Brilliant Activity Book 3

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Aelia oem Activity Book Jeanne Perrett MACMILLAN Jeanne Perrett = = oA <>», MACMILLAN ea oe Macmillan Education, Between Towns Road, Oxford oxe 3, Uk AA division of Macmillan Publishers Limited Companies and representatives throughout the world ISBN-13 :978 0 333 93781 5 Text © Jeanne Perrett 2001 Design and illustration @ Macmillan Publishers Limited 2001 First published 2001 All rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduted, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, phtocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publishers. Designed by DP Press Limited Cover and story illustration by Martin Impey Illustrated by Martin Impey, Tony Kenyon, David Peet, Jessica Stockham and Shirley Walker. Printed in holland 2011 2010 2009 2008 207 wR N09 8 4 1 @ Circle the words. 2 This 5 This <} four This is Happy Town. ne 34) mPa; slr] > a UNIT | 8 Choose and write These are/Those are. birds birds trees trees tents _ tents Au BwWhHDn eo Choose and circle. 1 Qe aoe Are these flowers? (Yes, they are) Yes, it is. 2 > a Are those birds? —_No, it isn’t. No, they aren't. Is that a tree? Yes, they are. Yes, it is. Is this a house? No, it isn’t. No, they aren’t. five 5 UNIT I e Write Who are you?/Where are you? nn a an © Match. 1 Who are you? a She’s at school. 2 Who is he? b He's in the tent. 3 Where is he? c She's Rosa. 4 Who is she? d I’m Helen. 5 Where is she? e I'm in the shop. 6 Where are you? f He’s Luke. 6 six UNIT @ Write There’s/There are. 1. There’s.a. town... |p 1 tent house 2 shop boy girl 3 flower bird tree seven 7 UNIT I red oe Colour and write. 3 1 — Ww 'm from Spain. ) }-—yellow f-—red Her flag is red. rere a t-blue and yellow - white 2 A) é I'm from Argentina. | blue Her flag is (i'm from Italy. ) green white red His flag is Seenee pcre cone ANG © Read and colour. This flag is green, pink and black. There are two yellow stars and there is one green tree. 8 eight 2 Are they reading? Oo Match and write is/are/isn’t/aren’t. 1 She is reading. b 2 They. listening to the teacher. 3 We happy at this school. 4 She a nice teacher. e Choose and write. She’s He’s_ They’re ¥m reading listening drawing writing 1 What are you doing? Oo @/ I’m listening to music. 2 What's she doing? a letter. 3 What are they doing? comics. 4 What's he doing? nine 9 UNIT 2 8 Choose and write. Then tick (W) for you. History English Geography Art PE. Maths © Geography \ LI O LJ O write. What's your favourite lesson? ... © Write Is/Are and match. 1 Are... they reading?, a Yes, he is. Q vercssunee SAE canuur' No, they aren't. 3 he painting? c Yes, they are. 4 they writing? d_ No, he isn’t. 5 cue hE running? e Yes, she is. UNIT 2 eo Complete. Qo Write the numbers. ten, twenty, thirty... forty, fifty, . seventy, eighty, ons. eleven 11 UNIT 2 oe Write the questions. Then write answers. 1 they doing ? Are Geography Are.they. doing. Geography? No,.they.aren’t, Write. 1 LEG Three leaves. 2 Ae Two mice. 3 Four children. 4 Two women. twelve 12 he doing Is ? English doing Att you ? Are pe. Is doing ? she One leaf... =. One One Oj One UNIT © Choose and write. looking frightened people leaves men running mice women There are six people and four dinosaurs in the picture. Two are on a dinosaur. It is - The big dinosaur is at some . . Itis ! The are giving to the little dinosaur. Write answers. es ~ 1 What is the dinosaur doing in the sky? flying. AE 2 How many flowers can you see? 3 Where is the boy? > 7 Us aoe 5 Where are the mice? BBE be thirteen 13 Revision units | and Z @ Write ThisThat/These/Those. ... is my house. .. is my dog. are tall trees. is my cat. are lovely flowers. e Write the questions. 2 3 4 5 6 14 fourteen I'm Brill. I'm in my house. She's Miss Arabella. It’s a tent. They're pirates. He's Denzil. REVISION UNITS | AND 2 8 Write. We 1 He is.counting.. oe 4 She 5 We 3 You . sss Lo @ Circte. (HISTORYJENGLISHGEOGRAPHYARTP.E.MATHS + twenty..mice....... fifteen 15 Otto is Arabella’s brother. o Write questions and answers. 1 Whose house is this? 3 Whose . is this? It's Arabella’s house. It's is this? 4 Whose is this? It's It's 8 Write True/False. 1 Otto's shop is a food shop. True. 2 Otto is Arabella’s brother. 3 Arabella’s car is small. 4 Otto's car is big. 16 sixteen UNIT 3 8 Read and write the names. Carol is Anna’s cousin. Lucy is Anno’s aunt. Sam is Anna’s uncle. Andy is Anna’s brother. gy el, < 1 This is her uncle, Cs) 3 Sam. 4, fa” € 3 This is her aunt, Ay > © Match. 1 It's Sam‘s dog. a It’s his cat. 2 It's Andy’s cat. b It’s her cat. 3 It’s Lucy’s dog. ¢ It’s his dog. 4 It’s Carol's cat. d It's her dog. seventeen 17 UNIT 3 e Read and colour. Our cat is brown. Their cat is black. Their car is blue. Our car is red. Our ball is orange. Their ball is yellow. ae a ae @ write It’s hisiit’s her/It’s their. 1 It's Bertie’s bike. It's. hi 2 It's Arabella’s umbrella. .. bike. umbrella. 3 It’s Nora's dog. . dog. 4 It’s Rob and Bob's ship. ship. 5 It's Denzil’s ball. ball. 18 eighteen UNIT 3 Q Match. 1 It’s a quarter past ten. 2 It's a quarter to ten. 3 It’s half past ten. 4 It’s ten o'clock. oe Choose and write. It’s half past five. It’s a quarter to five. It’s a quarter past five. 1 Stella is drawing. What's the time? It’s. five.o’cloc 2 Stella is writing. What's the time? nineteen 19 UNIT 3 oe Read and write answers for you. i _ oe Hello. I'm Ted. Please answer my questions. 1 My favourite colour is blue. What's your favourite colour? My, favourite colour is 2 My favourite food is pizza. What's your favourite food? 3. My favourite drink is cola. What’s your favourite drink? AAD | 4 My favourite animal is a dog. What's your favourite animal? © Ask your friend and write. Ted Me My friend colour blue food pizza. drink cola animal dog 20 twenty Have you got any cake? O write. 2 i es 6c r 3 h u zz 4c e Write about your shop. | haven’t got.any. chocolate. | have. got some. cheese, |_haven’t got. twenty-one 21 UNIT 4 8 Write. 1 55] 2¢@ 1 some. cheese. io) 2 There. isn’t any cheese. 3 ——————————— 5 nnn == 7 8. Qk] clqlo{p|P[a]x|k Al F[T|B/R/E|A/D/G{L R|wlo|J[A|K/P/E|R|T RIP/M/I|N J/P]Y)U/B ofolaltiGluftf{Riela TUR[T{K[E;T[e[s|uln (SJojojulsic/s|tie|a A|T[E/Q/u;c|Mjo|T|N N]D/s[tJt|m[t]u/K/A Alx|xlyicla[tjulM|s NiAlP{P{E{LI[N| 1 [O[N 22 twenty-two UNIT 4 What's in Sally’s trolley? What's in Mark’s trolley? 1 There is some. cheese. 4 There 2 some 5 3 There are some 6 1 They’ve got. some pizza. twenty-three 23 UNIT 4 o 24 Write Yes, there is./No, there isn’t./ Yes, there are./No, there aren’t. 1 Is there any orange juice? 5 Is there any bread? Yes,. there. is. 2 Are there any peas? 6 Are there any carrots? No,..there aren’t. 3 Is there any ice cream? 7 Is there any cheese? 4 Are there any tomatoes? 8 Are there any bananas? Write questions. = 1 (Are.there any, tomatoes? o) (Yes, there are some tomatoes.) \ L 2 ( ) (No, there isn’t any rice. ) \ YN ee _, = ~) es, th hips.) 3 iS ) \Yes, there are some chips. _) ~ » 5 4\. ) (Yes, there is some chicken. a = ef twenty-four UNIT 4 © write Yes, he has. /No, he hasn't. Has he got any bread? Yes, he. has...... 2 Has he got any water? 3 Has he got any spaghetti? 4 Has he got any crisps? wu Has he got any ice cream? 6 Has he got any oranges? © Write. It's your birthday. What are you going to buy? 7 twenty-five 25 Revision units 3 and 4 oe Find and write. Ord) 1 It's Delia’s 2 It's 3 It's 4 It's @ write. cd 1 Wi 58 = 2 half past three 26 twenty-six She’s. riding. her. bike. bike. It's her. bike. House. It'S eee nnnne house. .. dog. It’s .. dog. cat. It’s ..... cat. hat's Delia doing? 2 What's Paul doing? 3 a quarter past four © 4 a quarter to six REVISION UNITS 3 AND 4 eo Write about the shop. 2 water. a No, | haven't. b Yes, she has. ¢ No, there isn’t. \_d_ No, there aren’ and — 1 Is there any bread? 2 Are there any tomatoes? twenty-seven 27 | make bread every day. @ write Yes, 1 am./No, I'm not. 4 (Are you a gardener? ) (Yes, A! ) 2 g (Are youa policeman?) ( ) a (- Are youabaker? ) ( a ( Are you a teacher? ») e Write. 1 gardener. 3 2 4 8 Write. 1 baker has 2 4 28 twenty-eight UNIT 5 eo Read about Jill and Jon. Then write about you. She gets up at six o'clock. 1 | Aes He drinks orange juice. 2) se sn ae oy ge &. OP uly She runs to school every day. He walks to school every day. 3 — She does her homework in He does his homework in the bedroom. the kitchen. 2 drinks eats jumps 3. gohome drive ataxi go to school twenty-nine 29 UNIT 5 6 Choose and write. make sings _ teach drive give works ae => ; = .. people. I'ma policewoman. 2) bread. I'ma in the garden. He’s a 4 She . w. « She’s a Sl a medicine to people. MG nncnnnnnn 61 ees children in a school. I'ma TON eesnesnmernnenne a tractor. I'ma — ’ Qo Complete. i >|B/A/K/E|R v D o{P a v F 2\G 2/s 30 thirty UNIT 5 6 Choose and circle. 1 Fish Glways)/ never swim. 2 Elephants always /never eat ice cream. 3 Mice always / never swim in the sea. 4 Babies always / never drink milk. 5 Fish always / never walk to school. © Write Turn left.Turn right./Go straight on. 7 ho 1 (Where's the house? (Tura Fight eee L 2 _{Where's the school? ) C Q 3 {where's the campsite? ) e ee 4 (Where's the shop? _) eS ae DL 5 7 Where's the playground?) G UNIT 5 ® Read and find eight mistakes. Then write the correct words. go getup always farmer pizza food drive drink I'm a pilot’. Every morning | go to sleep’ at half past five. | have breakfast. Then | give my goats some pencils®. They eat‘ a lot of water. At two o'clock | fly> my tractor. | like to swim’ to a restaurant with my friends every Saturday. My favourite food is sea’. | never® go to sleep early. a Cl 5 QD ose 6 eesnsnnntnnnnnnannnnnneennnennnn 3 7 4 8 @ Circle the odd-one-out. 1 teacher 2 zookeeper 3 pilot books elephants plane camels clouds pencils giraffes bread pens tractors sky 32 thirty-two 6 Does your teacher sing? Oo Write answers. fi) 1 Does fi shout? 4 Do the children like Arabella? No,..she doesn’t, Oa / CRIA esti: ALOR SO 9g) 9340 2 Does Denzil play with Alice? 5 Does Otto drive a car? 3 Does Alice play basketball 6 Do the children play at at home? Arabella’s school? e Write Do/Does. 1 Do 2 3 4 5 you go to school every day? your friend watch TV? Alice play basketball at school? they play football on Saturdays? he do his homework? thirty-three 33 UNIT 6 © Match. 1 play games a 2 play volleyball b 3 play football ic 4 sing d 5 dance e 6 draw pictures f 7 read books g 8 play basketball h 9 watch TV i @ Tick () for your school. always usually often sometimes never 1 Do you play volleyball? oO ] uU O O 2 Does your teacher play football? |_| ie] [ (ie [ei 3 Does your teacher play basketball? |_| O oO 4 Do you sing? oO LI oO 5 Do you draw pictures? CI CO LI L 6 Do you read books? O L 34 thirty-four UNIT 6 8 Write. What's the weather like? eed a7 v4 “a “a B 1 It’s. raining. _— 4 QUA, Ye BxrSs THOS PIS eee & thirtyfive 35 UNIT 6 eG Write the months. January Feb..cuary........ 4 Ma... UNIT 6 oe Read about Peter. Then write answers. I like summer. My favourite month is August. In August | visit my Uncle John with my dog, Spot. Uncle John is a. farmer. He has got a lot of animals. My favourite animal is Gary the goat. He is brown. He likes apples. Spot doesnt like Gary. Spot is Frightened! Every autumn | go to a campsite with my grandfather. | don't like winter. It is very cold. | have to go to school every day. Spring is usually sunny. Every Saturday | play football with my school friends. My birthday is in April. | like April! 1 What's Peter’s favourite month? His favourite month. is AUQUSt ea cummmnnnes 2 Who does Peter visit in August? 3 Is Uncle John a doctor? 4 Does Spot like goats? 5 Where does Peter go in the autumn? 6 When is Peter's birthday? thirty-seven 37 Revision units 5 and 6 o Choose and write. pilot singer tractor taxi-driver songs —_ farmer plane childrer a taxi —_ teacher 1 She's a Dm taxi. driver... ” as She drives a .taxi..... He drives a ........ She teaches He flies a... A: She sings e Write always (V)/never (X). DP MOVE ceannantnnnnen fly a plane. x 2 1 always — water my flowers. / cs wee AO my homework. 4 AV rons sonnnnnnne Utive a taxi. X eee make nice bread. ¥ BD eens evn drive my tractor in the sea. X 38 © thirty-eight REVISION UNITS 5 AND 6 8 Write the months. spring summer winter autumn eo Write answers about you. Use always/usually/often/ sometimes/never. 1 Do you eat ice cream in the summer? Yes,.|.usually. eat ice the summ 2 Do you swim in the sea in the winter? 3 Do you go to school in the summer? 4 Do you go on holiday in the spring? 5 Do you play basketball in the autumn? thirty-nine 39 Read and draw. Fi Open the door! 6 Choose, circle and write. f) the window..... ? Yes, he is. 1 Is Denzil climbing under /@ 2 Is Denzil standing in/on the ? Yes, he is. 3 Is Arabella in / next to the 000 ? Yes, she is. 4 |s Otto on/ under the ? Yes, he is. 4O forty UNIT 7 8 Choose and write. Give the baby a banana! Don’t pull the elephants tail! Don’t kick the bear! Stop! Don’t drink the water! \, Pull Grandma out of the pooll; Sit down! Don’t climb over the wall! Wash the elephant! Don’t water the lions! fa nee aR forty-one 41 UNIT 7 6 Read and draw. The bird is flying over the house. The snake is climbing down the tree. The rabbit is sitting between the house and the tree. v4 The dog is jumping into the box. ‘ J e Choose and write. dewa into outof up The cat is running down....... the stairs. The cat is walking : the tent. The cat is ClIMBING ..cceonnene the tree. The cat is jumping ... son the window. 42 forty-two UNIT 7 a Get out of bed. b Go down to the kitchen. a Open the kitchen door. a Open the fridge. © Get the pizza. f Go up to the bedroom. Get into bed. @ a Eat the pizza! Choose and write. fridge his eating He up bed is opening into kitchen This is Derek the dinosaur. eas Getting OUt OF nce . He is going down to the . He is the kitchen door. He is opening the . woe» HE . getting the dinosaur biscuits. He is going ...... to the bedroom. He is getting wouuunnn Ped. He is ~ _ : ma ... the dinosaur biscuits! : ND forty-three 43 UNIT 7 oe Choose and write. We swim in the sea. We watchTV. We play games. We make castles. | We have breakfast. Wethrowourbeachbal We play on the swings. 1 At the beach 2 At the park 3 At home © Tick () for you. Then write. What do you do at school? 1 read books [V4 see friends 2 go fishing [X) 5. ploy with a dinosaur We.don’t.go fishing...... 3 speak English L 6 play football 4A forty-four They were on the beach. Oo Look, read and number. Arabella and Otto's car is not working. Brill, Nora and the children are going to climb into the balloon Arabella and Otto can see Brill, Nora and the children in the forty-five 45 UNIT 8 e Read, choose and write. was were is are 1 The balloon ....WS... on the beach. Now it......dS....... in the sky. 2 Bertie wow IN Otto's ShOp. NOW he .vcccneue in Arabella and Otto's house. 3 Arabella and Otto in the car. Now they ..... on bikes. 4 Nora, Brill and the children ..on the beach. Now they in the balloon basket. © Look and write. Yesterday Now Yesterday. the shop...... Now. he 46 forty-six UNIT 8 6 Look, match and write. 1 &S I'm going to I'm going to oR 3 26 We're going to 4 x We're going to 8 Look and write. tracter beach shop bus school bike car park plane river baleen campsite .-balleen. campsite... forty-seven 47 UNIT 8 oe Look and write. : There. are some apples... but. there aren’t.any bananas. apples? bananas? " CAND There isn’t bread? ice cream? 3 bs YZ s tomatoes? carrots? cheese? chocolate? Qo Choose and write. LA > — . i . |run -5¢ dance don’t run jump 48 forty-eight UNIT 8 oe Read and draw. 1 eo Bm.g Qé This beach is very ah Bs s beautiful. Some people are swimming in the sea. SG Se It's always hot and sunny : 7. Ge SE 1a, SK 2 It’s raining on this beach. There are some people on the beach but they are going home. 2 SB Qi aS 2@ ep Ju, &. K 3 Ss It's very windy here. There's a hot-air balloon on the beach. It’s going to go up into the sky. ss oS \J & co” @ K AS @ forty-nine 49 Revision units 7 and 8 o Choose and write. Don’t sing fet Don’teat Run ~ ) your spaghetti. ) B 1 The goat is climbing down 3 The clown is jumping the tree. out of / into the box. 2 The plane is flying over/under 4 The camel is walking the house. down / up the mountain. 50 sity REVISION UNITS 7 AND 8 8 Look, choose and write. Yesterday ... Yesterday she was at school. 8 Read and choose. 1 Don’t climb out of the window. e 2 Don’t swim in the river......... 3 Don’t jump into the swimming pool. ...... 4 Don't drink the water. 5 Don’t walk on the grass. ....... fifty-one 51 SOD. militar aa PROJECTS PROJECT | Flags =z red and white | blue and white | green yellow It has got... lots of ... stripes stars | across | This is my flag. It is It has got Puzzle This flag is white with two red stripes and a red leaf. Colour the flag. Where is it from? “ppoun> fifty-three 53 PROJECT 2 a some any lots of tomatoes apples bananas crisps biscuits chocolate milk bread ice cream pizza : This is my shopping trolley. I've got essen | haven't got Puzzle Jane has got some ice cream and some pizza. She has got lots of crisps, but she hasn‘t got any biscuits. Is it Jane’s z. trolley or 3 Nicola’s — trolley? Nicola has got some ice cream and some pizza. She has got lots of biscuits, but she hasn’t got any crisps. ‘Ka\jon SAUDE 5,1 54 fifty-four PROJECT 3 The weather ss ye LP, a & sab 4 3 = oa bog ong 5 04409 of 5° eee Monday Tuesday Wednesday | Thursday \ Friday Today is once 9 corer fee Coady: Puzzle 2 It's BIS en Gay fiftyfive 55 oe So 0 ob PROJECT 4 The beach This is ... Beach. I was/We were on this beach. swim in the sea play on the sand Puzzle S How many shells are there? ey i Brilliant is a four-level primary English course. Brilliant features Can absorbing and colourful story > Adventure Notebook pages in every unit which open children’s eyes to the world around them through simple reading texts simple explanations of grammatical structures 3X clear presentation of new vocabulary Wf systematic recycling of the language a YX practical and creative exercises Brilliant consists of Pupil's Book, Activity Book, Teacher's Book (including tests) and Cassette. Asset of flashcards is also available. ee sreo-sss-95005 U)

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