Marine Science Video Notes 5

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Thursday, April 21, 2022

Marine Science Video Notes 5

The Dangers of a Noisy Ocean— and how we can quiet it down

- Sounds are used to echolocate through the ocean

• A ship scraping its way through the water sounds very similar to whale
sounds, and can easily be mistaken for such.

• Marine life are e ected because it prohibits them from mating, nding prey
and others of their kinds, it causes stress

- Dark Skies Movement = light pollution solution, so why aren’t we talking about
noise pollution in the oceans to nd a solution?

- The natural ocean isn’t quiet, there’s a natural soundscape of about 50-100 dB

• There’s been about a 3 dB increase in the ocean because of shipping vehicle

noise in the last 10 years, which doesn’t sound like a lot, but dB are measured
on a logarithmic scale so it’s actually a doubling of noise

• Whales have been ‘changing their tune’ in order to be heard better, almost like
people shouting in order to be heard

- When shipping halted in the Eastern coast of the US post 9/11, the stress in
whales went way down.

• Even just slowing down the speed of shipping vehicles has helped reduce the
level of noise and improved the quality of life for whales in various shipping

- ‘Quiet seas are healthier seas’

• We can be doing more as a human race to protect the oceans for our marine
life friends

• We can protect the seas by being more conscious about the impact that we
have on them.

Underwater Astonishments

- The deep sea is absolutely pitch black and you can’t see anything for almost three
hours if you were traveling down to the depths of the ocean

- Bioluminescence can be caught on camera

• The marvels are used to attract prey, evade predators, hypnotize prey and
predators, etc.

• The deep ocean has even more biological diversity than tropical rainforests, which
is hard to believe but true.

- Octopus

• Incredible eyes to sense their surroundings like the other cephalopods can as

• Blend into their surroundings

• Octopus speed never exceeded the speed of waves or sunlight

• Octopus can match the pattern, the color, the brightness, and the texture of
the algae it is trying to blend in with.

- They can evade predators this way.

- Squid

• Males can ght quite aggressively for females

• Can change their skin like octopus

- There’s a ghting side and a gentler side, and the female only ever sees the
gentle side because depending on what side of him she is on, he will switch
his coloration

- Cuttle sh

• They can back into crevices and their tentacles get retracted so they look just
like algae

• The patterns on their skin tell other cuttle sh not to harm them

- The diversity in the sea is incredible.


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