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Uniliver is one of the top list leading organization in both Bangladesh and the world, mostly

concern of the needs of customer value. It was founded in 1929, and successfully cope with the

market segmentation, targeting and positioning. Uniliver acquired acceptation of global

consumer satisfaction by serving the actual needs of customer. Uniliver Bangladesh is owned

jointly where Uniliver holds 60.4 shares and rest o-f the the Government of Bangladesh.

Through its journey of success they always maintained well employee performance. Uniliver

always aimed at the better training and development of employees to meet the current and future

challenges. As a giant multinational company it believes in Human Resource practice to fix up

well trained and developed employees.

Unilever Bangladesh is a believer in building leaders from within rather than outside. Due to

create such leaders, Unilever Bangladesh has a through training process in place. After extracting

the right talent for the organization, the training process helps them in growing as leaders. Much

of the training is on the job. The HR facilitates different training programs for the employees.If

once employees are trained, an evaluation process is triggered to ensure the effectiveness of

training. The training process of Unilever Bangladesh is basically centered on developing the

employees as future leaders. A more detailed description of the Unilever Bangladesh training

process will be explained in the following sections.This report is mainly addressed the training

analysis of Unilever Bangladesh.

Job Description

Unilever Bangladesh is one of those organization who implement effective Human Resource

practice in the organization guarantee the development of their employees , which also paves the
way for a long term organizational success owing to precise employee participation. The HR

department of Unilever Bangladesh monitors and controls all the necessary HR functions such as

recruitment, selection and most importantly training. The department is well complimented by

state of the arts technology to maintain a cohesive HR system. Unilever Bangladesh is a believer

in building leaders from within rather than outside. In order to create such leaders, Unilever

Bangladesh has a through training process in place. After bringing in the right talent for the

organization, the training process helps them in growing as leaders. Much of the training is on

the job. The HR facilitates different training programs for the employees. Once employees are

trained an evaluation process is triggered to ensure the effectiveness of training. The training

process of Unilever Bangladesh is basically centered on developing the employees as future

leaders. A more detailed description of the Unilever Bangladesh training process will be

explained in the following sections.


Training is very important for any organization that aims at progressing. It is basically a process

of acquiring a set of essential skills needed for a certain job and executing them in accordance

with the job responsibilities. There are some aspects that are critical for successful job

performance, they are, knowledge, skills and behavior. Training basally helps employees gain

these elements and channel them effectively to avail maximum job performance.
The Training Cycle

● Understanding training needs for the employees and creating the skill requirements,

● Designing the most effective training method for your organization,

● Making sure the training is being delivered efficiency,

● Evaluating the impact of the training


One should keep in mind that Unilever has been defaulting on the update in its HRM strategy

and especially the policies for managing the needs of staff members from different cultural

backgrounds. Therefore, the development of skills for improving the current process of

communication, collaboration, and feedback between Unilever and its diverse staff should be

regarded as the main objective to be accomplished after the training takes place (Omotayo 2015).

The outcomes of the training are expected to be twofold, with participants having to learn not

only the strategies for meeting the culture-specific needs of diverse staff members but also

improving the quality of the dialogue within the company, in general (Galpin, Whitttington &

Bell 2015)

Training at Uniliver


● Sharing thoughts and insights on HRM,

● Developing strategies toward meeting employees’ needs.


● Sharing thoughts and insights on HRM,

● Developing strategies toward meeting employees’ needs.

3)Discussion boards
● Expressing different views concerning talent management and diversity in the workplace,

● Communicating strategies toward,

● promoting employee engagement through diversity-based approaches

Training need analysis

Uniliver Bangladesh is a renowned organization of Bangladesh. Uniliver Bangladesh does ‘need

assessment’ to find out resource competency gap. This need assessment is known as Knowledge

need assessment (KNA). When they find gap between business target and actual job, then they

provide Training. Generally functional line manager monitor the operations closely, so they can

easily find out the gap and inform to the HR business partner about the training need.

With the help of Knowledge need assessment (KNA), the organization given training to:

● Fulfill the gap,

● Improve the condition.

Fixed training programs

Generally Uniliver Bangladesh arranges on average 12-15 training programs per year which

includes regular improvement training session as well as certain need fullfilling trainnings.

Besides that Uniliver arranges 3 types of training programs.

1) Functional training program :

Functional training program is usually on the job training. This type of training is given in basic

and advanced level. For example, new equipment has brought to the supply chain department,

and then employees are given Functional training on how to operate the functions.

2) General training program:

General training program is arranged to give training on general organizational issues which can

develop job performance and behavior. For example

•Training on-Business function negotiations,

•Communication skill development,

•Team work,

•Soft skill development etc.

Training hours

In case of on the job, Training does not always occur in office hour. It depends on the needs.

Uniliver Bangladesh maintains a flexible time schedule for training. For example
On the job : 30 minutes to 3 days.

Off the job : 2/3days or weakly or monthly basis.

On an average, in one year Uniliver allocates 1-1.5 months for training purposes.

Related Payment

In Uniliver Bangladesh, training is known as Learning & development session. As they

prioritizetraining up to that level, so they allocate a huge budget for training purposes. This is not

related to salary. They arrange separate budget for that. For example

● On the job : On an average Uniliver costs overall 2 lakh on per individual trainee.

● Off the job : It is more than 1-2 lakh as residential purposes are included, on average.

Types of Trainers

Basically Uniliver Bangladesh focuses on professional trainers who has best market

competency.They also heir other trainers but they are very rare in numbers. Trainers they provide

such as:

1) Internal trainers,

2) Local trainers,

3) International trainers.


Uniliver Bangladesh sometimes faces different barriers in case of giving training. For example,
Resources barrier

● Lacking of facilitators,

● Lacking of local resources,

● Lacking of good trainer,

● High cost.

Trainee’s barrier

● Prospective vary from person to person,

● Different likelihood of trainees. For example, some like participative and some like

video based learning. But most of them like real life experience training.

Training Needs Analysis is influenced by three factors

Organizational Analysis

Identifying the training needs of the employees in accordance with the long-term goals of the


Unilever Bangladesh's management trainee program precisely feeds the needs of the organization.

As Unilever Bangladesh is a big organization that always invests on long term goals, the training

process therefore, are designed accordingly creating long lasting employees.

Job Analysis

Identifying training needs in accordance with job description and specification.

Unilever Bangladesh makes sure the training provided to the employees are relevant to the job

description and specification, therefore, a Marketing Executive would not be trained on areas

such as accounting or engineering as it is irrelevant to his job description or specification.

People Analysis

Ientifying the training needs in accordance with the traits of the employees

When it comes to providing training. Unilever Bangladesh do consider the profile of an

employee and tries to train him or her accordingly.

Instructional Design

a) Setting training goals

b) Determining training specifics

e) Identify trainees

d) Determining training materials

e) Choosing training modes and methods

f) Select trainees

g) Schedule training
h) Develop training projects

Once the HR recruits the suitable candidates for training, Unilever Bangladesh sets training goals

and specifics accordingly. In the instructional design, the skill assessment is initially done and

then the learning plan is made. The business input and the individual input is thoroughly

analyzed and then the training plan is designed. Subsequently, the training calendar is designed

along with developing the training project. Job rotation is kept in place for employees every three

years, for which they go through training, which could be regional or international.


a) Validating the training program before implementing it

b) Revising the training program before implementing it

Emphasis on the business input and the individual input reflects Unilever Bangladesh's priority

towards validation before implementing a full-scale training program.


a) Ensuring support from management to the training program b)

Appoint manager for the training program

c) Designing certain protocols for the program

d) Ensuring logistical support

For approval of any training program within Unilever Bangladesh, the top management must

give green-signal to the whole project. Afterwards, line-managers from each department are

appointed to conduct, supervise and assess the training program. It is the duty of the line

manager to ensure that certain rules and regulations are maintained throughout the whole

program. The line-manager on the other hand has to report to a manager who is centrally

appointed for the whole program. As a result, Unilever Bangladesh ensures support from

management in the training process.


Concurrent evaluation : Evaluate the training effectiveness during training,

Immediate final follow up : Evaluating training effects at the end,

Follow up evaluation : Evaluating training effectiveness by observing the overall performance

of the training

Unilever Bangladesh makes sure that the line-managers are constantly evaluating the training

effectiveness during training as well as observing a thorough performance of the training after

the end of the program. Training progression of training programs within Unilever Bangladesh
are checked quarterly.

2. Tools of Evaluation:

• Written Test

• Simulation

• Interviews

• Questionnaire

• Performance Appraisal


In the following assignment we have discussing about a multinational company Uniliver's

training program which is directly connected with human resources.

If the employees are skillfull, competitive, knowledgeable and hard working then the company

will achieve its goal easily. On the recruitment of employee human resource sector plays a very

significant role. Uniliver company provide a training session for their employees. Effective

management of human resources is essential now to develop a competent workforce who will

contribute to the operation and growth of the organisation productively. This companies training
analysis also provide us such information that their employees are giving proper feedback

towards their company.


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5. Uniliver Bangladesh Ltd.( Bangladesh ( )

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