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Lentil soup recipe

For this recipe, I used vegetable stock, already made

Do you know how to make vegetable stock?

Essentially, it is a variety of vegetables, such as

potatoes, carrots, celery,

onions, mushrooms, zucchini,

broccoli, tomatoes, green beans, and anything else….

these are all put in a pot, covered with water that is brought to a boil

then the heat is turned down to a simmer, and the vegetables can cook on a
low heat for an hour or more…

Strain the broth, and there you have it.

Vegetable broth can be kept in the refrigerator, or frozen and used later.

The ingredients for the lentil soup recipe, are as follows:

about a quart of vegetable stock

two white potatoes

one onion

two or three stalks of celery


three carrots

and one can of chopped tomatoes

To make the soup:

I heat up the stock separately while I put together the other ingredients

I put a little vegetable oil in a big pot,

chop the onions, carrots, celery, and potatoes and add them one at a time to
the pot

after that, I add the can of chopped tomatoes


one pound of brown lentils

I add the heated up vegetable stock, and about one tablespoon of salt

I added also about a cup and a half of water.

Cook this for about one hour, and then check it.

I hadn’t made this for a while, but it came out just right!

In the past I have added spinach or swiss chard, chopped, at the end.

Another possibility is to substitute the swiss chard stalks, chopped for the
stalks of celery.

I used rainbow chard, which is very beautiful


This time, I made the soup without the spinach or chard, and I
remembered that this adds a nice element also.

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