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MD stereo system SC-PM30MD Operating Instructions no | arse Dear customer “Thank you for purchasing this product For optimum performance and safely, please read these instructions careful “These operating instructions are applicable tothe folowing system. system ‘Sc-PMSOMD ‘Main unit SA-PM30MD Speakers SB-PM30 Right side of the product (esd ofp (teens operant) (Protsiasiaie (item Gt) ‘THIS PRODUCT UTILIZES A LASER. USE OF CONTROLS OR ADJUSTMENTS OR PERFORM ANCE OF PROCEDURES OTHER THAN THOSE SPECI- FIED HEREIN MAY RESULT IN HAZARDOUS RADIATION EXPOSURE. DO NOT OPEN COVERS AND DO NOT REPAIR YOURSELF. REFER SERVICING TO QUALIFIED PERSONNEL. CAUTION! DO NOT INSTALL OR PLACE THIS UNIT IN A BOOK. CASE, BUILT IN CABINET OR IN ANOTHER CONFINED ‘SPACE. ENSURE THE UNIT IS WELL VENTILATED. EN- SURE THAT CURTAINS AND ANY OTHER, MATERIALS DO NOT OBSTRUCT THE VENTILATION TO PREVENT RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK OR FIRE HAZARD DUE TO OVERHEATING. Except for United Kingdom CAUTION: ‘Tho AC voltage Is clfferont according to the area. Bo sure fo set the proper voltage in your area before (For details, please refer to page 5) Supplied accessories & Cy Acmaing toad... Zi For United Kingdom For others (vsaor73) (RsA0019.2K) “ee oe Dy Remote control transmitter . (EUR647201) Please check and identify the supplied accessories. G1 Remote control batteries « 2pes. D Fitindoor antenna ... Ape. For United Kingdom For others (RSA0007) (RSA0006) os 65 C7 FMantonna plug adaptor {Only for United Kingdom) «(SJP8008) oO 1 Atttoop antenna. (Rn0026) = Ape. Cl Power plug adaptor . (Excopt for United Kingdom) (RUPISGO4+H) Use numbers indicated in parentheses when asking for replacement parts. Safety precautions a Caution for AC Mains Lead -...2..2.2... Connections .......+++ ‘The remote control... The glide panel. Front panel controls .. ‘Saving power in standby mode - Setting the time ...... ‘Auto power-off ‘Some usiful information about MDs . Pes an ier eee Before recording Recording CDS ....eseeeeeeee Recording the radio . Recording MDs on cassette tapes «0... e sees Recording cassette tapes on MDs ... DOR Titling dises and tracks... 7 Moving tracks -MOVE ... at ‘Combining tracks — COMBINE - 32 Dividing tracks — DIVIDE Erasing tracks and creating blank disc: ‘Changing the sound quality .... = 35 Convenient functions . 36 Using the timers. 37 Using other equipment 40 Displays: Maintenance - dal ‘Troubleshooting guide ....... ‘Specifications Set the system up on an even surface away from direct sunight high tomporaturos, high humidity, and exceseive vibration. Those condtions can damage the cabinet and other components, thereby shortning the unis sence life. Pace it at least 15 om away from wal surfaces o avoid distortion and unwanted acoustical effet. (Do not place heavy tems on the unit. rarrs Before use ie Do not use high votage power sources. This can overload the unit ‘and cause @ fre, Do not use 2 DC power source. Check the source carefully when seling the unit upon a ship or other place where DC is used. ES ry FI i foe Ensure the AC mains lead is connected coracty and not damaged. Poor connection and leed damage can caus fre oF tlecre shock. Do nat pull, bend, or place heavy items on the lead. Grasp the plug fly when unplugging the AC mains lead, Puling the AC maine load can cause electie shock. Do not hancl the plug with wet hands. This can cause electic i ere Do not let metal objects fallinside the unt. This can causo electric shock or malfunction. Do not et quid get into the unit. This can cause electic shock or ‘malfunction. If this occurs, immecistely disconnect the unit rom the power supply and contact your dealer. Do not spray insecticides onto oF into the unt. They contain fam ‘mable gases which can ignite if sprayed into the unt Pea Do not attempt to repair this unit by yours f sound inter- rupted, indicators fll o light, smoke appears, or any other problem that is not covered in these instructions occurs, contact your dealer ‘or an authorized service center. Electic shock or damage tothe unit, ‘can occur ifthe unit is repaired, disassembled or reconstructed by unqualified persons Extend operating life by disconnecting the unit from the power ssoures ifs nt o be used for along tim. i (For United Kingdom) (“EB” area code model only) For your safety, please read the following text care- fully. This appliance is supplied with a moulded three pin ‘mains plug for your safety and convenience. A 5-ampere fuse is fitted in this plug. ‘Should the fuse need to be replaced please ensure that the replacement fuse has a rating of S-ampere and that itis approved by ASTA or BSI 1o BS1362, Check for the ASTA mark @ or the BSI mark % on the body of the fuse. If the plug contains a removable fuse cover you must ‘ensure that itis refitted when the fuse is replaced. I you lose the fuse cover the plug must not be used Until a replacement cover is obtained. A replacement fuse cover can be purchased from your local dealer. CAUTION! IF THE FITTED MOULDED PLUG IS UNSUIT- ABLE FOR THE SOCKET OUTLET IN YOUR HOME THEN THE FUSE SHOULD BE RE- MOVED AND THE PLUG CUT OFF AND DIS- POSED OF SAFELY. THERE IS A DANGER OF SEVERE ELECTAI- CAL SHOCK IF THE CUT OFF PLUG IS IN- SERTED INTO ANY 13-AMPERE SOCKET. Ifa new plug is to be fitted please observe the wiring code as stated below. in any doubt please consutt a qualified electrician. IMPORTANT The wires in this mains lead are coloured in accor- dance with the following code: Blue: Neutral, Brown: Live. As these colours may not correspond with the col ‘oured markings identifying the terminals in your plug, proceed as follows: ‘The wire which is coloured Blue must be connected to the terminal which is marked with the letter N or col- oured Black or Blue. ‘The wire which is coloured Brown must be connected to the terminal which is marked with the letier L or ‘coloured Brown or Red. WARNING: DO NOT CONNECT EITHER WIRE TO ‘THE EARTH TERMINAL WHICH IS MARKED WITH ‘THE LETTER E, BY THE EARTH SYMBOL OR COLOURED GREEN OR GREEN/YELLOW. THIS PLUG IS NOT WATERPROOF—KEEP DRY. Before use Remove the connector cover. How to replace the fuse The location of the fuse differ according to the type of ‘AC mains plug (figures A and B). Confirm the AC ‘mains plug fitted and follow the instructions below. Hustrations may differ from actual AC mains plug, 1. Open the fuse cover with a screwdriver. Figure A Figure B 2. Replace the fuse and close or attach the fuse cover. Figure A For United Kingdom FIM Indoor antenna Before connection ‘*Do nat connect the AC mains load unt ll other connections are ‘complete. ‘*To prepare the AM loop antenna, and spesker cabes, twist the vinyl tip and pul off = o—— 0 =e X ‘*Do not allow the speakers to touch the system. ‘The left and right speskers are the same. By FM antenna Fixthe other end ofthe entenna where reception is best. BAAM loop antenna Stand the antenna upon ts base. Keep loose antonna cord away from other wires and cords. E] © Speaker cables @ Speaker cords (pin type) Connect the cebes to tho terminals ofthe same color. Never allow the expesed wires to cantact each other when connected. Use only the supplied speakers. “The combination ofthe main unit and the speakers provides the best eound. Using othar speakers can damage the unit and ‘sound qualty wil be negatively affected. FIED speakers do ot have magnet sing Do not place ats te EMeR. penta compu eer re toaly nunca by mention Caution ‘Use the speakers only with the recommended system. Fallure to do so may lead to damage to the amplifier andior the speakers, and may result in the risk of fire. Consult a qualified service person if damage has ‘occurred or if you experience a sudden change in performance. ‘Do not attach these speakers to walls or coling By cxc0pt tor united kingdom) ‘Set the voltage. Usna fa-nood erie totum fe votage slat, Selita the poston yor sea (United Kingdom only) BE SURE TO READ THE CAUTION FOR THE AC MAINS LEAD ON PAGE 4 BEFORE PROCEEDING TO STEP Hl. EX connect the AC mains lead. Insertion of connector Even when the connector is pric insertd, depending on {he type of ret used, th ont part of he eornector may jt out ‘9 shown nthe craving However thre no rob sing the unt ILExcopt for United Kingdom Use to adaptor Gncliced he pig doesnot it your socket. “The incudod AC mains lead i fo uso with tis unit ony. Do not use ith eer equipment. For your reference Information you enter ino the units memory, except for time, remains intact for up to two weeks after the mains leed is, disconnected. Before use (= Record payer (not includes) sofore vse Ml (Other cigtal equipment Emr ucktua ae ‘*Tum off all units before making connections. ‘¢Refarto the manual ofthe other unit for details (Cables and equipment not included.) ‘Stereo phono cable (not included) ‘The example inthe ilustration shows connection ofa record player with abuitin phono equalizer. ‘When connecting a rocord player other than this type, consult your ‘audio dealer. Remove the dust cap before use. ~ Use an optical fiver cable to connect digital equipment to DIGITAL IN. This connection enables you to make digital recording Use analog connection to make analog recordings. [Gq Connecting a portable MD player ih {not included) Optical fiber cable (aotinctuded) Portable MD player (notinoluded FE Connecton cable (not nluded) (Plug typ: 8.5 mm stereo) You can make analog recordings of sound from a portable MD player. ‘Connect the unit o the headphone jack ofthe portable MD player. [vote | ‘Do not put the portabe MD player on top ofthis unit when recording. ‘This can cause noise. Fl outdoor antenna {not inchuded) 75.Q.coaxial cable (not includes) For United Kingdom an © emtoor "ha Use the antenna plug adaptor {Includec) For others mar ea © ty Gio (01 Includes) Romdte control ‘slgnal sensor Use outdoor antennas if radio reception is poor. EX Fit outdoor antenna ‘*Disconnect the FM indoor antenna. ‘Tho antonna should be installed by a competent technician, Fun @ pieoe of vinyl wire horizontally soross a window or other ‘convenient location. Leave the loop antenna connected Disconnect the antenna when the unit is not in use, De not use the antenna during an electrical storm, Insert so the poles (+ and —) match those in the remote control Do not: ‘emis old and new batts. use diferent types atthe same time. ‘sheat or expose to lame. take apart. ‘short cic ‘attempt to recharge alkaline or manganese batteries. Mishandiing of batterios can causo electrolyte laakage which can damage tome the ud contacte and may cause a fire If electrolyte leaks from the batteries, consult your desler. \Wash thoroughiy with water if electrolyte comes in contact with ary Part of your body. Do not use rechargeable type batteries. Remove ifthe remote contol isnot going o be used for along period fie. Store ina cool, dark place. FRpiace ifthe unit does not respond tothe remote contol even when Fld lose to te front panel. ‘Aim at the sensor, avoiding obstacles, at a maximum range of "7 meters crecly in front ofthe unit ‘*Koap the traramission window and tho units sensor fee from dust. ‘*Operation can be affected by sting light sources, euch as direct ‘sunlight, andthe glass doors on cabinets, Do not: ‘eput heavy objects on the remote control ‘take the remote control apart. ‘spl iquids onto the remote conto. Before use ge ors setore vse Ml rarsis1 ‘When the unit is tumed on, the glide panel retracts automaticaly, ‘enabling 2czess tothe operation butions. ‘When the unt is tumed of, the glide panel closes aulomaticaly. ‘To openiclose the alide panel manually Press [OPEN/CLOSE] when the unitis on. ‘The displey dims when the lide pane! is closed manually. © Cassette holder @ Cascotis holder open button (4, OPEN) © Clocktimer button (CLOCK/TINER) . @ Playlrecord timer button and ineator (@ PLAYI@ REC) . © Tunehime adjust contol (TUNE/TIME ADJ)... © Basaftreble controls (BASS, THE © cptray © Standby ineteator (6M) ‘When the unis connected othe AC mains suppl, his indicator lights red tn standby mode end lights green when the unit twmedon @ Standby/on switch (OA) . - 10 Press to site the nit rm ono standby made or vice versa. In slancby mode, the unit fs tl consuring a smal| amount of power @ Power saving mode button (MODE) ‘@ Tuner/band select button (TUNER/BAND) .. .. © wo sion @ Headphone jack (Q) -. Display © Romote control signal eons0r «..2-s.2.csesesseeeeeensT {© Gide pane! opericlose button (OPEN/CLOSE) {© Volume control (VOLUME) «. @ Gide pone! {@ CO tay openvclose buton (#, OPEN/CLOSE) ... ‘@ Cassotto playfarecion bution (TAPE itt) eral 8 Decshpnra up nt omni Tan (0) (447REW, FFD!) 12,13, 19 @ Stopttunction select button (a) ® MD eject button (4, EJECT) © PAMD terminal (P-MD) . {© Momoryfonter button (WEMORVIENTER) - ® MO eat button (MD EDIT). @ Cancal button (CANCEL) | @ MO recording mode select, SPILP mode select bution (MD REC MODE, -SPILP) @ MD&TAPE record button (@, MD&TAPE) . @ Tape record/pause button (@/@11, TAPE) @ MO recore/pause button (@/011, MD) .. @ CD edit button (CD EDIT) © AUX analog/cigital eolect bution (AUX, ANALOGIDIGITAL) ........ @ P-MD button (P-MD) ... ‘Buttons such as @ function in the same way as the eontols on the ‘main unit. @ Sleep button (SLEEP) ..-....+.+. @ Auto power-off button (AUTO OFF)... @ Enter button (ENTER) .. peecers @ Numberod, charactor buttons (1-9, 0)... @ Cursor buttons (_, —) « @ Program button (PROGRAM) | @ Program clear button (CLEAR) @ FM modelBP select button (FM MODE, BP) @ Reverse mode select button (REV MODE) . @ Muting button (MUTING). .. @ Sound virtualizer button (SOUND VIRTUALIZER) @ Display select button (DISPLAY) @ Scroll button (SCROLL) @ Tilo edit button (TITLE) & Character type select buttons (ABC, abe, 123) @ Symbol button (1's). edt @ Doleta, ton and over button (210, DELETE) @ Space button (SPACE) . @ Random button (RANDOM) @ Repeat button (REPEAT) @ Track mark button (TRACK MARK) @ Loudness button (LOUDNESS) .. Sel the unit to reduce energy consumption in standby mode, @Press [@/l] to turn the unit on. Press [MODE]. “The curent moda is spayed. @Within 2 seconds Press [MODE] to select “ECO”. Each time you press the button; NORMAL (of) —ECO (on) ECO: The cook snot ceplayed in standby mode. Power consumption-For Unied Kingdom 0.6 W Forothere 1.2W NORMAL: ‘The clocks displayed in stay mode. Power consumption-3.5 W ‘The standby Indicator and the © PLAYI® REC incicatrlightin both ‘modes. ‘The mode can be switched to ECO when the uni is of butt can not be switched beck to NORMAL, Before use & oresst | ‘Aare [a > CLOC eae eee eee (soda) ooo} O55] looo \Stetere) loooa) loos} loos} loosa} jlooog} S55 loasa| ISS This is a 24-hour clock. ‘The exainple shows how to set the clock for 18:30 (6:30 pr). [1 Press [1] to tum the unit on. “The glide panel retracts enabling access to the operation buttons. By Press [CLOCK/TIMER] to display “CLOCK”. Each time you press the button; CLOCK +0 PLAY->@ REO--Oniginal display Within 10 seconds ‘Tum [TUNE/TIME ADJ] to show the present time. Ei Press [CLOCKITIMER]. ‘The times set and the orginal display is restored, Displaying the clock When he uti C pres (LOGUE Tce sho sou 1 sends ‘When the unit is OFF (Power saving mode is on}: ress [DISPLAY] on the remote conta, ‘The cleckis shown for about 5 seconds, When MD, CD or tape is selected as the source ‘To'save power, the unit tums off iit let unused forfour minutes. “This function does not work ifthe source is tuner, AUX. or P-MD. @Press [ll] to select MD, CD or TAPE as the source, Each time you press the button; cena sed O @Press [AUTO OFF]. “AUTO OFF" is csplayad, To cancel Press (AUTO OFF] again. For your reference ‘The seitingis maintained even ithe unit is tumed off. When the unit Ic tured on again, the unit functions as desorbed above. you solect tuner, AUX or P-MD as the source, “AUTO OFF" goes ‘ut Iteomes on again when you select MD, CD or tape. Before use = ] Glossary of terms z ‘Anslog _This 's the mathod hat ecards and cassettes uso handle sound signals. tis posite To make analog Shuster recordings wih MDs. Digital THis s the usual method used by MDs and CDs to cary end record sound signals. Digital recording Prerecorded MDs Recording MDs canbe of vey high quality. These dees ae for Apart from the tine lmtatons, & i playback ont. possible to record upto 2séiracks on «linge safer to any post recoding changes mado to an MD. I Marking This she act of aang rack mars. can be done Recording on MDs automaticaly wen recording, or ft can be done ‘manually dung recording reer recording with he MDs are diferent to tapes ding function. MDs give you contol over how tacks are recorded and editing functions alow you to chango the contens ofan MD ater recording, «TOC Teble of conten. Information stored on the MD Unike cassettes, itis notnecessary to find an empty portion to rocord about th tacks and ties. conto All recordings set rom the fst avaliable space. The MD fils “and when the disc is Tu, ether because the ime tt has been Track marks These marks separa tracks. Thare can be up 254 Shed or 254 tacks have been recorded, recording Is no tonger marks on one MD. They can bo Insated automat posse. You can use the edting functons to erase and mave your cally of manually curing recording, and thy can be ‘ecorings around within the MD. added or removed withthe edi functons ater recording, Limitations on digital recording “The sofa copy management system (SOMS) prevents united UTOC-——_User tal of contents. Tis i information the user recording of igtl materia can edit, such es text and tack postfons, Clear, relatively inact, cgial ocordngs can bo made when record- ‘The message “UTOC Weting’ appears on the ing @ CD in tis unt or trom anothor digtal unit connected by an Cioplay for eoorcng and editing nicl ber cable to an MD inthis ui. Soto protect he rghtsof tho producer of he orginal mater tis eat posible to make a frher Fecoting from that 1D 9 another MD. Care and storage Recording between MDs connected by analog means are untied by tis system Label MDs only as recommended. Extra labels and exposed adhesive can cause maliunctons, Do not open the shutter, and close it immediatly if it accidentally ea Nt eran pone: Never ouch tse nico he MO crop. @ ie Koop your MDs oto direct unit, humid and dinty places, and wD) ‘way from tho droct heat of heating appliances, \--ereo and monaural recording ‘This unit is capable of recording In stereo or monaural and can playback MDs recorded in stereo or monaural. Monaural recording allons eppraximatel twice the amount of materia, ‘obo rocorded and played back, but sound qually i fected, Protecting your recordings. Move tho switch to open the write protect hol. Close the hele when ‘you want to record or edt the MID again, avo pteied Recents NN on closed ee Do [I insert the mp. O06 “The unit comes on automaticaly and f MD is selected as the ote, the message "TOC Reading’ appears onthe cispay, ‘hen any text information about the disc is shown, Press [MD >/I1] to start play. ‘When the track is recorded in SP mode (oral recording): "SP" lights. ‘When the track is recorded in LP mode (dong play reoording in monaural): "LP" lights, 8 Adjust the volume. To stop the disc Press [a]. | | To pause play (Ey Press (MD P/E] during play, Pross [MD e/IH] again to resume lay. Total number Total playing To eject the MD oftacks time C Press (4, EJECT. ‘When “5>" Is displayed (@) “There are 16 or more tacks on the dec. Listening operations Ml Skipping tracks Press [H€4/REW] (backward) or [FF/PDI] (forward). ‘Searching through tracks During play Press and hold { H'4/REW] (backward) or [FF/PPI] (lorward). fou cannot skip to tracks already pleysd in random play (@ page 14). oume, ‘*Skipping is done inthe selected orderin program play (~ page 15). ‘®You can search only within tracks in random play. \ yi ‘One touch play \When an MD is loaded and the unit i off, press (MD P/N). The unit ‘comes on and starts play. o 7 io ee ‘You can sorll the tiles on MDs across the aspley. Press [SCROLL] on the remote control. While the diac is stopped “The disc tie serois across the splay once. While a track is selected or playing: “The track tle scrolls across the display once. To display a title continuously Press [DISPLAY] on the remote control and display the il, ‘To restore the original display, press [DISPLAY] again. ‘o_o rome Total number Total playing % = 5 Elapsed play Track number time wise ‘IGHAL AUDIO © *8, [J Press [4, OPEN/CLOSE] to open the tray. “The uit comes on automaticaly Seta CD label up onthe tay. Press (4, OPENIGLOSE] lo cose the tray. l8°CD" Is salected as the source, the message “TOC Reading” appears on the display then the number of tacks and playing time are displayed. B17 Press [cD >it] to start play. Adjust the volume. To stop the disc Press (ml. To pause play Press [CD F/I] during play. Press [CD P/M] again to resume play. ‘When “ 5>" ie displayed (@) “There are 16 or more tracks on the cise. Skipping tracks Press ['44/REW/ (backward) or (FF/PH] (forward). Searching through tracks During play Pees and hold [Hd /REW] (backward) or [FF/PDI] (forward). a ‘You cannot skip to tracks akeady payed in random play (@ pape 14) ‘*Siepping is done in the selected ordain program play ( page 15) ‘You can search ony within tracks in rancor and program pay. ‘One touch play When a CD is loaded and the unit is of, press [CD /84). The unit ‘comes on and starts play. [EX£0 selection and care ‘Choose aises with this mark: (®) Do not: suse ineguarty shaped dics. (@) tach extra els and sicker. *0se cscs with abels and sckes tha are coming of or with ache ‘Sve exuting from under labels and sckrs. (@) seatiach serach prt covers or anyother Kind of accessory. ‘wit anyting onthe CD. ‘clesn CDs wit liquide. (Wipe witha ot, dry clot) Listening ars Listening operations Mill asi: RANDOM Preparation: Press [ll] to select MD or CD as the source. Each ime you press the button; (©D-+MD-STAPE [acanendita Direct play? Stats nomal play from a selected wack Select the track with the numbered buttons. For racks numborod 10 and over, prose (20) then the two digits, For tracks numbered 100 and over, press [210] twice then the three {gis (MD oni). 2g. To select track no. 182: 210}->f210)->{1]-{8112) Random play: Plays tho tracks once each in rancom onder Whit the dias ie stopped @Press [RANDOM]. ®Press [> M1, MD] or [>/11, CD] to start play. To cancel While the aise is stopped Press [RANDOM]. I Note J {SMD ecting isnot possible during random play. ‘*Faandom play does not workin program mode. Press [PROGRAM] to cancel the mode (» page 18). Repeat: Repeats one track oral tacks Press [REPEAT] before or during play. Each time you press the button; TRACK REPEAT (1 (5) -rALL REREAT |) Ona er @ TRACK REPEAT (1-3) Repeat only one track © ALLREPEAT ([e5)): Repeat all tracks ‘To cancel Press [REPEAT] to clear t-[E5)" or 3". ‘To repeat programmed tracks {© Program desired tacks (- pago 18) @ Pross [REPEAT] to solect “(23 600) ers (6000) lsoso =" sso S = OS 3 OO iS ls écoq losso Ss posi Programmed track number Pests cone ony} Program play: ‘Salact up ta 24 tacks to play inthe order you choose Preparation: Press [@l] to select MD or CD as the source. Each time you pres the button; (CD--MD->TAPE eecceeeeey Hi wire stopped Press [PROGRAM]. BEnter the track number with the numbered buttons. For tacks numbored 10 and over, press P=] thn tho to dis. For racks umbored 100 en over, pros 0] ice thon the ‘ree ies (MD ony. Repeat this step to program the tracks in the required order. Press [>/II, MD] or [>/11, CD). Al the selected tracks are played in the selected order. To cancel program play While "MD PGM" or °CD PGM" is displayed (@)* Pross [PROGRAM] Programmed contents wil be saved in memory. ‘To check the contents of the program While “MD PGM" or “CD PGMs displayed (@)* ress (Ht, REW] or [D1 FF]. The track numbers and program positons are csplayed in oder. "To display "MD PGM" or “CD PGM'’, press (P/ [PAL CO} then press MD) or ‘To add to the end of the program While stopped Repeat stop To clear the tracks ‘while stopped ross (CLEAR). “PGMI CLEARY is displayed and all the racks are cleared. “PROGRAM FULL” is displayed 24 tracks have been progremmed. is displayed “otal playing tm forthe tracks is over 249 minutes and 89 seconds. ‘Tracks can be sill programmed and played. = iD eating not pssble rng program ey ‘Program Say covs not werk nrandom mode res [RANDOM] 10 cca he mode pebe 1) Listening operations aTsiss Al Lis \ AL asst Ratio stations can be tuned manually by selecting the station's {requency or they can be preset into channels to make it easy to tune with the remote consol ( page 17). [J Press [TUNER/BAND] to select “FM” or “AM”. ‘The unit comes on automatically. Each time you press the button; FMe—AM I Turn [TUNE/TIME ADJ] to select the frequency of the required station. Hf you tum and hold (TUNE/TIME ADJ] for a moment the frequency starts changing automatically and stops when a lation is found. Itmay also sop if there is outside interference, ‘Tum [TUNEVTIME ADJ] again to restart. You can also slop the ‘requenoy changing by tuming [TUNE/TIME ADL), TUNED" is isplayod whon a radio stations tuned, *STEREO™ is displayed when a stereo FM broadcast is being received. Adjust the volume. Oo Sound is momentary interupted if you loadunload tapes while lisioning to an AM broadcast. LE toise is excessive in FM [emote coo oo) ress [FM MODE, BP] to dsplay "MONO". ‘This mode improves sound qualy i! reception is weak for some reason but broadcasts are heard in monaural Press [FM MODE, BP] again to cancel the mode. ‘Laave "MONO™ off for rormal Kstening. ‘Stereo and monaural broadcasts aro automaticaly played 8 they ‘are received. {Except for United Kingdom) About allocation settings 7 rh couiiyalianbstmathstinilomaonieguetalepaag) needs. ‘This system can also receive AM broadcasts alccated in 10 kHz steps. To change the step (9 KHz 10%t42) © Press and hold [TUNER/BAND}. ‘tora fow seconds the deplay changes to a flashing display of ‘tho currant minimum frequency. @ Continue to hold (TUNERVBAND} down. When the minimum frequency changes, release the button. ‘To return the original step, repeal the above steps. 5G “There are two methods of preseting stations. ‘Automatic presetting: Al the stations the tuner can receive are preset. Manual presetting: You can selectthe stations to preset and the order thoy are preset in. Up to 15 stations can each be set in the FM and AM bends. [ll Aetematicpreseting Do the folowing once each for FM and AM. Preparation: “Tune to the frequency preseting i to begin al. (= page 16) Press and hold [MEMORY/ENTER]. FReleaco the button when “AUTO” appears. ‘The tuner prasots all the stations it can receive ino the channels in, ascending order. Whon fished, the last station memorized is tunedin ‘Manual presetting Preset the stations one at atime, © Tune to the required station. @ Press [MEMORV/ENTER]. @ within 10 seconds. Enter the preset channel with the numbered buttons on the remote control. “The station cocupying 2 channel is eresed if another station is preset In that channel [EJ Selecting channels [I] Press [TUNER, BAND] to select “FM” or “AM”. “Tho unit comes on automaticaly Each time you press the buon: FMAM Press the numbered buttons to select the channel. For channels 1 to 9 press the corresponding number. For channels 10 or over press [210}, hen the two digs. Ej Adiust the volume. (On the main unit recs [}4/REW] or [FF/PDI] to select the preset channel, ns Listening op (00090) jloooo) O05] looo looo0) loooa| looca) loood) 4 looca| loooa| looc0) = Listening operations Ml | fl Gi] = “> eee) ~ [Press [4, OPEN), insert a cassette with the tape facing in. Wien the button is pressed, te unit comes on automaticaly. Make sute the cassette Is fuly nseried and close the ld by hand. Press [REV MODE] on the remote control to select the reverse mode. Each time you press the buton; Fowl Ramey = One sides played. ED: Both sides are played. (CS: Both sides are piayad repeatedly unt [il] is pressed. Press [TAPE ~4>-] to start play. Each time you press tha button; FWD >> FEV FWD Po play the ford side “{REV: to pay the rovers sido Ey Adiust the volume. c To stop the tape Press ( ‘One touch play When a cassette is inserted and the unit iso, pross [TAPE !] while the tape is, stopped. To rewind ‘To fast-forward ieeneW FFIDPA Tape program sensor (TPS) TPS finds the beginning of a track and resumes play from there. Press [/44/REW] or [FF/P>1] during playback. FFIPBI: Forward Play stats rom the beginning of the next rack. Mes MREW: Backward Play stats from the begining ofthe present track Each press increases the number of tracks skoped, up to a maxi- ‘mum of 8. ‘TPS may not operate corecly in the following situations: ‘Ifthe interval between track is lese than 4 seconds. ‘If thorois noise betwoon tracks. ‘if there are silent parts within tracks. ‘You can use MDs or cassette to record (TREC) MEETS), ‘You can also record ODe ono an MD and a cassete atthe same ‘ine CEE. a= lOooO Volume and sound qvaliy Recordings ere unaffected by changes 1o volume and sound quali. 7 ‘Your attention is drawn to the fact that rocording pro- sr recorded tapes or discs or other published or broadcast o ‘material may infinge copyright Iaws. = ee (ag Deter ps nos uch hg A Eiewrenuc, 2 Bi Wen setecting source other than MD O Press and hold [MD REC MODE, -SP/LP] to ‘select the SP/LP mode. Ech ne you pest and hol to butors SPNODES “LP NODE SPNODE” parma cng (tere) UP MODE: long ply recodng (monsua) 128 rites wort f marl canbe recoded Grin 74 mit MO. ‘When recording any source except CD Press [MD REC MODE, -SP/LP] belore pressing the recording bution to select the mode and press [MEMORVIENTER] to confim the selection. “The modes you can choose depond on the source, @ MANUAL: Insert track marks manually. ® SYNCHRO: Recording starts automaticaly when you play of te source, peuses Ifa &-second silence is detected, then slars again when play stars. A ‘rack marks added atthe point recording stats. ‘You cannot insert track marks manuslly. @ TURN BACK: Records sound received a fen seconds before the recording button is pressod. This modo is usoful hen recording the rao. “Track marks can be inserted manually. @ TIME MARK: Traok macs Inserted every fve minutes. “Track marks can elso be inserted manually. © TURNTIME: A combination of tum back and tine mark. sail Tabforside8 —Tabforsidea © ‘To re-record ‘Normal postion tape High position ape DD an (6o59) ISseq} |), bee | loo09] lOo oO Isooq| lsseq} Isseq] ees jesse} less¢| oe] a losee| =) a aoe) Selection of tapes for recording “The unit automaticaly identities the type of tape. Normal posiiowTYPE | High postion TYPE It ‘Metal position TYPE IV A Metal position tapes cen be used, but the unit wil not be able to record or erase them correctly. [EI Erasure prevention for tapes “The ilusration shows how to remave the tabs to prevent recording, “To record on the tape again, caver as shown, being careful not 10 ‘cover te high postion detection hole. [EE] Preparatory steps Do these steps before each recorng ‘Wind up tho leader tapo so rocording can begin immediatly (unnecessary if auto CD exiting). Press [4, OPEN], insert a cassette with the tape facin Mako sure the cassote fs fly inserted and cose the lid by hand. BA Press [REV MODE] on the remote control to select the reverse mode. Each time you press the bution; Foes = ‘Onesie only records. =p and 3: Bol sides record, (forward side —reverse side) "<=>" automatically changes to “5=>" when the REC buttons are prossad. Eq] Wanecessary with auto edit recording, page 22) Set the tape direction. FWDP: To record on te forward side “AREV: To record on the reverse side ‘To change the direction Press [TAPE <0] twice and then []. [G_ Erasing recordings on tape (© Press [a] to select TAPE as the source. @ Select the reverse mode. @ Press (@/@HI, TAPE). Recording operations = se 22 OooO Preperation: - Do the preparatory steps. (» pages 20 and 21). eeereeeees Insert the CD (= page 13) and press [a] to select CD as the sourcs. Press the REC button. zE. Press [@/@11, MD]. EEERE: Press [@/@11, TAPE]. Recording starts automaticaly. — -m—_- ‘To stop recording Press [i we a (CD and MD (0° taps) stop. ® © ers Recording on MD is complete after the message "UTOC Weltng” j wy stops flashing onthe display. @ Do not disconnect the unit ftom its power source while this ms is flashing. This can cause the recording o be erased and dar the disc. CW STTAPE To pause recording aa (HOMES Press @¥0Ht, NO} o a Both CD and MD pause. A track mark is added. HEGEL: Prec (oven, 107). Only tape pauses. Pres the butler aga ese recon, Recording operations Mil To record programmed tracks Program tacks (= page 18), then press the FIEG burton To add track marks while recording on MDs Press [TRACK MARIK] on the remote control where the tack mark's required. ‘Those marks can bo removed efter recording with the edling functions (» "COMBINE", page 32). Recording CD te MD and tape at the same time Press [@, MD&TAPE]. To stop recording Press (@. 9 lecorcing on tape i interupted when the tape reverses. ‘elf eter the MD or tape fils up, recording contioues on the other. ording (AUTO REC) “This function automaticaly cords al tracks on the CD onto an MID ‘ora tapo as long as tho remaining time on the MD or tape allows, ‘You cannot record simultaneously onto an MD and atape, Auto edt recording is cancalled If you press (@, MD&TAPE} and normal recording stars, (iioREC) ‘Track marks are automaticaly inserted. ‘°A treck will not be recorded if romaining time doesn't allow complete recording. ma Recording begins from the beginning ofthe forward side, “The tape automatically rewinds. ‘*A track incompletely recorded on the forward side ts recorded again onthe reverse side. ‘*The cassette must have tabs for both sides, Proparation: Do the proparatory stops (= pages 20 and 21). Insert CO (= paget3) and press [ll] to select CD as the source, [HJ Press [cD EDIT] to select “AUTO REC”. Each te you press the button; AUTO REC-—1-REC-+OFF Meteor a Press the REC button. Press [@/@11, MD}. FEUEIIEH: Press (@/@1!, TAPE). mas The tape aulomatcaly revinde and the tape diecion is played ae PWD Rocording automaticaly starts ‘Auto eait recording Is cancelled ater recorsing. To stop recording Press [. Both CD and MD (or tape) stop. Rocording is complete alter the message “UTOC Writing” stops ‘lashing on tho deplay. ‘Do not disconnect the unit from its power source vile this message Is flashing. This can cause the recording o be erased and damage the disc. ‘To record programmed tracks @ Program tracks (- page 15). ‘Press [CD EDIT] to select “AUTO REC’. ‘© Press the FEC bution. ‘Auto edit recording cannot be used with random and repeat play. Recording operations a rarest Recording operations Hil it recording (1-REC track “Track number (MD REC) Records one track from @ OD. ‘You cannet record simuitaneously onto an MD end tape. One track eit recording is canceled if you press (@, MD&TAPE] end normal recording starts from the solectod track | track incompletely recorded on the forward side is recorded again fn the reverse aide, Preparation: ‘Do the preparatory steps (~ pages 20 and 21). Insert the CD (~ page 18) and press [WH] to select CD as the source. [J Press [CD EDIT] to select “1-REC” Each te you press the bution; AUTO REC-+1-REOOFF Shier) BP Press [}4/REW] or [FF/P>1] to select the track to be recorded. Unnecessary when recording the fist track. Press the REC button. (MDREC} Press (@/@11, MD]. Press [@/@II, TAPE]. Recording starts ‘To continue recording with another CD Replace the CD and repeat steps El and EI ‘To stop recording Prose [i Bath CD and MD (or tape) stop. Recording Ie complete alter the message “UTOG Wrting” stops flashing on the display. Do not isconnect the unit from ts power source while his message Is lashing. This can cause the recording to be erased and damage the dso, C To cancel the one track edit recording Press [CD EDIT] to select OFF. For your reference Ifyou select one track edt recording when in program mode, the frst programmed track will ba recorded. ‘To add track marks while recording on MDs Press [TRACK MARK] on the remote contol where the track marks, required. ‘These marks can be removed after recording with the edling {function (» "COMBINE", page 22). Preparation: Do the preparatory steps ( pages 20 and 21), [J Tune to the required station. (© pages 16 and 17) (MD REC] only A OPress [MD REC MODE, -SP/LP] to select the desired mode. (~ page 20) Each time you press the button; MANUAL-—TURN BACK->TIME MARK->TURN/TIME oe | @Press [MEMORY/ENTER]. jonly Press [@/@I1, MD] to enter recording standby if you selected “TURN BACK” or “TURN/TIME” in step ‘Wait uni the “TURN BACK" Indicator stops flashing before proceeding to step [to slat recording. (Turn back may not |unction correctly if recording is started while the indicator is ashing. @) EJ Press the REC button to start recording. os Press [@/@H1, MD]. TEES: Prees [@/@11, TAPE]. Recording operati To stop recording Press [t. Recorting 1s complate after the message "UTOC Writing’ stops flashing on the display. Do not disconnect the unit rom is power source vile this massage ‘lashing. This can cause the recording to be erased and damage doe. To pause recording Press (@/@11, MD}, ‘track mark ie adéed. Press (@/@11, TAPE]. Press the button again to resume recording. To add track marks while recording on MDs Press [TRACK MARK] onthe remote control where the track mark Is Fequired. ‘Those track marks cen be removed after recording withthe editing funation (# "COMBINE", pege 92). Eo reduce noise while tape recording an AM broadcast (Beat proof function) Press [FM MODE, BP] on the remote control. Each time the button i pressed; BP 1—8P 2 ‘Select the poston where thee sess nese. Recording operations Ml aris MO? TAPE Do the preparatory steps (= page 21) Insert the MD (= page 12) and press [m0 select MD asthe source. Press [@/@I1, TAPE]. Recording automatically starts, To stop recording Prose [i Both MD and tape stop. ‘To pause recording Press [@/@11, TAPE]. Both MD and tape pause. Press (@@11, TAPE] again o resume recording. To record programmed tracks Program track (= page 16). hen prose [®/@11, TAPE], Proparation: Do the prepatatory steps (» page 20). Inset the cassette tape (~ page 18) and press [Bl] to select tepe 2s the source, [I] OPress [MD REC MODE, -SP/LP] to select MD recording mode. (page 20) Each time you press the bution; MANUAL <—+TIME MARK @Press [MEMORY/ENTER]. Bi Fress ferent, iD}. Recortng auiometicaly stars To stop recording Press [i Bath MD and tape stop. Recording ie complete after the message “UTOC Writing” flashing on the display. [Do nat disconnect the unit from ts power source while tis message 's flashing. Tis can cause the recording o be erased and damage the ase. To pause recording Press [@/@H1, MD}. Both tepe and MD pause. A track matics added. ress (@/@H1, MD] agsin to resume recording. ‘To add track marks while recording Press (TRACK MARK] on the remote contol where the track marks: required. “These marks can be removed after recording with the eating function. (= "COMBINE", page $2) Tiles of up to 100 charactors long can be given to an MD and the ‘racks on it Proparation: Press [Wl] to select MD as the source. Hl mnie tne aise is stopped Press [TITLE]. Press [I44, REW] or [PPi, FF] to select the Item to be titled. Each time you press the button; Dico <+Track 1 «Track 2. —sFinal ack .seeieiicee saetLunere Ej Press [ENTER]. jj Enter the required characters. (+ page 26) Press [ENTER]. Tiling is complete afier the message “UTOC Writing” stops flashing onthe ciplay. Repeat BE - Ej until all required titles are entered. A Press [rime}. ‘The previous display is restored. Cy Bisco TITLE) To cancel part way through titling Press [il] or (CANCEL) ‘Any tites already entered remain. ‘The previous display is restored. Titling a track while recording or playing it © Prose TITLE). © Entor the required characters. @ Pross [ENTER Tiling can be continued even after the track fishes playing or rovorcing The tis entered er pay or recosing stops and “UTOC Wilting? COMBINE?-+DIVIDE? eee eee al "DIVIDE?" is ony displayed i he track is playing. “COMBINE? will not be displayed if you are playing track umber. DB Press [MEMORY/ENTER]. ‘The tracks curent numbor is shown and the new positon ftashes tothe right fit. Press [!4/REW] or [FF/>] to select the new track number. Gy Press [MEMORY/ENTER]. “The od rack number and now rack number are ceplayed. [Press [MEMORY/ENTER] to confirm the new track number. Play stops and “UTOC Wrlng” flashes on the display. When this stops flashing, the new track number has been entered. To cancel part way through ross [Wl] or [CANCEL]. To roturn the track to its original position Ropeat the above steps, selecting the track's orginal number la step El 5 MD editing MD editing operations Mi arses “This function removes. track marks so the tracks ether elde effectively become one tack. Make sure the disc is record enabled. Play the track that comes after the track mark you want to remove, or ‘select it with [4/REW] or [FF/PP] while the player is stopped. [I Press [MD EDIT] to select “COMBINE?”. Each time you press the button; ‘TRACK ERASE?-sMOVE?->COMBINE?-» DIVIDE? eee ee “DIVIDE?” is only displayed if the track is playing. “COMBINE?” wil not be displayed if you are playing track umber 1. BD Press [MEMORY/ENTER]. “The track numbers to be combined are daplayed, Eq] Press [MEMORY/ENTER] to confirm the cor nation. Play stops and “UTOC Wing” flashes on the aloplay. Whe this stops flashing the track mark has been removed and the two tracks now are counted as one. To cancel part way through Press (lor [CANCEL]. To divide the tracks again Use DIVIDE (~ page $2). ‘If you combined tiled tracks, the combined track retains only the {ie ofthe first track. ‘You cannot combine a track recorded in SP mode with a track recorded in LP mode. ‘This function allows you to manually add track marks. You can edit a recording of a radio program or divide a symphony Into ts separate movements. ‘Adlng track marks wil nt interupt sound, ‘Make sure the dis is record enabled, lay the track you want to divide. [J Press [Mp EDIT] to select “DIVIDE?”. Esch time you press the button: ‘TRACK ERASE? +MOVE?->COMBINE?-+DIVIDE? coaerreeowews “COMBINE?” will not be displayed if you are playing tack umber 1. Press [MEMORY/ENTER] at the approximate point you want the track mark to go. ‘four second segment ofthe rack, heginnng a he selected pont splayed repeatedly (the tack recoded in LP mode, ‘approximately 8 seconds.) Ey Tum [TUNE/TIME ADJ] to adjust the point. ‘Adjustments can be made betwoon ~128 and +127, approx- mately 8 seconds either sie ofthe orignal point. (tho track's Fecorded in LP mode, appreximately 16 seconds.) Lf] Press [MEMORV/ENTER]. Play stops and "UTOG Writing” flashes on the display. When this stops ashing, the new rack mark has been entered. To cancel part way through ross [WH] or [CANCEL] at any point. To remove the track mark again Use COMBINE (~ page 32). you divide ated track, the part ater the new track mark becomes untied. MD editing operations | arse! Bo ire isfetoter) ‘Mb editing operations Ml > BL RRRSE SP Lak BIS raves we RACK ERASE S Unneeded tracks can be erased and the available recording time can be increased. ‘Make sure the disc is record enabled. Play the track you want to erase, or salect it with [}¢/REW] or FFI»: while stopped, [Hl Press [MD EDIT] to select “TRACK ERASE?”. Each time you press the button; ‘TRACK ERASE?-MOVE?-+COMBINE?>DIVIDE? cee "DIVIDE?" is only displayed i the track is playing. “COMBINE?” wil not be displayed i you are playing wack umber 1. By Press [MEMORY/ENTER]. rc “Tho treck number's splayed. C EJ Press [MEMORV/ENTER] to erase the track. Play stops and “UTOC Writing" flashes on the display. When ‘this stop lashing the track has bean erased. The racks afterit ‘move back to il the space so there is no missing rack number afer a track's erased, ‘To cancel part way through Press (@] or (CANCEL). Erasing groups of tracks You can srese groupe of 24 racks at oe ere. Wil stepped @ Do stops and Bl above ® Press ['44/REW] or [FF/ PP] to select the track you want to. @ Press [MEMORY/ENTER}. Repeat @ and @ to select re oer racks. You can check which tracks have been selected by tuning (TUNE/TIME ADJ]. Press [MEMORYIENTER] to erase the tacks, C B Erasing a dise ‘This creates a blank dsc Make eure the seis record enabled. While the disc is stopped [I] Press [MD EDIT] to select “ALL ERASE?”. Each time you press the button; “TRACK ERASE? ALL ERASE? ->MOVE?. ITTLE 81.?.-COMBINE?-————_] Press [MEMORV/ENTERI. "ALL ERASE 7's displayed, Press [MEMORY/ENTER] to erase the disc. SUTOC Wing” flashes on the display. When this stops lashing the disc has been erased and "BLANK DISC" is shown on the cdsplay. To cancel part way through Press [ll] or [CANCEL] UDNESS ON Pierre Vary bass and treble levels between ~6 and +8. ‘Turn [BASS] to adjust the low-frequency range. ‘Turn [TREBLE] to adjust the high-frequency range. ‘Tone adjustments have no effect on recordings For your reference Put your speakers on stands (not included) for clear low range sounds B Using the SOUND VIRTUALIZER Vocals and other middle range sounds are clearer when this effect is sed, Use it when listening to stereo sources. Press [SOUND VIRTUALIZER]. “S.V. ON" is displayed. To cancel ress [SOUND VIRTUALIZER) "S.V. OFF" is csplayed, ‘This effects less discemablo when using headphones. Cancel tis effect ifroise increases when listening to FM. Erma eat een (a volume (LOUDNESS) Use LOUDNESS to emphasize the treble and base ranges fr more Powerful Sound when Iistening at lw volume, Press [LOUDNESS]. “LOUDNESS ON" is displayed. ‘Bass and treble cannot be adjusted manually while LOUDNESS ‘son. Tocancel Press [LOUDNESS], "LOUDNESS OFF" Is displayed. Timer and others I ores Timer and others Hl asst FE a ee Press [DISPLAY]. Each time you press the bution; During play ‘Track tile—>Flemsining time Original display White stop Dise tite Avalabe ime for recording» Original display ‘While recording MO track number—> Available time->Orginal display B_ Muting the volume Peo cont ony) Press [MUTING]. Volume is reduced io minimum, an To cancel “To cancel from the unit, turn [YOLUME] to rrinimurn (-—dB), then ralge it tothe required love. ‘Muting is also cancelled when the units turned off. YN roa ‘This timer starts play of tho solocted souroe atthe selected time. ‘The example shows settings for play botween 6:20 and 7:40. Preparation: ‘Press [0] to tur the unit on, set the time (= page 10). ‘Selec! the desired source for mer play. MD, CD, tape Press [Wl] 10 select the desired source and insert dse or cassette ‘The radio Press [TUNER'BAND] and tune in the desired station. ‘An extornal unit Press (AUX, ANALOGIDIGITAL] to. select “ANALOGIN' or “DIGITAL-IN"(@ page 40). ‘8Sol the volume fr timer play. [J Press [CLOCK/TIMER] to select “® PLAY”. Each ime you press tho burton; CLOCK-+0 PLAY-+© REC->Origal display BZ] Repeat @ and @ to set [A] and [5]. @Tum [TUNEMTIME ADJ] to select the desired condition. @ Press [CLOCK/TIMER]. [ONtime [B)OFF time Press [© PLAY/® REC] to select “TIMER-PLAY”. Each time you press the button; ‘TIMER-PLAY>TIMER-REC->TIMER-OFF ifort eee Ta ‘The © PLAYIO REC indicator lights. jj Press [ba] to turn the unit off. ‘Tho timer starts in the sat concton atthe set time ‘The volume increases gradually othe set level Ifyou set the timer incorrectly Repeat the procedure rom step El. To cancel the timer Pres [dil] to tum the unit on, @ Press [® PLAY/O REC) to select TIMER-OFF” ‘The © PLAY/S REC indicator tums of. Timer and others gl roves Poke ina “This timer records the radio or an extemal source atthe set time. “The example shows setings for tecording on an MD from 18:30 to 20:00. Preparation: ‘*Press (0 to tur the unit on, st the time page 10). ‘*Select the desired source, “The radio Press [TUNER/BAND] and tune in the desired station ‘An external unit Press [AUX, ANALOG/DIGITAL] to select “ANALOG-IN” or “DIGITAL-IN' (~ page 40). ‘Insert an MID or tape and do the preparatory steps. (= pages 20 end 21). ‘*When recording to en MD, select the required recording mode (= page 20). The modes you can choose dapend on the source yeu want te record. [J Press [CLOCK/TIMER] to select “® REC”. Each tima you press the bution; CLOCK-+8 PLAY-+ REO-Original splay. By Repeat @ and @ to set (Al, [5] and (6). @ Tum [TUNE/TIME ADJ] to select the desired condition. @ Press [CLOCKTIMER]. [A] ONtime (B) OFF time [] Recording method: MD or TAPE Press [© PLAY/® REC] to select “TIMER- REC”, Each time you press the bution; TIMER-PLAY-+TIMER-REC-—TIMER-OFF fee eere eee) ‘The © PLAYIO REC indicator lights. GA Press [A] to turn the unit off. Recording stats 30 seconds before the set tine with the ‘volume muted ring these ime Ifyou set the timer incorrectly Flapeat the procedure fom step H- To cancel the timer © Press [bt tum the unit on. @ Press [© PLAYIO REC] to select “TIMER OFF” ‘Tho © PLAYIO REC insioator tums of. Timer recording stats from the set time even if TURN BACK or ‘TUANTTIME is selected, A The play and record timers Checking the timers While the unt is oft Press [CLOCK/TIMER], ‘The timer conditions ere shown In the fllawing order. Pray timer: slart and firish imes~ssouree-»velumne Record timer Start and firishtimos-ssource-»source recorded from and ‘source coed to ‘hile the unit is on ress [CLOCK/TIMER] to select “® PLAY” or ‘Sart and fnish times are shown. REC" ‘Turing the timers on and off “The selecied mer comes on atthe set tines ifthe © PLAYI@ REC incatoris alight, The indicator can be turned on and off by pressing [© PLAY/® REC} while the unit ison, Playing the unit after the timers are sot “The unit can be used ator the timors aro set. Make sure fo reset the tape dliection if playing or recording on & tape, and tum the unit of before the set start time. VAUX is selected as the source, wien the timar comes on, the ‘system turns on and engages AUX as the source. If you want to Playback or record from a connected external unl, set the external Unit's timer to the same time, (See the instruction manual thet came ‘with the external unt) “This function tums the uit off ator a set tine. Write playing a source Press [SLEEP] to select the time (minutes). Each tine you press the button; SLEEP 00-sSLEEP 60--SLEEP (OSEB Geer OFF. sleep 1202] ‘To cancel the sleep timer Press [SLEEP] o select “SLEEP OFF” ‘To confirm the remaining time ‘While the timer is functioning Press [SLEEP]. “The remaining time is shown for about ve seconds, ‘To change the setting Prass [SLEEP] to display the remsining mo, then pross again to select the required time. Pekin coe “The play and sleep timer or the record and slesp timer can be used togethar. “The sleep timer alvays has priory. Be sure not to overlap timer settings. “The play and record timer cannot be used in combination, Timer and others & rarsis! Timer and others Ml l 66 A. listening to an external source [Press [Aux, ANALOGIDIGITAL] to select “ANALOG-IN” or “DIGITAL-IN”. fereeeeereee]® When the external unit is ‘Connectod tothe AUX torminals: ST SSserss Soloct “ANALCG-IN" ° Connected to the OPT DIGITAL IN terminal: =D ‘Solect "DIGITALAN’, Operate the unit. ‘See the units operating insrucons for details on opertion and connection, Er eee you have connected the source tothe OPT DIGITAL IN terminal, ‘he AUX terminals. « ees So [Press [AUX, ANALOGIDIGITAL] to select Oo 00 “ANALOG-N" or “DIGITAL-IN”. (See above) [MD REG] only ‘@ Press [MD REC MODE, -SP/LP] to select the eel desired mode. (# page 20) —— Each time you pass the button MANUAL +SYNCHRO-sTURN BACK. =) "TURN/TIMESTIME MARK<————] @ Press [MEMORV/ENTER}. Press the REC button. (WOREC]: Press [@/@11, MO}. Press (@/@11, TAPE]. ‘Wall uni the “TURN BACK” indicator stops Mashing If you selected "TURN BACK" or “TURNTINE”in step EL. (Turn back ‘may not function coneaty if recording i stated while Indleator i flashing. @) Ej] Start the source to be recorded. EX Press [@/@11, MD] if you selected “TURN BACK” or “TURN/TIME” in step EI. To stop recording Press i} FResoreng Ie complete afer “UTOG Wing” stops flashing on the epay, ours intorepted bey when eoring italy onto MDs when rocoring fe slatod and wale ‘UTOO Vinge fasting, Tho er Fapton es oot on oor. ‘To add track marks while recording on MDs Press [TRACK MARK] on the remote contol where the track mark is required. Riko nee cs [Make an analog recording trom a portable MID player connected to the P-ND terminsl. Preparation: ‘Set the volume onthe portable MD player to an appropriate level and tur all sound quality modes of [Press [P-MD}. A OPress [MD REC MODE, -SP/LP] to select the desired mode. (= page 20) Each time you press the button; MANUAL—+SYNCHRO ‘@Press [MEMORY/ENTER]. Press [@/@11, MD]. EJ Star the portable MD player. Recorting is completa fer “UTOC Weling” stops flashing on the display. To add track marks while recording Press [TRACK MARX] on the remote control where the track mark is required. Pr eae ITC) Reduce the volume before connection. ‘Avoid Iistening for prolonged periods of time to prevent hearing damage. lug type: 3.5 mm stereo Timer and others = ores! ‘ADJUST TIMER (CHANGE TIME MD NO DISC. ‘SCMS CANT COPY ‘THLE OVER ‘CANT COMBINE “The limitations of the system sometimes mean tracks cannot be combined. ‘Sel the ON and OFF time ofthe timer. ‘A ite of ever 100 characters (ited with another unit) cannot be odd with this unit “The timer’ ON time and OFF time are same. Reset the ties. “The maximum ime has been reached. Either erase some tracks or record wih another disc. ‘A problem occured while loading o ejecting the sc. After this is displayed the unit automatically ‘Suiches of. Remove the MD and stat again. Incorrect operation was performed. Read the instructions and ty again. ‘Adisc hasn't been inserted ‘You aro tying to mako a second copy of a digital recording ‘You cannot record from video CDs or CD-ROM ‘You have entered the maximum numberof letters. No more letters can be added to this MD. Tiles cannot be copied to an MD witha cfferent numer of tracks. ‘Check the digital optical fiber cable connection and try again. Ifthe surfaces are dirty For a cleaner crisper sound ‘To.clean this unit, wipe with a sof, dry cloth. Clean the heads regulary to assure good quality playback and IW the surfaces are extremely dity, use a soft cloth dipped in a recording. Use @ cleaning tane (not included). ‘soap-and-vater solution or a weak detergent soluian, {eNever use alcohol, paint thinner or benzine fo clean this unit ‘Before using chemically treated cloth, read the instructions that ‘came with the doth caratly. rarsist Before requesting sence, make the below checks you cai fixthe systom as dosed below, orf something not ted here occurs, oer to the enclosed directory to locate an Authorized Senice Center convenient io you or contact your desler. Reference pages are shown as black circled numbers @. ‘Common Problems. ‘Sounds unixed, reversed or come | Check the speaker connections. @ ‘rom one speaker only. Unusual operation or cisplay. Reset the uit to its original factory stings. © Disconnect the AC mains lead. © Use a pan to press the reset button, located onthe rear panel, for about § s2conds. "Now reenter the contents of the memory, such as radio station presets and timer settings. Woperations or the display continue to act unusually, consult your dealer. ‘Abeal sounds heard. [saan |tnemmomensee | “There may be condensation ins the unit. Walt for an hour andl ty again. Cannot enter text. ‘Reduce the amount of text on the IAD. (An MD can hold upto about 1700 characters.) @ ‘No operation or incorrect display. | The MD may not act correctly in come cases because of the system used for recording. This may ‘cause the folowing problems. SUTOC FULL is displayed despite there being space on the MD and the maximum number of ‘racks is yet tobe reached = ‘*COMIBINE or DIVIDE cannot be used. ‘¢Flomaining time doesn't Increase after eresing a Wack. References ea cD ‘Only one track fom the CD is Press [CD EDIT] to cancol one track adit recorcing and to select the required mode. (AUTO REG or recorded. OFF) ® Cassette tapes Recording isnot possible. If the erasure prevention tabs have been removed, cover tho holes with achesive tape. 1 Amplifier section RMS power output ‘THD 10 %, both channels driven HIGH 2x0 Ww (60) Low 2xi4W (60) Total BLAMP power xco0 W PMPO power output (Except for United Kingdom) ‘Total BLAMP povir ow Input sensitivity AUX 20mV PMD 100mv Input impedance ‘AUX eeKa PMD 10ko Output impedance Headphone 16-820 1m FMtuner section Frequency range £87:50-108.00 MHz (0.05 MHz stops) Sensitivity 1.8 nV (HF) ‘SIN 26 dB 15uV ‘Antenna terminale 75Q.unbelanced AM tuner section Frequency range For United Kingdom 522-1620 kHz (9 kz stops) For others 522-1620 kis (9 kHz stops) {520-1830 kl (10 kHz steps) Sonsitivty ‘SIN 20 dB 00 LVAn Cassette deck section Track system ‘track, 2 channel Heads Recordiplayback Solid permalloy head Erasure Double gap fete head Motor DC servo motor Recording system ‘AC bias 100 kHz Erasing system ‘AG erase 100 KHz ‘Tape spood 48emle Overall frequency response (3 dB at DECK OUT) Type | (Normal) ‘50 H2-13 kHz “Type It (High) SO HZ 13 kHz ss ratio ‘Type | (Normal) £52.08 (A weightoc) Wow and flutter (0.18 % (WRMS) Fast forward and rewind time ‘Approx. 120 seconds with 0-60 cassette tape 1m MD section ‘System Winidise digital audio system Recording Magnetic field modulation direct overwrite Reading ‘Non-contact optical system with semiconductor laser (A=780 nem) ‘Sampling frequency 44 ke Coding system ATRAC® ‘Number of channols 2 channels stereo ‘Wow and flutter Below measurable limit ™ CDsection ‘Sampling frequency 44.3 Kee Decoding 16 bilinear ‘Beam source ‘Semiconductor laser Wave length 70m Number of channels 2 channels stereo SIN ratio SP OUT 8208 WIS A) Wow and flutter Below meesurable limit Digital fier ats IA converter MASH (1 bit DAC) Speakers (SB-PM30) Type ‘2 way speakor sytem Superwoofer ‘em cono typo Full range 8 cm cone ype Impedance HIGH 6a Low 6a Input power HIGH +40 W (Music) Low 90.0 (Music) ‘Output sound pressure 26 aBMw (1.0m) (Cross over frequency 110 He Frequency range 522-22 Kz (—10.8) 43 2-25 ete (—16 48) Dimensions (WxHXD) 170x287%242 mm Weight 3.0ke 1 General Power supply For United Kingdom ‘AC 290-240 V, 50 Hz For others ‘AG 110-1207220-240 V, 50/60 Hz Power consumption 74 Standby ECO For United Kingdom ow For others 12W NORMAL, sw Dimensions (WXHXD) 1495%288%20 mam Weight S6ke Notes: 1. Spoctcations are subject to change without notice. ‘Weight and dimensions are approximate 2, Total harmonic dstorion is measured by the digital specttum analyze. US and foreign patents licensed from Dolby Laboratories Loensing Corporatio Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. Osaka 542-8588, Japan ® RQT5151-2B 099072020 (D)

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