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Environmental Science and Pollution Research


Energy and exergy efficiency analysis of solar still incorporated

with copper plate and phosphate pellets as energy storage material
Arani Rajendra Prasad 1 & Mohammed El Hadi Attia 2 & Wael Al-Kouz 3 & Asif Afzal 4 & Muthu Manokar Athikesavan 5 &
Ravishankar Sathyamurthy 6

Received: 18 February 2021 / Accepted: 20 April 2021

# The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2021, corrected publication 2021

In this work, a new attempt was made to study the behavior of the conventional solar still (CSS) by adding a black-painted copper
plate and phosphate pellets. Therefore, the performance of the three solar stills has been studied and compared. The first is the
CSS, and the second is the modified solar still (MSS). The MSS performance was tested using black-coated copper plate
(measuring 49 × 49 cm and 0.2 cm thick) with and without phosphate pellets and compared to the CSS in the similar climatic
conditions. The results showed that the combination of black coated copper plate and the inclusion of phosphate pellets improved
the evaporation rate and daily productivity. During the experiments, yields using black coated copper plate without and with
phosphate pellets were 14.96% and 29.53% greater than the CSS. The effectiveness of the CSS, MSS with copper metal plate
(MSS-CP), and MSS with copper metal plate with phosphate pellets (MSS-CP and PP) are around 30.23, 35.3, and 41.44%,

Keywords Solar still: Desalination . Copper metal plate . Phosphate pellets . Distilled water . Energy . Exergy


Water is the basic element in life. A universe without water

The original online version of this article was revised: The correct does not have life. Although water covers three-fourths of
Country of affiliation 1 is India.
the Earth’s area, just 2.5% of clean water is available and
Responsible Editor: Philippe Garrigues the rest of water is not fit for drinking due to its salinity and
contamination (Essa et al. 2020a, b, Abdullah et al. 2019).
* Muthu Manokar Athikesavan Therefore, water treatment has become an essential thing,
and it can be done by solar still distillation (Essa et al.
2021, Rashidi and Esfahani 2018). One of the approaches
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sri Sairam Engineering that have been used to desalinate non-potable water is re-
College, Chennai 600044, India verse osmosis, but it takes a lot of energy. Therefore, solar
Department of Physics, Faculty of Sciences, University of El Oued, energy–based water desalination is the most effective and
39000 El Oued, Algeria cost-effective solution One of the most effective water de-
Mechanical and Maintenance Engineering Department, German salination methods is the exploitation of solar energy,
Jordanian University, 11180 Amman, Jordan which contributes greatly to solve the trouble of drinking
Department of Mechanical Engineering, P. A. College of water scarcity (Rashidi et al. 2018a, b). Okeke et al. (1990)
Engineering (Affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological University reported the impact of different materials (charcoal fine
Belagavi), Mangaluru 574153, India
particles and charcoal pieces) on the CSS output.
Department of Mechanical Engineering, B.S. Abdur Rahman According to the results, charcoal fine particles and
Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, Tamil
Nadu 600 048, India charcoal pieces had a better output as compared to the
6 CSS. Rajvanshi (1981) published the outcome of various
Department of Mechanical Engineering, KPR Institute of
Engineering and Technology, Arasur, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, dyes on the CSS and reported that when compared to red
India carmoisine and dark green dyes, the researchers discovered
Environ Sci Pollut Res

that black napthylamine had a higher rate of production heat storage materials such as metallic wiry sponges
Sodha et al. (1980) also published the effect of various (Abdallah et al. 2009), bricks (Kabeel et al. 2019;
dyes (red, violet, and black) in CSS output and reported Murugavel et al. 2010), composite energy storage material
that black and violet dyes are found to be most suitable than (Kabeel et al. 2021, Elashmawy and Ahmed 2021), quartzite
the red dye. Akash et al. (1998) published the effect of black rock (Nagaraj et al. 2021), Kanchey marbles (Saravanan et al.
ink, black rubber matt, and black dyes in CSS and found that 2020), pumice stones (Bilal et al. 2019), sand (Madhu et al.
black dyes are found to be most effective than others. El- 2018, Khechekhouche et al. 2020), fins (Rabhi et al. 2017,
Sebaii et al. (2000) reported the effect of mica, copper, Alaian et al. 2016, El-Sebaii et al. 2015, El-Sebaii and El-
aluminum, and stainless steel plates in CSS and reported that Naggar 2017), waste as a source of energy storage
the mica plates are found to be most suitable to improve the (Balachandran et al. 2020a, b), paraffin wax (Khalilmoghadam
CSS performance. Nafey et al. (2001) placed black rubber and et al. 2021, Dawood et al. 2020, Mousa et al. 2019), nano doped
black gravel in the CSS, and results reported that use of black paraffin wax (Chamkha et al. 2020; Kabeel et al. 2020; Thalib
rubber (1-cm thickness) and black gravel (2–3 cm size) en- et al. 2020; Abdullah et al. 2020), and nano coated basin
hanced the output as compared to the CSS. In a solar still, (Sathyamurthy et al. 2020, Thakur et al. 2021a, b, Arani et al.
Murugavel and Srithar (2011) used aluminum rectangular fins 2021) have been reported in the literature.
wrapped in cotton and jute fabric. The outcome showed that The aim of this research is to use copper plates and phos-
daily accumulation when using aluminum rectangular fins phate pellets to increase the yield of solar distillation. The
covered with cotton cloth was higher than aluminum bottom of the distillation basin fitted with a metal plate of
rectangular fins covered with jute cloth. Srivastava and copper (dimension 49.5 × 49.5 cm and the thickness 0.2
Agrawal (2013) reported the porous absorbers (prepared by cm). The presence of the copper metal plate under the sink
blacked jute cloth) in CSS. The authors concluded that the enhances the heat storage capacity, because it has good ther-
output was improved by approximately 68% using this meth- mal conductivity, making it a good energy storage material.
od compared to the CSS. Shanmugan (2013) used different The first distiller is a CSS, the second is the modified solar still
storage materials in CSS. Arjunan et al. (2014) tested the with the copper metal plate basin (MSS-CP), and the third is
efficiency of the CSS with various energy storage materials the modified solar still using copper metal plate basin with
(paraffin wax, blue metal stones, black granite gravels, and phosphate pellets (MSS-CP and PP) as energy storage mate-
pebbles). According to the writers, black granite gravels pro- rials. In August 2020, these experiments were carried out in
vided a higher yield than other materials and had a 10.06% the Algerian city of El Oued.
higher performance than the CSS. Dumka et al. (2019) used
sand-filled cotton bags in CSS, and it was reported that CSS
with sand-filled cotton bags improved the yield by about Experimental setup
28.56% with 30 kg of salt water and 31% with 40 kg of salt
water. Parsa et al. (2019) and Parsa et al. (2020a) reported the Figure 1 illustrates the two-dimensional drawing of a CSS
outcome of the CSS installation height on the yield of solar used in the present experiments. It features a square base
still. Parsa et al. (2020b) have done the comparative investi- with a dimension of 500 mm. The 3-mm-thick glass was
gation on active and CSS in Tochal and Tehran. Parsa et al. inclined at an angle of 10° from the horizon. About 25 cm
(Parsa et al. 2020c) used nanofluids to boost the CSS efficien- of thickness of wood was used to manufacture the still
cy. Rashidi et al. (2016) and Rashidi et al. (2017) have done side walls. In addition, a PVC pipe was attached to accu-
the partitioning of the CSS. Nanofluids/particles were used for mulate the distilled water that flows over the surface of
yield improvement of the CSS (Rahbar et al. 2017; Rashidi the glass. Phosphates are found in natural rocks, and it
et al. 2018c, d; Rashidi et al. 2019; Rashidi et al. 2020) can be easily converted into dark grey pellets, and it can
Many researchers have used different materials to fabricat- be used for energy storage materials. In this experiment,
ed the solar still experimental set-up including plastic 300 g/m2 of phosphate pellets with dimensions of 1.5–
(Phadatare and Verma 2007, Bhardwaj et al. 2016), fiber- 2 mm has been used. Phosphate pellets are taken from
reinforced plastic (FRP) (Yadav and Tiwari 1989, Tiwari the Algerian phosphate rocks (Jasinski 2012; Syers et al.
and Somwanshi 2018), glass (Elango and Murugavel 2015, 1986). Table 1 shows the properties of the copper plate
Nasri et al. 2019), acrylic (Manokar and Winston 2017a, b, and phosphate pellets.
Manokar et al. 2020, Shmroukh and Ookawara 2020), copper
(Abujazar et al. 2017), zinc (Khechekhouche et al. 2021), and
PV panel (Manokar et al. 2019; Manokar 2020; Sasikumar Experimental procedure
et al. 2020; Thalib et al. 2021; Taamneh et al. 2020).
Researchers used novel and low-cost materials in the solar still Research was conducted at the Faculty of Sciences, El Oued
to enhance the evening time yield enhancement. The sensible University, Algeria (latitude 33° 30′ N and longitude 06° 47′
Environ Sci Pollut Res

Fig. 1 Schematic of solar distillers

E), for 3 days from morning to evening (12 h) during August Results and discussion
2020. Schematic and photo of the experimental set-up are
shown in Figs. 1 and 2, respectively. The performances of Variations of solar intensity (I(t)), ambient (Ta), salty
the solar sills are experimentally studied under three cases: water (Tw), and glass (Tg) temperatures
CSS, modified still with the copper metal plate, and modified
still with the copper metal plate and 300 g/m2 phosphate pel- The variations of I(t), Ta, Tw, and Tg, for the CSS, MSS-CP,
lets. The performance of the MSS with water depth of 1 cm and MSS-CP and PP are shown in Figs. 3, 4, and 5,. Graph 5
was studied and compared with the CSS, which has a constant elucidated that the I(t) increases in the sunrise period; maxi-
water depth of 1 cm. Copper plate has a length of 49.5 cm and mum I(t) of 1008 W/m2 at 12 p.m. is recorded on 10-8-2020.
thick of 0.2 cm and phosphate pellets with dimensions of 1.5– Moreover, Ta increases in the sunrise period with a maximum
2 mm. of 42 °C at 2 p.m. on the same date. It can be seen from the
System performance evaluation needs to measure sev- figures that the variations of Ta, Tw, and Tg follow similar
eral parameters during experiments. These parameters are trends of I(t). This can be attributed to the fact that the solar
solar radiation, volume of distilled water obtained, and intensity is the main cause of such variations. The mean value
temperatures of brine inside the basin, outer and inner of I(t) and Ta are 624.38 W/m2, and 41 °C, respectively.
glass cover, and air. Thermocouples were used to measure Figure 4 depicts that the maximum Tw of the CSS is 72 °C
all temperatures, a solar energy meter was used to mea- at 1 p.m., MSS-CP is 75 °C at 1 p.m., and MSS-CP and PP is
sure insolation every hour on the same level from fixed 79 °C at 1 p.m.. Furthermore, the maximum Tw of the MSS-
glass lids, and a beaker was used to measure output per CP and MSS-CP and PP is 3 and 7 °C greater than the CSS.
hour. Table 2 shows the error values for the measuring Additionally, it is found that the daily average Tw of the CSS is
devices. 56.69 °C, MSS-CP is 58.77 °C, and MSS-CP and PP is 60.31
°C. Based on these values, the daily average Tw of the MSS-
CP and PP and MSS-CP is 3.66% and 6.38% higher than the
Table 1 Properties of copper metal plate and phosphate pellets CSS. In addition, it is found that the daily average Tw of the
MSS-CP and PP is 2.62% higher than the MSS-CP. Due to
Properties Copper Phosphate higher thermal conductivity materials in the MSS-CP and
Melting point (K) 1356.6 1670 °C
MSS-CP and PP, maximum and daily average Tw are higher
than those found for the CSS.
Thermal conductivity W/(m·K) 401 0.236
Figure 5 shows that the maximum recorded Tg of 55, 56,
Specific heat capacity (J/g K) 0.385 0.77
and 56 °C for the CSS, MSS-CP, and MSS-CP and PP, re-
Density (kg/m3) 8940 1740
spectively. The average values of Tg are 44.69, 45.77, and
Dimensions - 1.5–2 mm
46.46°C for the CSS, MSS-CP, and MSS-CP and PP,
Environ Sci Pollut Res

Fig. 2 Solar distillers

correspondingly. The copper plate used in the MSS-CP and was augmented by about 17.13% when utilizing MSS-CP
MSS-CP and PP were used to improve the Tw during the and PP when compared to MSS-CP. In the MSS-CP and PP,
evening time. So the incorporation of copper plate and phos- due to the material properties, it stores the heat energy in the
phate pellets is to store heat energy and to improve the Tw by plate surface and in the PP, and it reduces the heat losses from
adding heat energy to the basin water. the basin to the atmosphere so potable water production from
the MSS-CP and PP is greater than the CSS and MSS-CP.
Variation of evaporative heat transfer coefficient
(EHTC) and hourly potable water production Variation of thermal and exergy efficiency
Figures 6 and 7 depict the variations of EHTC and output from
The time-wise differences of thermal and exergy efficiency of
the CSS, MSS-CP, and MSS-CP and PP. The maximum cal-
the CSS, MSS-CP, and MSS-CP and PP are shown in Figs. 8
culated EHTC of the CSS, MSS-CP, and MSS-CP and PP are
and 9. The thermal efficiency of the CSS, MSS-CP, and MSS-
39.93, 45.22, and 53.03 W/m2K, respectively. The daily av-
CP and PP are increasing during the sunrise period and
erage EHTC of 22.29, 24.6, and 26.8 W/m2K is calculated for
reached a peak at 1 or 2 p.m. and then it decreases up to 3 or
the CSS, MSS-CP, and MSS-CP and PP, respectively. The
4 p.m., and again, it starts to increase. The thermal efficiency
daily mean EHTC of the MSS-CP and PP is higher than the
of the CSS starts with 2.84% at 7 a.m., having an increasing
CSS, MSS-CP due to the higher thermal conductivity copper
trend and reached 42.57% at 2 p.m., and then, it has a decreas-
plate and the energy stored in the phosphate pellets. The daily
ing trend up to 4 p.m. (33.2%), and after 4 p.m., it was in-
average EHTC value of the MSS-CP and MSS-CP and PP is
creasing and reached maximum efficiency of 66.8% on 7
10.37% and 20.22% higher than the daily average EHTC of
p.m.. Also, thermal efficiency of the MSS-CP starts at
the CSS. Furthermore, the average daily EHTC value of the
4.49% at 7 a.m., having an increasing trend and reached
MSS-CP and PP is 8.92% higher than the MSS-CP. In MSS-
48.61% at 1 p.m., and then, it has a decreasing trend up to 3
CP and PP, the copper plate along with the phosphate pellets
p.m. (37.98%), and after 3 p.m., it was increased and reached
augments the Tw and so it has higher hourly and daily EHTC
maximum efficiency of 73.54% at 7 p.m.. Similarly, the ther-
than the CSS and MSS-CP.
mal efficiency of the MSS-CP and PP starts at 2.99% at 7 a.m.,
Figure 7 elucidates that yield production from the CSS,
having an increasing trend and reached 69% at 1 p.m., and
MSS-CP, and MSS-CP and PP increases for the duration of
then, it has a decreasing trend up to 3 p.m. (43.93%), and after
the morning period and decreases for the duration of evening
3 p.m., it was increased and reached maximum efficiency of
periods. The highest potable water of 0.6, 0.76, and 1.08 kg
were produced from the CSS, MSS-CP, and MSS-CP and PP,
respectively. The daily output from the CSS is 3.58 kg, from
the MSS-CP is 4.21 kg, and from the MSS-CP and PP is 5.08
kg. When using the copper plate in the MSS-CP, potable
water production was augmented by about 14.96% when
compared to the CSS. Moreover, potable water production

Table 2 Standard uncertainties

Apparatus Accuracy Range Standard uncertainty

Solar meter ± 10 W/m2 0–1999 W/m2 5.70 W/m2

Thermocouple ± 0.1 °C −100–500 °C 0.07 °C
Beaker ± 1 ml 0–250 ml 0.6 ml
Fig. 3 Time-wise variation of I(t) and Ta
Environ Sci Pollut Res

Fig. 4 Time-wise variation of Tw for the CSS, MSS-CP, and MSS-CP Fig. 6 Variations of EHTC from the CSS, MSS-CP, and MSS-CP and PP
and PP

82.72% at 7 p.m. The average daily recorded energy efficien- the MSS-CP starts with 0.05% at 7 a.m., having increas-
cy of the CSS, MSS-CP, and MSS-CP and PP is 30.23, 35.3, ing trend and reached 4.36% at 1 p.m., and then, it has a
and 41.44%. The energy efficiency of the MSS-CP and PP is decreasing trend up to 4 p.m. (2.5%), and after 4 p.m., it
37.08 and 16.78% higher than CSS and MSS-CP, respective- was increasing and reached an efficiency of 4.09% at 7
ly. The presence of the copper plate and the phosphate pellets p.m. Similarly, the exergy effectiveness of the MSS-CP
in the MSS-CP and PP enhances the water temperature, and PP starts with 0.02% at 7 a.m., having an increasing
EHTC, and potable water production, and hence, it produced trend and reached 6.96% at 1 p.m., and then, it has a
higher thermal effectiveness than the CSS and MSS-CP. decreasing trend up to 4 p.m. (3.2%), and after 4 p.m.,
The exergy effectiveness of the CSS, MSS-CP, and it was increasing and reached an efficiency of 5.67% at 7
MSS-CP and PP is increasing during the sunrise period p.m. The average daily exergy efficiency of the CSS,
and reached a peak at 1 p.m., and then, it decreases up to MSS-CP, and MSS-CP and PP are 1.47, 1.88, and
4 p.m., and again, it starts increasing. The exergy effec- 2.47%, respectively. The exergy effectiveness of the
tiveness of the CSS starts at 0.01% at 7 a.m., having an MSS-CP and PP is 68.19% and 28.02% higher than
increasing trend and reached 3.12% at 1 p.m., and then, it CSS and MSS-CP, respectively. The exergy effectiveness
has a decrease trend up to 4 p.m. (1.92%), and after 4 of the stills is maximum in the case of MSS-CP and PP
p.m., it was increased and reached maximum exergy effi- because exergy effectiveness is proportional to the output
ciency of 2.85% at 7 p.m. Moreover, exergy efficiency of and available I(t). For the duration of the evening time,

Fig. 7 Time-wise variation of the hourly output produced from the CSS,
Fig. 5 Variation of Tg for the CSS, MSS-CP, and MSS-CP and PP MSS-CP, and MSS-CP and PP
Environ Sci Pollut Res

Table 3 Comparison of the cumulative yield of previous published

work and the present experimental work

Authors and reference Types of solar still Productivity


Khechekhouche et al. (2021) Zinc solar still 3.894

Cappelletti (2002) Plastic solar still 1.8
Tiwari and selim (1984) FRP solar still 4.5
Rajaseenivasan et al. (2016) Glass solar still 3.61
Muthu and Winston (2017a) Acrylic solar still 2.64
Abujazar et al. (2018) Copper solar still 4.383
Present experimental work CSS 3.58
CSS With CP 4.21
CSS With CP and PP 5.08
Fig. 8 Variation of energy efficiency of the CSS, MSS-CP, and MSS-CP
and PP

the difference between Tw and Tg is higher, so at the time Economic evaluation

of evening, it is higher as compared to the morning.
Table 4 shows the fabrication cost of the CSS, MSS-CP, and
MSS-CP and PP. From these results, it becomes clear that the
Comparison of similar studies daily production price of water is equal to 218.4, 307.2, and
378 DZD for the CSS, MSS-CP, and MSS-CP and PP,
Table 3 summarizes the comparison of present results with the respectively.
cumulative daily output of works using different basin mate-
rials. It was observed that the yield of the CSS with copper
metal plate increased by 14.96% compared to the CSS and Conclusions
output increased by 29.53% when using the copper metal
plate with phosphate pellets. Thus, the copper metal plates Modification of the solar still was made by the addition of
greatly augment the yield. From Table 4, the output of solar metal plates of copper without and with phosphate pellets. A
distillation made by plastic (Cappelletti 2002) produced a comparison was made between copper metal plates without
minimum yield (1.8 kg/m2/day) and solar still made by copper and with phosphate pellets (300 g/m2). The following conclu-
(Abujazar et al. 2018) is produced a maximum yield (4383 kg/ sions are obtained:
m2/day). The present study produced highest yields of 4.21
and 5.08 kg/m2/day using copper plate without and with phos- & Copper metal plates enhance the efficiency of solar still as
phate pellets, respectively. a result of its high thermal conductivity.

Table 4 Fabrication cost of the CSS, MSS-CP, and MSS-CP and PP

(1$=128.30 DZD, 1€=151.94 DZD)



Total cost of manufacture (DZD) 8000 8000 8000

The price of metal plate - 200 200
The price of phosphate pellets (300 - - 20
Maintenance cost (DZD) 50 50 50
Total cost (DZD) 8050 8250 8270
The water output (kg/m2/day) 3.58 4.21 5.08
The cost per liter of distilled water 60 60 60
on the market (DZD)
The price of daily production (DZD) 214.8 252.6 304.8
Fig. 9 Variation of exergy effectiveness of the CSS, MSS-CP, and MSS- Recovery period (days) 37 33 27
CP and PP
Environ Sci Pollut Res

& Adding phosphate pellets as a thermal storage material to The hourly exergy output and input of the CSS, MSS-CP,
copper metal plate is much better than using copper metal and MSS-CP and PP is estimated as follows:
plates alone.  
& me Ta
The production of the distilled water is equal to 3.58 kg/ E out ¼ Eevaporation ¼  Aw  hfg  1− ð7Þ
m2, by the conventional solar still. 3600 Tw
"     #
& By using the metal plate copper, the production of the 4 Ta 1 Ta 4
distilled water is equal to 4.21 kg/m2. E in ¼ E sun ¼ Aw  I ðt Þ  1− þ ð8Þ
3 T sun 3 T sun
& By using the metal plate copper and phosphate pellets, the
production of the distilled water is equal to 5.08 kg/m2. Nomenclature CSS, conventional solar still; MSS-CP, modified solar
& The daily output of the CSS was enhanced by 14.96% and still with a copper metal plate; MSS-CP and PP, modified solar still with a
29.53% by using metal plate copper without and with copper metal plate and phosphate pellets; I(t), solar intensity (W/m2); Ta,
phosphate pellets, respectively. air temperature (°C); Tw, salty water temperature (°C); Tg, glass temper-
ature (°C); Pw, partial vapor pressure of water (N/m2); Pg, partial vapor
pressure of glass (N/m2); h, heat transfer coefficient (W/m2K)
The solar still manufactures with copper metal plates great-
ly augment the output of the solar distillation and augment the Subscript a, ambient; d, daily; e, evaporation; g, glass; s, Sun; w, water
efficiency. Therefore, copper metal plates and phosphate pel-
Author contribution Arani Rajendra Prasad—Investigation, Project ad-
lets are good energy storage materials and are suggested in
ministration, Writing
such applications. In addition, combining copper sheets and Mohammed El Hadi Attia—Project administration, Writing—review
phosphate pellets is a simple, convenient, and effective way to and editing
enhance solar distillate productions. Wael Al-Kouz—Writing, Formal analysis
Asif Afzal—Review and editing
Athikesavan Muthu Manokar—Review and editing
Ravishankar Sathyamurthy—Data curation, Software, review and
Appendix (Manokar et al. 2018)
Data Availability All data are given in the manuscript.
The EHTC from Tw to Tg is calculated by
−3 Pw −Pg
he;w−g ¼ 16:273  10  hc;w−g ð1Þ
T w −T g Ethics approval and consent to participate Not applicable

Convective HTC from Tw to Tg is given by Consent for publication Not applicable

(   )1 =
  Pw −Pg ðT w þ 273:15Þ 3 Conflict of interest The authors declare no competing interests.
hc ¼ 0:884 T w −T g þ   ð2Þ
268:9  10−3 −Pw

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