Capstone Update 4

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Answer the following questions using well-detailed responses. You must also include pictures and
video evidence of work completed.
1. COPY AND PASTE THE HEADINGS BELOW for your responses:

 What have you accomplished so far on your Capstone project? If nothing, why?
I’ve finished my map designed and made each section of the map have a gameplay mechanic
that makes the game unique and interesting such as special abilities that allow you to progress
through the map. I have also found a mentor to help me with this endeavor to help guide me
and assist me when I need help.

 What do you plan to accomplish by the end of this week? How will you hold yourself
By the end of this week I plan to finalize my art style for the game by browsing through and searching for the style that best suits my taste and the game I plan to create.

 Your needs, including time, space, materials, and personal contacts.

Instead if a notebook, I am now moving on the using my actual PC to do work now as I need
the interest and other software. Websites/Programs that I may need:, Unity.

 What your interactions with your mentor(s) have been so far. If nothing, why? What is
your plan?
I have talked to him about my plans and the game but have not needed any assistance as of
yet as I am not at the game building phase yet so things are still not too difficult.

 Any obstacles you anticipate and your plan to overcome them.

Until I begin actually leaning new coding languages and begin making the game, I don’t
think I will encounter any challenges. Some minor challenges that I have been trying to
overcome are mental battles with school work and stress derived from school causing me to
have less motivation to work on my capstone too much but try to work on it a little bit per
day to make progress.

 Pictures/video evidence of your progress

2. When finished and you have submitted on TEAMS, copy and paste to your website under your
Blog Journal page. The title of your new post is “Capstone Update #4”. Include pictures and/or
videos onto your blog entry.

Capstone Update #4

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