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Dear Valentine,

How are you? I need to tell you something… I had a really horrible week and you are a girl I can trust
so I know I can talk to you.

Firstly, I need to describe you Lisa. She’s my best friend. I met her 2 years ago at school. She is as
beautiful as kind. To talk about her appearance we can say she is tall (about 1,80 meter). She is
skinny as a rake and she doesn’t like this so she tries to gain weight. She has long curly hair and her
hair are black like a sky night. She is blue-eyed and when I look at her, I lose myself in her deep gaze.
She is particularly good looking ! She has a wonderful smile and when she smiles, we can see her
dimples and it makes her look like an angel ! She pays particularly attention to her look. She has
literally everytime magnificent outfits ! She is used to wear a mix between casual and smart outfits.
She wears almost always black clothes so she looks like a vampire. To talk about her personality she
looks like a bad girl but she is actually the cutest girl ever. She is definitely funny ! (I can’t be with her
30 minutes without laughing). She is also moody and sensitive (she cries everytime she watches a
Disney movie!). She is really talkative (but REALLY. She is a real chatterbox) and she has two hobbies :
sports (she is rather athletic) and singing. But, she can’t sing to save her life (but she sings everyday.
HELP). She can also be rather clumsy and lazy. Working hard is not for her.

Then the story can really start. It was 1 week ago. We were invited to a party at school. At the
beginning I didn’t want to go because I don’t really like crowded place and the party was Friday 13th
and you know, I am totally superstitious. Lisa is my opposite because she is particularly sensible so
she tried to convince me that superstitious are stupid stories created by some ridiculous people who
tries to explain why their life were so lame. I finally accepted (but I was not really happy…). I wore a
long black silk dress with pearls, black gloves and a pair of high-heels from Louboutin. I also wore
some jewelry like a bracelet, necklace and a diamond ring. She was wearing a short black dress with
leather boots and a bag from “Natan”. When we went out I saw a black cat. It is said that black cats
are bad luck. I was sure something bad would happen! Lisa said I was too stressed but I didn’t pay
attention to her. At the party I saw a rather handsome man. He was wearing a black tuxedo. He had
blond hair and his eyes were green. He was about 1,90 meter and he looked like a bad boy but not
really mean. Suddenly he looked at me. It was uncredible! He came towards me and started to talk to
me. Lisa was not with me because she was hungry so she was looking for a food-stand. The beautiful
man said to me his name is Jay and he found me beautiful. He proposed me to dance with him so I
immediately said yes !!! (It was like he proposed me to marry him!) We began to talk about our life. I
explained him I am single and he told me that it was the same for him. We stayed together for 2
hours (I totally forgot Lisa) and suddenly, he kissed me !!!!! I was so happy ! But suddenly I saw Lisa.
She was chocked and started crying. I was lost so I tried to explain to Jay I had something important
to do. I went to see Lisa and tried to understand and she literally hit me ! I was shocked and I asked
her what was the problem. She said to me the man was her ex and she went away. I tried to call her
but she didn’t want to talk to me. Finally I left the party…

Finally I am stuck in my house since 1 week. Lisa doesn’t want to see me. I have Jay’s number but I
didn’t phone him yet. I have so many regrets. If I hadn’t gone to this party, Lisa and I would still be
together now. If I had trusted my instinct, I would not have been to this party. I wish I hadn’t gone to
this party!! Now I am lonely. I would like to phone Jay but I am not sure it’s the good thing to do. I
really fell in love with him. I wish I could see him again. If I don’t phone him, he will believe I forgot
him. He doesn’t have my phone number. I know he is my friend’s ex but he is maybe my true love ! If
Lisa can’t understand this, I don’t want to be her friend anymore… I think I will phone Jay today and
propose him a date. I hope he’s not angry. Now I have to be focus on my future and maybe my future
boyfriend. I hope Lisa will understand me.
Tell me what you think about all of that.

See you soon.


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