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MS2 Pump Control Unit

User Manual



REV. 1.20 Sayfa 1
1 INSTRUCTION ------------------------------------------------------- 3
2 HARDWARE -------------------------------------------------------- 4
2.1 Pump Control Unit ------------------------------------------------ 4
2.2 Keyboard ------------------------------------------------------ 6
2.3 Display -------------------------------------------------------- 7
2.4 Power Unit ----------------------------------------------------- 7
2.5 Pulsar Mechanics ------------------------------------------------- 8
2.6 Electromechanical Totalizer------------------------------------------ 8
2.7 ATCsensor ------------------------------------------------------ 9
2.8 MS2 General configuration ------------------------------------------- 9
3 PUMP MENUS ------------------------------------------------------ 10
3.1 Pump Menu ----------------------------------------------------- 10
3.2 Administrator Menu ----------------------------------------------- 12
3.3 Service Menu ---------------------------------------------------- 13
3.4 LPG Configuration ------------------------------------------------- 17
4 ERROR CODES ------------------------------------------------------- 18 Page 2

This document is prepared to explain the MS2 Pump Control Unit’s usage for manufacturers and
services and all rights are reserved. It is prohibited to copy, edit, modify or publish any part of the contents in
this document without of AKORD ELEKTRONİK LTD’s permission. Any content of this document can be
changed by AKORD ELEKTRONİK LTD without any notice. This document is not a guarantee certificate.

MS2 is trade mark of AKORD ELEKTRONİK LTD. Trademarks and registered trademarks are the
property of their respective owners. Page 3


The Pump Control Unit (PCU) has full electrically isolated inputs and outputs. Therefore it needs two
power inputs that each others are independent (AC9V and AC12V). PCU is supplied by the Power Unit. The
Earth input of the device must be connected to earth for proper filtering operation.

Pump Control Unit (PCU) manages two filling operations on the dispancer at the same time.
Therefore it has two nozzles and two pulser inputs. Each nozzle input has an indicator led.When it is
activated, the related led indicator is turned on (NOZZLE INDICATOR). The PCU has a circuitry to detect
errors on pulser connections that the pulser is connected or not. If any error is detected, the device
doesn’t permit to filling and sends error code to the filling Display, and a message related with the error
code appears on second line of Keyboard display.

Pump Control Unit (PCU) sends to displays all filling values through I2C ports. Maximum two displays
can be connected to PCU. The PCU also communicates with the keyboard as the same way. All working
parameters of the PCU can be changed by the Keyboard.

Figure 1: Top View of Pump Control Unit Page 4
Pump Contol Unit (PCU) manages the filling procces independently when it is in Manuel Mode. In
Auto Mode, the device can not manages the filling process itself and needs to communicate with any site
control device such as SCU and DCR through the RS485 communication port. In this mode, the PCU is in
slave position and the filling procces is managed by master device (SCU, DCR, and ect.). The PCU
communicates with the other devices at 9600 baud rate. The parameter of communication has a 8 bits data
lenght, 1 stop bit and no parity. The communication port has two indicator leds.Data streams on RX and TX
can be obsorved on related led indicator (Communication Indicator).

When starting the filling procces, flow control of the filling is controlled by relay outputs of pump
control unit.The PCU decides to which solenoid valve and contactor are activated and the COM input is
switched to related valve and motor contactor as shown in figure 2.The configurations of Relay outputs are
described in Table 1.The COM input is supplied with a voltage according to needed for solenoid valves and
motor contactor. If the working voltage of solenoids and contactor is AC220V, the COM input is supplied
with AC220V.

V1-1 V1-2 V2-1 V2-2 MOTOR

1.Nozzle OFF OFF X X X
Not Authorised
1.Nozzle ON OFF X X ON
(slow flow)
1.Nozzle ON ON X X ON
(fast flow)
2.Nozzle X X OFF OFF X
Not Authorised
2.Nozzle X X ON OFF ON
(slow flow)
2.Nozzle X X ON ON ON
(fast flow)

Table 1: Configuration of Relay Outputs

Figure 2: Relay Output Circuitry Page 5

Figure 3: Front Viewing of the Keyboard

The Keyboard is connected to Pump Control Unit (PCU) with I2C Bus Entry. After connection, all menu
operations can be performed by using of the Keyboard. All changes, directives and warnings are read out on
the Keyboard Screen. The Keyboard has 4x4 keypad input. The menu entry is realized by Enter . This key
also is used to select which is concerned submenu, and to confirm the changed parameters or the others.
The menu is searched UP and DOWN with the scanning keys . To escape from the menu operation;
the Return is used. This key also is used to clear unwanted numeric key entry. When an emergency
condition is occurred at filling operation, the filling is stopped by pressing to the Return .

The Keyboard has shortcut key preset to determine the type of filling either in amount or in
volume. The Keyboard also has some shortcut keys for programming the presetting value of
filling. The predefinition of each shortcut key is defined in related Menu. Each pressing to any shortcut key
increments the programmed filling value by the presetting value. The configurations of those shortcut keys
will be described in later. Page 6

Figure 4: Front and Back Viewing of the Display

The LCD Display has three lines. The upper line represents the total amount of filling as money. The
total volume of the filling is displayed on second line as a liter. Third display line describes the unit price of
filling. This line also represents the Error Codes when an error is occurred on the dispenser.

Display is connected to PCU with I2C Bus Entry. When needed two displays in the filling system, each
display must be addressed by Display Select Switch. All of four DIP switches must be OFF condition to select
the first display. To select the second display, conditions of DIP switches are as follow.

Display Select Switch condition for second display; Nr 1: OFF Nr 2: OFF Nr 3: OFF Nr 4: ON


Figure 5: The Power Unit Page 7
The Power Unit supplies two independent voltages to the PCU which has isolated input and output
ports. The first of them is AC9V-25W and the other is AC12V-10W.The mains input of power unit has an EMI
filtering.System operating voltage range is between AC 180V-AC 240V at 50-60 Hz.


Figure 6: Pulsar mechanism

The Pulsar mechanism produces electrical pulses related to flow rate of the fluid. In fact this device
is an optical encoder and it has two 90 degree phase shifted outputs .Pulsar mechanism produces 50 pulses
each revolution.


Figure 7: Electromechanical totalizer

Electromechanical totalizer represents the grand total of filled volume. It cannot be cleared. Each
filling channel must have to it. If any filling channel has not to its own totalizer, the filling operation is never
authorized and PCU produces an Error Code related with this failure on the Display. The operating voltage of
the totalizer is DC12V. It is connected to the Electromechanical Totalizer Output of Pump Control Unit
(PCU). Page 8

Şekil 8: Atc Sensor

ATC sensor consists of DS18B20 digital temperature sensor which is covered by a brass
housing.DS18B20 senses the temperature in the range of -55 and 125 centigrade degree.MS2
comansates the filling value according to ATC sensor between -25 and 65 centigrade degree.


Şekil 9: MS2 konfigürasyonu Page 9

Initially, the Pump Control Unit (PCU) has to factory settings of its all parameters. Therefore, all
parameters can be changed according to the dispenser needs by the Keyboard. Searching the Menu, firstly
press to the Enter and then search it to choose needed menus and submenus with the help of the
scanning keys . There are three types of the Menu. Those are A-PUMP MENU, B-ADMINISTRATION
MENU and C-SERVICE MENU. When the needed Menu appears on the keyboard screen, press to the Enter
. Now, the submenus of the related menu can be searched. To escape from the Menu, it is pressed to the
Return . Those are described in below.


In this blog of the Menu, the station stuff can operates on basic pump functions. When the PUMP
MENU is selected, first submenu Liter Total appears on the second line of Keyboard Screen. The other
submenus are searched with the help of the scanning keys . Press to the Return to escape from
this submenu. The submenus in the PUMP MENU are listed in table 2.


1- Liter Total ZERO
2-Shift Total ZERO
3-Sell Records NO RECORDS
4-Error Messages DESCRIBED ON SECTION 3.1.4
5-Information DESCRIBED ON SECTION 3.1.5
6-Flow meter CLOSED
Table 2: List of the Pump Menu

3.1.1. Liter Total

When Liter Total appears on the Keyboard Screen, press to the Enter . Now, the cumulative total
of the filled volume is screened for the first nozzle. By using scanning keys , the second total for the
other nozzle will be displayed. Press to the Return to escape from this submenu. This total value can be
cleared by submenu C-SERVICE MENU>7-CLR TOTAL.
3.1.2. Shifts Total

When Shifts Total appears on the Keyboard Screen, press to the Enter . Now, the cumulative total
that is filled amount by station stuff is screened for the first nozzle. By using the scanning keys , the
second total for the other nozzle will be displayed. Press to the Return to escape from this submenu.
This total value can be cleared by submenu B-ADMINISTRATION MENU>6-CLR SHIFTS TOTAL. Page 10
3.1.3. Sell Records

When Sell Records appears on the Keyboard Screen, press to the Enter . Select the needed nozzle
by using the scanning keys (NOZZLE-1 or NOZZLE-2) and confirm one of them by pressing to the Enter
. Now, select the one of the last 10 records by using the scanning keys , press to the Enter .
After then, the related data (volume, amount and date of the filling) is screened on the Keyboard Display
and filling Displays. By using scanning keys , the others of recorded filling data can be displayed. Press
to the Return to escape from this submenu.
3.1.4. Error Messages

When Error Messages appears on the Keyboard Screen, press to the Enter .This stage of the
menu lists the description of error messages on the Display (e.g. ERR 01).The error message list can be
searched by using scanning keys . Press to the Return to escape from this submenu. The
descriptions of error messages are shown on the table 3.


ERR 01 Power Failure
ERR 02 Valve leakage
ERR 03 Pulsar Dir. Err.
ERR 04 No Totalizer
ERR 05 No Nozzle
ERR 06 Nozzle Open
ERR 07 No Price Entry
ERR 08 Pump is Locked
ERR 09 Pulsar Failure
ERR 10 Comm. Err.
ERR 11 No Display
ERR 12 No ATC Sensor
ERR 13 Low Flow Rate

Table 3: List of the Error Messages

3.1.5. Information

When Information appears on the Keyboard Screen, press to the Enter .Now, all information
related with PCU situations are displayed on the Keyboard Screen by using the scanning keys .These
PCU situations are as follow respectively. Version of the PCU software, PCU works on Manuel mode or Auto
mode, configuration of the PCU, if LPG dispenser type is chosen, the density of LPG and the ATC probe
condition. Press to the Return to escape from this submenu.
3.1.6 Flow meter

When Flow meter appears on the Keyboard Screen, press to the Enter .Now, the condition of
Flow meter is displayed on the Keyboard Screen (OPEN or CLOSED).When it is opened, the flow rate during Page 11
filling operation appears on the second line of keyboard display. This function is preferred to use of
manufacturers and services for checking the flow rate of the pump unit. Change the condition by using the
scanning keys , and press to the Enter to confirm it. Press to the Return to escape from this


When searching the Menu, choose the ADMINISTRATION MENU by using of the scanning keys ,
and press to the Enter to accept it. Write the Administration Menu Password by using the numerical
keys , and press to the Enter to confirm it. Now, the first submenu of Administration Menu (1-Unit
Price) appears on the Keyboard Screen. If the password is wrong, The WRONG PASSWORD message will
appear on the Keyboard Screen. Press to the Return to escape from this submenu. The submenus in the
ADMINISTRATION MENU are listed in table 4.


1-Unit Price 1.00 (Currency Unit) 0.01 to 999.99
2-Preset Keys 1.00 0.01 to 99.99
3-Date Settings -
4-New Password 00000 00000 to 99999
5-Clr Shift Total -
Table 4: List of the Administration Menu

3.2.1. Unit Price

When Unit Price appears on the Keyboard Screen, press to the Enter . Then, select the needed
nozzle by using the scanning keys and choose it by the Enter . Now, write the new unit price by
using the numerical keys , and press to the Enter to confirm it. Press to the Return to escape from
this submenu.
3.2.2. Preset Keys

The Preset Keys describe the values of shortcut keys on the Keyboard related with
amount. When Preset Keys appears on the Keyboard Screen, press to the Enter . Write the new value
by using the numerical keys , and press to the Enter to confirm it. Press to the Return to escape
from this submenu. Page 12
3.2.3. Date Settings

When Date Settings appears on the Keyboard Screen, press to the Enter . Choose the hour,
minute, day, month or year respectively by using the scanning keys . Write the new value by using the
numerical keys , and press to the Enter to confirm it. Press to the Return to escape from this
3.2.4. New Password

When New Password appears on the Keyboard Screen, press to the Enter . Now, write the new
password by using the numerical keys , and press to the Enter to confirm it. Press to the Return to
escape from this submenu. Note that this new password is only current for Administration Menu entrance.
3.2.5. Clr Shifts Total

When Clr Shifts Total appears on the Keyboard Screen, press to the Enter . If the Shifts Total
value is cleared, press to the Enter to confirm it. Press to the Return to escape from this submenu.
3.2.6. Pump Lock

When Pump Lock appears on the Keyboard Screen, press to the Enter . Choose the dispenser
condition (OPEN or LOCKED) using the scanning keys , and press to the Enter to confirm it. If
LOCKED is selected, the dispenser never permit to the filling. Press to the Return to escape from this
3.2.7. Language

When Language appears on the Keyboard Screen, press to Enter .Choose the language using the
scanning keys , and press to the Enter to confirm it. If ENGLISH is selected as an example, after
then the all MENU are shown in English. Press to the Return to escape from this submenu.


When searching the Menu, choose the SERVICE MENU by using of the scanning keys , and press
to the Enter to accept it. Write the Service Menu Password by using the numerical keys , and press to
the Enter to confirm it. Now, the first submenu of Service Menu (1-Valve Open) appears on the
Keyboard Screen. If the password is wrong, The WRONG PASSWORD message will appear on the Keyboard
Display. Press to the Return to escape from this submenu. The submenus in the PUMP MENU are listed
in table 5. Page 13
1-Valve Open 100 milliliters 0 to 200 milliliters
2-Valve Close 350 milliliters 0 to 700 milliliters
3-Valve Offset 0 milliliter -100 to 100 milliliters
4-Display Delay 200 milliliters 0 to 500 milliliters
5-Filling Timeout 45 seconds 0 to 90 seconds
6-Decimal Point 2. digit 2. Digit, 3. Digit
7-Currency Unit TL TL, EUR, USD, MANAT, etc.
8-Clr Total - -
9-Serial No 00000 00000 to 99999
11-Configuration 1 DSPLY+1 NZ 1 DSPLY+1 NZ , 1 DSPLY+2 NZ , 2 DSPLY+2 NZ
12-Pump No 0 0 to 99
13-Manuel/Auto MANUEL
14-Calibration 0 milliliters -50 milliliters to +50 milliliters
15-New Password 00000 00000 to 99999
16-Factory Settings - -

Table 5: List of the Service Menu

3.3.1. Valve Open

The PCU limits the flowing rate of the dispenser when is started initially. After a filling amount as the
Valve Open value, the PCU permits to the dispenser to have normal flowing rate. When Valve Open
appears on the Keyboard Screen, press to the Enter . Then, select the needed nozzle by using the
scanning keys and choose it by the Enter . Now, describe the new Valve Open value by using the
scanning keys , and press to the Enter to confirm it. Press to the Return to escape from this
3.3.2. Valve Close
On the preset filling operation, the PCU limits the flowing rate of the dispenser before the completion
of preset filling operation. The Valve Close value describes this amount limitation. When Valve Close
appears on the Keyboard Screen, press to the Enter . Then, select the needed nozzle by using the keys
and choose it by pressing to the Enter . Now, describe the new Valve Close value by using the
scanning keys , and press to the Enter to confirm it. Press to the Return to escape from this

3.3.3. Valve Offset

When the preset filling operation is completed, the PCU adds a value of the Valve Offset to the filled
value. It must be noted that the added value is not reflected to filling Display. When Valve Offset appears
on the Keyboard Screen, press to the Enter . Then, describe the needed nozzle by using the keys Page 14
and press the Enter to select it. Now, describe the new Valve Offset value by using the scanning keys
, and press to the Enter to confirm it. Press to the Return to escape from this submenu.
3.3.4. Display Delay

When Display Delay appears on the Keyboard Screen, press to the Enter . Then, set the needed
display delay by using the scanning keys and press to the Enter . When the filling is started, all
filling values (total liter, total amount) on the Display will be delayed as a period of the Display Delay. Press
to the Return to escape from this submenu.

3.3.5. Filling Timeout

The PCU stops the filling operation when an overtime (described by Filling Timeout) occurs after the
starting of filling operation. When Filling Timeout appears on the Keyboard Screen, press to the Enter .
Then, describe the needed nozzle by using the scanning keys and press to the Enter to choose it.
Now, determine the new Filling Timeout value by using the scanning keys , and press to the Enter
to confirm it. Press to the Return to escape from this submenu.
3.3.6. Decimal Point
The decimal point of the unit price and the total liters can be adjusted to tenth or hundredth digits on
the sales Display. When Decimal Point appears on the Keyboard Screen, press to the Enter . Then, select
the decimal point value either 2.Digit (tenth) or 3.Digit (hundredth) by using the scanning keys and
press to the Enter to confirm it. Press to the Return to escape from this submenu.

3.3.7. Currency Unit

When Currency Unit appears on the Keyboard Screen, press to the Enter .Select the Currency Unit
according to the Country by using the scanning keys , and press to the Enter to confirm it. Press to
the Return to escape from this submenu.
3.3.8. Clear Total

When Clear Total appears on the Keyboard Screen, press to the Enter . If the is cleared, press to
the Enter to clear the Grand Total value. Press to the Return to escape from this submenu.

3.3.9. Serial No

When Serial No appears on the Keyboard Screen, press to the Enter . Now, write a serial number
for the dispenser by using the numerical keys , and press to the Enter to confirm it. Press to the
Return to escape from this submenu.

3.3.10. Pump Type:

When Pump Type appears on the Keyboard Screen, press to the Enter .The PCU can be defined as
a one of three pump types. Those are Oil Pump, LPG Pump and Liter Counter. Define the Pump Type by Page 15
using the scanning keys and press to the Enter to confirm it. Press to the Return to escape
from this submenu. The submenus related with the LPG Pump choice will be described on section 3.4.
3.3.11. Configurations

When Configurations appears on the Keyboard Screen, press to the Enter . Select the needed
working configuration of the PCU that will control how many nozzles and filling Display. Choose one of those
configurations by using the scanning keys and press to the Enter to confirm it. Press to the Return
to escape from this submenu. The configurations are listed on table 6.

Configurations Description
1 DSPLY + 1 NZ Pump Unit permits only one filling operation with only one nozzle.
1 DSPLY + 2 NZ Pump Unit permits only one filling operation with only one of two nozzles.
2 DSPLY + 2 NZ Pump Unit permits two filling operations with two nozzles at the same time.

Table 6: List of the Configurations

3.3.12. Pump No:

When Pump No appears on the Keyboard Screen, press to the Enter . The Pump No appears on
the keyboard display. If the Pump No is 00, the pump unit works alone without automation systems (SCU,
DCR).This mode is described as the Manuel Mode. On the Automation Mode, the Pump No is assigned to
value between 01 and 99. These numbers are used as an address in communication between the Master
Device (SCU, DCR) and the other PCUs. If the pump unit has two nozzles that each nozzle realizes the filling
separately at the same time, the PCU needs to two Pump No. For this situation, assign only one Pump No for
the first nozzle. The PCU will assign the pump no of the other nozzle as the Pump No+1 itself. Example:
Pump No is 01. The first nozzle pump no is 01 and the second nozzle pump no is 02. Now, define the Pump
No by using the scanning keys and press to the Enter to confirm it. Press to the Return to
escape from this submenu.

3.3.13. Manuel/Auto

When Manuel/Auto appears on the Keyboard Screen, press to the Enter . Now, choose the
working mode of the PCU by using the scanning keys . This working mode determines PCU that works
either standalone mode (Manuel) or in automation mode (Auto) with SCR, DCR and etc. Finally, press to the
Enter to confirm it. Press to the Return to escape from this submenu.
3.3.14. New Password

When New Password appears on the Keyboard Screen, press to the Enter . Now, write the new
password by using the numerical keys , and press to the Enter to confirm it. Press to the Return to
escape from this submenu. Note that this new password is only current for Service Menu entrance.

3. 3.15. Calibration

When Calibration appears on the Keyboard Screen, press to the Enter . Then, select the nozzle,
which will be calibrated, by using the keys and choose it by Enter . Now, define the calibration Page 16
value by using the scanning keys as a positive or negative value, and press to Enter to confirm it.
Press to the Return to escape from this submenu. Example: The calibration value is 50 ml/l. The PCU
accepts and displays the filling of 1 liter as a filling of 1.05 liters taking into account the calibration value.
When calibration value is -50 ml/l, the filling of 1 liter will be accepted as a filling of 0.95 liters.

3.3.16. Factory Settings:

When Factory Settings appears on the Keyboard Screen, press to the Enter . Choose Yes (Enter
) or No (Return ). When Yes is chosen, all parameters of menus return to the initial value of theirs
except the Manuel/Auto parameter. Press to the Return to escape from this submenu.

3.4. LPG Configuration

When the dispenser is configured as a LPG Pump on the Pump Type menu (section 3.3.10), additional
configurations are needed for the LPG Dispenser. Select the LPG Pump in the Pump Type menu (in the
section 3.3.10) by using the scanning keys and press to the Enter to confirm it. Now, a new menu
series for LPG Dispenser configuration appears on the Keyboard Display. Those are listed in table 7 as


2- MIN. FLOW RATE 5 liters per minute 3 to 12 liters per minute
3- MIN. FLOW TIME 15 seconds 10 to 60 seconds
4- LPG DENSITY 0.540 0.540, 0.545, 0.550, 0.560

Table 7: List of the submenus for LPG Dispenser

3.4.1. ATC ON/OFF

When ATC ON/OFF appears on the Keyboard Screen, press to the Enter . Select one of the ATC
conditions (ATC ON or ATC OFF) by using the scanning keys and press to the Enter to confirm it. If
the ATC OFF is selected, the PCU ignores the temperature sensor. It accepts that ATC Rate is 1 and the
temperature is 15 degree of centigrade. Press to the Return to escape from this submenu.


When MIN. FLOW RATE appears on the Keyboard Screen, press to the Enter . Select the minimum
flow rate by using the scanning keys and press to the Enter to confirm it. Press to the Return
to escape from this submenu.


If the LPG filling continues under the MIN. FLOW RATE, the PCU stops the LPG Dispenser after the end
of Min. Flow Time duration. Therefore, Min. Flow Time and Min. Flow Rate are related with together. When
MIN. FLOW TIME appears on the Keyboard Screen, press to the Enter . Select the minimum time Page 17
duration by using the scanning keys and press to the Enter to confirm it. Press to the Return
to escape from this submenu.


When LPG DENSITY appears on the Keyboard Screen, press to the Enter . Select the needed LPG
density by using the scanning keys and press to the Enter to confirm it. Press to the Return to
escape from this submenu.


The PCU produces some Error Codes against to any fault and unwanted event during the filling
operation, and those Error Codes are represented on the filling Display and Keyboard Screen. If any Error
Code is occurred, the PCU stops the filling operation. All Error Codes are described as follow.

ERR 01 Power Failure: If the electrical power is down, the PCU produces an error code (ERR 01).At this
time, the PCU immediately saves all filling data before powered down. Check the mains of the Power Unit,
measure the power inputs of the PCU (AC9V and AC12V). If the error condition continues, call the
manufacturer or the service.

ERR 02 Valve Leakage: When the filling operation is completed, the PCU turns off all valves and motor
contactors. If the filling operation still continues, the PCU produces an error code (ERR 02). Check the related
valves. If the error condition continues, call the manufacturer or the service.

ERR 03 Pulsar Dir. Err. : If the PCU produces an error code (ERR 03), the filling operation is stopped.
Check the turning direction of the pulsar, check the pulsar connection and change the CHA and CHB pins of
pulsar connector with each other. If the error condition continues, call the manufacturer or the service.

ERR 04 No Totalizer: If the Totalizer is unconnected or damaged, the PCU produces an error code
(ERR 04) and stops the filling operation. Check the totalizer connectors and cables. If the error condition
continues, call the manufacturer or the service.

ERR 05 No Nozzle: Reserved for use in later.

ERR 06 Nozzle Open: If the nozzle switch is open when the dispenser is powered on, the PCU
produces an error code (ERR 06). Place the nozzle its hole. If the nozzle switch still remains in open position
when the programmed filling is finished, a time later (Filling Timeout) the PCU manufacturer the same

ERR 07 No Price Entry : If the Unit Price is not defined (Unit price=0) in Manuel Mode, the PCU does
not allow to the filling operation, and produces an error code (ERR 07). In Auto Mode, assignment of the Page 18
Unit Price is not important because of that the Unit Price is sent to PCU from SCU or DCR. Determine the
Unit Price by using the Keyboard.

ERR 08 Pump is Locked: If the dispenser is locked by the menu, the PCU does not allow to the filling
operation, and produces an error code (ERR 08). Contact to the Administrator for permission.

ERR 09 Pulsar Failure: If the PCU cannot sense the Pulsar circuitry, it produces an error code (ERR 09)
and stops the filling operation. Check the pulsar connector. If the error condition continues, call the
manufacturer or the service.

ERR 10 Comm. Err. : If the PCU cannot communicate with SCU or DCR in Auto Mode, it produces an
error code (ERR 10) and stops the filling operation. Check the Rs485 communication port connector and
cables. If the error condition continues, call the manufacturer or the service.

ERR 11 No Display: If the Display is unconnected or damaged, the PCU produces an error code (ERR
11) and stops the filling operation. Check the Display connections, check the Display Select Switch for proper
display addressing. If the error condition continues, call the manufacturer or the service.

ERR 12 No ATC Sensor: If the ATC Sensor connector is unplugged or damaged, the PCU produces an
error code (ERR 12) and stops the filling operation. Check the ATC Sensor connector. If the error condition
continues, call the manufacturer or the service.

ERR 13 Low Flow Rate: If the LPG dispenser has a Low Flow Rate during a time defined as the Min
Flow Time (section 3.4.3.), the PCU produces an error code (ERR 13) and stops the filling operation. Check
the valves, pressure of the LPG tank and mechanical construction. If the error condition continues, call the
manufacturer or the service. Page 19

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