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11th Form


Advanced C1
1. None of the phones were left when we got to the shop. (TIME)
_________________________ the shop, all the phones had been sold.
2. I didn't know it was Carl until he took off his hat. (WHEN)
Only _____________________ his hat did I recognise Carl.
3. Don't waste your time asking Bryan to come with us. (WORTH)
It's __________________ to come with us.
4. Perhaps John heard the story from Pippa. (HAVE)
Pippa might __________________ story.
5. Until they fire me as manager here, I'll run the company my way. (LONG)
_____________________ the boss, I'll run the company my way.
6. The school's management are investigating allegations of teacher brutality. (INTO)
Allegations of teacher brutality _____________________ the school's management.
7. It's not possible that you saw Mary last night, she was with us! (HAVE)
You ___________________ last night, she was with us!
8. The beach was fun even though it was too cold. (FACT)
____________________ too cold, the beach was fun.
9. Many delegates stole pens from the conference room. (WERE)
A lot of _________________ the conference room by delegates.
10. Immediately after Bess arrived home, the phone rang. (SOONER)
No ___________________ home than the phone rang.
11. If his expensive divorce hadn't happened, Bill would still be a rich man. (FOR)
If it _________________ divorce, Bill would still be a rich man.
12. "You won't get lost along the country lanes if you always have the map open." (LONG)
He told them they wouldn't get lost ___________________ had the map open.
13. My brother has great ideas all the time. (COMES)
My brother always ___________________ ideas.
14. If that passing woman hadn't arrived, we would have been completely lost. (FOR)
Had it ____________________ we would have got completely lost.
15. If I lose this job, nobody will let me forget it. (LIVE)
I'll ____________________ if I lose this job.
16. They'll have to cancel the show if the audience doesn't increase. (MEAN)
A continued low audience for the show __________________ cancellation.
17. A phone call was the first we heard about them withdrawing from the concert. (PULLING)
The first we heard about ___________________ of the concert was a phone call.
18. We need to run or the train will leave before we get there. (TIME)
Unless we run, the train __________________ we get there.
19. "You really must stay for dessert," Kate's brother said to him. (STAYING)
Kate's brother _______________ for dessert.
20. "A massage would do you a lot of good," Jake told Amy. (FROM)
"You ________________ a massage," Jake told Amy.
21. Even if it's very far, they want to go to Paris for a weekend break. (MAY)
Far ________________they want to go to Paris for a weekend break.
22. The town's population surrendered as soon as the enemy arrived. (THAN)
No sooner had the enemy arrived ________________ surrendered.
23. This building stands a very good chance of being closed as unsafe by the council. (HIGHLY)
It's _________________ will be closed by council due to being unsafe.
24. Another student stole Carol's watch from the classroom. (HAD)
Carol _________________ by another student from the classroom.
25. I'm just about to give up this diet because it's not working at all.(POINT)
I'm ________________ this diet up because it's not working at all.
26. Please do those photocopies whenever you have the time. (HAPPEN)
Please do those photocopies if _________________ the time.
27. If you really want to spend the whole night studying, there's nothing I can do. (INSIST)
If you __________________ the whole night, there's nothing I can do.
28. The match will be postponed if it keeps raining. (MEAN)
Further rain ________________ postponement of the match.
29. "I can't stand what his assistant said about me," said Barbara. (OBJECTED)
Barbara ________________ the assistant said about her.
30. "Ian took the money, not his brother Dylan," Susan said. (IT)
According to Susan, ______________ took the money, not Dylan.
31. The shop was closed for a week while they decorated it. (DONE)
While it _______________, the shop was closed for a week.
32. If Phil is having so many problems at school, maybe some private tuition would help him. (FROM)
Maybe Phil would _____________ tuition if he's having so many problems at school.
33. They'll blame the failure of the festival on the weather. (DOWN)
The failure of the festival _____________ the weather.
34. When people speak down to my sister, she hates it. (BEING)
My sister hates ________________ to like that
35. I know it's dangerous, but I love hang gliding. (MAY)
Dangerous _______________ I love hang gliding.
36. I'd prefer you not to stay out so late. (RATHER)
I'd _________________ stay out so late.
37. I don't think it's important how fast we drive, we're going to be late. (MATTER)
We're going to be late ________________ drive.
38. We paid someone to fix the roof for us last summer. (HAD)
Last summer, we ____________________.
39. You should have spoken to Meg sooner. (SPOKEN)
If _________________ to Meg sooner.
40. "You played your music too loud last night," Jan said to Ben angrily. (ACCUSED)
Jan ________________ his music too loud the previous night.
41. It was very windy, but we really enjoyed the picnic. (FACT)
We really enjoyed the picnic _______________ was very windy.
42. I couldn't believe it when Jackie came back to work. (ABACK)
I ________________ the speed of Jackie's return to work.
43. It's very probable that this dog will win the competition. (HIGHLY)
It's ________________ will win the competition.
44. Mary didn't seem to be at all scared when she drove the motorbike. (DISREGARD)
Mary showed __________________ own safety when she drove the motorbike.
45. Jane said it was Sarah's fault that the dinner party was a disaster.(PLACED)
Jane _______________ Sarah for the disastrous dinner party.
46. Even when I did very badly, my teacher always gave me encouragement. (MATTER)
____________________ I did, my teacher always gave me encouragement.
47. Hannah was preparing to send an email to Richard when she saw his email. (POINT)
Hannah was ___________________ Richard an email when she saw his email.
48. "It's not a good idea to invest in that company," Philip told John. (AGAINST)
Philip __________________ in that company.
49. "The manager broke the computer", Tina said. (IT)
Tina said ________________ the computer.
50. The flawed diamond was much cheaper than the perfect one. (LOT)
The perfect diamond cost ________________ flawed one.
51. "I'd like to know who thought of that horrible name for the new company." (CAME)
Who ______________ name for the new company?
52. Someone was driving the car very erratically, the police confirmed. (BEING)
The police confirmed that the car _______________ erratically.
53. "I really should have studied more for the exam," Jed thought. (STUDIED)
"If ________________ for the exam," Jed thought.
54. Any time you see Clara, ask her about her husband. (HAPPEN)
If ________________ Clara, ask her about her husband.
55. The mayor revealed everything about the old scandal after he left office. (DID)
Only after leaving office ________________ everything about the old scandal.
56. Some have said that the government is ignoring the problem of inflation. (ACCUSED)
The government _________________ the problem of inflation.
57. John said he almost never went out on a Wednesday night. (RARELY)
" ___________________ out on a Wednesday night," John said.
58. Megan apologised to Harry for saying he was a coward. (BACK)
Megan ___________________ she said about Harry being a coward.
59. I don't think Mika hitting your car was an accident. (PURPOSE)
I think Mika ___________________.
60. "It's not the overtime I resent, it's the pay freeze," said Trevor. (OBJECTED)
Trevor ________________ pay freeze than the overtime.
61. "Don't tell Chris too much or you'll regret it," Sally told June. (AGAINST)
Sally ________________ too much to Chris.
62. You're not ever allowed in this laboratory. (TIME)
At ________________ permitted to be in this laboratory.
63. Don't ever open this door. (ACCOUNT)
___________________should you open this door.
64. Daniel regretted speaking so rudely to his landlord. (MORE)
Daniel _________________ politely to his landlord.
65. If your sister didn't work so hard, your family would starve! (FOR)
Were it ________________ working so hard, your family would starve.
66. Margaret told her daughter never to touch the vase. (CIRCUMSTANCES)
"Under _____________ this vase to be touched," Margaret told her daughter.
67. We get on well with both of Jack's parents. (TERMS)
We ________________ with both of Jack's parents.
68. If we could choose, we'd prefer to go to Paris. (RATHER)
We'd ________________ Paris if given the choice.
69. "Have you considered the cost of this project?" Elena asked. (ACCOUNt)
Elena wanted to know if they had taken ______________ of the project.
70. "You might have to drive a lot in this job," Greg said to Kathy. (INVOLVE)
Greg told Kathy that the job _______________ of driving.
71. The airline never said anything about having overbooked the plane. (TIME)
At ______________ tell us they had overbooked the plane.
72. If you left the bank at 3pm, it's possible you saw the thief. (HAVE)
You may _______________ you were in the bank at 3pm
73. Jenny isn't a bad accountant, but I don't think it is a very suitable occupation for her. (CUT)
I just don't think Jenny ______________ an accountant.
74. Don't you think insurance is getting very costly these days? (COST)
Don't you think the ______________ higher and higher these days?
75. We had no problems at all during our holiday in Turkey. (PLAN)
Everything _______________ during our holiday in Turkey.
76. It's possible Clare phoned while we were out. (MAY)
Clare _____________ while we were out.
77. Our class has won the History Quiz for the third year running. (SUCCESSION)
For the _____________ , our class has won the History Quiz.
78. The thunderstorm brought their tennis match to an abrupt end. (CUT)
They had to _______________ because of the thunderstorm.
79. What used to be my workplace is now a Thai restaurant. (TURNED)
My old workplace _____________ Thai restaurant.
80. I don't mind at all if you film my wedding speech. (OBJECTION)
I have ______________ my wedding speech.
81. Carol should have worked harder if she wanted a promotion. (SUCCEEDED)
Had Carol worked harder, _______________ getting a promotion.
82. The manager will give a bonus to the best employee of the year. (AWARDED)
The _______________ a bonus by the manager.
83. Don't tell a soul what I said to you about Margaret. (KEEP)
84. _________________ what I said to you about Margaret.
85. I forbid you to go to stay out so late. (QUESTION)
It's _______________ for you to stay out so late.
86. You can't tell Sophie that you saw me today. (ACCOUNT)
On ________________ Sophie that you saw me today.
87. This revolutionary new engine won't work unless it's carefully planned. (CRUCIAL)
Careful planning _______________ of this revolutionary new engine.
88. It's very unlikely that we will promote Barbara this month. (CHANCE)
There is very little ________________ this month.
89. They tried very hard to finish the painting by the end of the day. (BEST)
They ______________ the painting by the end of the day.
90. My dogs tends to bark a lot when it's left alone. (HABIT)
My dog is _______________ a lot when it's left alone.
91. Clara could only afford that dress because of the loan you gave her. (LENT)
Had ______________ money, she wouldn't have been able to afford that dress.
92. He lost the race as he didn't run as quickly as the rest of the boys. (PACE)
His loss was blamed on his inability _______________ rest of the boys.
93. You must try to accept that you will never run your own company. (TERMS)
You must ______________ fact that you will never run your own company.
94. If you don't know what you're doing, you shouldn't dismantle the watch. (APART)
Don't _____________ you know what you're doing.
95. The weather seems to be improving this afternoon. (SIGNS)
The weather _____________ this afternoon.
96. James said the reason for his poor exam performance was his illness. (BLAMED)
James ____________ on his illness.
97. You won't be able to come into this club without a shirt. (PREVENTED)
You _______________ into this club without a shirt.

1. By the time we got to

2. when he took off
3. not worth asking Bryan
4. have told john the
5. As long as I’m
6. are being looked into by
7. can’t have seen Mary
8. Despite the fact it was
9. pens were stolen from
10. sooner had Bess arrived
11. hadn’t been for his expensive
12. as long as they
13. comes up with a great
14. not been for that passing woman
15. live it down
16. will mean its
17. them pulling out
18. will have left by the time
19. insisted on him staying
20. would really benefit from
21. thought it may be
22. than the town’s population
23. highly likely that this building
24. had her watch stolen
25. on the point of giving
26. you happen to have
27. insist on studying
28. will mean the
29. objected to what
30. it was Ian who
31. was being done up
32. benefit from some private
33. will be put down to
34. being spoken down
35. though it may be
36. rather you didn’t
37. no matter how fast we
38. had the roof fixed
39. only you had spoken
40. accused Ben of playing
41. despite the fact that it
42. was taken aback by
43. highly likely that this dog
44. a disregard for her
45. placed the blame on
46. No matter how badly
47. on the point of sending
48. advised John against investing
49. it was the manager who broke
50. a lot more than the
51. came up with that
52. was being driven very
53. only I had studied more
54. you happen to see
55. did the mayor reveal
56. has been accused of ignoring
57. Rarely do I go out
58. took back what
59. hit your car on purpose
60. objected more to the
61. advised June against saying
62. no time are you permitted
63. On no account
64. wished he had spoken more
65. not for your sister
66. no circumstances is
67. are on good terms
68. go to
69. into account the cost
70. might involve a lot
71. no time did the airline
72. have seen the thief if
73. is cut out to be
74. cost of insurance is getting
75. went to plan
76. may have phoned
77. third year in succession
78. cut short their tennis match
79. has been turned into a
80. objection to you filming
81. she would have succeeded
82. best employee will be awarded
83. Keep to yourself
84. out of the question
85. no account can you tell
86. is crucial to the success
87. chance of Barbara being promoted
88. did their best to finish
89. in the habit of barking
90. not lent Clara the
91. to keep pace with
92. come to terms with the
93. take the watch apart unless
94. is showing signs of improving
95. blamed his poor exam performance
96. will be prevented from coming


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