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INFUSED 8.8 WORDS OFTEN CO! large number of words that are confused yi, Bess omophones, there are @ one another. Following are some such pairs of words whi hence are commonly confused. Each of these wo! pertaining to these may be avoided. Envious (someone who feels envy for others): Avoid being envious, Enviable (worthy of admiration): Robert's achievement has made him enviable in his family. Urban (not rural): The urban area of the city is developing quite fast. Urbane (sophisticated): His urbane manners could not win the intelligent audience. imaginary (unreal): Don‘ tell me imaginary stories; | trust none of them. Imaginative (creative): The imaginative director shot the scene with great skill and depth. Honorary (without pay): Though the post is honorary, go for it. It will fetch you a lot of recognition . apnourable (admired and respected): Honourable Sit, may | request your attention for a while? » Ghastly (causing fear: After the bomb blast, the site looked ghastly. Ghostly (relating to ghosts): Don't narrate ghostly stori .Industrious (laborious): Only the industri stories, they scare me. lous students succeed in life. s homonyms and hi ich sound or appear similar to each other aj rds is used in a sentence so that the confi, be competitive. s o 7. Ordinance (law, bill: A new ordinance is ince factory w. . cou iene According to new norms, Baus blown away by the rebels. ‘orporeal (not spiritual): All drives of modern man hav Penney is banned in schools. © by and large become corporeal. 1e €or © BUILDING ADVANCED vocABULARY [229 nt ® ~~ elena 2 comprehensive examination andthe student passes; we need 9 Comprehensible (that which can be unders to a native speaker of the ina ‘When we speak indian English, its not usually com: 10, Graceful (dignified and polished): Though rich, he knows not how to be graceful in speech and manners. Gracious (large hearted): The gracious king was liked by one and all 11, Qhildish (silly: No one likes childish behaviour. CChildike (innocent and simple): Nature inspires you to be childlike, 12. Lovable (worthy of love): Children have lovable innocence. Lovely (nice): It indeed was a lovely present from her. 13, Momentous (very important): The momentous occasion has come and we must be there to celebrate it. ‘Memorial (built in someone's memory): The Bradman Memorial Trophy is likely to start at some point ofttime. 14, Refuge (shelter): After Partition, millions of people became homeless and had to find refuge in alien lands. Refuse (rubbish): Don't scatter the refuse carelessly; itis uncivilized behaviour, Exceed (surpass): His behaviour has exceeded all limits. ‘Accede (agree): He finally acceded to the idea of discussing the sensitive issue. . Allusion (reference): If you can interpret some of the allusions in his poetry, you can actually under- stand Eliot, ilusion (deceptive appearance): Don't have any illusions; be realistic and practical Dual (double): These days many students pursue a dual degree course. Duel (fight): The movie relates to the duel between the famous brothers. Eminent (prominent): The eminent scholar delivered the keynote address at the conference, Imminent (about to happen): The imminent disaster is likely to sweep out the city. 2. Collision (clash): Thirty passengers died in the collision of the buses. Collusion (secret agreement): The leader is said to have been in collusion with the smugglers. Fare (travel charges): The train fare will be reimbursed. Fair (ust): Be fair to others. |. Elicit (to draw an answer): When students are not listening to you, you cart elicit an answer for your licit (unlawful); The actor's illicit relationship with the junior artiste was much publicized by the media. 22. Hoard ( accumulate): Man always intends to hoard more and more. Horde (group): The i hall the moment the gates were opened. in the interview and get the job. and people start laughing at you

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