible value of action
Fundamental Length, and the Constants of concerning the absorption-radiation process. Unlike h
Nature and c, the fundamental length does not have an
Physics with experiment and theory as its funda- association with existing fundamental theories as
mental components deals with physical quantities in such, and the argument for its inclusion in the com-
practice. A physical quantity is said to be a physical plete physical theory was mainly based on dimen-
constant if it is time invariant, in spite of its varied sional analysis and the fact that length is a basic
numerical value in different systems of units. A measure in physics.(55,71) The argument is as follows:
physical constant is further said to be fundamental or there must exist (besides h and c) another “universal
universal if it is universally invariant, that is, if it is constant of the first kind” having the dimension of a
not too specific or too closely associated with the length or a mass, for length and mass cannot be
particular properties of the material or system upon formed dimensionally from h and c. And the physical
which the measurements are carried out. The funda- significance of this constant is expressed more clearly
mental physical constants compiled by CODATA by introducing it as a fundamental length.
appear to bear this quality.(70) The importance of the The introduction of the fundamental length to phys-
fundamental constants lies in the fact that they, ics in some natural way was considered one of the
through association with physical theories, constitute problems in the post relativity and quantum mechan-
to a varied extent a unified description of nature or ics era of physics.(72) And the discussion of questions
natural phenomena. associated with it appears to be the most urgent
However, their association with the respective task.(55) “How this new constant of elementary length
physical theories does not seem to indicate that they can be introduced into the existing formalism of
are all equally fundamental. Furthermore, the inter- physical theory is, of course, anybody’s guess.”(71) In
play between experimental and theoretical physics on analyzing the relation between the fundamental
the physical quantities does indicate that they are constants and physical theories, it was envisioned that
interexpressible. These led to a speculation 50 years “when quantum theory and relativity wave theory are
ago that in a complete physical theory all the con- conjoined, account must be taken of a universal
stants would be expressible in terms of only four constant having the dimension of a length.”(55) In
basic constants: Boltzmann’s constant kB, the speed of other words, the emergence of the fundamental length
light c (Einstein’s constant, following a recent pro- ought to be a consequence of conjoining quantum
posal of Kenneth Brecher of Boston University), theory and relativity theory.
Qiu-Hong Hu

The identification of the radius of the electron re mately to the concept of unified field theories. The
with the fundamental length λ seems to be a natural concept of wave-particle duality — being derived
way to introduce the fundamental length to physics, from the undulation and corpuscular nature of light
and a fulfillment of Heisenberg’s vision and Gamow’s and matter — evolved into the wave-particle or
speculation; for re emerges as a consequence of quantum field view, fostered the wave mechanics and
conjoining quantum mechanics and relativity theory. quantum field theories, and led to the concept of the
It is of pivotal importance in the whole formulation as grand unification — the unified quantum field theory
seen through the relation between the mass and the of elementary particles and interactions.
radius of the electron and the relation between the While the particles, fields, and waves at the present
radius and the classical radius of the electron — the stage of their development are truly abstract represen-
geometrical account for α and the electronic charge. tations in nature, the Hubius helix postulated above
Furthermore, it, together with r0, designates the portrays an intuitive picture for the electron. As
geometric constraints that underlie the physical demonstrated in the previous sections, the helix
attributes of the electron. The fundamental length of allows us to apply classical concepts to it. With the
other elementary particles is likely to be the same as help of these concepts, it reproduced the static and
the mass — all possess the same measure, but each dynamical spectroscopic properties of the electron.
has its own value. Thus the fundamental length, as a The very virtue of the helix lies in the fact that a
basic measure of the elementary constituent of matter, single piece of mathematical fact is able to tie to-
deserves a position of being a “universal constant of gether all of the attributes of the electron identified in
the first kind,” just like h and c in relation to physical Section 1.
theories, or a position in Gamow’s quadrumvirate. I With respect to the relation to the philosophical
would vote for Boltzmann’s constant kB, Einstein’s views, the helix defies the particle view so far as the
constant c, Planck’s constant h, and the radius of the electron is concerned. It is consistent with the wave-
electron re (why not call it the Hubius constant?) for particle view, for the formulation and the wave
the constants of nature. mechanics share the same starting point and the same
standing-wave argument for quantization and obtain
7. CONCLUDING REMARKS the same wavelength-momentum relation for the
The fundamental ways of describing phenomena in electron. As the present work limited itself within the
nature are based on the concepts of particle, field, context of the electron as an isolated entity, the
wave, and string.3 These concepts foster powerful discussion of the possible impact of the present work
physical theories on the one hand, and constitute on the fundamental postulates of quantum mechanics
different philosophical views of the physical universe is not intended. As for the field view, in spite of the
on the other. The concept of massive point particles relation between the Hubius helix and the Möbius
— being introduced as an abstraction of macroscopic strip or nontrivial fiber bundles that are closely
objects in mechanical motion where the internal connected to the gauge field,(73) the formulation of the
structure of the objects can be totally ignored — mathematical relation between the Hubius helix and
evolved into what is called the particle view, fostered the gauge field is not attempted.
Newtonian mechanics and the Maxwell–Boltzmann To conclude, the present work — as a result of an
theory of heat, and led ultimately to the concept of endeavor of a historical, physical, mathematical, and
elementary particles. The concept of lines of force — philosophical study of the electron as concept,
being conceived to visualize the medium through isolated entity, and theories — manifests my belief in
which electromagnetic forces propagate — evolved Einstein’s conviction, “You know, it would be
into the field view, fostered the theories of electro- sufficient to really understand the electron.”(74)
magnetism of Faraday, Maxwell, and Hertz and
Einstein’s field theory of gravitation, and led ulti- Received 28 April 2003.

En passant en revue l’histoire et l’évolution du concept et du développement
des théories de l’électron, je suis convaincu que ce qui manque à notre com-
préhension de l’électron est une structure qui assemblerait tous ses attributs
d’une façon cohérente. Il est postulé ici que la structure topologique de
The Nature of the Electron

l’électron est une double hélice fermée (le soi-disant hélice « Hubius ») qui est
crée par le mouvement circulaire d’une particule sans masse à la vitesse de la
lumière. Une formulation décrivant un électron isolé au repos et à grande vi-
tesse est présentée. Il est démontré que cette formulation est capable
d’incorporer la plupart (sinon tous) les attributs de l’électron, soit le spin, le
moment magnétique, la constante de la structure fine, le moment magnéti-
que anormal (α/π)/2, et le quantitatif de la charge en une seule description
concrète de la double hélice « Hubius ». Les équations formant la description
en découlent ainsi. Les implications du postulat sont élaborées et les insuffi-
sances de la formulation sont discutées.

Endnotes References
This bullet is different from the others in that it 1. G.J. Stoney, Philos. Mag. 38, 418 (1894).
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The Nature of the Electron

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Qiu-Hong Hu
School of Physics and Engineering Physics
Chalmers University of Technology
University of Gothenburg
Göteborg, SE-412 96 Sweden


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