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GIFT GIVING IN MODERN BUSINSESS Mr. Nikko: Hello everyone. Let me introduce you something about me.

. My name s Nikko, I have graduated from a famous university Havard University. I am very successful in my career, and my boss loves me much. But, you know that I am always unhappy at all. Why cant I make the others feel happy and comfortable? Like in a circumstance, I liked an Indian girl, I wanted to entertain her by giving her a luxurious wallet made by cow leather. Unfortunately, she got angry and threw it to my face and ran away. Oh God, what was happening ? I was thinking. I felt very, very down at all. But luckily, my friend has introduced me to a talented witch. As I have been heard, she had helped Mr.Obama in stuff with Ms. Michelle. And everything gonna be good. Wow! I decided to meet her on hoping find a way to improve myself. Now I am going to tell you about this spectacular meeting in a play. The main point of this meeting is the technique she gave me in giving a gift to the others. Now, wait no more, I hope you enjoy it. Scene 1: The man comes into the room without anybody. He speaks aloud Mr. Nikko: Hey, anybody home? Is witch Kim here? May the ghost happen? I am so scared!

Mr. Nikko: Whys the room so empty?

(Music) Kim appears, do some magic actions Ms: Kim: Hay ya , Hay ya , xm mi xo li ca(Chinese) Mr. Nikko: Uhhhh, excuse me , are you . Are you Ms Kim? (said with fear appearance) Ms: Kim: Hay ya Hay ya, you re right baby ! hahahah Dont you see that I look like a monkey huh? Hahaahaaa

Mr. Nikko: Oh my pleasure to meet you, My name is Nikko, I failed to make her love me , plzz , can you tell me what can I do.? Ms: Kim: Hay ya Hay ya ..I know it , baby h,


Ms: Kim: hhhh, I see bad luck around you, hay ya (does it five times as Thuy Nga) , you were so stupid to send a cow leather wallet to her, she is Hindu and they appreciate the cow more than everything else! Ms: Kim: Hay Ya !!! Mr. Nikko: Oh, I got this! I was bad, what can I do for now, youre the witch, you know everything, can you tell me how to deal with these problem. Ms: Kim: Ok! Now listen to me, I will tell you the art of Gift Giving and its culture in modern business. Lets begin with the first part I. DEFINITION OF GIFT AND GIFT - GIVING Ms: Kim: You can sit here to listen to me!!!! Gift! What is it ? Gift is something given voluntarily without payment in return, in order to show favor toward to someone, honor an occasion, or make a gesture of assistance. Giving a gift is like a donation, related to present, gift, voucher In different countries all over world, people will have different views of giving a gift to someone. So what is the meaning of giving a gift? Gift giving is such an art in modern business. It is not simply an polite action. It is considered as a kind of oil, fuel to motivate, improve the power in communication. Knowing how to do it correctly helps you much to build a strong relationship as well as maintain it long lasting. Or if you fail to do it effectively, you may break what you try to build. Scene 2: The main section. Ms: Kim: Now, listen to me, I will tell you a magic. Mr. Nikko: Oh, whats that, master? Ms: Kim: Its THE PROCESS OF GIFT GIVING. It is also the main part today, I will tell all of you then.


II. THE PROCESS OF GIFT GIVING PART 1: Before giving gift a) Determine the subject, purpose and time to give the gift - Subject: You must identify the person you want to give belongs to what group or what kind of people. For example: they are V.I.P, normal; a group or only one guy. To each kind, you have each gift which is the most suitable. You should also concern about their personalities, hobbies, marital status Those are very important. Purpose: The gift for motivating business is different from the one for saying thanks or greeting. Being a businessman, you have to determine clearly your purpose of giving the gift to your associate. The purpose is expressed both in how you choose and how you give this gift. Time: Business gifts are frequently given at the holidays. However, many companies have figured out that giving gifts at other times of the year will have a greater impact because it will make a more lasting impression. For example giving gifts in anniversaries, birthdays, promotions, or it can even be an anniversary of your first deal together. b) Having a certain understanding of international gift - giving culture. Choosing a suitable gift is quite hard, but if you spend a little time to discover the costume, the culture of gift giving in each country, you will find it easy to carry out In Asia, compared with other continents, the culture of gift giving has many rules and different gifts also carry different meanings. For instance, in Japan, China, Indonesia, exchanging gifts has been deeply rooted in the traditions of these countries People there usually appreciate the action of giving gift more than the value of the gift. If you want to give gifts to the Japanese or Hong Kong, you must use both hands and give them at the right time. The best time to give gifts to the Japanese is the end of the meeting.


In Singapore and Japan, your colleagues or your business coworkers could refuse from two to three times before accepting the gift. Thus, if you are in that case, dont give up, just continue to insist until they accept, then say you are pleased they have done so. In Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and Malaysia, gifts should be given to the partners who are close to you. And in Singapore, it was stipulated that government employees are not allowed to receive gifts. With the partners who follow Hinduism or Islam, you must consider carefully before offering any special gifts. In the Hindu culture, the cow is sacred, fish and all animal products are shunned. Therefore, you would never select any leather or food product from these categories. Like in your case, your Indian girl who follows Hindu wont accept any gift made of cow leather. And in the Islam culture, alcohol, products or foods from scavengers such as pork, birds, and shellfish are forbidden. For this reason, any product that contains alcohol, such as perfume, and item made from pig skin or any food from these groups would never be selected to give. Cultural gifts in Europe and America Gift giving in Australia, Canada, United States, European countries is rarely expected. It is important to avoid highly personal gifts such as clothing. When visiting the home of a colleague from one of these countries, it is normally appropriate to present a gift to the hostess. And one thing which is very important is that, European and American usually open the gift at the time we offer them. It is completely opposite to what happens in Asia. Ok Nikko. Now, to give you some more useful information, I will have a little exercise for you and your task is to solve it, can you ? Mr. Nikko: Ok master, I will complete it, but can I share it to everyone here? Ms: Kim: Sure, ask them, it will help you to remember more. Mr. Nikko: We have many pictures of gift, I will stick it on board, you have to find out that whether should or should not choose , and tell me the reason why? , I have some prize for who can answer the questions.


(Stick those pictures on the board, invite the students in class to answer. If they are wrong, explain the reasons ) ELECTRONIC PRODUCTS FOOD SHARP THINGS TICKETS FOR MOVIE, TRAVEL WATCHES RED ROSES SHOES, HANDKERCHIEVES LIQUOR Agree Agree Not agree Agree Not agree Not agree Not agree Agree ( except Islam)

REASONS FOR WHAT WE CAN NOT ACCEPT: Sharp things: it brings bad luck and cause break for your friendship with others Watches: in Chinese, we pronounce Watch like we pronounce Funeral, so as you can see that Chinese usually dont buy watch at gift shop and give it to the others Red roses: it is unacceptable because of its thorns, it means difficulties or fences ,..but if you really want to send it , you can remove all thorn form rose and give it. Shoes and handkerchieves: in Chinese, we pronounce two words like we pronounce Tears , so it is unlucky. Well, we are prepare good enough information, we can turn to part 2 PART 2: DURING GIVING GIFT Its very important in Asia and the Middle East to only use your right hand, or both hands, to offer or accept a gift. In Japan and Hong Kong, use both hands. In the Hindu culture, gifts are given and accepted using your right hand, or both hands; never only your left hand, as the left is considered unclean since its used for personal hygiene. Apply knowledge you know and


everything we have learned today to prepare a perfect gift. Dont be nervous, just be honor and friendly when giving the gift, you will be successful. In case you can not prepare yourself one, you can ask many companies who specialize in giving gift follow your requests. You can look at on the outline, we offer some website of many companies like this! We totally feel safe when co-operating with them, they are so good, they have everything you need and satisfy you to the best, I promise! For example : When you login to the site, you can see a lot of special gift they offer in many topic , you can search and find the best suitable for you , order it with the address of receiver , date , , they serve you all . You can save much time if you choose this way. PART 3: AFTER GIVING GIFT We have something to notice. As you are the receiver, you must express the active motion, you can sometimes say thanks to the person giving you gift, you can promise for good opportunities in the future,. As you are the person giving gift, you must be always willing to co-operate with partners, try to arrange more meetings with each other Ms: Kim: Excellent !!! You got this baby, you know all the process to give a perfect gift, but I have some experiences to share with you. I would like to give some special gifts like one-in-the-world gift, by this, the partner will be deeply impressed, they will remember you deeply as well. Mr. Nikko: But master! What is one-in-the-world gift? Ms: Kim: For example, I would like to give a special trip to South Pole, North Pole, a ticket to travel to London or to New York by balloon, so onThose experience is unique, they will remember you deeply.


Mr. Nikko: Wow, so amazed ! Here master, money I pay for you help Ms: Kim: Hay ya, no , no, I was born to save life, I wont take it. Mr. Nikko: Plzzz Ms: Kim: No Mr. Nikko: Ok , if you want to Ms: Kim: Wait, wait, hay ya, I wont let you sad, Ill keep it, hehehhe ( Look at the money to determine if it was fake or genuine ) Now I gotta go, byeeeeeeee baby, bye everyone here! See you soon Hay ya .. (moves back to the stage as Thuy Nga does)

III. CONSLUSION Mr. Nikko: I hope that all of you will have some helpful knowledge about gift giving culture as well as the process of giving a gift to your partners. One more time, I want to emphasise the very importance of gift giving in nowadays business. Thanks for your listening!


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