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Chapter-8 , Real World Case 4

Group Name: Durbeen

Summary: Zech Nelson gives an analogy Through his mission to illustrate what he
believes is the biggest reason that the software CRM is unable to shake the black
marks of the many failed multimillion dollar developments.

There are several benefits attached with a properly managed and maintained CRM
system.Netsuite Inc. is a leading provider of on demand enterprise applications,
including CRM as featured in the case.

Zach Nelson,the CEO of Netsuite has also made a convincing case as to why small
and midsize companies are primed to CRM right.The most crucial factor to the CRM
success of small and midsize businesses is that most aren’t yet paralyzed by data
silos and disparate systems, and they’ve learned from those that have had to spend
lots of time and energy bridging the silos.
The major application components of CRM include contact and account
management, sales,marketing and fulfillment,customer service and support.
Berlin company is a midsize company having customer management disparate

Churchill downs is a large company having both order management system and
customer relationship management system but both have discrepancies customer
master file database. Churchill is a company having Only CRM system but Berlin uses
both CRM and ERP system.

1. Q: What are the business benefits of CRM implementation for organizations

such as Berlin Packaging and Churchill Downs? What other uses of CRM would you
recommend to the latter? Provide several alternatives.

A middlesized business, Berlin Packaging, had to expend a lot of time and effort due t
o a disjointed system for client management. Order management and customer rela
tionship management systems have both been developed, but there are differences i
n the databases for each of them with regard to the customer master file.Finding the 
source of the truth is the main issue I have with having several systems, according to 
Steve Canter, CIO at Barlin Packaging LLC. Due to the Customer Relationship Manage
ment (CRM) system, Berlin Packaging was not only able to access its customer datab
ase, which contained housing information on more than 27,000 customers acquired 
since the middle of the 1990s in a single customer master, but also was able to acces
s comprehensive and reliable data. 
A properly managed and maintained CRM system has a lot of benefits, which is why i
t has become the talk of the business world. In any business, it helps the company in 
many ways, both in terms of giving customers more and making more money from t
hem. With CRM, a company can:

Provide Better Customer Service:

There are several strategic benefits to using a customer relationship management sy
stem, such as the flexibility to tailor interactions with customers across departments.
Using CRM, a repository may be maintained on customer profiles, thereby
treating each client as an individual and not as a group.It also helps the company in
getting continuous feedbacks from the customers on the product they have bought.

Discover New Customers

CRM systems help businesses find customers who might be interested in buying fro
m them. By keeping track of the types of people who are already customers, a busin
ess can easily come up with a plan to figure out what kind of people they should
target to get the most customers.
It helps them learn more about their customers and predict what they will buy next. 
For example, a customer who buys grass seed in the spring will need fertilizer later in 
the season.

Help Sales Staff Close Deals Faster

CRM helps businesses close deals faster by letting them respond to customer leads
and customer information more quickly and effectively. When companies have used
CRM systems well, the time it takes to get things done has gone down by a lot.

Make Call Centers More Efficient

When each employee has access to customer information and order history, it's
easier to target clients.CRM helps the company's employees know how to deal with
each customer based on the information they have about that customer.By using
CRM. Anyone in the company can get to the information right away, no matter
where they are.

Simplify Marketing And Sales Processes

Enhancing communication channels is one of CRM's many benefits. The use of IVRs,
websites, etc. has simplified business operations for both the company and its sales
staff.It enables the company to provide clients with multiple contact options.
2. Q: Do you agree with the idea that smaller organizations are better positioned to
be more effective users of CRM than larger ones? Why or why not? Justify your

The Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system is a software application that

centralizes all of a company's data pertaining to its interactions with external parties,
including contact information, sales data, and project estimates and bids. However,
CRM is no longer reserved for massive corporations; many small businesses are
seeing substantial returns after establishing their own CRM platforms. So, my
response is obviously not yes.
When a small business sets up a CRM system, everything they need to know about
the companies and people they work with every day is kept in one place, where staff
members with permission can easily access it. Even in small businesses, it can be
hard to keep track of all the information that builds up during a long sales cycle,
especially if the products and services are complicated. This is especially true without
a CRM system.
CRM systems help small businesses manage all customer interactions by centralizing
sales and customer data. This organizes the data, making it easier to analyze and
understand customer preferences, which is crucial to providing a good service and
maximizing customer satisfaction.

There is no longer any valid excuse for a small business not to use a customer
relationship management (CRM) system, and doing so will result in a more
productive and contented team, more loyal customers, and more revenue.

3. One of the main issues noted in the case is the importance of "good" data for
the success of CRM implementations. We discussed many of these in chapter 5,
when we compared the file processing and database management approaches to
data resource management. Which of the problems discussed there you see
present in this case? How do CRM applications attempt address them? Use
examples from the case to illustrate your answer.

Some companies have customer management systems but aren't as capable
of providing a source of truth. According to Steve Canter, the biggest
challenge with having disparate systems is identifying the truth. Because of
this, most of them spend a lot of time and energy bridging the silos due to
their fear of having data silos.

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