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Unit-2 Quiz Bank

1. It was summer of -------when Jawaharlal Nehru began writing letters to Indira.[c]

a) 1728 b) 1828 c) 1928 d) 1528

2. How many letters did Nehru write to his daughter.[b]

a) 13 b) 30 c) 20 d) 15

3. Nehru started writing letters from -------prison.[c]

a) Thehar b) Pune c) Naini d) Delhi

4. Where was Indira studying when Nehru srarted sending letters to her[d]

a) Darjeeling b) New Delhi c) Kashmir d) Mussoorie

5. In the first letter -----------Nehru talks about how life began in the Universe.[a]

a) Book of Nature b) Book on Zoology c) Book on Chemistry d) Book on Literature.

6. He just sat there making banal remarks all evening. Banal means----------.[b]

a) scorch b) boring c) money d)kind

7.His humour was benign never cruel or hurtful. Synonym of benign.[c]

a) beginning b) ending c) gentle d) harmful

8. Synonym of biased is -----------[b]

a) loving b)prejudiced c) caring d) sarcastic

9. There seems to be no room in the post war world for bombastic statements. Bombastic

a) loud b) brave c) overblown d) bloom

10. He has almost been brazen about the way in which he has taken it. Brazen means-----[a]

a) bold b) foolish c) simple d) noisy

11.The market for collectibles has burgeoned in recent years. Synonym of burgeon is -------[b]

a) fat b) flourish c) thin d) skillful

12. Synonym of cacophony is -----------[c]

a)big b) simple c) loud d) small

13.The two presidents have had candid talks about the current crisis. Synonym of candid is----[a]

a) honest b) lazy c) brave d) stupid

14.He was cruel and capricious tyrant. Capricious means-----------[a]

a) unpredictable b) predictable c) simple d) easy

15. More money is needed to bolster the industry. Synonym of bolster is ---------[b]

a) Join b) support c) remove d) paste

16. Concerned parents have complained about the dangerous playground. Antonym of
concerned is------------[a]

a) composed b) worried c) disturbed d) anxious

17.He approached the job with the serene confidence that he could succeed where others had
failed. Antonym of serene is-----------[c]

a) comfortable b) placid c) annoyed d) composed

18. Whatever may happen be unruffled? Antonym of unruffled is----------[b]

a) undisturbed b) stormy c) coolheaded d) composed

19.His daily routine is absolutely sacred to him. Antonym of sacred is----------[c]

a) blessed b) sanctified c) unholy d) holy

20. Do you remember how fascinated you were. Antonym of fascinated is-----------[a]

a) depressed b) captivated c) enchanted d) bewitched

21. He worked ------------ an hour[c]

a) to b) from c) for d) to

22. The train starts --------- 7 0 clock.[d]

a) in b) on c) from d) at

23. It is difficult to live ---------- writing.[d]

a) from b) among c) with d) by

24. The poor man died ---------- Tuberculosis. [a]

a) of b) on c) in d) at
25. We have not seen him --------- Monday[c]

a) Within b) for c) since d) from

26. She cut her finger ------- a knife.[c]

a) by b) for c) with d) on

27. We can’t go ---------- train.[d]

a) for b) in c) on d) by

28. I went to ----------- movie.[a]

a) a b) an c) no article d) the

29. He is ---------- engineering student. [b]

a) no article b) an c) a d) the

30. It may rain. Bring -------- umbrella with you[d]

a)a b) the c) no article d) an

31. --------- water is essential for life.[c]

a) a b) the c) no article d) an

32. Did you turn out ------- lights.[a]

a) the b) a c) an d) no article

33. I went to the market by ------ bus. [a]

a) a b) an c) no article d) the

34.Does your car have ------ CD player.[a]

a) a b) an c) the d) no article

35. Would you like to go to --------- Museum. [b]

a) a b) the c) an d) no article

36. Don’t drink ------- water from that bottle.[C]

a) a b) an c) the d) no article

37.Swamy is ------- Hindu.[d]

a) the b) an c) no article d) a

38. What are you looking --------? [a]

a) for b) at c) in d) on

39. I am happy ----------- your success.[b]

a) over b) about c) with d) on

40. I discussed the project --------- peter. [c)

a) for b) about c) with d) from

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