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STEP 3 Segmentation B2B Assuming that the institutional market consists of schools, hospitals, nursing homes, prisons, and

other institutions that must provide goods and services to people in their care, it is easy to define our targeting. It is defined by Institutional and Government Markets inasmuch as our target market are both private and public organizations Targeting Segment 1: It is composed of High Schools and Elementary Schools in Massachusetts. They can be private or public schools. The statistical information about these is: Massachusetts Public Schools: Number of Students: Massachusetts Elementary Schools: Massachusetts Middle Schools: Massachusetts High Schools: 1,934 980,499 1,171 329 296

Massachusetts Private Schools: 854 Number of Private School Students: 144,445 Segment 2: It compounds the most famous Universities of New England, which are: Ivy League Schools (Brown, Columbia, Dartmouth, Harvard, Princeton, Pennsylvania, Yale), totalizing 118,943 undergraduate students plus 119,816 graduate students, and Boston Colleges (Babson, Boston University, Northeastern) which add up to this 37,312 undergraduate and 20,493 graduate students. Besides that, in the referred market, it is possible to find influencers who might help the product to achieve the ideal maturity.

Positioning STEP 4 Product The product is defined of vegetarian hamburger, made of soy and tasted like chicken or beef. In addition, it is considered healthy food inasmuch as it has less calories and fat. The product will be a discretionary option, because the customers will be able to customize their purchase in two different ways: size and type of the acquisition. For instance, Columbia University can request the vegetarian burger only one time per month, while Harvard University can do it four times per month. Thus, it is just up to customers needs. Price

The price positioning is considered as a fair price, because the product is good but is cheaper to be made and we have some competitors in these segments. Place Our headquaters will be located in Massachusetts and we will delivery our product by truck. For we have a good and fast distribution we will have a software to connect us with ours clients and will facilitated the rebuyer of the product Promotion Our promotion will be made in schools, medical andnutritions fairs and meetings. we will host meetings about our products where will have lectures about the products and will be serving our product in a lunch to our future clients. People
(the new 4P s should be used)

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