Pressure Vessels & Piping-2

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‘Schedule (Thickness) of Steel Pipe Used in Obtaining Resistance ‘of Valves and Fitings of Various Pressure Classes by Test™ ‘ate o Fg “These schedule numbers bave been ‘Ask Prevare Gaston stbivaryeeected ony ore purpose cee Rates [COR] ot identfying the varlous preseure = cig | ieboume Ge —«claneen of valves and ftngh with open ioeeo Dein ‘Specie pipe simenaion fore inter: ‘eo Pon Pretaton of ow test dat ey should Sesbeurd - ote conatandanarecommendation wt] a andlor Representative Equivalent Lengthin Pipe Diameters (L/D) of Various Valves and Fittings. Panett emcee or lana SERS ae ow, [ake assent en | vanes Y Pattern: |; With stem 50 degrees trom rn of pipe ine ‘Fuby open ms [wamesarmimmcees Sees |g com fieeanteteiee aerate ee] a Ez leona Sa] os eee a °° Som al open 2S cm |_ "hoo aes! “ eee! aes irate | — a os fee saa s Ge EERE omrmiennnerinm BFE | nn Sane sean tn ttt et nates | ay = eee vita | Ear Seon |e =e ests Saas pega aioe ae ee | com Fiat cae eee | wey 2094 of pipe area (bully open) Flow throwgh branch 10, | * [ceaatee i Sree 8 sarees B ‘Frings | Square Comer Elbow 2 toate SEE nese EE eee tetas Sree Siete Sie rosea Crane Co. “Flow o Fide though Vahes, Ftinge and Pip,” ‘eahniel Paper 40. ous Type 3. Pump Discharge Single line pump discharge Criteria AP/I00 PS) = 5.0 max Velocity (FPM) = 700 max. Remarks: Carbon steel pump discharge piping is sized within the limits of the above criteria and with an economic consideration of piping material costs compared to pumping costs depending on whether the pump discharge line is considering to be “low pressure level" or “high pressure level". The dividing line is as follows: "Low pressure level” includes pump discharge lines with design pressure of 1400 psig and design temperature of 150°F (or other combinations of pressure and temperature to give equal or lesser required pipe thickness and flange ratings). For pump discharge lines in this pressure-temperature range, optimum sizing is as indicated by curves added to the liquid line sizing chart PD 435- C for spr. 06 t0 1.0, "High pressure level" includes design pressure and design temperature combinations resulting in pipe thickneses and flange ratings greater than above. Due tothe high cost of heavy ‘wall pipe and heavy anges, pump discharge lines in the “high pressure level” category are more likely to be sized close to the limit of the above criteria, 9.28 Alloy pump discharge piping is more likely to be sized at or above the “imits of the above criteria due tothe very high cost of alloy materials, However, at velocities in excess of 700 FPM, the increased erosion rate nay require heavier pipe wall thickness at an increased material cos. AAs long as the flow remains turbulent, the optimum size for a given ‘Tow rate is practically independent of viseosity, For laminar flow, the above curves on PD 435-C do not exactly represent optimum diameters, but itis suggested that they be used for sizing anyway, abserving especially the limitation of 5.0 psi/100 maximum AP corrected for viscosity. The flow can be assumed to be laminar at Reynolds Numbers below 2000 and turbulent at 2000 and higher. The Reynolds Number can be calculated as follows: 31600) (@estks) Where Q = flowing GPM d= id. Ginches) ‘stks = flowing viscosity in centistokes ‘Reynolds Number Downstream af 2 pump discharge with different conditions than atthe pump. Criteria: 1) AP/100 (st) 5.0 max 2) IF 100% liquid, velocity (FPM) 700 max. 9.29 3) 4 5 Remarks: 1 100% vapor, velocity (FPM) = 6000{'py where p, = flowing density, Ib/ft? If the line is the transfer line ofa fred reboiler heater or other pumped reboiler, and it is desired to minimize heater outlet temperature: AP/100 (PSI) max. = 25% of column bottom absolute pressure. If the material in the line i in vertical upward 1wo-phase flow, such as feed to @ column or inlet to a crude heater, check to avoid slg flow. If its impossible to satisfy this criterion (which Sets @ maximum permissible diameter) and also limitations 1 and 4 above, the solution will be to take (and allow for) more pressure drop, orto revise relative amounts of vapor and liquid 10 specify more vapor. Economic considerations involved in sizing carbon steel pump discharge system piping at "low pressure level” and "high pressure level” and alloy pump discharge system piping should be similar to Type 3a above. Branches from a pump discharge. itera: ‘Treat as Type 3a. 930 ‘Remarks: Be aware thatthe common pump must satisfy the pressure drop, in all branches. It is possible that a low capacity branch might be sized for ‘high pressure drop while the igh capacity branches require a low pressure drop. The common pump would be required to provide sufficient discharge pressure to satisfy the pressure drop of the low capacity branch, while control ‘valves in the high capacity ines would hancle greater than desired pressure drops. [Branches downstream of a pump discharge with different conditions than at the pump. Criteri, ‘Treat as Type 3b. ‘Remarks: Consider pressure drop balance as discussed for Type 3c. Liquid to Non-pumped Reboiler. Criteria AP/100 (PSI) 15 10 020 ‘Remarks: This type is to be size in conjunction with the return line from the same reboiler. 931 Type 5. ‘Type 6. Reboller Return to Column Criteria: 1) Kettle ype: 4P/100 (PSI) = 0.20 mas. 2) Thermosyphon or once-through type, non-kettle, non-pumped. For amped types, see Type 3b. AP/100 (PSI) = 0.10 - 0.20 max. Remarks: Maximum permissible size = 30° nominal, Ifcaleulated diameter js above this number, divide flow in half and size for this reduced flow. For non-ketle types (two-phase flow), the line should be checked for slug flow. If slg flow is indicated, the solution will be to take (end allow for) ‘more pressure drop, or to revise the relative amounts of vapor and liquid to specify more vapor. Column Overhead Vapor a All except FCC main column and crude vacuum column everhead ‘vapor lines. 932 Griteria: limiting equations 100 ‘ap/i00 (Psp = o2a{p |_—100__ Ke) np 160 + 8.344) Velocity (FPM) = 6000/[0, max. Use half of the above limiting pressure drop for columns where rinimum pressure is critical. = receiver presure, pia d= 14, inches by = overiead vapor flowing density, Ib ‘Remarks: Sizing of the above column overhead vapor lines is based pon an approach to economic optimization within fixed limitations of pressure drop and velocity, The equations have been developed for carbon steel material, Alloy overhead vapor lines should be sized slightly tighter due to the higher material cost, but sill within the criteria of the limiting equations FCC main column overhead vapor Criteria: AP/100 (PSI) = 0.10 max. 9.33 ‘Type 7. © Crude vacuum columa overhead ‘The method of sizing is as follows: Determine equivalent length ofthe line. Size line so that AP over its entire length is not more than 796 ff flash zone absolute pressure, limited to flash zone pressures of 35mm and greater. Column Hot Vapor By-Pass Criteria: AP/100 (PST) = 0.5 max, ‘Remarks: For amount of vapors thru hot vapor by-pass, use the following formula: W = [(Mol/tr), + 0.06 (Mol/he)] IM) W = by-pass vapor, Ib/hr (Mol/br), = normal mols/ar of net gas (Mol/ar), = normal mols/ar of gross column overhead vapors (M, = mol weight of gross overhead vapors 934 Type 8. ‘Column Overhead Condenser Rundown a. Toly condensing single phase: Ctra: Limiting equations 100 appos erst = axolp | —_|max roa - oh [5a Velocy(FPM) = 200 max Use half of the above limiting pressure drop for columns where minimum pressure is elie receiver pressure, psia iid, inches Remarks: Special attention should be given tothe rundown line if it 's part of a pressure relief route. This situation exists when pressure relief is via a vent or relief on the receiver rather than via a relief valve on the overhead vapor line or column proper. The rundown line should be atleast as large as such a vent, and atleast one size larger shan the inlet of any relief valve on the receiver whose function is to protect the column, If several relief valves are on the reesive serving this function, the rundowa line should be atleast one size larger than a size whose inside cross sectional area equals the sum ofthe areas of the relief valve inlets, 9.35 ‘Totally condensing, with traces ofa second liquid present and. piping arrangement that would permit pockets ofthe second liquid phase to accumulate CCiteria and remarks: Column overhead condensers are often placed below the receiver in order to provide AP to operate a hot vapor by- ass, In cases like this, a moderately high velocity should exit in the run-down piping (350 FPM). This becomes important in column overhead systems where traces of a heavier liquid, such as water or HF can collect in the low points of @ rundown line. The higher velocities tend to keep the line clear of a pocket of heavier liquid. However, see the remarks under Type 8a above for a discussion of rundown lines when they are part ofa pressure relief route. A conflict between the need for adequate liquid velocity during normal oxeration and the need of low A during pressure relief may influence the design of the pressure relief system. Partially condensing, vapor and liquid present. 100 Criteria: 4/100 (PSI) = o:0/p |—10 _ wT) al $3.3 + 278d) Use half of the above limiting pressure drop for columns where ‘minimum pressure is critica P= receiver pressure, psia d= id, inches 9.36 ‘Type 9. Remarks: Because this two-phase flow line could be vertical upflow, {ae line should be checked for slug fow. If slug flow is indicated, a smaller diameter should be selected, until slug low does not exis. However, if itis impossible to satisfy both the slug flow eriteria and the max AP/100 limitation given above, solution will be to analyze iping layout with an eye toward relaxation of the max. A/100 rule. Special attention should be given to the rundown line if iis part of a ressure relief route, as described for Type 8a. If there is a conflict, tetween diameter required for pressure relief and diameter required for avoidance of slug flow, consideration should be given to several smaller lines in parallel or to revising the pressure relief srrangements, ‘Compressor Suction Reciprocating compressor Criteria: AP/100 (PSI) AP/100 (PSI) Vets (FPM) = 200)| 288 mas P= line pressure, psia MW = gas molecular weight 937 Remarks: Line is defined as being between a suction drum (or vessel serving as a suction drum) and the compressor. Lead-in lines to individual eylinders should also be sized according to the above criteria, Centrifugal compressor Criteria: AP/100 (PSt) = 0.049/p max AP/100 (PSD) = 1.0 max. ‘Velocity (FPM) = 3540/p\* max. P= line pressure, psia by = gas flowing density, 1b/f Remarks: Lines defined as being between a suction drum (or vessel serving asa suction drum) and the compressor. ‘Type 10. Compressor Discharge a. Reciprocating compressor Criteria: 4/100 (Pst) = 0.083/p max ‘AP/100 (PSI) = 1.0 max. 288 Velocity (FPM) = 3000 | 288 eee MW p= line pressure, psa MW = gas molecular wei Remarks: Line is defined as being between the compressor and a junetion with a line carrying other fuids, or to 2 cooler or vessel. Lead-out lines from individual eytinders should also be sized according to the above criteria, . Centrifugal compressor Criteria: AP/100 (PSI) = 0089/p max. AP/100 (PSD) = 1.0 max. Velocity (FPM) = 6000/Jey max 939 Type LL. P = line pressure, psia by = gas flowing density, h/t? Remarks: Line is defined as being between the compressor and a junction with a line carrying other fluids, oto a cooler or vessel [High Available Pressure Drop (25 psi or mote available for piping friction within the battery limits). Criteria: Use up, but do not exceed, the available pressure drep. Also, ‘observe the following limitations, except for pressure relief: 100% liquid AP/100 (PsP Velocity (FPM) = 700 max. 2 10096 vapor ‘AP/100 (PSI) Velocity (FPM) = 6000/ {oy max. 70 max 3. Vapor plus liquid AP/100 (Pst) 0 max. Remarks: Allow high piping AP, but consider erosion, nose, and vaporization, For vaporizing materials, use downstream conditions for calculation of AP, 9.40 ‘Type 12, Feed to Column Citeris and Remarks: 1, fline isa pump discharge or is downstream ofa pump discharge, treat as Type 3, except limit the 1009 liquid ease toa velocity of 500 FPM. 2, Ifline has high available pressure érop (25 psi or more available for piping friction), treat as Type 11, except limit the 100% liquid case to 2. maximum velocity of S00 FPM, 3. line is other as indicated in 1 or 2 above: 100 AP/100 (PSI) = 3. "1 30 Tid + 10d) TE flow is 100% lg Velocity (FPM) = 500 max. b. If flow is 100% vapor: Velocity (FPM) = 6000/{oy max. ‘ef flow is ewosphase: Apply the criteria for slug flow. IF it is impossible to satisfy both ths criterion and the pressure drop of this item 3, the solution will be to take (and allow for) more pressure drop orto revise relative amounts of vapor and liquid to specify more vapor. Type 13 ‘Type 14, Vacuum Unit Heater Transfer ‘The method of sizing is as follows: Determine equivalent length of the line. Determine heater outlet pressure, which is often 3.0 psia. Base line sizing calculations on only the vapor portion of the flow, but in calculations of pressure drop and velocity, use diameter of only 98% ofthe actual diameter 1 account for presence of liquid, ‘Observing sonic velocity limitation and allowing for changing pressure along the length of the line, size line to use up the available pressure drop between hheater and flash zone. If pressure in downstream end of the line is raised because of sonic velocity limitation, the nozzle at the inlet to the column should be enlarged until soni velocity or less ean be attained in the nozzle at flash zone pressure. Steam Criteria and Remarks: 1. Saturated, 15 psig and less: Velocity (FPM) = 6000 max. AP/100 (PSI) = 1.1 max. Higher rates than these are permissible where high pressure drop is available, but velocity should be less than 10,000 FPM. 942 ‘Type 18. 2 Saturated, over 15 psig Velocity (FPM) = 10,000 max. AP/100 (PSI) = 0.02 p max. pressure, pia 3. Supetheated, over 200 psig Velocity (FPM) = 15,000 max. AP/100 (PS1) = 0.012 p max. = pressure, psia Condensing Steam Turbine Exhaust ‘The method of sizing is a follows: Determine equivalent length ofthe line. For convenience, caleulations should be based on full weight flow from turbine a if t had a steam quality of 100%. Operating pressure of turbine exhaust and condenser inlet must be known. ‘Size line to use up the difference in pressure between turbine and condenser, ‘except observe maximum velocity as follows: Velociy (FPM) = 1200/Jpy max py = flowing density of steam at inlet to condenser, 1b/ft 9.43 Type 16, Type 17. Liquid at its bubble point to control valve or steam trap Criteria: AP/100 (PSI) = 05 10 15 max Velocity (FPM) = 700 mas. Remarks: Consider elevations of liquid surface and control valve, Consider length of line. The pressure drop due to friction shoulé be well below the static head increase in pressure due to lower elevation of the ‘control valve in order to avoid vaporization before valve ‘Steam condensate after a contol valve or steam trap Criteria and Remarks: ‘There are many situations possible in the operation of condensate removal piping. Consideration should be given to the points discussed below. 1, With control valve located in steam line: ‘The control valve may be placed in the steam if the condensate will still have sufficient pressure to flow to its destination. This would be the case when the condensate is al a leuperature whose ssturation pressure is sufficiently above the condensate destination pressure to permit flow. Low condensate temperatures can be tolerated when flow {s toa condensate pot operating under a vacuum. To size the condensate line, one must first obtain the destination pressure. Then an inital condensate temperature (and pressure) must bee determined. This will depend on the process-side temperatures of the exchanger, on whether the flow is countercurrent or co-current, and ‘n the condensate temperature approach to process-side temperature. Lower condensate temperatures will be governing for condensate line sSzing. TF the length of the condensate line is known, this length (equivalent feet) should be used in the pressure drop calculation. Ifthe length is row known, as is generally the case, 300 equivalent feet may be used £ being the distance to a condensate header or pot. Pipe fiction pressure drop should not be more than ¥ ofthe total pressure drop. 1k may be necessary to consider the line in sections for calculation purposes in order the account for the increased Mashing as pressure fall, PD 395A may be used to find the piping two-phase pressure drop as a function ofa fictitious alltiquid AP. ‘With control valve in condensate line: ‘The control valve is often placed in the condensate line when process- Side temperatures are low, resulting in low condensate temperatures. ‘The pressure before the control valve in this case willbe fll steam. pressure, less a small amount for exchanger pressure drop. The lemperature of the condensate before the control valve can be anything from saturation temperature down to the process side lemperature at the condensate outlet. For condensate line sizing, higher temperature wil be governing, since more flashing wil result. Condensate temperature equal to steam temperature should, therefore, be assumed unless there is reason to believe it tobe lower. ‘Type 18, 3. General Remarks, applicable to all eases. Use a unit pressure drop 114 times the value for clean commercial steel pipe to allow for roughening of the pipe walls due to the corrosive effects of condensate, Pressure drop per length of pipe will be greatest at the downstream end of the pipe where the pressure level is the lowest. Mere liquid will have flashed to vapor and the vapor density isthe lowest. There should be « limitation on instantaneous pressure drop as folows: AP/100 (PSD) = 75 max. ‘This should be calculated using 1% times the values for clean ‘commercial stel pipe as mentioned above. Often this limitation will be governing, with the result that the steam trap or control valve will bbe able to operate with much more than ¥ of the total pressure drop, ‘Make-up gas toa hydrogen consuming process Criteria: AP/100 (PSI) = 1.0 sas, Velocity (FPM) = 6000/Jy max. ‘Remarks: Consider length of line. Take smaller AP/100 for long lines 9.46 ‘Type 19. Fuel Gas to Heaters Criteria 1, Before control valve: ‘AP/1O0 (PSI) = 0105 p max. = gauge pressure before valve 2. After control valve: ‘AP/100 (PST) P= gauge pressure after valve 04 p max. If pressure isnot known, the following standard values may be used: For gas with gross heating value of $00 BTU/SCF or more: 10 psig For gas with gross heating valueless than S00 BTU/SCF: 20 psig 3. Header: AP/100 (PSD) = 0.05 p max. ‘Comments of Item 2 apply, except that p refers to gauge pressure in header. Remarks: Quantity of gas can be calculated from process specification heater duty using an appropriate heater efficiency and fuel gas heating value. 97 ‘Type 20, ‘Type 21, If more than one process stream is to be heated in the same heater box, ‘careful determination should be made for the amount of heat to be released from each set of burners. Fuel Oi to Heaters Criteria Gey Se 0-59 V+ Sch. 80 6- 99 1 ~ Sch. 80 2. 349 2 Sch. 80 35-10 3" ~ Sch. 40 101 - 300 4° ~ Sch. 40 Remarks: Use 3 volumes recirculated for 1 volume burned. Use lowing temperature such as to give a visoosity of 50 centistokes. Specific gravity is about 0.9. Size lines as above, Note that this i laminar fw, Use same criteria for retur lines to surge, storage, or refinery fuel olsystem. Atomizing Steam to Heaters Criteria: Usual steam criteria Remarks: Use 3-4 Ibs. of steam per gallon of fuel oil bumed. Use pressure of 75 psig maximum after valve if there is a valve, 9.48 ‘Type 22, Instrument Air Piping Criteria Main air supply header shall be 1%" or lager. Branch Header line size: [Number of taps Branch header size ‘Type 28. Cooling Water Criteria: 0-650 GPM: (651-2800 GPM: 2801-7000 GPM: ‘Over 7001 GPM: 1s 610 Max. AP/100 Max. Velocity Max. Velocity Max. Velocity 4s 1620 aw 13 Pst 500 FPM 600 FPM 700 FPM Remarls: ‘The 13 PSI/100 criterion is based on AP/100 obtained by using PD 435.C. Pressure drop after a long period of usage may be twice as high as this, If lm type corrosion protection is used, maximum velocity should be reduced to 350-500 FPM. ‘Type 24, Static Electricity Consideration Criteria: Velocity (FPM) = 400 max. Remarks: When the flowing hydrocarbon is @ material whose vapor pressure is such as to form an explosive mixture with air, the owing velocity ‘must be limited in order to minimize the buildup of static electricity, This consideration is particularly important when handling materials such as Kerosene and jet fuel to storage tanks. 9.50 (GENERAL COMMENTS - HYDRAULICS Line sizing is only @ part of the overall subject of hydraulics. Other areas of hydraulics affect the sizing of lines, particularly insofar asthe determination of available pressure drop {s concerned. The following presents a discussion of some of the more important hydraulic systems and considerations with which the line sizing engineer should be familiar. A. NPSH Every cemrifuzal pump has a minimum positive pressure requirement at its suction ‘lange to prevent vaporization of the pumped liquid, which will result in cavitation "This pressure requirement is called "net postive suction head” (NPSH). NPSH is usually expresied asthe feet of liquid head, in excess of the fuid vapor pressure, ‘required atthe suction flange ofa specific pump in order to overcome the internal pressure drop in the pump suction nozzle and passages to the eye of the impeller. ‘The NPSH required is determined by the manufacturer as a characteristic of the pump and will et the elevations of many ofthe vessels in a process unit [NPSH - Caleulations ‘Pump NPSH caleulations can be approached from two diferent view points. A. ‘contractors calulation is basically a check of the sytem to determine ifthe specified suction vessel elevation is great enough to overcome the friction loss of the actual suction pipingarrangement and still provide the pump NPSH requirement as defined by the supplier. All details of the system and equipment are usually known at the time the contractor makes his check. 951 ‘Schedule (Thickness) of Stee! Pipe Used in Obtaining Resi tance of Valves and Fittings of Various Pressure Classes by Test” ssa pra Ganon ee hang [ORT] fKdentfying the ns “These schedule numbers have been _atbiraryseectedonyforhe purpose aeaae of valves and tinge wih "Speci pipe dmansions fr he ire Drttlon of ow tat at: hey should “arom aedtowe spt Retentwesrons | ep sos Seopa | ona] CER] capes forintataton poposss singe | Seopa ‘Representative Equivalent Lengthin Pipe Diameters (LID) of Various Valves and Fittings, Deeroton of Prose, if Bon Paper eens oben ta ee orp pe sea Fall apo Ih inguin ee Fa pen [te intact bn apo HR [Wiicom soars rom motpprion Fully epen ih etom scope Pom nctppetne___ Fa She ‘eal vaio Who cterston nfs bevel oe pe set — Fay open |i wing ed ie spon Ses oe Soa oe rts lesen Sees [Seaway Sina een [te Uh Sty tm Papen a oxo em pee e e i eine Ange ds ey Vas nn aT svaont Trg [cing por ween 10a pip an Fay ope [owe Wey Rectnosi paper are oqnllo Few sbaight reg to an hy ‘ow noah rach ange soos Saat aae [Soogesstard stew 3 dope Long Radu ow Spuwe Comer ew ‘S Degree Suet Eon Tako apn tn ew ogh ach Segue Pe Bos eet ean oat Saute enah betwen, "lap asonr alee pole ‘getaces cree Crane Co. “Row a Fis through Vales, Fins and Pipa? ‘echnical Paper st 9-15 o.s02 Resistance of Bends Resistance of 90 Degree Bends" “The chart at the sgh shows the resistance fo degre bends to the Bow of Rds in {erm of equvalen: lengths of stright pipe, Resistance of bend greater than 9 degrees Ifo sing the nla Fonwem a(n) Rie aaa ee Problem: Detenine the eulaen length In pipe daetes ofa go Sgree bend end 8 Spadegrecbend hevingsteatveadusel 1 Solution: Referrng to the “Total Resse free" curve, the eqialent length for 8 90 Segre bend 34.5 pipe ameter ‘The equivalent length ola 370 degree bend i L/D=r45 += U8 589) L/D =877 pipe damecer, [Nase Ths oss than the sum of es ‘hough tee go cegre bend spuated By tangents For reitance of bends hey sechage en Sabreerseercatets RES ee Resltance of Miter Bands! “The chare at the wer ight shows the ce: Aizanceof miter tend to the flow of ids. {The chare based on data published by the American Society of Mechanical Engrs swe) Problem: Determine the equivalent length In pipe dlmeters of a 40 depen mle bend Solution: Refering to the “Total Resist fneet curve in the chart, the equlalene lengths pipe dareer 2 a Hu z a # ; ze yt iL pest sh - ey + F zw we wake 4 L/D ~ Kate Legh, nanos | 1-4] © ~ betecion ag, in eges crave Co. "Flow of Fluids through Valves, Fiteings, and Pipe", ‘Teehateal Paper 410, page A-27. PD 904 PIPE DATA Carbon and Alloy Stoel — Stainless Stee! CRANE [salma = == cealcs| ie ef (2 | =lecrel stebepal foo [se | 3 [3 [| S| Se] a [Be Be] e = 9-17 CRANE spre ecnatnns a PIPE DATA cont. oa mone te CRANE See me min te PIPE DATA—cont, gee] = eI sana [|S a fae ie PIPE DATA—cont. g FPR ep ae wee pe 2, B cry 6. ”. 18, 1. a. 2. LINE SIZING CRITERIA INDEX OF TYPE NUMBERS Description Gravity flow Pump suction Pump discharge ‘Liquid to non-pumped reboiler Reboiler return to columa Column overhead vapor Column hot vapor bypass Column overhead condenser rundown Compressor suction ‘Compressor discharge High available pressure drop (25 psi or more available for piping fiction) Feed to a column ‘Vacuum unit heater transfer Steam ‘Condensing steam turbine exhaust Liquid at its bubbie point w « contol valve or steam trap ‘Steam condensate after a control valve or steam trap ‘Makeup gas to a hydrogen consuming process Fuel gas to heaters Fuel oil to heaters Atomizing steam to heaters Instrument air piping Cooling water Stati electricity consideration 9.26 Gravity Flow Criteria AP/100 (PSI) Remarls: Can be tighter if lin is mostly vertical 120 max. Pump Suction 8. Liquid at bubble point or less than SO°F below it. Criteria: If not FOC main column bottoms or similar solid - carrying ssream, AP/100 (PSI) 120 max. FOC main column bottom or similar stream, velocity should be 180, FPM to avoid settling of solids. If AP of 0.20 PSI/100 has been exceeded, use the largest size that will till give 180 FPM. Remarks: For lines 3" and smaller, 180 FPM will result in AP/100 in «excess of 0.20 PSI which should be allowed for in determining NPSH svailabiiy b, Liquid S0°F or more below bubble point Criteria: AP/100 (PST) = 035 max. Remarks; Watch viscosity for heavy cool liquids. Consider viscosity when itis 20 centistokes or more, at which point the actual pressure drop could be as much as 27% higher than that caleulated using viscosity of 06 centistokes. ‘On the other hand, the goal ofthe design engineer’s calculation isthe determination ‘of the suction vessel elevation before details of the system and equipment are known. ‘The following considerations and estimates should be taken into account in the engineers calculation: 1, Estimate the minimum pump NPSH requirement, in feet of liquid by means of the attached chart (Page 9-61). ‘This chart is based upon the approximate [NPSH requirement that would permit @ range of pump suppliers to be able ‘to quote pumps that are economical in both first cost and efficiency. The estimated NPSH requirement should be based on the pump design capacity “The chart is limited to single tage pumps with maximum differential heads ‘of 1400 feet at 60 HZ and 1000 feet at SO HZ. A pump vendor stould be ‘consulted for the NPSH requirements of pumps to suit unusual cases or services beyond the range of the attached chart. ‘The equation used to produce the curves on the attached chart incudes an addtional 2 feet which wil minimize cases where NPSH suppression testing is required. ‘The suppression testis a shop NPSH performance test which incurs additional cost and adds to delivery ime. For low design capacities, chart values for NPSHR should be used instead of equation values. 2, Estimate the elevation of the pump centerline above the base line. The attached chart (Page 9-61) presents average values for this distance based on pump capacity. 3, Estimate the friction loss, in feet of flowing liquid, in the suction piping ‘between the vessel and the pump suction flange. The piping fricion loss should be based on the pump design flow rate and on clean pipe friction actors. The calculated friction loss per hundred feet must be multplied by 982 ‘On the other hand, the goal ofthe design engineer's calculation is the determination ‘ofthe suction vessel elevation before details ofthe system and equipment are known. ‘The following considerations and estimates should be taken into account in the engineers calculation: 1. Estimate the minimum pump NPSH requirements, in fet of liquid, by means of the attached chart (Page 9-61). This chart is based upon the approximate [NPSH requirement that would permit a range of pump suppliers to be able to quote pumps that are economical in both first cost and efficiency. "The estimated NPSH requirement should be based on the pump design capacity ‘The chart is limited to single stage pumps with maximum differential heads of 1400 feet at 60 HZ and 1000 feet at SO HZ. A pump vendor should be consulted for the NPSH requirements of pumps to suit unusual cases ot Services beyond the range ofthe attached char ‘The equation used to produce the curves on the attached chart includes an ‘additional 2 feet which will minimize eases where NPSH suppression testing is required. The suppression test is a shop NPSH performance test which incurs additional cost and adds to delivery time. For low design capacities, char: values for NPSHR should be used instead of equation values. 2 Estimate the elevation of the pump centerline above the base line, The attached chart (Page 9-61) presents average values for this distance based on pump capaci 3. Estimate the friction loss, in feet of flowing liquid, in the suction piping between the vessel and the pump suction flange. ‘The piping friction loss should be based on the pump design flow rate and on clean pipe friction factors. The calculated friction loss per hundred feet must be multiplied by 92 the estimated suction pipe equivalent length in hundreds of feet. For normal suction piping arrangements from proces vessels, the equivalent length may be estimated by means of the folowing equations: a Fora single pump (with spare) servi L = 50+ S00D + 50D" . For multiple pump services (wit spares) with common suction piping ‘or fora pump service with a piping split to a reboiler or other service: ‘From the suction vessel to the piping split L = 10+ 10D + 20D" From the piping spit to pump suction: L = 404400 + 40D D = pipe LD. inf L = estimated equivalent feet of suction pipe ‘The equations include an estimated length of straight piping and a term ‘expressed as pipe diameters which accounts for a reasonable mumber of fittings, fll line size block valve, a fll line size suetion strainer in a dean ‘condition and a split toa spare pump in each pump service. Also included isa sie adjustment factor (D") which will provide additional equivalen feet for larger pipe sizes. Keep in mind thatthe pump suction valve may be one size smaller than the suction line where the suction connection on the ramp {is two or three sizes smaller than the line. Since the pump suction connestion 93 size is not known during the engineering work, the engineer must use judgment to decide if the smaller valve will add a significant additional pressure drop. Investigate the system absolute pressure on the liquid in the suction vessel to Pree: Larrs| kek Fze0 73 Cosum Noemie ao 5 24 22. 22 ime @ lasel © me 'B2 22 Gen HYDRALAICS, FRACTIONS TOR a tle | gs Hoenn estan aiajBjep oo 2/2 sl ee Morus. 4: ferr V~. Diz leo | 4s Zz ene! Trove Wo Cr at 0. 69 167 Vet! Die leol zoel 2 6631 Pies nd fuer Soe) 423. 0 Dlaleclas| 2 Ak Nar, Baan oak Cor dro) | galans 720. Dlez 29| & 28 | BES @. Zenrese Lae Vera ger Borns V-1 Bort Lin ~ T Td (GENERAL LINE SIZING COMMENTS. ‘When faced with he time limitations of production engineering, the design engineer must have available to him various guidelines and rules of thumb to reduce the time consumed in line sizing Although optimization of line sizing should not be ignored, the available increments of pipe size normally encountered make the expenditure ofan extensive amount of time involved in line size optimization very questionable. UOP employs a computer program with builtin optimization procedures 0 assist the design engineer in the performance of hs lin sizing job, However, for this discussion, we will approach line sizing Without the aid of the computer and rely upon good judgement and experience to reduce the time required and still provide a reasonable approach to optimization, Following are some general comments to keep in mind as we proceed through this discussion: ‘A. Line sizing wil be based on ‘normal flow rates and “normal pressures as developed by the process design. However, the engineer should keep in mind the effect of "design flow rates, maximum flow rates and start-up, shutdown and upset conditions that may have a significant influence on the plant pressure profile, It is generally helpful to develop a simple sketch of the plant or system piping arrangement to indicate the normal pressure profile and to recotd the results of investigations of alternate considerations. ‘The sketch also provides a good means to visualize the possible effect of static head on pressure considerations used in line sizing. B. The principle eriterion for line size selection will be pressure drop, expressed as Pounds per square inch (PSI) per 100 equivalent feet of pipe. Velocity, expressed in feet per minute, will also be an important factor, ot Additional properties used in our line sizing procedures willbe specifi gravity, vapor

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