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This research considers the ecosystem services associated with furniture, one of the leading

types of secondary wood products manufactured internationally. We review and synthesize the
literature surrounding the sustainable design, use, and disposition of wood furniture and related
products in global markets. We consider emerging and innovative design strategies for wood (in
biomimicry, for example) as well as topics that have been gaining traction in recent years (i.e.,
green supply chain management and eco/environmental labels and related market
communications). An overarching theme is to consider how firm competitiveness can be
influenced, or even enhanced, by green practices in design and associated communications with
consumers. With a trend toward increasing customization in the secondary wood product
marketplace, the role of design might be changing. However, design remains a critical product
development function in modern markets, and designers are well-positioned to influence
sustainable material utilization and improve furniture product use and lifespan.

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