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circulatory system

lood vessels is classified into twogroups arterialandvenous systemthey can be small mediumand large size
The war of the blood vessels composed os slaver calledtunica
Tunica Intima is the Innermostlayerconsist of endotheliumand subenoothenia connective tissue and Internalelastic lamina
Theendothelium is consistof simple squamous epithelium between the endothelial cells there is junction and with pianocytotic vesicles it'sme
In transportor material
endothelial is loose connective tissue tuna berth to theendothelium
The sub
Internal elastic lamina serrate the tunicaIntimafrom tunicamedia It consist or eastinsheet
Tunica media Themiddle layer It consist of smoothmuscles and eisticano coresen fiber in thetunicamedia is separated byexternalelastic
Timtinicamedia is thicker In arteries than veins
Tunica Adventitia Theoutermost layer It consistas collesanfibers with elastic fibers andcontain small vessels vasavasorum and nerves

Arteries has a thicker tunicamediahavingmoremuscle and elastic fiber It can be elastic or muscierarteries andarterioles
The largeartery are elasticartery has more elastic fibers and less smooth muscle the mediumsized arteryare muscerarmy andhas
more smooth muse and ness eisticeiner

eins the war of the vein is thinner and hasless smooth andeistic fiber in theveinthe tunica adventitia isthick and It as a rave
here is venues and smallandmedium and large sizeven
venous valve are too on tunica intima that projectinginto the lumen ofthe vein as are each valve consist or a aps thatconsist
a fibro
elastic connectivetissue coveredendothian

Elastic artery cross section of large artery aorta under hemotaxin eosin or resorcin fuchsin
There is Bayer
Tunica Intima The Innermost layer consist of endothelium simple sanamosepithelialand has junctions with Pinocytotic vesiclesthat
help in transport of material and under
mins by subenootsenia raver that consist or loose connective tissue with fibrobist
Tunicamedia the eisticmise laver consist of elastic fibers and separated by collasenous connective tissue and smooth musclecen
Elastic membrane can be demonstrates with resorcin fuchsin staining
3 Tunica adventitia The outermost layer consist or longitudinal collagen andelasticeiner that contain peripheral blood vessels Vasa
vasorums ans nerves nervi vascularis that supply the arterialwall


contain longitudinalconsen ans

enesticeiner with vasavasornn

medium sizes arteryand rein crosssection of artery and rein under HE can the difference between the thickness or
se artery and that or thatvein thearterial wall is mushthicker they are composed of
DYin'iÉ Insema The Innermostlayer composed or endothelial layer simple sammons epithicum aBasallaminaand sunenootnesia laver tha
or tissue with
loose connective fibroblast

between the Tunica Intimathere is Internalelastic membrane

2 Tunicamedia consist or smooth muscle which surrounded by elastic Intercellular material those eineris not vesibeunder HE stain
betweenEisentutittmetia attraffinaitia
there Externas elastic membrane that made or longitudinal elastic timers
3 TunicaAdventitia outermost layer andcomposes or collagen andelastic fibersand fibroblast andadipocytes andcontain also
vasa rusorum with vascular nerves
vein Theyhave a thinner war and wiser nomen than
Intima is thin una
extremely consist
or endothelia lining
Tunica resin is much thinner than that as artery and has only crew smooth music ans elasticfiver
Tunica Adventitia is ten than that orartery It composes a conusen and elastictimerans vasarasorunans nerve
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elastic laming

sort subengothiia

Simple lamina

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spermatic cord cross section under HE composes ox
DDuctus deferens has tube with starsharelumen suronses by muscular artery that nus regular circular
muscular smooth
muscle in tunicamedia and Internal elasticmembrane which reap the aiteerention
The artery is accompanying with muscularveins that contain irregular smooth muscle layer in the tunica media mixeswith connective
tissue They dont haveany Internal elastic membrane
Thereis also nerve
peripheral in the tunica asuntitia



Blood smear studies in smears prepared byspreading adrop of blood in side In thisway thecells are visible the blood smears are
under mug ornwala densa most is a mixture or eosincacioia ans methylenebaebasic and azuresthat more unseen in staining
cytoplasmic grannies

Most of the blood cells are red bloodcells we can easy identity because of the large number and lack or nucleus

Erthroates red bloodcells are biconcave disc without nucli They are I am in diameter theycompletely filled with oz any nemesis
and they doesnot leave the vessels the biconcave shape provide a large surface to volume ratio so gas expanse Theirnormal number
In periperal boss is as as minionsat in women s sin minionlui in men
Thehemoglobin is eosinophilic
trespasses non nucleates cen transients runs oval disc 2 am in diameter

In the blood smear there is different kinds of white bloodcells leukocytes they leaving the blood vessels andinvading the tis
characterised by a lobes nucleus and grannies withinthe cytoplasm divide into lysosomesand specific
D Granulocytes are
granules that have polymorphic much with 2 or move and linnea by chromatin briose Its Include
1 Neutrophil have 3 5 lobes and their specificcytoplasmic grannies is displaying a light pink cytoplasm the grannies are not
constitute so to i ofleukocytes they are 12 co um diameter theyreinand prosocytose bactria and life is to say
In me x caromse may be apperes as Barr boy in the nucleus

2 Eosinophil granulocytes have bilobed nucleus withsharesimilar to eye glasses and the cytoplasm is packed with large eosophil
darkpink stained grannies they iz is am in diameter theyrelatively largeinsize theyare 2 ax ofleukocytes
Basophil granulocytes the least common tyre have cytoplasm filled with large dark grannies covering bilobednucleus
they arerelatively large in size her function is moonate incarnation andrelease histamine duringaversy they are 12 15 um in diameter

Agranulocytes lace species grannies thenucleaseis spherical and It's contain

7 Lymphocytes
are round has carseround nonce and stains are purplewith diameters of G runcsmanannexes ans sounciarserymmoness and
It's eat os leukocytes they estector ans regulatory cells or adaptive Immunity
lymphocytes are small lymphocytes they are round bine nucleus which occupies most
most or on tee cen

Monocytes ee nuclear is kidney snares and sons in topthey constitute w ox or sarees ans it has 18 20 pmin diameter in routine boo

Red bonemarrow under remotoxin eosin isresponsible for production or blood cells and store ear and thereis atype o
Drea marrow nigny vascular contain reticular connective tissue and bone spicule and sinusoidal capillaries

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