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Varren Maritime Academy

Subject: Ship stability and Ship construction Maximum marks 50

Part A - Ship stability

Q 1. State a) Archimedes’ principle b) Principle of flotation (5)
Q 2. A rectangular log of wood 8 meter long, 2 meter wide and 2-meter-high floats in Fresh
water at a draft of 1.6 meters with one face horizontal. Find its mass and Relative Density. (5)
Q 3. Explain with appropriate sketch “Block coefficient – Cb” (5)
Q 4. Define TPC and derive the formula to calculate TPC (5)
Q 5. Define Fresh Water allowance and state the formula to calculate FWA (5)

Part B – Ship construction

Q 6. Define the following with appropriate sketch a) Length Overall (LOA)
b) Length between perpendicular c) Extreme breadth (6)
Q 7. Explain the following parts and their uses a) Hatch-Cover,
b) Bilge, c) Sounding Pipe, d) Air Pipe (4)
Q 8. Draw the loadlines for the starboard side of the ship (5)
Q 9. Draw the draft marks and indicate the water line position for the same
a) 5m 26 cm
b) 5m 62 cm
c) 5m 90 cm
d) 6’ 08”
e) 6’ 02” (5)
Q 10. Draw profile side view of a bulk carrier (5)

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