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Name: __________________________

Units 9–16 REVISÃO Date: __________________________

Score: __________________________

A ► Listen to the people talking. Check (✓) the correct answers. (2 POINTS)

1. Matthew can’t _____ . 2. Pat can’t meet Matthew _____ .

 practice tennis  this weekend
 play tennis very well  on Saturday
 meet Pat this weekend  on Sunday

B ► Listen to the people talking. Check (✓) the correct answers. (2 POINTS)

1. Phil was born in _____ . 2. He went to Vancouver to _____ .

 San Antonio  work
 Los Angeles  go to college
 Vancouver  be near his family

C Complete the conversations. Use the correct form of be going to. (5 POINTS)

A: What _________________ you _________________ do for New Year’s Eve?

B: I _________________ not _________________ do anything special.
A: Would you like to come to our house? We _________________ have a party.
B: Great! When _________________ it _________________ start?
A: At 7:00. _________________ you _________________ come?
B: Sure. Thanks!

D Check (✓) the correct words to complete these sentences. (5 POINTS)

1. My family eats a lot of grains. For example, we eat _________ two times a week.
 nuts    pasta    yogurt
2. This weekend, Alex is going to _________ chess.
 go    play    do
3. Emily is 17, and she’s in 12th grade. It’s her last year of _________ .
 elementary school    middle school    high school
4. Brenda isn’t working right now. She’s _________ vacation.
 at    on    in
5. I went to the post office to get some _________ .
 aspirin    gasoline    stamps

Interchange Assessment Material Intro © Cambridge University Press 2017 Photocopiable Units 9–16 Test B 1
Check (✓) the correct responses. (6 POINTS)

1. A: What do you want for the picnic?

B: ___________
 Let’s take some bread and cheese.
 That’s delicious.
 I never eat sandwiches.
2. A: You can cook very well.
B: ___________
 Oh. Thank you.
 Yes, you can.
 No, I’m not.
3. A: Where do you go swimming?
B: ___________
 In the summer.
 At the beach.
 On Sundays.
4. A: Do you ever play volleyball?
B: ___________
 In my yard.
 Yes, I can.
 Sometimes I do.
5. A: Where were you born?
B: ___________
 In 1988.
 In Beijing.
 I’m nineteen.
6. A: Why did you become an artist?
B: ___________
 It was great.
 Because I like to draw.
 In New York.

F Circle the correct words in the phone conversations. (6 POINTS)

1. A: Hi. I’d (like / want) to speak to Paula, please.

B: She isn’t here right now, but you can call (her / it) at work.
2. A: Hi, Mike. (Do you go / Are you going to go) to the beach tomorrow?
B: I’m not sure. Call (I / me) tonight.
3. A: Hi. This is Dan. Please leave (him / me) a message after the beep.
B: Hi, Dan. This is Wendy. Do you (like / want) to come to my house this weekend? Call me. Bye-bye.

Interchange Assessment Material Intro © Cambridge University Press 2017 Photocopiable Units 9–16 Test B 2
G Complete the conversation. Use the simple present or the imperative form of the words in the box. (6 POINTS)

call get not stay up

feel have take

Ms. Thomas: I _________________ awful, Dr. Jensen.

Dr. Jensen: So, what’s wrong, exactly?

Ms. Thomas: Well, I _________________ a bad cough and a sore throat.

Dr. Jensen: OK, let me look at you.

(A few minutes later . . .)

Dr. Jensen: Well, it’s just a bad cold. Here is some cough medicine. _________________ it three times a day.
_________________ some rest, and _________________ late.
(4) (5)
_________________ me next week, and tell me how you feel.
Ms. Thomas: All right. Thank you.

H Unscramble the questions. (7 POINTS)

1. (you / have / breakfast / usually / do)

_________________________________________________________________ ?

2. (need / do / milk / any / we)

_________________________________________________________________ ?

3. (you / were / this school / at / last year)

_________________________________________________________________ ?

4. (you / where / grow up / did)

_________________________________________________________________ ?

5. (the party / time / what / to start / going / is)

_________________________________________________________________ ?

6. (get up / you / did / early / today)

_________________________________________________________________ ?

7. (you / a horse / can / ride / well / very)

_________________________________________________________________ ?

Interchange Assessment Material Intro © Cambridge University Press 2017 Photocopiable Units 9–16 Test B 3
I Complete the conversation. Use the sentences in the box. (4 POINTS)

Yes. Then walk down Main Street and turn right on Third
Yes. There’s a gas station on Third Street.
Yes, it is. You can’t miss it. It’s across from a movie theater.
Go down Second Street. Turn left on Main Street.

1. A: Excuse me. Is there a gas station near here?

B: _________________________________________________________________
2. A: Third Street? How do I get there?
B: _________________________________________________________________
3. A: Turn left on Main Street?
B: _________________________________________________________________
4. A: Is it near the corner?
B: _________________________________________________________________

J Complete the paragraph. Use the simple past of the verbs in parentheses. (7 POINTS)

Yesterday _________________ (be) Tuesday. I _________________ (work) at the office all

(1) (2)
day. After work, I _________________ (exercise) at the gym for an hour. Then I
_________________ (go) home for dinner with my family. After dinner, I usually watch the news on
TV, but I _________________ (not watch) TV last night because I _________________ (feel)
(5) (6)
tired. I just _________________ (listen) to some music.

Interchange Assessment Material Intro © Cambridge University Press 2017 Photocopiable Units 9–16 Test B 4

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