Firefighting Technology

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Steve Abonyi


New firefighting technology and development

New York


Description of technology

The potential for utilizing

New firefighting technology and development for extinguishing widespread fire

In the last few years the forest fires and wild fires are common occuring in the news. They hit
in different spot all around the world causing huge demages and sometimes taking human life
as well.
Due to the global warming the dry vegetation catch fire spontaneously .
The uncontrollable forest fire causing lot of demages in the stock of game, in the vegetation,
in natural resource and in industrial environment as well.
In addition it creates a serious financial losses for the owners and for the economy.
For example, In Los Alamos 12 000 people have lost their jobplace, their home and
significant industrial Basis of researchment also have been destroyed in the fire.

In the 1950’s the fire fighters were inefficient facing forest- and wild fires, the most
effective process was to ignite backfire. Firefighters apply backfire to stop the spreading fire.
They burn down the path before the fire could catch it and without flammable materials the
fire cannot spread further. The fighting between the firefighters and the fire is quite unequal.

In the 1950’s the experiments to extinguish the fire in the air were very elementary.
In California the Goverment and the Department of Forestry and Fire Protection have started
to use the water bombing system. They have got biplane equipped by tanks to carry water and
disperse it to suppress the fire.

By the time they started to use bigger and bigger military planes to extinguish the widespread
fires, then they converted cargo machine to stop fire. In the fire-fighting material has
happened some developments, to the water has been given foam and carbon liquid gas
generating chemical. Our company has developed further the aerial extinguishing process
with a new revolutionary method.

Description of the technology

In the past years had a lot of wild fire that point out there is no completed technology
to employ for that cases. The forest fires imply the biggest risk because its expansion and to
be approached is very complicated. Furthermore the forest fires can be activated for weeks
and it can be reignited. Against the forest fire, the old technologies having little effects on it.
In this cases the nature was our biggest helper by precipitation.

Getting fire includes 3 synchronicity: flammable material, oxigen and burning temperature.
Extinguishing fire we need to eliminate at least one component of the burning fire. In this way
we break off the burning process and we are able to suppress the fire. The new technology can
eliminate 2 components of the 3, it withdraws the oxigen and reduces the temperature
significantly in a huge area.
The new generation fire-fighting system delivers a special liquid gas to the burning surface by
helicopter. We are able to conduct the pipes separately from above and it can be dispersed
from 100 meter altitude to the target point.

This technology is much more effective than the existing technologies. The essence of the
technology that we attach a tank to the helicopter load of liquid gas.

We generate a rotating cone resemble to the hurricane with the special pipes from the tank
and the extinguishing material can be delivered to long distance as well. If we use the tank by
a mobile unit instead of carrying it by helicopter it can be 10 times more effective comparing
it with the operational radius of the fire hose.
The new system can access any kind of terrain and when it hits on the fire it is able to spread
out the material in a huge area against the old technologies.

feature of the system includes that, when the liquid gas change into physical condition it
enlarges 960 times. We place the material to the focal point of the fire in the extinguishing
area and it can eliminate the temperature and the oxigen in 100 hectare. In this way we can
reduce notably the possibility of the reignition.

The carbon dioxide is heavier than the oxigen so it spreads on the ground. Well-known the
carbon dioxide outplace the air and the oxigen from the specific area.
The system is able to extinguish 10-20 hectare burning area with one tank. On the tank there
are special turbines that can extinguish the fire from very high above as well, because at the
widespread fire the flow of the warm air causes turbulence and for this reason it usually
cannot be approached to suppress the fire.

When the helicopter gets back to the Basis if there is a filled tank the helicopter can return
instantly to the burning area or a tank can be reload during 15-20 minutes.
Making a comparison between the existing system and the new technology, our method is a
thousand times more effective. Not to mention, at the old system the terrain can be reignited
because of the heat transmission.

The potential for utilizing

The same tanks can be used at the skyscrapers, highrise buildings because the
extinguishing materials can be delivered to the destination from high distance as well. There
is option to stop further focal point as well as to keep it below the focal point. It can be
applied at the hazardous cargo to extinguish the fire instantly. Against on other equipments,
our system doesn’t need to evacuate the area and when extinguishing is done, the area can be
used again and the environment will not be damaged significantly.

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