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Name: ________________________

Date: _____________________

8bi Class Test

Bilingual Art

Part A: Theory

The architect Le Corbusier (1887-1965) spent many years imagining the Radiant City, his ideal city
of the future. He imagined that people would live in large towers — he called them “vertical
villages” — with kindergartens and playgrounds on the roof and lots of parks all around. All the
people living there would enjoy peace and quiet, far away from factories and noise.

Here is a drawing of the Radiant City from 1930. It uses one-point perspective to create the
illusion of three-dimensional space:

1. Le Corbusier creates the illusion of depth with several techniques besides one-point
perspective. Name and define two techniques you see in the picture. Then describe one
place in the picture where it is used. (10 p.)

a) Technique and definition: ______________________________________________________________



Where it is used: _______________________________________________________________________



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