Category 10 Rubric

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Category 10 rubric A range (advanced) B range (target) C range (developing) D/F range (entry level)

Context, Audience, Demonstrates a thorough Demonstrates adequate Demonstrates awareness Demonstrates minimal
Purpose understanding of context, consideration of context, of context, audience, attention to context,
audience, and purpose that audience, and purpose and purpose, and to the audience, purpose, and to
Write in a manner is responsive to the a clear focus on the assigned tasks(s) (e.g., the assigned tasks(s) (e.g.,
responsive to the assigned task(s) and assigned task(s) (e.g., the begins to show awareness incorrectly assumes the
context, the audience, focuses all elements of the task aligns with audience, of audience's perceptions instructor or self are the
and the purpose of the work. purpose, and context). and assumptions). audience).
assigned task(s).

Conventions Demonstrates detailed Demonstrates consistent Follows expectations Attempts to use a

attention to and successful use of important appropriate to a specific consistent system for
Use conventions execution of a wide range conventions particular to a discipline and/or writing basic organization and
particular to a specific of conventions particular specific discipline and/or task(s) for basic presentation.
genre or discipline, to a specific discipline writing task(s), including organization, content, and
including organization, and/or writing task (s) organization, content, presentation.
content, presentation, including organization, presentation, and stylistic
formatting, and/or content, presentation, choices.
stylistic choices. formatting, and stylistic

Sources and Research Demonstrates skillful use Demonstrates consistent Demonstrates an attempt Demonstrates an attempt
of high- quality, credible, use of credible, relevant to use credible and/or to use credible and/or
Employ high quality, relevant sources to sources to support ideas relevant sources to relevant sources to
credible, relevant develop ideas that are that are situated within support ideas that are support ideas that are
sources to develop ideas appropriate for the the discipline and genre of appropriate for the appropriate for the
that are appropriate for discipline and genre of the the writing. discipline and genre of the discipline and genre of the
the discipline or genre of writing. writing. writing.
the writing.
Critical Thinking Evaluates information, Evaluates information, Evaluates information, Identifies a conclusion
ideas, or sources. Identifies ideas, or sources. Identifies ideas, or sources. based on given
The evaluation of gaps or limitations in gaps or limitations in Identifies gaps or information. Superficially
information and ideas to existing ideas or sources. existing ideas or sources. limitations in existing ideas evaluates conclusion.
synthesize conclusions in Synthesizes existing ideas Synthesizes existing ideas or sources.
order to affirm existing or information to take a or information to take a
perspectives and position. Affirms existing position.
solutions or propose new ideas or proposes new
ones. ones.

Effective Delivery of information is Delivery of information is Intended information is Information is delivered.

Communication highly coherent. coherent. Communication delivered. Communicates Communication lacks a
Communication achieves achieves stated purpose. with a clearly-stated clearly-stated purpose.
Exchange of information, stated purpose. Communication aligns with purpose. Follows Shows an awareness of
regardless of medium, Communication aligns with intended audience. conventions appropriate conventions appropriate
between two or more intended audience. Uses Follows conventions to a particular medium in a to a particular medium.
people wherein the conventions appropriate to appropriate to a particular rudimentary way.
intended message is a particular medium in a medium.
purposefully designed sophisticated way.
and delivered.

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