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Assignment No 1

Submitted to: Ma’am Shagufta

Submitted by: Sawera Khadim

Reference Code: l1f20bssy0182

Course: Theories of Personalities

Semester: 4

Sec: A
Q#1 (a): Fixation

Fixation is an obsessive drive that may or may not be acted on involving an object, concept,
or person. Initially introduced by Sigmund Freud, a fixation is a persistent focus of the id’s
pleasure-seeking energies at an early stage of psychosexual development. Oral, anal, and
phallic fixations occur when an issue or conflict in a psychosexual stage remains unresolved,
leaving the individual focused on this stage and unable to move onto the next.
For example:
individuals with oral fixations may have problems with drinking, smoking, eating, or nail-

(b): b). State and describe the types of fixations occurring at psychosexual
stages of development.
Freud’s theory of psychosexual development consists of five main types. Each one is
characterized by a specific kind of conflict and an erogenous zone. Freud thought that
individuals could experience frustration, or both during one or more types.
Types of Fixations:  
1. Oral
2. Anal
3. Phallic
4. Latency
5. Genitals
Oral stage

Age range: birth to 1 year

Erogenous zone: mouth

This stage is basically occurring from birth to 1 years. In this stage the libido or erogenous
zone for in infant is mouth. The infant derived pleasure through mouth by putting everything
in mouth. In oral stage the basic needs of child are either met, unmet or overstimulated.

‘Since infants’ primary way of interacting with the world is through their mouth, Freud
thought this is where the libido is focused.’
Anal stage

Age range: 1 to 3 years

Erogenous zone: bladder controlling

In this stage, bowel movements are included. Freud said that they play a major role in an
individual’s personality. It is very important for parents to understand their child, it may take
time for him to understand toilet training. Pushing the child or demanding can cause fixation.
The focus in this stage is anus.

‘The anal stage, which Freud believed to take place when children are one to three years
old, shifts the pleasure center from the mouth to the anus, where children find pleasure in


The phallic stage is the third stage or phase in Sigmund Freud’s theory of psychosexual
development. The time frame of thus stage is 3 to 5 years. At this stage, the infant's libido
(desire) centers upon their genitalia as the erogenous stage. A child is attracted toward the
opposite sex parent at this stage.

‘Masturbation and a focus on genitals are sources of pleasure during the phallic stage.’

Latency period:

The duration of this phase is 5 to puberty. There is no special endogenous area this section.
The development of social relations takes place at this stage. When a person is corrected at
this stage, he will adapt to the problems making friends. You will have problems establishing
a social circle because this section is focused on making public relations, etc.

Genital stage

Age range: 12 to till death

Erogenous zone: develop sexual interest

In this stage the sexual stimulus is active again. In this final stage of development, the sexual
stimulus develops a strong desire of sex in an individual towards opposite sex. This stage is
beginning from 12 years but it ends on the end of a person life. During this stage the
individual learn independence and focus on rapid changes which occurs in one’s life.
(c). Describe how these certain types of fixations affect adult personality.

As discussed above, each psychosexual stage has its own requirements to be truly fulfilled. If
they not satisfied, the child or a person becomes fixated to that particular stage. The special
traits caused by the fixation are born in the personality.

Oral stage fixation effect

Due to oral fixation a child in upcoming life due to oral stimulation may habit of overeating,
drinking and smoking etc., according to Freud due to oral fixation a child not only involve in
above activities but may also involve in nail biting, chew-gum etc. in this stage the infant not
resolved fixation by himself but the parents may resolve this conflict. The child also learns
trust vs mistrust during this stage.

Anal stage fixation effect

In this stage the fixation is occurs when the parents do not pay attention to child and
not encourage him on using toilet independently. Some parent punished children rather than
praising them and encourage them on using toilet. If the parents every time praise child on
using toilet it may encourage them until they learn to use toilet properly. So, according to
Freud the fixation in this stage leads to destructive and messy personality of child in future.
In this stage the child also learns shame vs Autonomy.

Phallic stage Fixation effect

In this stage according to Freud the Oedipus complex (boys consider mothers more loving
than father) and Electra complex (daughters feel father more loving than mother) occurs
which effects the infant growth badly. So that these type of complexes in future cause many
serious issues. So that at that age the parents should must resolved these complexes. In this
age the child also learns guilt vs initiative.

Latent stage Fixation effect

In this stage according to Freud the Oedipus complex (boys consider mothers more loving
than father) and Electra complex (daughters feel father more loving than mother) occurs
which effects the infant growth badly. So that these type of complexes in future cause many
serious issues. So that at that age the parents should must resolved these complexes. In this
age the child also learns guilt vs initiative.
Genital stage Fixation effect

According to Freud if the early stages are passed with good development and no fixation
occurs in these stages than the last stage is also passed with good development.

Q#2: How can Freud’s theory(psychoanalysis) help in assessing our

childhood conflicts or unconscious part of our personality?

Freud developed two methods of assessment that is free association and dream analysis, to
find the invisible portion of mind or that could help in assessing childhood conflicts or
unconscious parts of the personality.

Free association:

Before the technique of free association, Freud gave the concept of hypnosis in which he
would ask his patient to lie down on a sofa and hypnotize him. However, this was not much
effective on many of his patients since they would forget whatever they told him when they
were hypnotized. So, this I brought a sense of conflict itself. After the technique of hypnosis,
Freud used “free association” technique. In this, he would ask his patient to say or tell
whatever comes to his mind. This is also known as catharsis that means purification. In
addition to that, sometimes, there are certain aspects that a patient is unable to express. The
sense of judgment or fear takes place. In that type of scenario, patient tries to change the
subject of conversation. Freud says that is when the patient is trying to hide something. This
is the act of resistance. This is exactly where the problem lies. It is a signal that the technique
is going right way.

Dream analysis:

The second technique is dream analysis. He said dreams symbolize what our unconscious
He divided the understanding of dreams in two aspects:
First aspect is manifest content. It refers to the actual event that occurred in the dream, second
aspect is latent content. It refers to the hidden meaning of the dream. So, in order to find out
the hidden meaning of the dream, Freud found symbols to have an idea of the dream. He
found a list of symbols that would denote the meaning of hidden of dream. It helps in
understanding the unconscious part of mind.

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