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RAVINDARAN A/L RAMAKRISHNAN ( 761111-06-5197) MOK PEY WENG ( 690411-03-5605) NOOR RAHIMEY BT ABD RAHIM (650405-06-5414) ZAITON BT JAMALUDDIN ( 631218-04-5078) PGSR SCIENCE INTAKE NOV. 2008






05 APRIL 2010

Read the extract from the short story The Necklace below and answer the questions that follow.

She was one of those pretty and charming young girls who sometimes are born, as if by a slip of fate, into a family of clerks. She had no dowry, no expectations, no way of being known, understood, loved and wedded by any rich and distinguished man; so she let herself be married to a little clerk of the ministry of Public Instruction. She dressed plainly because she could not dress well, but she was as unhappy a if she had really fallen from a higher station; since with women there is neither caste nor rank, for beauty, grace and charm take the place of birth and breeding. Natural ingenuity, instinct for what is elegant, a supple mind are their sole hierarchy, and often make of women of the people the equals of the very greatest ladies. 1) She had no dowry Who is she? ( Literal comprehension) (1 mark) 2) Why couldnt the woman dress well? ( Literal comprehension) . (1 mark) 3) Where did the womans husband work? ( Reorganization ) .. (1 mark) 4) Do you think being rich is the most important thing in life? Give a reason for your answer. ( Inferential Comprehension) .

Read the following stanzas of Monsoon History and answer the questions that follow.

iii Drinking milo, Nyonya and baba sit at home. This was forty years ago. Sarong-wrapped they counted Silver paper for the dead. Portraits of grandfathers Hung always in the parlour. iv Reading Tennyson,at six p.m in pajamas, Listening to down-pouring Rain: the air ticks With gnats, black spiders fly, Moths sweep out of our rooms Where termites built Their hills of eggs and queens zoom In heat. We wash our feet For Bed, watch mother uncoil Her snake hair, unbuckle The silver mesh around her waist, Waiting for father pacing The sand as fishers pull From the straits after monsoon. Shirley Geok-lin Lim 1) How does the personas family respect their ancestors? ( inferential Comprehension) . (1 mark) 2) Which line in stanza iv indicates good hygiene? ( Literal comprehension) . (1 mark)

3) Why is father pacing the sand in stanza iv? ( Literal comprehension) .. (1 mark) 4) Do you think practicing traditional customs is important? Give your Reason. ( Inferential comprehension) ........................................................................ ....................................................................................................... (2 mark)

Section C (25 marks) Questions 26-31 are based on th following passage. Hotels in Kuala Lumpur are selling them at about RM100 a piece and local Chinese restaurants are Cashing in on them as well.It is that time of the yearagain when connoisseurs and common folks in China, Hong kong, Singapore and Malaysia go crazy over a Shanghaines delicacy in the form of a small, hairy-legged, green crustacean.We are talking about the seasonal hairy Crabs which are widely available in shanghai from October to November. You can even get them in 7-Eleven stores there! So whats so great about these crabs? In ancient China, it was regarded n elite activity to enjoy the crab delicacies, watch the blooming chrysanthemums and compose lyrical poems. The secret lies with the roe a sinfully rich and creamy orange substance that has melted the resistance of even the most cholesterol conscious. Dragon-O Restaurant which serves Shanghainese cuisine has also jumped on the bandwagon to bring these tiny delicacies to Malaysia. To make it more affordable, they import the crabs direct from the source- Tai Lake in Jiangsu Province, China. The ecology around TaiLake is the reason why Hairy Crabs are reared there. Tai Lakes ideal depth of two metres allows sunlight to reach the bottom of the lake, causing seaweed, the crabsfood,to flourish. According to Raymond Cheung, a Hairy Crab farm owner, wild crab fries are purchased every March from local fishermen who catch them by the kilos from the mouth of the Yangtze River. There would usually be about 160,000 fries in a kilo. These two-week-old fries are then put into a small pond to mature.Come December when the crabs are nine months old, they are relocated to an enclosed pen by the lake in preparation for the cold winter months. During this time, the crabs will bury themselves in the mud at the bottom of the lake to hibernate. When they are more than a year old, the crabs are relocated again in May to bigger pens in the middle of the lake. These are crucial months as the food and

Temperatures during this period determine the quality of the harvest in the fourth quarter of the year. The Crabs are considered mature after they have moulted 21 times. They usually moult when the temperature drops to 20C. During this time, they are fed small fishes, corn, spirulina and garlic. Their Shells are yellow during their growing months and Will turn green once they mature. Hairy crabs are best harvested in the months Of October and November. They are caught with nets Placed at the bottom of the lake. The crabs are then taken to the factory for packaging and exporting. At the factory, workers bind them so that they will not move and pack them in Styrofoam boxes before placing them in a huge chiller for a day to hibernate. CCTVs ar installed all around the factory. The government is concerned about the quality of Chinas exports and they conduct Stringent monitoring throught live feed CCTVs. The cameras also allow them to keep track on the Number of crabsbeing exported. The boxes are then filled with ice before being exported to another country. Each box is individually tagged so customers can trace the source if any problems arice. It takes two days for the live crabs to arrive in Malaysia and another day to the respective restaurants. The crabs can survive for about a week. The Dragon-O Restaurant is offering Malaysians a taste of this shanghainese delicacy at a reasonable price. The owner has this to say, We have always kept in mind that valu for money is the way to go if we want our customers walking out of the restaurant to come back some day soon.

1) From Paragraph 1, a) What are being sold at about RM100 a piece? ( Literal Comprehension) (1mark)

b) Which sentence tells you that Hairy Crabs are widely available in Shanghai? ( Literal Comprehension) (1mark) 2) From paragraph 2, which is the most delicious part of the crab? ( Evaluation ) ..(1mark) 3) (a) from paragraph 3, what causes seaweed to flourish in Tai lake? ( Appreciation) (1mark) (b) From paragraph4, which word means sleep the whole winter? ( Evaluation) (1mark) 4) (a) from paragraph 5, what will influence the quality of the crabs? ( Evaluation) (1mark)

(b) From paragraph 6, how does the China government show its concern about the export of Hairy Crabs? ( Evaluation)

(1mark) (c) From paragraph 7, why is it important to tag the boxes? ( Reorganization) .. (1mark)

Finally, an ancient memory stirred in the old man, Mokgobja. When he was very young and the customs of the ancestors still ruled the land, he had been witness to a rain- making ceremony. And he came alive a little struggling to recall the details which had been buried by years and years of prayer in a Christian church. As soon as the mists cleared a little, he began consulting in whispers with his yongest son, Ramadi. There was, he said, a certain rain god who accepted only the sacrifice of the bodies of children. 1) (a) Based on the extract, who does he refer to? ( Literal comprehension) (1mark) (b) Why were the children sacrificed? ( Literal comprehension) (1mark) (c) What happened to the bodies of the children? ( Reorganization) (1mark) (d) What do you think are the solutions to the problem faced by Mokgobjas family? ( Inferential comprehension) (i). (ii) (2mark)

A Tale of Two Girls

Read this story and then answer the questions. There were two students who went to Kidbrooke School. One student was called Rahma who was from Somalia in Africa. She had come to live in England because of the war in her country. She had four brothers who were all older than her. Rahma enjoyed all her lessons at school and was very good at running. Rahma was twelve years old and went to school by bus. The second student's name was Sofia who was also twelve years old. Sofia was from Lisbon, the capital city of Portugal, and had come to live in London last year. She lived with her brothers, her sister and her mother, but her father lived in Portugal. Next year Sofia's father will be coming to visit her and her family. She liked school very much but didn't like drawing because she found it difficult. Both these students were in Year 8 and liked using computers. Both liked talking very much and sometimes sung in class. Answer these questions. 1. How old were Rahma and Sofia? ( LITERAL COMPREHENSION) 2. Which country was Rahma from and why had she come to live in England? (

3. Is Somalia in America or Africa? ( LITERAL COMPREHENSION) 4. What did Rahma enjoy doing the most at school?

5. Did Rahma come to school on a bicycle? If not, how?


6. What is the capital city of Portugal? ( LITERAL COMPREHENSION)

7. When had Sofia come to live in England?

8. Will her father come to visit her in London? If so, when?


9. What didn't Sofia like to do? Why? ( EVALUATION)

10. What did both students like to do? ( EVALUATION)

11. Did they ever sing in school? Does their teacher like the girls to sing?


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