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Main Focus:
The Study of Quran’s Translation

Only on Sunday evenings. The details of time are shared
in the WhatsApp & Facebook groups.

SALT Academy, Bahria Town, Lahore.
Click this link to open location on Google Maps:

Time Division:
Total time required= ~1 hour only
Out of which:
1. 30 minutes = Waiting & Namaz-e-Asr
2. 40 minutes = Quran Translation Study
3. Till the end = Discussion (optional)

Everyone is allowed to leave before or in the middle of
discussion if they have to hurry. No issues at all.

Please be on time. Countdown Timer will be used to
ensure strict time management. The Quran Study will
begin exactly after 30 mins of waiting.

Groups for Details & Discussions:

1. WhatsApp: Contact M Umar Uppal
(+923048499509) or Ammar Anjum
(+923224883799) with your introduction.
2. Facebook: Join through this link:
Method of Study

1. Waiting & Namaz-e-Asr (30 mins):

i. We’ll wait for everyone to gather up.
ii. Namaz-e-Asr will be conducted inside campus.

2. Quran Translation Study (40 mins):

i. Only the teacher of the week will read out and
explain the verses of Quran during this time
according to the best of his knowledge.
ii. If anyone other than the teacher has more
knowledge about the verse, he will note down
his points to discuss them in the discussion
time at the end.
iii. Only cases allowed to interrupt the teacher are
❖ You didn’t understand something
❖ You have a question about the verse

3. Discussion (Optional):
i. Everyone will be encouraged to participate.
ii. Anyone is allowed to add, correct, question or
further explain the discussed verses.
iii. The time limit for this is till the end of session &
it is totally allowed to leave before or in the
middle of discussion.
iv. All the references of discussed Ayaat/Hadith
are shared in the WhatsApp & Facebook groups
the same day.
Please Don’t Interrupt the Teacher!
Our important mission is to understand maximum
Quranic verses in these limited 40 minutes. Please keep
discussions for the discussion time.

Can interrupt✅ Can’t interrupt❌

If you didn’t understand If you have points of
the Ayat being taught. discussion & debate.
If you have questions If you have questions
about the Ayat being about issues other than
taught. the Ayat being taught.
⭐You will be given a chance in the discussion time.

Three Criteria to Become a Teacher:

1. Must be a student of Quran
2. Must have studied at least half of Quran’s
3. Must not be a supporter of sect-system (Firqa-

Who are the Teachers Currently?

Ammar Anjum, Sudais Ahmed, Hamza Mujahid,
Mukarram Ashfaq, Faham Iqbal, Muhammad Mudassir,
Osama Iftikhar & M Umar Uppal.
❖ We’ll take turns in teaching. 1 Sunday for 1
Teacher. The teacher of the week will come with
preparation & understanding of his share of verses.

We don’t want to make this a burden on anybody, so
maximum allowed is Chai/Coffee in Garam or
Juice/Cold-drink/Water in Thanda arranged by the host
of the week or any other volunteer.
Q1. Why study Translation instead of Tafseer?
1. The translation has minimum human intervention.
2. Tafseers are usually in 6 bindings, thousands of
pages long. While translation is just 500 pages.
3. You would not need anyone to explain 90% of the
verses of Quran. For the other 10%, you can open any
good Tafseer Book or Dr. Israr's or Nauman Ali Khan’s
videos on YouTube for that Ayat specifically.
4. This is a more efficient way to getting close to Quran
& to establish/re-evaluate your Aqaed (beliefs) &
concepts about Islam.
5. Will take less time.
6. You'll be able to complete the whole thing, which is
the top-most goal. Quran is perfect with the totality of
its chapters & lines. You must read it all at least once,
so that all the verses on any specific topic get
recollected in your brain & you have a broader
perspective of things.
7. Read Tafseer in the second run after completing
Translation once. This way, you'll already be perfectly
educated on all the major issues of Islam. Very less
chances of someone misguiding you from it. Allah's
message will be in your heart like a protected diamond.

Q2. What are our next goals?

After we complete the translation of Quran, our next
goals inshaAllah will be:
• Hadith Study from ‘Collection of Books of Hadith’
i.e, Mishkat-ul-Masabeeh

Q3. How long will the Quran’s Translation take to be

It doesn’t matter how long it takes. We are not in a race.
Our goal is to build sound and clear concepts which are
in accordance to Quranic teachings. InshaAllah!

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