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Flexible Working Policy

Effective from April 2020

Flexible working is recognised to increase the range of employment and career opportunities for people
not wanting to undertake full-time work. It assists in the retention of skilled and experienced colleagues
who wish to make changes to their work-life balance and may play an important part where colleagues
wish to phase their retirement.

1. Eligibility
All colleagues are eligible to apply for flexible working. You can only make one application for flexible
working in a 12-month period.

2. Types of flexible working

You can request to change the:
 Hours you are required to work, e.g. part time, job sharing
 Times you are required to work, e.g. compressed hours, staggered hours, term time working
 Location where you are required to work, e.g. doing some of your work from home or a location
other than your normal place of work. Any request to work from a different location should be
made after reading the university’s guidance on blended working

Any changes made as a result of a request will result in a change to your terms and conditions of
employment. During your PDR, it is expected that you and your manager will discuss your working
arrangements to ensure they continue to be suitable for both parties.

3. Application
It is recommended that you discuss your request with your manager prior to completing a Flexible Working
Request Form as this can help develop a common understanding of the flexible working options available
to you.

Complete a Flexible Working Request Form detailing:

 The nature of the work pattern you wish to adopt and a proposed effective date.
 How your request might affect the business and how you think this could be dealt with.

Send the completed form to your manager.

4. Consideration of requests
The University will seriously consider all requests. Your manager will constructively discuss with you your
request with the intention of agreeing mutually acceptable working arrangements.

The maximum timescale for your manager to decide on your request is 3 months, unless an extended
timescale is agreed with you; however, the University seeks to respond as soon as practicable. The usual
lead in time before a change in working arrangements come into effect is 2 months.

The final decision will be based on business reasons. Requests can be refused if they are disproportionate
to the benefit to the organisation. These may include:
 Extra costs that will be detrimental to the organisation
 The work cannot be reorganised amongst other colleagues
 The organisation is unable to appoint an appropriate person to cover
 A negative impact on quality and performance
 The organisation won’t be able to meet demands placed on it
 There’s a lack of work to do during the proposed working times

 There are planned structural changes to the workforce

If your request is refused, you will have the opportunity to appeal. See the Appeal Process below for

5. Approval process
Your manager should arrange to meet with you within four weeks of receipt to discuss your request; this
may involve discussion leading to agreement for an alternative working arrangement from your initial

A Newcastle University colleague or a trade union representative can accompany you to this meeting. A
People Services representative may also be in attendance.

A meeting may not be required if your manager can approve the request, however in these circumstances
it is recommended that your manager meets with you to confirm working arrangements going forward.
Your manager will indicate their decision on the form and should also notify you of the decision verbally.

Your manager will return the completed form to People Services who will confirm the decision in writing
within two weeks of receipt. If the decision is to approve you will receive correspondence confirming
relevant changes to your terms and conditions. If the decision is not to approve you will be given reasons
for this.

If your request is not approved, you have the opportunity to appeal.

6. Appeal
You have the opportunity to appeal within two weeks of the date of the written decision. You should set
out your reasons for the appeal in writing and send to your People Services Business Partner.

An appeal meeting will be scheduled within two weeks of People Services receiving the appeal. You can be
accompanied to this meeting by a colleague employed at the University.

An independent manager will be appointed to hear the appeal. They will be a manager senior in authority
to, or at the same level as, the manager who made the decision on your flexible working request, and will
not have been previously involved in the case. People Services will attend the appeal hearing in an advisory

Within two weeks of the appeal meeting you will receive written confirmation of the appeal outcome.

7. Associated Documents
Flexible Working Request Form
Blended Working Guidance

Document Control Information

Does this replace another policy? No
Approved by: Staff Committee Date: 23.1.17
Effective from:
Review date:
Executive Sponsor:

Policy Owner: Kate Smith, People Relations and Policy Manager
Person(s) responsible for compliance:
Version Body consulted Date

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Analysis:

Does the policy have the potential to impact on people in a different way because of their
protected characteristics?
Initial assessment by: Date:
Key changes as a result of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Analysis

Document location

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