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World Streets This Week 8 August 2011

Weekend break with Lee Schipper on Vibes

Eric Britton, editor | 6 August 2011 at 16:00 | Categories: culture, event, Pattern break, Right brain | URL:

Lee (The Funky Physicist) Schipper on Vibraphone at Better Air Quality 2008 workshop in Bangkok, Thailand -- playing at Imperial Queen's Park Hotel on Nov, 11th 2008. Read more of this post Add a comment to this post

Car Free Day in Vilnius. Finally a mayor who really cares.

Eric Britton, editor | 5 August 2011 at 17:08 | Categories: Car Free Days, Cars, cyclists, demonstration, Governance, Sweet victory | URL:

Here is a rough chronology showing how information gets around in the worldwide sustainable transport network in 2011. Last Monday, 1 August, someone named Meras Zuokas (whom we do not know but whom we definitely like and who by all indications lives in Lithuania), uploaded a 104 second video onto YouTube with commentary in Lithuanian, , showing a dynamic mayor dealing directly with the classic sustainable transport problem of illegally parked cars encumbering circulation in designated bike lanes in the capital city of Vilnius. That was the first stop on a lightning journey around the world that in a few days brings us here [...]
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World Streets This Week 8 August 2011

Mr. Meter on Americas "Cash for Clunkers"
Eric Britton, editor | 4 August 2011 at 01:04 | Categories: bad ideas, Cars, Economic instruments, Law, policy | URL:

(While Lee Schipper is recovering, here is another example of his always-on prescience in the poorly lit streets of this gasping planet.) If matters of climate, sustainable transportation and careful use of scarce resources are close to your heart, and you happen to be European, you may have some reserves about your country's ecologically billed, [...]
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Car Crazy: Lee Schipper on the Perils of Asias HyperMotorization

Eric Britton, editor | 3 August 2011 at 10:49 | Categories: Cars, mental model, Old Mobility | URL:

Our old friend and long time colleague Lee Schipper is sitting in a hospital bed in Berkeley California today, and since your editor is stuck in Paris and can't visit him, we thought that while he gets his strength back we would reach into our and others archives and publish a series of pieces to [...]
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Tragedy of the Commons: The car as enclosure

Eric Britton, editor | 2 August 2011 at 11:03 | Categories: parking, public space, social space, Street sharing | URL:

Chris Bradshaw, Canadian planner and new mobility innovator, takes us on a quick peek into cars as "enclosures" of what should more rightly be the common domain in our cities. When we look at it this way, the concept of a "right to park" starts to look quite different. We are once again back to the concept of worst practices on the one hand, and on the other, our the understanding of space as public, private . . . or social. All of a sudden we have a new and quite different base for discussion and policy. [...]
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World Streets This Week 8 August 2011

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