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Assignment 3

Marks division  Marks  Marks obtained 

Content 3
Plagiarism  5
Formatting (Times New
Roman, 12, double line
spacing, 5 pages 2
maximum including title
Late submission  -1/day 
Total marks  10

1. No plagiarism is allowed in any assignment.
2. Assignments are to be submitted on time on teams. Late
submissions will result in deduction of marks.
3. The assignments should be in APA format (maximum 2 pages
typed,12 font size, Times New Roman font style, 1inch margins,
double line spacing)
4. Mention your name, roll number, subject and section on the
title page.


SUBMITTED TO: Ms. Amber Baseer


ROLL NO: 0182

If I could talk to my teenage self, the one thing I would say is…

Being a teenager is really hard time. We discover ourselves and we try to own own ourselves.

There’s a list of things I would tell my teenage self but the first will be Don’t run for what is

not yours and spend time and realise the importance of what you have right now with you.

Everyone has a past and we all want to change it. We’re humans and we all make mistakes

but there’s one thing that we should all know that we learn from our mistakes. As teenagers

we don’t realize how short life is and how important our family is. But with time we

understand that everyone has differences. If I talk to my teenage self, or think about it the

advice I would give myself would be to change my behavior. As I was a very aggressive girl

and I had mood swings. My anger was really bad I would get angry in smallest things around

me. I wish I could go back in time and work on my behavioral patterns. And I feel like I

learnt my lesson really late and I should’ve overcome my anger in time. Because it not only

affected me as a person but also everyone around me. Especially my family had to go through

a lot. As well as my friends. I think my anger created a lot of problems in my life and if I

could change that and go back in time, I would work on it. I missed a lot of good moments of

my life with my mother. The bond I shared with my mother was not as strong as it is now. I

faced many difficulties because of my anger issues. Sometimes I would hit things. And that

makes me really sad because I feel like I wasted my time and I missed so many opportunities.

If my anger was in control, I would’ve been a completely different person today.

I think I’ve learnt a lot from my past and it has made me a better person today. It was hard for

me to overcome my anger but I did it. So, I don’t have any regret but if I could go back, I

would change that so I don’t miss out on so many good relationships and friends.

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