Presentation Rubric

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Name: ______________________________ ENG 101 Final Presentation Rubric 6%

Topic: ______________________________

Criteria Description Grade and comments

Content The ideas explained and discussed are effective

3% and relevant with enough examples and
illustrations that show the students’ good
understanding of the topic and preparation for the
presentation. Sources are well-integrated.

Organization The presentation has an effective and interesting

introduction, developed body and a good
conclusion with summary or concluding remarks
that keep the audience engaged following the
cause-effect organization.

Delivery Student holds the attention of entire audience with

3% the use of direct eye contact, seldom looks at
slides or notes.
Student uses English only and uses good body
The visual aids/slides are relevant and enhance the

Language Use Student accurately and smoothly uses a wide

3% range of grammatical structures for this level;
mostly error-free

Accurately uses a wide range of vocabulary

relevant to content with a few slips or errors.

Final Grade /12 divided by 2=


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