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Technics Compact Disc Player SL-PG360A SL-PG460A Operating Instructions RQT2226-1B Dear Customer Thank you for purchasing this product. For optimum performance and safety, please read these operating instructions carefully. Table of Contents Before Use Caution for AC Mains Lead 3 Locaton of Contols 5 Concerning tne Rencte Conv! ETEZEEERNGTINA 8 Operations Sequential Play EXNEIM 7 Shp Function 8 Search Functon 8 Drect access Pay 3 Random Play 3 Program Play 0 Convenient Functions Repeat Funcion ® Auto Cue Functon 3 Tene Fede Funcbon fy Output Level Contro!| 14 Tene Mode Selecion ‘ CD Edit Recording CD Edit Recording ........ : 15 Auto Edit DINE ss Progam Edt 8 Oscun 8 General Information Remote Contol Operatens —quckreteence— 2 suggestions for Sately 2 Concerning Compact Diss 23 Techneal Specteations 23 Troublesnooing Gude Back ooer Materance Back over CAUTION! THIS PRODUCT UTILIZES A LASER, USE OF CONTROLS OR ADJUSTMENTS OR PERFORM- ANCE OF PROCEDURES OTHER THAN THOSE SPECI- FIED HEREIN MAY RESULT IN HAZARDOUS RADIATION EXPOSURE. DO NOT OPEN COVERS AND DO NOT REPAIR YOUR ‘SELF. REFER SERVICING TO QUALIFIED PERSONNEL. DANSK BEMARK! DETTE APPARAT ANVENDES EN LASER, BRUG AF BETJENINGSKNAPPER ELLER REGULE- RINGER ELLER FREMGANGSMADER UDOVER OE | DENNE BETJENINGSVEJLEDNING ANGIVNE, KAN MED: FORE FARE FOR BESTRALING. ABN IKKE KABINETTET OG FORSOG IKKE AT UDFORE REPARATIONER SELV. REPARATIONER MA KUN FORE- ‘TAGES AF KVALIFICEREDE TEKNIKERE, suOMI VAROITUS! LAITTEEN KAYTTAMINEN MUULLA KUIN TASSA KAYT- TOOHJEESSA MAINITULLA TAVALLA SAATTAA ALTIS- TAA KAYTTAJAN TURVALLISUUSLUOKAN 1 YLITTA- VALLE NAKYMATTOMALLE LASERSATEILYLLE, NORSK ADVARSEL! DETTE PRODUKTET ANVENDER EN LASER. BETJENING AV KONTROLLER, JUSTERINGER ELLER, ANORE INNGREP ENN DE SOM ER BESKREVENT | OENNE BRUKSANVISNING, KAN FORE TIL FARLIG BE- STRALING. DEKSLER MA IKKE APNES, OG FORSOK ALOR! A REPA. RERE APPARATET PA EGENHAND. ALT SERVICE OG. REPARASJONSARBEID MA UTFORES AV KVALIFISERT PERSONELL, S | CLAS LASER PRODUCT LUOKAN 1 LASERLAITE KLASS 1 LASER APPARAT Caution for AC Mains Lead (For United Kingdom) (“EB” area code model only) For your safety, please read the following text care- fully. This appliance is supplied with a moulded three pin mains plug for your safety and convenience ASeampere fuse is fitted inthis plug SShould the fuse need to be replaced please ensure that the replacement fuse has a rating of S-ampere and that tis approved by ASTA or BSI to BS1362 Check for the ASTA mark 4» or the BSI mark & on the body ofthe fuse. It the plug contains a removable fuse cover you must ensure that itis refitted when the fuse is replaced, It you lose the fuse cover the plug must not be used until a replacement cover is obtained. A replacement {use cover can be purchased from your local dealer. CAUTION! IF THE FITTED MOULDED PLUG IS UNSUIT- ABLE FOR THE SOCKET OUTLET IN YOUR, HOME THEN THE FUSE SHOULD BE RE- MOVED AND THE PLUG CUT OFF AND DIS- POSED OF SAFELY THERE IS A DANGER OF SEVERE ELECTRI- CAL SHOCK IF THE CUT OFF PLUG IS IN- SERTED INTO ANY 13-AMPERE SOCKET. It a new plug is to be fitted please observe the wiring code as shown below. Itin any doubt please consult a qualified electrician, IMPORTANT It the socket outlets in the home are not suitable for the plug supplied with this appliance it should be cut off and an appropriate three pin plug fitted. The wires in this mains lead are coloured in accor- dance with the following code: Blue Neutral Brown: Live Do not connect either wire to the earth terminal in the plug which is marked by the letter “E” or by the safety earth symbol 1 or coloured green or green-and- yellow. As the colours of the wires in the mains lead of this apparatus may not correspond with the coloured mark- ings identifying the terminals in your plug proceed as follows. The wire which is coloured BLUE must be con- nected to the terminal which is marked with the letter N or coloured BLACK. The wire which is coloured BROWN must be con- nected to the terminal which is marked with the letter L or coloured RED. Before use Remove the connector cover as follows. RJA0034 How to replace the fuse 1. Openthe fuse cover with a screwdriver. RUA0034-P 2. Replace the fuse and close or attach the fuse cover. FUAOOS4 Fuse ey anew Fuse Connections Supplied accessories Please check and identity the supplied acces- AC mans lead pe (For Unted Kingdom (For others UADOGS-P or FUAOOA4-C) -RAO043-C) © , D 3 Stereo connection cable 1 pe (SuP2289.6) ‘and al other system components is fist turned off Betore making connections. be sure thatthe power of hs unt See the operating instructions of the ampiier or the cassette eck for details | The contiguration of the AC outlet and AC mains lead aiter | according tothe area, “Amplier (pt included) DOO neeigeeees _— —_ ov eo ;| e& | — > —- 12 Remote contro! + pe (EUR642100) 5 Batteries for remote contol 2s. | (UM-4, AAA, R03) | FOR UNITED KINGDOM ONLY BE SURE TO READ THE CAUTION FOR ‘AC MAINS LEAD ON PAGE 3 BEFORE CONNECTING THE AC MAINS LEAD. | San La Location of Controls ‘SL-PG460A ~ No. Name Ref page No. Nam Ref. page @ Power “STANDBY ()/ON” switch @© Peak search button (PEAK SEARCH) 16 (POWER, STANDBY ()/ON) 7 Se Press to switch the unt rom on fo standby made or vice versa, @ Auto cue button (AUTO CUE) 8B Insta mote, tut hi cosuring a mel amour {@ Disc way operioloss bution eee ee ee eee (4 OPEN/CLOSE) : Disc tray 7 eee SS ___________ @ Program play buttons ner re er ee Remote control signal sensor (SENSOR) 6 Program button (PROGRAM) 0 ‘The SL-PG360A can be operated using the remote control eam. provided with a Technics amplifier of receiver Clear button (CLEAR) u (Botn SL-PG360A, SL-PGeE0R) eS You can also turn this unit on and of by using the remote conto! ‘Recall button (RECALL) u includes with the ampiter 0 receiver compat wih the New ee __ Tecrmes Remote Coro Syste @ Repeat button (REPEAT) R Ample: SU-VS00 ATOOMK2 ABGOMK2ABOOMK — — Receiver: SA-GX170 GX: Gx670 @ Skip buttons (144, bi) 8 (ascot Ape 1998) Se Dubos (ets BU eee eee USee me cpraing.nsuctons cl ne ample orca ® Stop button (m) 7 ata Oe a @® Pause button 7 @ Standby indicator (STANDBY) ‘When the units connected tothe AC mains supply. this indica tor lights up in standby mode and goes out when the unit is turned on © Display panel @© Numeric buttons (1-10, 0, >10) 9.10 @® Play button (>) 7 @ Time mode select button (TIME MODE) 4 ® Headphones jack (PHONES) 7 @ Random play button (RANDOM) @ @ Random play button (RANDOM) 9 Headphones volume CD edit record buttons (EDIT GUIDE) (PHONES LEVEL) 7 Tape length button (TAPE LENGTH) 16 @ Search buttons (<4 SEARCH b>) 8 Tape side switch button (SIDE AB) 16, 18 Disc link button (DISC LINK) 19,20 Time fade button (TIME FADE) Concerning the Remote Control SEL Battery installation Insert the batteries included wih this unit as shown below. Correct method of use Use the remote control within 60 degrees ang within 7 meters (231) facing directly toward the unis remote control signal sensor Check the © and © sides. When you need to replace these batteries: Use two UNS, AAA, AOS or equivalent batteries. Use of batteries 1200 not mix old and new batteries, oF batteries of diferent types (carbon and alkaline, etc.) Amays remove old, weak or worn-out batteries promplly and ds ‘pose of them properly. ‘eNever subjec battanies to excessive heat or lame: do not attempt to cisassembie them; and be sure they are not shortcircutted fit tne remote contol is not to be used for a long period of time, remove tne battenes and store them in a cool, dark place ‘ita battery leaks, remove all batteres and dispose of them prop ety. ‘eThoroughly clean the battery compartment before inserting new batteries ‘it the electrolyte comes into contact wih skin or clothes. flush with water immediately ‘ekeep battenes out of reach of chiaren '*Do not use rechargeable (nickel-cadmium) type banteries ‘800 nat attempt fo recharge alkaline or carbon batteries. Battery life The battery lifes about one year. ‘eattnough the battery ile vares depending on how otten the device 's used, the battenes should be replaced about once every year feThe batteries should be replaced if commands from the remote control transmitter do not operate the unit even when the transmit ter is held close tothe front panel co payer Face about 7 meters infront ofthe sensor. (Th actual range wil depand.on he angle at which the remote control is used.) Operation notes cD player ‘Aim the remote contros transmission window toward the unit's sensor. Avoid any obstacies, ‘Avoid dust. Avoid dust. ‘2B sute the transmission window and the uni's sensor are tree from dust. Excessive dust might affect its perormance, ‘eThe operation may not be correct it direct sunlignt or other strong light source strkes the receiving sensor of this unt. If there is & problem place the unit away from the light source ‘elt the unt is installed in a rack with glass doors. the glass doors thickness or color might make it necessary to use the remote control transmiter a shorter aistance from the un Sequential Play With this function, a disc is played from the fst track to the last rack and then stops automaticaly. 1 | AJ] | hescee J SL-PG460A 1 POWER Press POWER (Power goes on). Press ‘ta compact disc is already in the disc 2 tray, it automaticaly begins playing trom the fist track, Press 4 OPENICLOSE to open the tray and insert a disc. abet mus tace upward Press 4 OPEN/CLOSE to close the tray. Total numberof tracks Total playing time 3 Displayed i there are 21 or more tracks on the dise (On SL-PG3E0A. nis indicator appears when there are 17 or more twacks on the aise 4 Press b (Play begins) Play stops automatically ater all tracks hhave been played, \ J index number (tt tmere is none, "/ "is displayed) Track curently playing Elapsed time sremacire | {— uminates. To continue playback. press ‘The displayed total playing tine includes the time between tracks For tis reason. the time may be several seconds longer than that whieh ape 138 ang tne Uke, f8¥unen you use the timer with other un. be sure totum this unit on. For your reference: Ifyou skp step 3 andres mine tray automatealy closes and play begins ram tne To listen with headphones SEREON Connect headphones (not in- cluded), Lower the volume before connecting ‘Plug type: Large stereo type 1@ Adjust the volume with the PHONES LEVEL knob. nesue Tonaie ice ( um toward the right , Tomake lower Turn toward he let Avoid listening for prolonged periods of me to prevent nearng ‘amage Skip Function ‘This function allows you to jump tothe beginning of racks. Search Function ‘This function allows you to search for a desired location while view: ing the time display SEARCH» SL-PG460A To skip forward oe Press DP a ‘9A track's skipped each time the button is pressed ()eittne cise was stopped. only the track number is displayed ‘ifthe cise was paused. will continue to be paused atthe beginning o! te track To skip backward Press i¢. ‘ifthe button is pressed in the mae of \ a track, disc pay eeluins to the begin ingot that track. tthe buton is pressed repeatedly. a track s skipped bach ime ts pressed. ‘ifthe disc was stopped. only the track umber is dspiayed site ise was paused. wi continue to be paused atthe Beginning o! he ack For your referenc ‘*During random play (see page 9): 1 Pt is pressed, skipping is performed in random order It hed is pressed, disc play skis to the Deginning of the ack being played, but skipping to previous tracks is not possible. ‘*During program play (see page 10) Forward and backward skipping 's performed in the programmed track order. SL-PG460A To search forward c= While the ise Ia being played or pre Press b> SEARCH. \J estate precoeds sony a rst and tren apeese up tte bon Te ned con eit dc was paused 1 wl rtm 0 the paused ste aga ater te ton To search backward While’ the disc is being played or paused: Press <4 SEARCH. ‘Searching proceeds slowly at frst and ‘then speeds up if the butlon is neld ‘own, ‘lf the disc was paused. t wil return to the paused state again after the button is released, For your referenc ‘*During random pl page 10) ‘Searching can be performed only within the track being played. ‘*During A-B repeat (see page 12) ‘Searching can be performed beyond the A-B segment. (A-B repeat will not be cancelled.) (see page 9) and program play (see Direct Access Play With this function, a disc is played from a desired track to the last track ang then stoos automatcally Random Play ‘With this function, al tacks on a «ise are played one time each in fandom order, and then play stops automaticaly The track order changes each ime the disc is played ranoow | S=cagoc _ B oo SL-PG460A SL-PG460A | hE inte ie topped or ig: susoou White the disc is stopped or playing: Press the numeric buttons. en] Press RANDOM. QO begin from the selected track Ney Iuminates. NS To specify a track number 140 10: wm. 11 or higher: Tan> Co - aS tn-C) (Ones agi) Example: Specitying track no. 25, m= mem Example: Specitying track no. 30 Gn» mews Random play is cancelled when play is stopped To switch back to playback in the original track order ANON While the disc is playing Press RANDOM, Ny The disc wil Be played trom that point SJ unt the end and then stop automatically, 1 To cancel random play Press m x For your referenc During program play (see page 10) The programmed tracks alone wil be played ina random order. Program Play ‘tn ths function, you can program up o 20 tracks in any order you ike. 1 2 3 Cees — SL-PG460A While the disc is stopped: Press PROGRAM. It the button is pressed while the dsc is playing, that track is programmed as the frst uminates, 1a 'PGM" wil lumnate on SL-PG360A, 2 Press the numeric buttons to specify the desired track num- oh GEES bers in order. Nan Ifyou make a mistake wnen pressing a 3 track number press CLEAR, For example, you specty tracks 5, 3 and 2 in that order Number of tracks programmes Last track number programmed Total playing time of programmed tracks , > Press P. Cree} Tacks are payed in he programmed V7 cre: and men play stops automaticaly \) Program contents are stored even afar playback ends, Te play the same program contents a gan, press 10 am Ga) Ga [+ To switch back to playback in the original track order While me ase is playing Press PROGRAM, The program contents wil also be erases The disc is played trom that point unt the end and hen stops automaticaly ™ To cancel program mode To specity a track number i 11 or higher: oem (ens aigt) (Ones aig) sample: Spctying wacko. 25 ome Example: Specitying rack no. 30 eMota Checking program contents ae Press RECALL. Each tne te Bo s pressed. a vack XD) aber nd sequence sumoer re pleye For example, you specity tacks 5.3, ane 2m that order: Track number Sequencenumber [Alter about four seconds, the onginal display appears again. To program additional tracks Press the numeric buttons. To erase programmed tracks To erase the last programmed track While the dise is stopped: ¥ Press CLEAR ‘One track's erased each time the Dutton » pressed To erase a track within the program CHEBRY—_Press RECALL 1ocslay ine wacko be SS. ises anton psa Clean ose a NS) To erase all tracks and re-program = Press PROGRAM twice and return to step 2 0n page 10. For your reference: -£" appears on the display: When 21 tracks have been spectied (ne further programming pos sible) appears on the display: ‘sWnen the total piaying time of the programmed tacks exceeds 99 minutes ana 59 seconds ‘shen the tack number 21 or higher has been speciied In these instances. the total playing time wil not be displayed. but up 1020 tracks can be programmes, Hl Repeat Function To repeat all tracks or programmed tracks Playback of al tracks or programmed tracks will be repeated in the SL-PG460A Press REPEAT. To cancel repeat ae RQ) ND Press REPEAT 12 Repeating a desired segment (A-B repeat) (Avaliable only from the remote control) While a dis is playing, you specily a start point (point A) and an lend point (point 8). that segment wil Ae nepeat While the dise is playing Press A-B REPEAT at the de- ev) sired start point (point A). uminates 2 rhb Press A-B REPEAT at the de- eres sired end point (point B). CQ The segmant between A and B played repeatedly tnuminates. To cancel A-B repeat AB, Press A-B REPEAT REPEAT Qa ‘AB repeat is not possible during random play (see page 9) and program play (see page 10). For your reference: ‘lt you press PLAY during A-B repeat, playback returns to point A ‘it you only specity point . playback wil sil return to point & it you press PPLAY at any point Auto Cue Function ‘itn ths function, playback is paused atthe beginning (where sound ‘can be heard) of al tacks. one track at a time. Time Fade Function ‘uth this function you speciy a desired ime, and when that time is reached dung playback, the volume is gradually decreased and playback ends, SL-PG460A 20 @2© 1 os Press AUTO CUE. tuminates ey NO It me aise was playing, playback is paused at the beginning of the ret ack 2 Select the track to be played. GTo play from the first track _ Press > ) You can also play the isc in any order —_ you lke. (See page 10.) J © To play trom a desired track (k= ETD Press the numeric buttons. Fy) (See page 9.) ~~ ©To play in random order pucou Press RANDOM. A See page 9) The unt smitches othe play standby mode. On the display. the play indicator lashes and the pause incicator appears. 34, To cancel auto cue auto cue Press AUTO CUE Press ® to start playback. Sound can be heard immediately To play tracks successively, press P for each tack, Tis functon may not work propery on racks wich rave sof teunds ate Dognnng_wacks wha have aig amos a ose SL-PG460A While the disc is stopped or paused: Press TIME FADE. The "-~'=~" indication will be shown on the display pane! A 1 Press the numeric buttons to * specify the playback time. J (6 seconds through 99 minutes and 59 seconds) For example, o play a dsc for 30 min Utes and then stop: B-Goem-oo IV you make a mistake when specying the te, press CLEAR and specity it again 31 -_) Press, to beain playback. mn ‘The volume s gradually decreased sta. — Ing tive seconds before the speciod time, an the disc is paused To cancel time fade To check the time remaining until fade out TWMEWODE Press TIME MODE three times dunng Coa, laypack (See page 14) ‘Ths function may not work properly the dsc s scratched or solled 13 14 Output Level Control SEIT (Available only from the remote control) Rather than adjusting the volume level of the ampitier, you can temporary make the sound lower by decreasing the output of the CD player. Time Mode Selection ‘we wooe Lever % Press — LEVEL. Decrease the output level in 2 48 inter. vals from 0 a8 (normal sound level) to =12 08. !uminates. Displays that output level hhas been decreased by 2.68 SL-PG460A te woo While the disc is playing or paused: Os Press TIME MODE. Each ime tne 7's pressed, the display switches in the following a (Onaga state kL © lapses ime of rack being piayed ~ — | Time remaining on dige | ‘Alter about two seconds, the onginal display appears agan To increase the output after it has been de- creased Lever + Qy S) Press LEVEL +. Durning CD eat recording (see page 16). in order to maintain a constant recording level, the output level cannot be adjusted For your reference: ‘ifthe power is tuned off and then tumed on again, the output level ‘eturs f0 0 0B (normal sound eve) ‘sWnen the output level is decreased, the headphone volume de- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I @ Eapsea me ot eve dsc z |@ Te remaining on tack being played Gummo | It playback s stopped and then stared again, the display retuins to its onginal state For your reference: ‘The following exceptions exist: ‘During playback of track numbers above 20; Display @ appears as ~ ‘During program play (see page 10) “Time for programmed tacks only appears fr displays @ and @ ‘When playing rack number above 20, cisplays @) and @) appear as ‘During random play (see page 9); Display @ appears as -——:--, and display @ as ——-~ ‘*During CD edit recording (see page 16): Display @ shows the time remaining on the speciied tape. ‘*During time fade (see page 13); ‘The time remaining unti fade out is displayed between cisplays @ ang CD Edit Recording What is CD edit recording? (CO eit recording is a function which allows you to specity @ tape lengtn and then automatically performs eating such that no tracks {et cut off a he end ofthe tape Use this procedure ae Tape allotment Example oa > Feecoraing a aise with nie tracks in ther orginal order on a C-#6 ‘ape © You don't want to change the Eating inne owaiecicvorer SA, Caaf e [3 [|S [oan (Auto Edit) , @ You want to keep editing simple. ‘See page 16. ( QB / / se’ (= PT? Tele I (mn) Z a Exampe [TT _ Ramage rasan nie creat recording them on a C-46 tape '§ You want to change the order of \ the tracks ieee eemiea win con Side A T ae desiredtracks \\ ann, [rae2]s] 6 Te] 7 [bank © You only want to record certain (Program Edit) tracks. ‘See page 18. QV (end we) \ om’, (2 IsTs 1s 7! T biank —/ Example Recording another aisc in te extra space attr recording a dise with nine tacks on a C-60 tape. Soeevansene’ sco (Die Linn com) [Teo]? ]3[«]s]e tape 5 = ® You want to record a collection ee nae of CD singles and such, Se ee | See age Examole — F————,_Racorang ont cose iacks tom lur dacs on a6 apa Somhiseoenn soe ——="81C0—y— trac —— © You want to make a tape (Dee Lint) \; @amny [rae] « [7 [os Ts] 6 catecing wack by he sae Eating with ony Geared ache pepe a0 anco ses [s|slet+]«|s (mn) 15 Auto Edit This function divides the tracks on a disc between the two sides of {ape in their orignal order in accordance withthe langih ofthe tape, SL-PG460A 1 Prepare the cassette deck. 1. Wind the leader and insert the tape 2. Select noise reduction and set a re verse mode 10 single side playback 3. Set the running direction of the tape tom 4 Set the cassette deck to recording Standby mode (For details, rele 1 the operating n= Stuetions fr the cassette deck.) 2 WHeEH Press TAPE LENGTH to spec: Qu ity the tape length and vide the racks Each ime the button is pressed, the tape length changes as follows (7 646 2 660.9 0-909 C~ Oy select an attrary recording lng se next page ED ‘To ade racks te extra space one tape, see nent page Number of tracks on side A Last rack on sige A ‘Track numbers onside 8 Track numbers on side A ‘*To check the edit contents for side B or make changes, press SIDEAB. 16 Time remaining on side A 3 Press PEAK SEARCH to search for the peak level on the disc, and adjust the re- cording level on the cassette deck. Searching fo te peak level takes abou 2 minutes and 0 seconds fora60rrate CO When the peak evel found, hunt repeatedly produces tne sound for about 6 seconds around he peak level 5 Press P at the same time you begin recording on the cas- sete deck. ‘sWhen recording side A is completed ‘The CD player pauses at the beginning ofthe fst rack on side B. ‘The cassette deck continues recording and then stops at the end of side A ‘To record side 8: 1, Remove tne tape to wind the leader and then inser 2. Set the running aecton ofthe tape to 3. Begin recorcing onthe cassette deck whie simullaneously begin ring playback on the CD player. To cancel CD edit mode as ® To select an arbitrary recording length “C--~" and enter the total ) time for both sides of the tape (1 to 99 minutes) as a two-digit value. IY you make a mistake when eniering his value, select “C-—~ agan z ha =) Press TAPE LENGTH, select DB To add tracks in the extra space on the tape SESE Alter step 2, press the numeric Fy buttons to specify the desired NU track number. (See page 10) When minus sign appears on the display it incicates that the time remaining on the tape is insufficient Minus sign splay (insutcient ime on tape) To fade out at the end of the tape during minus sign display Te FADE Press TIME FADE. W Ly) ~) [At the end ofthe tape the sound will gradually decrease and record- ng ml ena. It you want to fade out at the end of side B, press SIDE AVB to switch the tape sice. ‘Track numbers and numbers of tracks which cannot be edited: Editing cannot be performed on more than 20 tracks or on track rrumbers above 20. In such instances, forgo use of the edit recording function, and ‘simply perform recording in normal playback mode, For your reference: ‘Displayed time remaining on the tape: ‘The remaining tape time represents the length of time minus the unrecorded blanks lasting about 4 seconds provided atthe start of ach track for automate searching ak level ‘Since mutiple peaks exist on compact dses. even forthe same dise 2 lerert peak love! may be found each time a peak soarch is pertormed TZ. 18 Program Edit This function allows you to program the desied tracks inthe desired order and then divide and record them on sides A and 8 of a tape, SL-PG460A To cancel CD edit mode 0 To change the program contents Prepare the cassette deck. Pertorm step 1 on page 16 Specify the desired tracks in order. Perform steps 1 and 2 0n page 10. Number of racks Total paying time programmed | of programmed tacks Program tracks such thatthe total playing me is less than the length ofthe tape. When CD edit mode is entered, about four seconds wil be adiied atthe begining of each track (auto-space function) 3 mar Press TAPE LENGTH and specify the length of the tape. Y\ Perform step 2 on page 16 SJ divide me racks between ses A and B In accordance with the spectied ime. Number of racks which n be recorded on side A Last rack number on side A | Time cemaining on side A Press SIDE A/B to check the 4% \Q.. time remaining on side B. |The tme remaining on side B is as NJ ayes 5 Adjust the recording level Perform steps 3 and 4 on page 16. 6 eS Press > at the same time you begin recording on the cas- sete deck. SO ‘sWhen recording side A Is completed The CD player pauses at the beginning of the fst rack on sie 8 The cassette deck continues recording and nen stops atthe end of sie A To record side 8: 1 Remove the tape to wind the leader and then inser i. 2 Set the running direction ofthe tape to 3. Begin recoraing on the cassette deck while simultaneously begin ring playback on the CD player To change the side A contents in steps 3 and 4. st press SIDE AB to switch tome esspay for side A To add tracks at the end of sides A and B of the tape ETT) Press the numer buttons. = (See page 10) To erase the last track at the end of sides A and Bof the tape cre Press CLEAR, To change the last track at the end of sides A and B of the tape (Ca Press CLEAR and press the numenc buttons to re-specity the track To erase a track within the program EAD) Press RECALL to display he tack to be =) erased and then CHa press CLEAR, mo If the following display appears: Minus sign splay The total piay ofthe tape Erase o” cnange tracks such that the minus sign display osappears, or specty fade out (See page 17.) ime of the programmed tracks exceeds the length ‘Track numbers and numbers of tracks which can- not be edited: Eating cannot be perormed on more than 20 numbers above 20 In such instances, forgo use of the edit recorsing function, and simply perform recording in normal playback mode Disc Link ‘The function alows you to perform eat recording of multiple discs, esther in ther original order of for tracks you select in accordance withthe speciied tape length — SL-PG460A Editing in the disc’s original track order Example: Recording a disc with nine tracks on a C-60 tape, and recording another isc in the extra space on side B. 1 Prepare the cassette deck. Pertorm step 1 on page 16. a NO 2 3 “*< 4 Press TAPE LENGTH and specify the length of the tape. Perform stop 2 0n page 16 Press DISC LINK. a Adjust the recording level. Perform stops 3 and 4 on page 16 Press P at the same time you begin recording on the cas- sette deck. ‘sWhen recording side A is completed: ‘The CO player pauses at the beginning of the fist track on sie B. ‘The cassette deck continues recording and then stops al the end of side A ‘*To record side 8: 1. Remove the tape to wind the leader and then insert it 2. Set tne running direction of the tape to 3. Bogin recording on the cassette deck while smultaneously begin- ‘ing playback on the CD player ‘The cassette deck continues to advance the tape even after disc playback has ended. Don't forget to stop the tape and rewind i to the point wnere recataing ended, Press OPENICLOSE to ‘open the tray, and change the disc. The tracks which can be recorded inthe time remaining are displayed Numer of tracks which can be recorded ‘onthe remainder of side B {0° appears on the display. the frst track on tha disk is longer than tne remaining space of the tape. In his case press Ml 10 cancel the eat mode, or press the numeric button to change the track which Detter matches the remaining time. 7 Adjust the recording level. 7 To recor three or more diss, perform steps 6 to 8 Press > at the same time you begin recording on the cas- sette deck. To cancel CD editing mode =) {2 new disc is inserted close to the end of side A of the tape and the time remaining on side A 1s shorter than the next track advance the tape to the beginning of side B and begn recording again, 19 20 Disc Link Editing with only desired tracks Example: Feecording only desired tracks from four discs on a C-46 tape, Edit recording of the first dise 1 Prepare the cassette deck. Perform step 1 on page 16. 2 Program the desired tracks in order. | (See steps 1 and 2 on page 10) Press TAPE LENGTH and specify the length of the tape (C-46), Press DISC LINK. ‘Adjust the recording level (See steps 3 and 4 on page 16.) Pros > at the same time you begin recording on the | cassette deck. When recording is tinished, press ato stop the tape. Recorded contents of tape: = _1sco —> sdea [Traci] « | 7 ] Edit recording of the third dise Insert the new disc. Erase the programmed tracks on side B, Program the desired tracks in order. [Aglust the recording level Press P at the same time you begin recording on the cassette deck. When recording Is finished, pres 10 stop the tape. Recorded contents of ape: — cp —>-— anaco sea Fal +] 7 [sls —— — wo >, sacs [8 2 [2 SC S008 J Edit recording of the fourth dise ‘The procedure is the same as that for the third ise. Recorded contents of tape: | Edit recording of the second dise 1. Insert the new disc 2 Erase the programmed tracks on both sides A and B. © Press CLEAR unt the rack number displayed is 0 @ Press SIDE AB to suitch to side 8 @ Press CLEAR unt the ack number displayed is 0 @ Press SIDE AB to switch to side A 3. Program the desired tracks in order. 4 Adjust the recording level. 5 Press b at the same time you begin recording on the cassette deck When the recording of track 6 on the second CD is ‘completed, the CD player Is set to the pause mode, ‘and the cassette deck continues in the recording i the end of side A although no sound is, Remove the tape to wind the leader and then inser it @ Set the running drecton of he tape to . @ Begin recording on the cassette deck while simulta neously beginning playback on the CO player acorde contents of tape "co ansco soo Fran] «| t]2]e sie [ 1st0D 2nd 0D sooa Tax] «] 7 |S ]3] 6 —— = 318 c0 > — ain co > Side 8 é 9 2[;JaTs To cancel CD edit mode Press a When a new disc is inserted close to the end of side A of the tape land the te remaining on side A is shorter than the next track ‘advance the tape to the beginning of side B and begin recording again Remote Control Operations —quick reference— TOT Operations Convenient functions/CD edit recording Openiciose tray heres | Pause the beginning of each —on Geepeve? O | foo ee pote 3 oO ‘Stan play — Repeat all tracks or event See page 7) ee proganmed racks 3 = (See pave 2) Pause pay — (See page 7.) 9 Repeat a specitied segment nites arta — ae (See page 12) S56 C ee (See page 7) oO ee Decreasincrease ouput aes eames level (See page 14. oD Sear orator backwards Cr as (Fast backward) (Fast forward) a ne ane oo oO Euapsedtime of vack being sip racks (come) CT) played (Stopbacivard) (Sp forward) Sich he tne slay Pray desired tracks (See page 9) Play in random order swscou | (See page 9) oS [S+04605) Pay the particular track you programmed. (See page 10) Time remaining on aise (See page 14.) 1 oe Time remaining on wack being ‘Specity he tape length | (See page 16.) Cancel program mode | (See page 10.) ‘Check program contents (See page 11.) ‘Switch the tape side (See page 16.) Fade out (S00 pages 19 and17) | Erase last programmed track (See page 11.) Erase tracks inthe mia of ‘Search for the peak level on | the dsc (See page 16) 21 22 Suggestions for Safety Placement ‘Avoid placing the unit in areas ot: ‘direct suniight ‘thigh temperature ‘ehigh humiaity ‘excessive vibration ‘eunevon surfaces, (Place the unt on a fat level surface). ‘Such conditions might damage the cabinet and/or other component parts and thereby shorten the units service ite Ventilation Piace the unit in a well ventilate postion at least 10 ems away from wall surlaces ete Stacking Never place heavy items on top of the unit or the power cov. Foreign materials ‘*Ensure that no foreign objects. such as needles, coins, screwarv- €s etc. accidentally falinto the unto through the venation hoes, Otherwise, a serious electric shock or malunction could occur ‘*8c extremely careful about spiling water oF liquid onvinto the unt, as a fre or electne shock could coeur (Disconnect the power plug and contact your dealer immediately this occurs) ‘*Avoid spraying insecticides onto the unit as they contain flammable gases which can be ignited ‘sinsectoes. alcohol, paint thinner and similar chemicals should never 0€ used to clean the unit as they can cause flaking or Clouciness to the cabinet finish, Maintenance (Clean the cabinet, panel and controls with a sof cloth lightly moist ‘ene with mid detergent solution Do not use any type of abrasive pad, scouring powder or solvent Such as aiconol or benzine. Voltage Service ‘itis very dangerous to use an AC power source of high voltage ‘such as for an air conditioner. A tira might be caused by such a connection, ‘®A.DC power source can not be used Bo sure to check the power source caretuly, especially ona ship or other place where OC is used. Power cord protection ‘Avoid cuts, scratches or poor connection ofthe AC mains cord, as this may result in fe or electric shock hazara Excessive bending, puling or sicing of the cord should also be avoided, ‘Do not pull on the cord when you are disconnecting the power, as this could cause an electric shock. Grasp the plug imi when you lsconnect the power supply ‘*Never touch the plug with wat hands or a serous electnic shock could result ‘eNover attempt to repair, disassemble or reconstruct the unit i there seems to be a problem AAserous eectne shock could result if you ignore this precautionary ‘lf a problem occurs during operation (the sound is interrupted, indicators ‘ai to iluminate, smoke is detected, ete.) contact your eale: 0° Autnorsed Service Center immediately ‘Disconnect me power supply if the unit wil not be used for long time. Otrerwsse the operation ite could be shortened, Concerning Compact Discs ‘Only compact alses having this mark can be ‘used wath ths unit Ose Biortar RUBIO To remove a disc from its case Press the center nolder and Wt the disc holding by the edges. + To hold the disc Hold the disc by the edges so the surtace is not soled with finger: prints, (Correct) To store a disc in its case Insert the disc with label center. Fingerprints, dint and scratches can cause skipping and distortion Label Technical Specifications ™ Audio No. of channels Frequency response 2 (left and right, stereo} '2-20,000 He, £05 dB Output voltage 2V (ato 0B) Dynamic range 96 0B SIN 100.48 Harmonic distortion Total harmonic distortion 0.0035% (1 kHz, 0.48) 0.008% (1 kHz, 0.68) Wow and tlutter Below measurabie limit DA converter MASH (1 bit) Output impedance 6000, Load impedance More than 10 «2. Headphone output 15 mW max. 320 (adjustable) If the surface is soiled Wie gently with a soft, damp (water only) cloth _- (incorrect) (Correct If the dise is brought from a cold toa warm environment, moisture may form on the disc Wipe tis moisture off with a soft, dry, lin-ee cloth before using the disc Improper disc storage: ‘You can damage discs it you store them in the following places: 9 Aroas exposed to direct sunlight ‘sHumia or austy areas ‘*Areas directly exposed to heat outlet or heating appliance Handling precautions: ‘*Do not wie on the label side witha ballpoint pen or other writing ensis. '*Do not use record cleaning sprays, benz ity prevention iquids or any other solvent. ‘*Do not soil with fingerprints, thinner, static electe ™ Pickup Wavelength 780 nm Laser Power No hazardous radiation is emitted (with satety protection) ™ General Power consumption 1sw Power supply ‘AC 50160 He, 230-240 V Dimensions (WxHxD) 430%92%283 mm 490%92%290 mn 33kg Note: Specitications are subject o change without notice, Weight and dimensions are approximate. For United Kingdom only: “This apparatus was produced to BS 800, MASH isa trademark of NTT. 23 Troubleshooting Guide elore requesting service for this unit, check the chart below for a possible cause of the problem you are experiencing. Some simple checks or @ ‘minor adjustment on your part may eliminate the problam and restore proper operation, 1 you are in doubt about some of the check points, or if the remedies indicated in the chart do not solve the problem, refer to the directory of ‘Authorized Service Centers (enclosed with ths unit) to locate a convenient service center, of consult your dealer for instruction. Problem Probable cause(s) Suggested remedy ‘After inserting a disc, the | Is the disc inserted propery? Re-insent the dis. tray will not close even after pressing & OPEN/ CLOSE. Even after inserting a disc, | is the disc inserted upside-down? Rocinsert the dis. the total number of tracks 15 me aise giny? Wipe with a soft eoth and other indicators do not ‘appear on the display. is the disc scratched? Use another dise Even ater pressing, dise | is the disc extremely warped? playback does not begin. ‘Are you using a non-standard disc? Has moisture condensation occurred? Turn the unit on and wait an hour betore using. Specify areas do not play | Is the disc arty? ] Wipe wit a soft cloth properly | There is noise from the ‘Caused by high-frequency signals of ths unt. ‘¢Use the unit farther away from the tuner or TV. tuner or disturbance on the ‘lf he tuner’s or TV's antenna isthe indoor type, TV screen. use an outdoor one. The remote control does | Are the batteries inserted with the @ and © ends | Insert with the ® and © oriented correcty, not work. reversed? ‘Are the batteries wor out? | Repiace battenes. Maintenance ; Wipe this unit with a soft cloth "the surfaces are extremely diy, wipe clean with a cloth which has About moisture been dipped in a weak soap-and-water solution and wrung out thoroughiy, and then wipe again with a dry cloth, Do not use alcohol, thinners, et Moisture may form on the lens in the following cases... ‘eWhen using chemically treated cloths, refer to the explanations ‘simmediately after a heater has been tumed on. provided with them, ‘ein a steamy of very humid room. ‘2When the unit's suddenly moved trom a cold environment to a warm one IW moisture forms inside this unit it may not work property. In this, case, tum tne unit on and wait about one hour for the moisture to evaporate, [Umweltreundlich gedruckt aut chirtreigebleichtem Papier. Environment friendly printed on chiorine free bleached paper. $$ Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. Central P.O. Box 288, Osaka 530-91, Japan RQT2226-1B Printed in Germany For94Fo

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