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Listening, Use of English and Reading

Name: ________________________ 2 [Track 19] You will hear a radio programme about job
interviews. Choose the best answer (A, B or C).
Class: ________________________
1 The radio presenter is interviewing someone who
A has experience of looking for jobs.
Listening B wants to get a job with a local company.
1 [Track 18] You will hear four different people talking C has a senior position in a company.
about flying. For each speaker (1–4), choose one
sentence (A–E) which is true. There is one extra 2 When some candidates first arrived for their interview
sentence which you do not need to use. they
A The speaker is explaining an airline’s rules about A didn’t behave politely.
luggage. B had to wait for all the other applicants to arrive.
B The speaker would like more information about an airline C recognised the receptionist.
C The speaker mentions advantages and disadvantages of 3 When applicants don’t wear suitable clothes to an
an airline company. interview, Annie
D The speaker is asking for something. A discusses how it is possible to look cool at work.
E The speaker is trying to persuade people to travel with B judges them by how well they respond to her comments.
an airline company. C continues with the interview as normal.

Speaker: 4 Annie says that job applicants who look attractive

1 A are sometimes too concerned with their own
2 appearance.
3 B often find it difficult to find work.
4 C always think that their looks will help them to get a job.
5 According to Annie, role-playing activities
A are a good way to interview applicants.
B will become more popular in the future.
C are not necessary.

6 The aim of the programme is to

A explain why people need interview training.
B help listeners become more successful in job interviews.
C discuss interview experiences in an entertaining way.


© 2016 Pearson FOCUS 3 PHOTOCOPIABLE 1

Listening, Use of English and Reading

Use of English 4 Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B,
C or D) best fits each gap.
3 Read the text below and think of the word which best
fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap. A ROLE MODEL’S RESPONSIBILITIES
When Mo Farah (1) first in the 5,000 metres and
the 10,000 metres at the 2012 Olympic Games, he became
‘Ross? Ross?’ I woke up gradually and realised that an instant hero and role model to many young people in
someone (1) ________ calling my name. I slowly opened Britain.
my eyes and saw (2) ________ tall, friendly-looking man
Mo was born in Somalia but he (2) in England at
standing in front of me. The room I was in, (3) ________
the age of 8. He was soon (3) existing world
looked like a hospital room, was clean and fresh.
records and became the fastest ever British 3,000-metre
(4) ________ man next to my bed spoke.
runner in January 2009. Many of the new records that he
‘You’re in hospital,’ he (5) ________ me. ‘Can you (4) still stand.
remember what happened to you?’
However in early 2014, some photos of him (5) up
I guessed that I must (6) ________ had an accident of on social media. They showed Mo throwing himself into the
some kind, but I had no memory of it. I tried to lift my arm sea from 30-metre-high cliffs. Critics said that although Mo
to reach a glass of water next to my bed, then almost hadn’t (6) a crime, young people who (7)
screamed. There was a sharp pain in my chest. The doctor him might copy his behaviour. Many young people have
smiled sympathetically and told me (7) ________ to move. been seriously injured, and some have not (8) ,
He explained that I (8) ________ been involved in a car after doing similar things because the water wasn’t as deep
accident. as they had thought.
‘You’ve broken a few ribs,’ he said. ‘I’ll (9) ________ you However, supporters of the runner were quick to defend
an injection for the pain, and then as soon (10) ________ him. They (9) out that not many people (10)
you’re feeling better, we’ll get you something to eat.’ the runner on social media, so the pictures hadn’t been
/10 widely viewed. It was the newspapers who had drawn
attention to the photos by printing them, and they were
therefore far more irresponsible than Mo Farah.

1 A came B won C scored D beat

2 A arrived B reached C left D came

3 A breaking B winning C setting D making

4 A got B made C set D gained

5 A get B turned C made D put

6 A committed B done C made D started

7 A enjoyed B influenced C admired D looked

8 A survived B continued C mended D treated

9 A suggested B explained C pointed D added

10 A went after B caught C chased D followed



© 2016 Pearson FOCUS 3 PHOTOCOPIABLE 2

Listening, Use of English and Reading

Reading Dan’s revenge

The lights went off in the studio. Almost immediately, the
5 Read the extract from a novel. Choose the answer (A, tension in the air seemed to disappear. Some of the actors
B, C or D) which you think best fits according to the stood and chatted together. Others stood alone, stretching their
text. aching muscles. The extras left the area quickly, no longer a
1 When they finished filming, part of the team, unappreciated and unwanted. Any who
A the actors chatted to the extras. stayed hoping for a kind word of praise or advice were sent
B the extras felt more relaxed. running by the security men who were there to protect the
studio’s stars from anything that might disturb them.
C the extras soon left. Only one actor noticed this and felt guilt and anger at the
D the actors praised the extras. same time. Dan had worked his way up from being an extra
himself. Anger because he remembered the way he had been
2 Dan felt guilty and angry because he treated and, although he wasn’t close to the extras he was
A didn’t have time to talk to the extras. working with, he hated it happening to them. Guilt because he
B got on well with the extras. wasn’t brave enough to speak out. He was still very much a
junior member of the cast and he knew he could be sent back
C knew that his own job was now secure.
to where he came from if he upset his more famous
D could remember his own experience of being an extra. colleagues.
As he stood, lost in thought, he noticed Elmira Ray, the
3 When Elmira spoke to the director, highest-paid star in the studio and one of the romantic leads in
A the director’s feelings for Dan changed. this movie. He smiled and made a friendly remark about the
B the director criticised her for not getting one of her difficulties she’d had getting one of her scenes right. Elmira
glared at him with hatred and turned away to where the
scenes right.
director was deep in discussion with the producer. Elmira’s
C everyone was surprised by her tone of voice. screaming voice was very unlike anything her fans had ever
D the director knew that he would have to give her what heard but it was well-known by all who worked with her. Her
she wanted. message was clear. She wanted Dan off the set, off the movie
and, if possible, out of Hollywood. The director and producer
4 When Dan discovered that he no longer had a role in the exchanged knowing glances. They disliked Elmira intensely
but they also knew how much she was worth to the studio.
film, he
Whatever their feelings for Dan, if Elmira didn’t want to work
A decided to change his career. with him, he would have to go.
B was determined to continue acting. They called Dan over. They didn’t have to say anything.
C knew that he needed to impress people. One look was enough for Dan. He’d been in the business long
D decided not to attend the party that evening. enough to know how things worked. ‘Oh well,’ he thought, ‘It
has been fun while it lasted.’ He knew he could ask around at
5 In the text, we learn the other studios for work but his heart wasn’t in it anymore.
He disliked the work, he disliked the people and he hated
A how powerful Hollywood actors are. living in Los Angeles. He would go to the party that he had
B how hard it is to get a job as an actor. been invited to earlier that week but he would spend the time
C why it is important for actors to get on with directors. having fun, not desperately trying to impress people and
D why it is important to attend social functions begging for work. Tomorrow, he’d pack and head back east to
/10 New York.
At eight o’clock that evening, wearing jeans rather than
the usual dark suit, he arrived at an already packed villa high
in Beverly Hills. As he walked in, he noticed Elmira. She
glanced at him with no sign of recognition. He was no-one
important. Nothing to do with her or her life. She passed him
and moved on, searching for more famous faces to spend her
time with. Suddenly Dan knew what he had to do.

© 2016 Pearson FOCUS 3 PHOTOCOPIABLE 3

Listening, Use of English and Reading

6 Read an article about a child star. Five sentences More than just a child star
have been removed from the article. Choose from the Shirley Temple wasn’t born into a show business family but
sentences A–F the one that fits each gap (1–5). There from a very young age, she loved singing, dancing and acting.
is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. Her talents soon became apparent, and she attracted the
A After this disappointment, she set her sights on an attention of a film studio. (1) Two years after that, she
became famous, and during the 1930s, she was one of
international role.
Hollywood’s biggest stars.
B At the same time, she was offered a role in a film being Unfortunately, her success didn’t last into her teenage
made by her own studio. years. Two films she made in 1940 failed at the box office,
C A year later, she appeared in her first film. and her parents felt that it was time for a change. They took
D Shirley decided to use her position to break the silence Shirley away from Hollywood and put her into full-time
on this deadly disease. education. This was difficult for Shirley at first. (2)
E Shirley made several attempts to get back into show She was used to being surrounded by adults, and being the
centre of attention. However, she soon settled down and had a
business, but was not successful. happy and relatively normal five years at school.
F During her time in Hollywood, she had never really mixed Things might have been very different, however. In 1939,
with children of her own age. MGM invited Shirley to play the part of Dorothy in The
Wizard of Oz. (3) Shirley accepted the offer from her
1 own studio. As it turned out, The Wizard of Oz was a huge hit
2 and made Judy Garland a star. The film that Shirley had
chosen to appear in enjoyed far less success and this marked
the beginning of the end for her acting career.
4 After the end of her film career, Shirley turned her
5 attention to politics and charitable work. She stood as a
/10 Republican candidate in the elections to Congress in 1967, but
didn’t manage to get in. (4) She soon achieved this
ambition and was offered the role of ambassador to the United
/20 Nations in 1969.
In the 1970s, an illness provided her with further
opportunities to help others. She found out that she was
suffering from breast cancer. At that time, this disease was
/60 rarely discussed in public, and as a result of this reluctance to
talk about it, cases were often identified late and a lot of
women died unnecessarily. (5) She talked openly about
her experiences, encouraged journalists to write about it and
encouraged women to come forward early for treatment if they
noticed symptoms. Thanks to her, attitudes changed and many
lives were saved.
Shirley recovered and lived for another 42 years, finally
dying peacefully of natural causes at the age of 85. However,
for most people, she will always be a little girl with blond
curls, dancing and singing her most famous song, ‘On The
Good Ship Lollipop’.

© 2016 Pearson FOCUS 3 PHOTOCOPIABLE 4

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