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Macth the activities in the box with pictures a-h

a. Go for a walk
b. Watch TV
c. Read a book
d. Listen to music
e. Go to the movies
f. Study
g. Play tennis
h. Meet friends

2. In pairs, talk about the activities in exercise 1. What activities do you do?

a. I watch TV at home. I don't play tennis

b. I am a student. I talk to my friend
3. Watch or listen to the first part of Learning Curve. What do they talk about? Check ✔

a. Free-time activities ✔
b. People who enjoy their jobs ✔

c. People who don’t have any free time

4. A. Read the Skill box. Watch or listen again. Complete the chart with words from the box

Name Nationality Job

Maggie Puerto Rican Lawyer
Marcus English Tennis Coach
Pablo Argentinian Dance Teacher

B. In pairs, talk about people you know. Do they love their jobs? Why?/Why not?
• My girlfriend Ammy. She works
5. Watch or listen to the second part of the show. Complete the sentences with the names and cities in the

1. This is Gillian. She´s from

2. This is Khan. He lives in London.
3. This is Chip. He´s from New

6. Watch or listen again. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)


7. In pairs, talk about the people in the video. Answer the questions.

1. Where do you work?

Antonio is currently not working.

2. What activities do you do in your free time?

Likes to play video games

3. What do you think of their work?

No opinion on the matter

4. Do you do the same activities in your free time?

No, in his free time he does other types of activities.

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